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Wednesday, November 26, 1969
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Regents revise bylaw p
(Continued from Page 1) Although there were strenuous moving into legislative controls
include the controversial provision faculty objections to the "disaf- over campus conduct, universities
requiring r e g e n t a 1 ratification firmation clause" when the ad hoc may well best protect their in-
without consulting students. Stu- committee first issued its report, ternal rights to maintain control
dents learned of his actions, how-;many faculty members became by making it clear that the Re-
ever, and stopped the Regents , convinced of its worth, and it re- gents are actively involved in the
from adopting the proposal until mained in the text when they governance of the institution."
they could review it. sent it to the Regents with their Fleming explained that the in-
It was this controversy that led endorsement. clusion of the required regental
to the creation of the ad hoc com- The elimination of the right to approval of all UC rules necessi-
mittee that submitted the final disaffirm a rule, combined with tated the elimination of the dis-
report to the Regents four months the need for regental approval of affirmation clause. Regental ac-
ago. all rules, apparently means that tions are legally binding, and can-
campus rules will be entirely con- not be "disaffirmed" by unilateral
The other change In UC r trolled by the Regents in each and student or faculty action.
making processes added by ,the every instance. In the section dealing with the
Regents in their draft last week While student leaders have real- Committee on Communications,
is the elmiation of the right of ized that the Regents have ulti- the Regents made only minor
either the students or the faculty mate control of the University in changes, mostly for clarification.
to "disaffirm" a rule of the UC. all aspects, they had hoped that Most important, they changed
This clause was originally add- the UC would be able to make the role of the committee in set-
ed to allow, for example, the stu- rules independently, with regental tling disputes from that of a
dent body to revoke a rule rati- 1 action coming only when a rule "mediator" to a body that would
fled by a "previous" student body. was found by the Regents to be facilitate communication and un-
Since student views change, the objectionable. derstanding.
authors of the proposal believed Fleming said in his letter, how- In addition, they equalized the
that some rules would become out- ever, that "with both state and number of students, faculty, and
moded. federal legislatures increasingly administrators on the committee
and stipulated that no member of
the Committee on Communica-
tions could simultaneously hold a
position on the UC.
Copies of the regental draft
were sent yesterday to the Senate
Advisory Committee on Univer-
sity Affairs (SACUA), Student
t Government Council, and the
deans of the University's schools
and colleges.
Accompanying the draft was
the letter from President Robben
"The Regents are aware of the
long and arduous work which has
already gone into the draft, and
they are anxious to move toward
approval at the earliest possible
moment," Fleming said. "They
therefore welcome your comments
on the regental drafts."
Fleming said the Regents will
soon begin to re-draft other sec-
tions of the original report, deal-
ing with Judicial bodies and with
the reorganization of the Office
of Student Affairs.
Botany Seminar: Dr. Chester Arnold,
"Trials and Tribulations in Textbook
Revision", 1139 Nat. Sci., 4:15 p.m.
General Notices
Student Identification Cards: A n y
student identification card marked
"Valid Fall 69 Only" must be replaced
before the student may register for the
Winter term, 1970 To facilitate the re-
placement of these cards, Window 'A'
In the lobby of the L. S. & A. build-
ing will be open during the hours 8:00
a.m. to 12:00 noon, and 1:00 p.m. to
5:00 p.m. each day. Students requiring
this service should insure that they
have with them proper notice of their
correct Social Security Number for a
new card All students should check
their student identification card for er-
rors. The first nine digits of the stu-
dent number should be equal to the
Social Security Number. If the num-
bers do not match, this incorrect card°
should be brought to Window 'A' dur-
ing the period mentioned above w i t h
proper notice of the correct number
and a new identification card will be
made. Info: 764-6292.
Student Accounts: Your attention is
called to the following rules passed
by the Regents on February 28, 1936:
"Students shall pay all accounts due
the University not later than the last
day of classes of each semester or sum-
mer session. Student loans which are
not paid or renewed are subject to this
regulation: however, student loans not
yet due are exempt. Any unpaid ac-
counts at the close of business on the
last day of classes will be reported to
the Cashier of the University and
a) All academic credits will be
withheld, the grades for the semester
or summer session just complete will
not be released, and no transcript of
credits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing such ac-
counts will not be allowed to register
in any subsequent semester or summer
session until payment has been made."
Summary of Action Taken by Student
Government Council at Its Meeting
November 20, 1969
Approved: That SGC allocate $50 to
the SPU Resistance.
Approved: That SGC loan $500 to the
Tenant's Union to help set up a con-
ference to establish a student wing
of the National Tenants Organization.
Approved: 'That SGC allocate $50 to
the Undergraduate Philosophy Com-
Approved: That the Steering Com-
mittee on the Environmental Teach-In
be recognized as a student organiza-
Appointed: Bruce Wilson, Bob Nelson
and Marty Scott to a sub-committee
for the SGC-University Rose Bowl trip.
Approved: WHEREAS: SGO has been
virtually out of touch with most of the
governing bodies of the schools and
colleges; and WHEREAS: Various re-
Y ',
presentatives of these groups h a v e
expressed interest in formalizing com-
munication with SGC; MOVE: That
SGC set aside one Ifour on the third
Thursday of every month for discus-
sions with the representatives of the
schools and colleges.
may be necessary to insure the pro-
gression of black students through the
University. SGC recognizes:
1. That a large amount of money is
available for this; and
2. New sources of money for this
might have to be found. However, true
of ourLtJn V! s t
t3I . ,UAl L~i1 Vl , j
. Iket, Matcohing trousers,
Defeated: That SOC does not approve University commitment will overcome
one specific tour to the Rose Bowl any obstacles,
Accepted: A report from the Ad Hoc SGC will debate and vote on the
Tenure Committee who met on Oc- following motions on December 4, 1969
tober 25 to consider present t e n u r e in room 3540 SAB at 7:30 p.m. In-
procedures and submit appropriate re- terested persons are invited to partici-
commendations. pate in the debate personally, by peti-
Approved: That SGC inmmediately im- tion, or by some other means.
Splementmotion previously passed MOVE: A Council member may run
(July, 1969) on Advisory Committees, for President or Executive Vice Presi-
(That advisory committees in Office dent without resigning his seat on
of Student Affairs be made into policy i Council. If he is elected, his Council
committees.) That SOC thereupon es- seat shall be deemed vacant, as of his
tablish policy boards where it sees fit. seating as an officer, and shall be filled
(Unanimous). by the candidate with the next highest
Approved: That SGC meet sometime vote in the Council election,
before the next Council meeting (De-
cember 4) with the former Student Ad- No candidate for a Council seat may
visory Committee on Housing, and re- taneously run for an executive
presentatives of INA, NTA, Bursley office of SOC.
Council, and the Tenants Unionto C gesi etion Rules.
:iiseuss the issue of low-cost University-jSe vc
built housing and how best to use
SACH toward that end. G. a11td y
Approved: Policies adopted by SOC 3200 S.A.B.
governing the student wing of t h e GENERAL DIVISION
IStudent Activities Building.
Approved: That SGC establish an in- Peace Corps Test in December will
terviewing board for the student mem- be given on Monday, Dec. 1, at 1:30
bers of the Bookstore Board to consist p.m. at Downtown Branch of P o a t
of Joan Martin, Jerry DeGriek, B o b Office, Main at Catherine Streets.
Nelson, Mike Farrell, Dennis Webster, {
and Marty McLaughlin. Last Interviews this semester, week
Approved: That SGC goes on record of Dec. 1. Interviews resume Jan. 19:
I as supporting an admissions policy call 763-1363 for appointment:
which will guarantee "large and sud- Rand Corporation
den" increases in the number of black Boy Scouts of America
students on this campus. Sun Oil Corporation
Approved: That SGC allocate $100 to National Security Agency
the Black Student Union for trans- Allstate Insurance
portation costs to recruit black stu- Kent State Univ. College of Business
dents from Detroit's high schools. Wicks Corporation
That SGC charges President Fleming * *
and the deans of the colleges, parti- SU3IMER PLACEMENT SERVICE
cularly Dean Hays of LSA, with com- 212 SAB, Lower Level
mitting a significant amount of Uni- Applications for Summer Jobs w i t h
ersity money to fund this project, the federal government examination are
and to take immediate action in in- due Dec 5, test on Jan. 10. Pick up
creasing black enrollment. application at SPS soon and get this
Approved: That SGC supports t.h e i test early.
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