[a] teJnduenpdb stedent i ,frthe Uiventy fMhjo - tIn ij aII'Ud iedt( !Vi A gnew and te meia: Poi tcsas usual i lFT 3.011 iaid%111i1ai ________ I _ l \'nyv.I J St.,\Ann iv\rherPv\ cli Nes hoe:161,95 i - . . A '', hLAY, NOVE. ..bER :.2 PlY NIGI IT [)ITOI' MART IN A. ! ; (-HMAN j 0 0 ' '..I 11 U NIVERSITY appears to be moving in the direction of adopting a quasi ''upeti atm issions'' policy by dedicating self I U n aTeasieg Blacik enrollment to 21) jer 'nt. The LU heel mu School lacult y has cii - clt'~>c(l ''in Pt'iticiPle' the demand of its I heeL (>' tic es to increase the numbel' of I ili~'k fec ott y and students to 20 per cent 4 t Tic school. (Current Black enrollment I Ltsee per cent 01 1 lie studetit popola- 1 jOts :111(1 1 litre are only two Blacks emong 11 te II II tecn It y members ~ 'I IL I 'P01 P AiIM i~itli reimlot iotis is I hat 0111 tollS Ii I I WY may be endorsed "in ri ~ciple'' I hey can in fact be easily ig- noxed, especially when no time limit is e. I ebuished lox a tt aiit lUtz, the desired goal. Xlso, I he desired coal of proportional represci it at jOt ('all be made to appear 0 liSts tilt (1 tict. a We ol it t tee t ive tVH'asores ilopleini nIed by hali~hearted udmilils-' I ret or>~ a oh faculty, who he ye baxcahud ioU nic,> t lien I Life lice! ye. Ti idt 'i'd, tie ri ' are mat 0 U lo'; 1 ~ I ical ob ode to be hurdled: tamely I hose of .i'ecxoitint at \vliiclt ieedveotenttv in' x'olVe5 cost t lillY, etal ii 105(' xvlto oppttse tIllots 5~'~ I cnn tiec:t use they deem them a I I tree t to ~jealti y ediicat ion, thereby diniieisliine, t he slat its of the University. Time v a pert ~cularlv import ant tact or. 'Ihe 'hi pet' cent h'i4it.'e xi as adopted bt'- caii>e Black compose I li:it percent eye of tue penolel ton in the stale of Michiyan, Y t't ii it tipt et eel: t at iou ot flit' I ~lec k Can c Us' tlt'iiis tat ~lioultl take as lot is as 10 years a seine niembel's of time LdUc5-~ t ton Sc i tool taco. It lies >;uygt 'st ed Il iei in re.~ytiitioe will hex c to be interpreted 5' LawNs ii tniilVia flexibility which pre- jcrtbc. t list eurollnient niost reflect the a: lit tic coniposit ic i t~ I lit' siat t' which no sic; a pilots syst em. I Ii: PPIi~B1 I' \1 of recrtlitnietlt is mitiot' ill ('1)111 1)3 ~i5Oti to I hat of t hue, and ('St 1 1)1' cit eN reitiedied it t here i ~ deter- ian fi ci tn I lie ned 01 t In' Ijitiversi I ~ I 0 (t't 'a,. hccrW~t the' I 01 Black 'P orIents xx'iIl ac('t'5i:t six' cecter iii 1)etroit, end \vill be U tract ~1 31 1 lowe st ucient 5 xi'hO xxooltt iiot c:diiterilv cctt idat' al tt'itCliti~; this [aiti- x'er a x Vecao~ i ci t lie exlletises lox I iii- I set, tit a 1,s~ a i al the yetierit I cost 01 living a c's a F rot t 1 tot vie. TI us neit i s the t 1)1117 11 tose I Packs xvi to a ' exet 'I ~ iot ml I y 1) rN, h I , o c xvi iose tin at ic ta I t ecU is in it ii-' mel xrcitld be sTile Ic sPeed the Phi-' xa'r:~1tv. So t lit' vera t 1001' are still discrimi net ect scatast , Adont ion of a yraduat ccl I oil ion ft'e is I lie only viable solottoit to the mi-' plicit (lissUx antege of recruitment. At tot tier sel ot ion to the reexuitnmet it problem as serious xc visiot of admission t'cpuirenient , so that st odetit s who clem- cost ret e at a1elit y to do college work, but who tot sonic reason have not deniot i- sI ret tI it in cot rat tee t'xa en na hot is xv ill 1mm' 1 lit' opport t~iitity tvj alt end. As an aid to}thes, i oA ci1 , so t1]t' Ilie open admissio policy vii1 t no-b ::he llin fact a }n ("open doo( ifr plc hr kd atol o anems, 'the establishmentofl wih renato a itthrtrblmso _l" MI( R ~w ea qtesi i iii not dionunf o hebth frae et qoelit yr01 in nec'cIt a schoolsli th in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h thtigeou-eti- at m Allto ot n hep es in f (qot ('CA'°'t's'tl< I ' i I ;oic popultion f th ntiN scols tin cithacywhc s d tla 4 P' cn wI,', teX then1 - josl es I in itdl ta t mla tt i)ice1'1- A RSE"by atty other name inay someti riot, smell e4o sweet, ard so the do t he wordls of Nichiolas Johnsoni 11011th- Joins ed by Shio Agnewx',sound a bit et-- 50111. 01it'nes Nicholas Johiism is the agg I'L'- Visiontr sinxe, liberal member of the Federal of thei Cormiaticelis Commission who ship an1 has becii waging at ight for years te uri now agtainst the concentration of less, tha mmiei'slip andtU power Uinithe ti- foi' the do iial electrtoni inedia le i H'i; worids, trini~ted by Harpei's his ca, anid Nex'.' Republic, have long won siner, acceptaince by liberals and, I stp- cept to pocse, stomte radicals. jointlye H't ets lpressediot' greater hub- who ho lie tesjioisibiit~y on the pat of has no sttioiiand networvk owners based coverat tiit the premise, writenin ito the ceitful< F"CC's mandate by Conress. that for ea television uilizes a public m'- ,source. the air'waves, gid s tmut LIBI be ansxerable to t he public fortabl tllrougll the 10CC. citicize~ reaso s ENTE'IR SPIRO AGNI-<. 1Be- pat o wimti ithxii1 a broad at tack ont a('t'pti nextsimpers il Us. Nets & World wwoiks a Eotii, Agiix' began xwhat may politics onF~ ot to be a cnctentirated ad- Age minmist rat ion attattck or tIhe liberal sides b. I eXVs ilt U a. He followed withl his sinat fr devast.at ig Nov. 13 speech in Des tacked loties, ilxvwhich lie castigated the reasons thbret' major txv netwxorkslo' theirlt' ilsa cove''e of President Nixon2's ma- but of jior tiationali address one the war. miigtc Thei Vice Piesident toped his the Wa owvil eliorts',last 'hursday xwith ait tot Swhi at tack on the naito's Iwo moltst iig abt prestigious daily newspapers.te TheI Newl Yostk Tines and the Wash- pliied iglon Post. Hie cited the TimiesIth' fac itnaccurtt'tIely,.for ioIt carying atisig i sitry oil Cotltglessttletisuppotin't im itigxItle he Presideiti, tnte berated t h e speech, Post fot'''rittiit ot the same thre s 'dii oril lne'' il its Joitlt y own- iorato ed inda, \VTOP-TV the all-nexts It fq WT01P radio station andc News- cardia Xxi sk tue gent it. I c- or the cit '11II'h Il'Sf WO %tery'difiemits inlit one ftic Thex -/llbo Dacil v (Gust Wrier i 1"UstiwTOEN ('omietto the Uiversity ' expectlillto i cnid -matm~ tospheie whi'h riicotoagtes fieedotitand th e ppt'tuity t devetlop oine's inteitedual capacitits Ote P they fit d couit lieat all these oppo- to uniti'stmeanitin AinArbor 'are readily tt vs ilbirthi tI cinttoli'lls 15and a lt 0of courtt5t'5xx'hich will h el p xomenichose tfst- 1itt pictlures forttheir liing rooms atd impr~tessive books for theii' libraries. 1 le iite tion of tis dcinical clclsitit iS e1151 uit'i 'td by thle set'ming1 prvalce't of an attit ue whiichi reduces campus xvcen to cute littlet coeds who cani now sleep aitotuiitA ttltet't2 .tl heitrl predecessors. IF 1411"i DAILY is aty indicator of cam- puilue'tt~s, vomtict aue ra lly in trotbc. becaose TIthe Dity very cosisitetlty and wir bl'tiattaily ('tntibtes to tis mtyth of tihi' post-pill pseudo-liberated coed nand does act shot' aaty eideie of rectgizig 1' It a tdly libera teid \woant might be like. AIxh1 I f uslhave beell educated to accept he itid of attituode found in The Daily, lbmt closer t'xemitat ion shows that it is et tetitely iisutil inc ''lF DAILY hralded its fist fashiot tiase with '"The Daily Did Dare! A Page for Gi rls I'io'rxx''."13ut Te Daily didn't Cltre at all. lust eit U of preseliiing'altiles which ITto i beh l a'l lenvig ratd imlpotat ito res say thle samte thinigs. Or son lts cime pritmary tat'- -the conlcenltration of the ship of the power'ful tele- netwoirks. Hie is wvell aware power' held in such ownl'- id demands, on behalf of irepresented and thi e power- aat the mediasea to antd ' S rio t, cotucertied, at. l'tit pac'ity as an FCC coiiniis- xNith tile print media, Ox- the extent that they are own'ied by the same people ald the electronic media. He t protested netwvork new1s ge exceptwi xhen''-it is de- ci' fails to sei've the public sons ofinsufficieincy. .fALSt ALWAYS felt cotta c with i1Johnson becaumsche Id t ie media, fox the rightr sbut also becausehevs fthe "loyal oppositioni" ring of the r'ole of thle net - and fi'ienidly as wvell to thei' iif inot their plilcies. ?Nv, on thie othei' 'atnd, be- beinlgipolitically veryx'dis- tromi t le(ii bei'al media, at - for 1tity of the 1101111iZ attack was tt of policies- piolitics5, an11d ?thugh lit cite the xvide holdings of+ siingtori Post Co., thaIVW 15 lat. hie was really conlp',ah- out, and lhe said as mutch. New 'York Times, he, cciii,- ldid niot write a storyvotii 't that sotme 300 congre-ss- igined a resoltutioni sutpoi't- ie Pi'esident cii his wx'a i' while it did write about >eiators wvho supported the nriutil. a c t,.Aginewx'c'onitnitite'd A i - e w s v ou. hs staff - had '(lilly seen yedition of The Times. the1 3«vI out beyond dhi mne- e rate ;~t .114 s f - " tion on Agnewv's part in alluditng to the limnited nature of the li- censes granted by tile FCC. 'I'HEIZU IS a three-way battle goitlg> on here, but the crucial point of contention is the ques- tion of dissent, how much is to be tolerated or fostei'ed and by wxhom. While Johnson is iintime best po- sitiotn --- encouraginig debate and dissent fr'om all sides - Isaac's xvould limit it to debate between the powerful, a war' of gargantuan pro'por'tionis between two mighty advei'saries - time governiment and tihe liberal-dominated media. Agnew would have none of either, for hie appears to seek the qutieting ci' dis'sent from those who would have at himself and the administration of wvhic'h he is a im o s t vocal memnber. Luckily, though, he has little power to ac- tually do what he seeks, AGNEW IS, in fact following a great tradition. He is the last in the. line of pi'esidemts, literally siiice George, Washington and Thomas Jeffers on, who have been irritated, hai'assed, annoyed and infuriated by thIie public press. That line goes from the founiding fathet's to Woodrowv Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Ken- niedy anid Lyndon Johnsoni. An~d this tradition, though not so hontorable, is really not an ig- tioable one either. It is simply human. Agtiew,. f01 all his buffoonery, is a dangerous manx. While it is understandable that he may seek tosiec his critics, it is also unacceptable that he may ever' be close to doing so. We can afford to let him fight. His foes - the Newv York Times, the Washington Post, the nation- al tv nletw~orks --- are all stronger than lhe. Daily dii< xxitall histeilless tlk amo tit J e lt eir ieg l tght.to elloice' of counlsel: (dottiedl their cil Lighlt (o chuoics' of (lo~ctom's; d-:.,. 'il tzlt' i hysical rviht to exetc~is, fres-h aii' anld1),onei' clothes: cde- hed their huilaunt ~ightt-o I tt'r chlildrni: arid xvhiat. thueexoi are stiffs)iugis eletesinani r'cflection tof the Cd !C1it idomus toti' edi otnall XIoltetest _) it'alyt host' of its x hoc re black'. bro wxn, tutid " ~ i i w A liili ititi X lv;hiO t Ito tii tit'Mtii toVe Dall "UnDfoi iL' aid seI- teterniuuaioo cr AL. ixx'tne t iil ''siale'' hne. ca he S'ta. a'. by its t rtui'yoti iilu ltofo' Stto h cir 1''umui)' gliditiu1'.o e Blusacul(.irn. ' , ] Saei dcliilet'i lie Cotiii'c i t ,ext- W. l)1,AND . ndtotetis eis'ie, an clotimug it )i'ir) h'r ii 0 tieti til tutU ,, ll'~ I emit y c x Tralgic el-1101 'Io the E'ditor': T1IlLE FOLLOWING letrw a s seAi to Go,'. Williatm Milli'kin: %Vs'.the iundct's:ignued T'eachting lu'lloxvs iln il Afro-Amerinicani Stuidie's 'oiai at- the Univ'er- sit o ,i'higati, flid Your sArictly, leglisicatihi)roachu to the extra- c',i itn:of Robert F. Williams a You asGoertci. mstbe hu- Endtnian'irng flue lilt'of tlis (10 Saldltigtitieiof thie South- o'ri BackMovmuimutwill hav'e itt- etulcuabI' -roeu'cussiotus lou' this Stteu'tutUthe N'atlor , L'ric' J. ( httpnm W'il li ittin Sttles (;Nvendlyn M A. Hall Nov.'? 0 light oni. I)Oher 'I'o thlie: ditot': '4 i'taIb f i : , ilence' w d e wvith te irogreossix'e ideals of the Newv Mobre's miass following. Oui' society nmust be mmade to see clearly thiat the Vietnm war is merely one, of tm-tny, symptonms aiing~hi from a deeply embedded cancetraridth. shu~mt of violemnt retvoltion, .oui' (onettslimi ihope re- mautitns wit h i ix'olvemeitt in the eloctoral prIocess onl thte basis of clearly t'nutucit ed progr'essiv'e pro- c aam d o t cuttidates. -Prof. Robert E. Beyer Goi itg toofair To the Editor: YOU.R LONGSTANDING policy of editonial freedom is highly ('omuiieldable but sometimes cne can t_ - too far. Surely one such in- stance xa youi' decisioni to allowv Bruce Lev'itne to publish his vitrio- lic att ack November 14) on SGC arid the- Michuigant Daily itself. While cleverly unasked as an at- tack ott, national institutions, ev- ery1c 1>.ekitoxvsxwhio lie huas in muindt xwiit'i he i'efers to the commumui- ('atiosmistedia as "elitist powver- c(ottglomerates" anld the political fitist.utiouu as a "small group of mcii' effectively beyonud popular control."'