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November 26, 1969 - Image 1

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The Regents have proposed major changes
in a student-faculty bylaw draft concerning
reform of the University rule- and decision=
making structures.
The changes, included in the Regents'
own draft of the bylaw section, were made
public yesterday by University President
Robben Fleming.
The student-faculty report, drafted by an
ad hoc committee, was endorsed with minor
changes. by both Senate Assembly and Stu-
dent Government Council and sent to the
Regents for consideration this summer.
The Regents' re-draft dealt with only two
sections of that report: the University Coun-
cil (UC), a proposed campus-wide, rule-
making body of students, faculty, and ad-
ministrators; and the Committee on Com-
munications, which would attempt to facili-
tate discussion of campus issues.
The Regents made three major changes
in the section dealing with the University

* The role of the UC was changed from
that of a major campus-wide rule maker,
with much of its power left in the hands of
the schools and colleges;
* UC rules, which would have taken effect
after Assembly and SGC ratification in the
absence of a formal veto by the Regents,
will now need the specific approval of the
0 A clause allowing the faculty or the
students to officially "disaffirm," or refuse
to recognize, a UC rule, thus necessitating
its re-drafting into an approved form, has
been eliminated.
The release of the Regents' draft repre-
sents the most recent step toward solution
of the controversy over University rule-
making and student discipline that began in
At that time, 1500 students sat-in at the
old Administration Bldg., now the LSA
Bldg., to protest the draft ranking system.
In the aftermath of the shortlived "student
power movement," Harlan Hatcher, then

University President, realized that disci-
plinary channels were unclear and disjoint-
ed, so he appointed a commission to propose
new rule-making structures for the Univer-
sity community, resulting in the UC pro-
From that committee's report, students
and faculty members have worked to revise
the Regents' bylaws to accommodate the
new structure in a way that is satisfactory
to both groups.
The student-faculty bylaw report was
submitted to the Regents, and is the report
which was altered by the Regents in the
report released yesterday.
The first change comes in the preface
to the section on the University Council,
and apparently changes the nature of the
relationship between it and lesser units of
government at the University, such as a
school or college legislative unit.
The original proposal allowed the UC to
make rules of a general, campus-wide nature

whenever such rules couldn't "properly be
dealt with by a body or agency of less than
University-wide jurisdiction."
The Regents have altered that sub-sec-
tion to allow the UC to take action only
when the smaller units have failed to make
any ruling in the area in question.
In essence, this new sub-section can be
interpreted to mean that schools and col-
leges can make their own rules whenever
they disagree with the rules made by the
University Council.
Law Prof. Robert Knauss, who was in-
strumental in drafting the report of the ad
hoc committee, conceeded last night the
phrasing used by the ad hoc committee
in the original version was somewhat vague.
"Our intention was to allow the Univer-
sity Council to provide a minimum standard
on rules of conduct, for example, for the
schools and colleges, and if they wanted
to add to it, they could."
He cited the engineering college's Honor

Code and the dental school's dress regula-
tions as examples of the "added regulations."
However, Knauss said wording of the Re-
gents' draft could "cause confusion" in de-
termining jurisdiction, and in determining
which rules were supreme, those of the UC
or those of the schools and colleges.
He said that it was the intent of the ad
hoc committee to create a University Coun-
cil that could make rules covering situations
that could not be handled "properly" by a
school or college.
"What if you have five different students
from five different schools and colleges who
disrupt something at Hill Auditorium?" 'he
asked. "If there is a University Council
rule, which defines a campus-wide code of
behavior, you can apply it."
Knauss said there would be difficulties if
each school or college disciplined each stu-
dent under a different set of rules.
The two other major changes by the Re-
gents in the UC proposal affect the way'in

which the UC would make and change its
In the original proposal, rules passed by
the UC would go into effect when ratified
by the Senate Assembly and by SGC. These
rules would be void if the Regents formally
vetoed them.
Under the new regental draft, however,
the rules could not go into effect until rati-
fied by the Regents in addition to the rati-
fication by Assembly and SGC.
"The Regents believe that the discharge
of their constitutional responsibility is so
sensitive an area requires that they partici-
pate rather than simply refrain from ex-
ercising a veto," Fleming wrote yesterday in
a letter explaining the changes.
Required regental ratification of UC rules
was a subject of heated controversy more
than a year and a half ago in the Spring
Term, '68.
At that time, Richard Cutler, then vice
president for student affairs, attempted to
See REGENTS, Page 6


S1ir igan

Twelve Pages



/ol. LXXX, No. 72

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 26, 1969


U, T





proposa s

-Daily-Jim Judkis
Accused soldier
Lt. William Calley, charged with the murder of over 100 Vietna-
mese villagers, arrives yesterday a't Fort Benning, Ga., for a court
City Cou1101 'aifeS
contrate./WA Ih poice
The Ann Arbor City Council yesterday approved in a
>ecial session a contract between the city and the police
immand officers' union, Local 247 of the Teamsters Union.
The contract approval stipulated that a controversial
ovision allowing police officers to appoint all top level con-
and officers will be submitted to binding arbitration by a
?diator chosen by the American Arbitration Association.
The contract, presented to council by City Administrator
jy Larcom, was approved 8-1, with all seven Democratic

Alternatives to the contro-
versial dormitory 'fee hike
were discussed at the open
meeting of the Residence Hall
Rates Committee yesterday.
According to Edward Salowitz,
associate University housing direc-
tor, the cost of operating the res-
idence halls will increase signifi-
cantly next year. This will be due
to a wage increase for non-aca-
demic employes and the effect of
inflation upon food and utility
prices, he said.
An increase of $60-$100 in the
doritory rates appea'rs to be high
on the committee's list of alter-
However, Marty McLaughlin,
president of Student Government
Council suggsted that the In-
rease in costs be funded through'
the Student Residence Halls R-
serve Fund. This fund consists of
dormitory profits and is presently
being used for such things as the
partial financing of the rehabili-
tation of East Quad and the im-
provement of fire alarm evacua-
tion procedures.
Later, Salowitz, wno served as
chairman of the meeting, agreed
that this method of funding would
be feasible, although not neces-
sarily the best option. "There
should be about $300,000 generat-
ed from the reserve fund available
for next year," he said. "And, at
present, this money is uncom-
Another alternative would be fi-
nancing a portion of the cost in-
crease "out of funds previously
allocated for educational staff sal-
aries." according to a memorand-
um from the Office of University
Also under discussion at the
meeting was a survey which was
sent out to sone 1,700 dormitory
residents several weeks ago. The
survey included a question con-
cerning the possible addition of
services such as carbonated bever-
ages, unlimited food and hall car-
peting. The services, would mean
an additional rise in dormitory
fees in addition to the increase
See STUDENT, Page 7

-Associate 'Press
Lernnon protests
John Lennon and Yoko Ono announce yesterday that the Beatle star returned his Order of the
British Empire Medal to the government. Lennon and the other Beatles were awarded the medals,
amid considerable controversy, by Queen Elizabeth in 1965. Lennon said he was returning the
medal to protest British support for U.S. policy in Vietnam and to voice opposition to his own
nation's "involvement in the Nigeria-Biafra thing." John and Yoko are shown here with the
letter they sent to Prime Minister Harold Wilson explaining their action.
Statistics is aive and well
and studied in Masont Hall

bylaw draft
Student and faculty leaders, meeting informally yester-
day, expressed some dissatisfaction with a revision by the
Regents of parts of the proposed new Regents' bylaws on
University rule- and decision-making.
The revisions would narrow the jurisdiction and weaken
the supremacy of the proposed University Council (UC), a
student-faculty-administration board, and would give the
Regents more direct control of the rule-making process than
the proposed bylaw plan would.
The redraft by the Regents of earlier bylaw proposals
worked out and agreed upon by Senate Assembly and Stu-
dent Government Council was first released yesterday by
President Fleming. It was the -_--_ _ - - -
Regents' first official act on
the bylaws question.
Students and members of thets
Senate Advisory Committee on
Isity Affairs were given cop-
ies of the Regents' redraft at the 3' 11 T O
beginning of the meeting yester-
day and did not have time for a
careful study of the new proposals.
Most of the comments and critic- s
isms were of a general naturei
The Regents' redraft deals only WASHINGTON (-Dputy At-
with the proposed University ty. Gen. Richard G. Kleindienst
Council and tlie Committee on yGe.Rhrd .Keidns
Communications told Congress yesterday that Presi-
CChangeson proposed bylaws dent Nixon plans to eliminate col-
covering a Central Student Judi- lege deferments as part of his
coary and a student-faculty policy reform of the draft law, but the
board for the Office of Student White House promptly deed any
Affairs will probably be released such plan.
later. I Kleindienst said the administra-
The major objections were tion intends to apply the lottery
aimed at the Regents' changes in system of selecting d r a f t e e s
the UC. "across the board" when the
They added a clause to their change is made next year.
new draft requiring specific ap- Congress has given Nixon the
proval by the Regents of any UC power to switch to a lottery sys-
rule before it takes effect. T h e tem, but in requesting the author-
Student-faculty draft would have ity the President did not say he
allowed a rule to go into effect would abolish college deferment.
when ratified by the Assembly and Kleindienst referred to the com-
SGC if it was not specifically
vetoed by the Regents.
In addition, the Regents re- Goodbye
moved a stipulation requiring anyj
rule approved by the UC to get With today's paper The Daily
one student, one faculty, and one s t o p s publication for the
administration vote as part of Thanksgiving Day vacation.
its majority for approval. The Daily will resume publi-
SGC President Marty McLaugh- cation with its regular edition
lin criticized this move, claiming next Tuesday.
that under this system rules could
be passed without getting any stu- ing change in the system during
dent votes at all. testimony before a House Judiciary
And although the rules would subcommittee on a bill calling for
1 still have to be ratified by SGC the creation ofnadditional federal
to take effect, McLaughlin as- judgeships.
serted that faculty members and Contributing to the problem of
administrators could pass rules, increasing case loads in the fed-
See REGENTS, Page 7 eral courts, he said, are the large
number of cases involving viola-
tions of the Selective Service Law.
On today5s He disagreed with the observa-
tion of Chairman Emanuel Celler
Page three (D-NY) that the number of such
cases could be expected to dimin-
O President Nixon promises ish in the future.
the U.S. will never use bio- Citing "the attitude of young
logical weapons and says people today," Kleindienst said
resistance to the draft could be
he will have all existing expected to continue even under
bacteriological stockpiles a lottery system.
destroyed. "If it takes a young man who
* CBS President Frank Stan- otherwise would have gone to col-
lege, it could lead to an increase
ton charges Vice President in violations," he said.
Agnew with attempting to Asked by newsmen after the
"cripple the free flow of hearing whether his reply meant
ideas." college deferments would be elim-
inated under the lottery system,
* Anti-war GIs say the Army Kleindienst said "That is my un-
has actively harrassed them derstanding."
for their political beliefs. Gerald L. Warren, deputy press

What are the chances of slip-#
ping on Tartan Turf?
What are the oddsson another
summer of urban riots?
Only the statistician knows for
The University's new statistic
department, established last July,
provides a direct program for the:
student interested in the rapidly
growing field of theoretical and
applied statistics.

Now located at 1447 Mason Hall, advised to get a strong background!
the fledgling department is com- in mathematics. Additional cour-
posed of nine faculty members and ses in psychology and sociology!
fifteen graduate students. The are required for the student inter-
curriculum is presently geared to ested in a specialized field of
a graduate sequence leading to a statistic:.
masters or doctorate degree. According to Acting Chairman
Beginning in the fall of 1970, Prof. W. A. Ericson, there are no,
the department will offer 13 cour- immediate plans for an under-!

ses in mathematical and applied
An undergraduate contemplat-
ing advanced study in statistics is

uncilmen and Mayor Robert
Councilman Roy Weber (R-
Pird Ward) cast the dissenting
te, while Fourth Ward R:publi-
ns Joseph Edwards and James
ephenson were absent.
LeRoy C a p p a e r t (D-Fifth
:rd ),one of the councilmen
iding the fight against the dis-
ted provision, says that the pro-
)tion provision is unacceptable
cause it gives the police depart -
nt the authority to promote
ut enants, captains, corporals
od sergeants through a seniority-
pe system.
Cappaert believes that the city
ould have the authority to make
ese appointment through hiring
ficers from other cities.
He also believes that the At-"
'mative Action program, which
intended to increase black em-
.oyment in the city, would be
riously impaired if the provision
Weber said he voted against the
intract because 'they did not put
he agency shop as one of the

Harris supporting it.




tours: A



~#6&AivD __

Box lunches, parade seats, transporta-
tion, sight-seeing programs and t o u r
books are among the lures of the m a n y
Rose Bowl tours being offered to Wol-
verine fans now.
Although the bombardment of adver-
tising might make a prospective buyer
wary, people who have taken these trips
before were generally satisfied with what
they got for their money.
Several of the ten tours currently ad-
vertised here were offered to Ohio State
University students at Columbus 1 a s t
year for the Buckeyes' trip to Pasadena.
and Ohio State students who took t h e
tours had few criticisms.
"The services through the organized

Hotels, motels and rooms on campuses
are some of the accommodations offered.
Many of the tours put three and four per-
sons in a room, and the locations are some-
times widely scattered.
Some of the tours advertised reserved
seat parade tickets. But OSU student Jay
Smith explains, "It's not true that you
need tickets for the parade. Anyone can
find a place, the only difference is that
you just don't have a seat."
Another student disagrees, saying that
the massive crowd made a reserved seat a
Means of transportation to the airport,
parade, and game range from shuttle bus
to rented car'.
The several thousand fans expected to

graduate concentration program.
Graduate students, at least, are
enthusiastic about separate de-
partmental status.
"The new program eliminates
the need for higher level theoreti-
cal math courses, which are es-
pecially cumbersome on the doc-
toral level," says one student.
So statistics is alive and well
and living in Ann Arbor, but what
actually is it, and-more per-
tinent to those who are potential
statisticians-what can you do
with it?
"Statistics is a branch of ap-
plied mathematics which happens
to be useful" is the explanation of
Prof. Roger Owen, a visiting pro-
fessor from Princeton.
Useful it certainly is, and wide-
open, too. Students expressed little
concern over job placements alter
graduate school. Every industry
is hiring people with statistics,
often at higher starting salaries
than those with an equivalent
amount of training in pure mathe-
The contemporary emphasis on
market-oriented production has
made the statistician essential to
industry. Through market anal-
vsis hecann advise the nroducer onn



Also on the inside:

secretary to the President, said
after being informed of Klein-

dienst's comment he knew of no
* Students are increasingly change in previously announced
going to the courts to win plans to retain student deferments
from their colleges and in the revision of Selective Service
. rocedures planned by the admin-

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