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November 21, 1969 - Image 10

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Page Ten


Thursday, November 20, 1969


"Still without national promi-
nence and a distinct underdog to the
nation's leading team, Ohio State,
the Wolverines continued to tend to
their own weekly affairs, waiting, as
Elliott often said, 'for the oppor-

of the

to win it all on the last game
-1965 Michiganensian

"Ohio State for both my team
and this year's team is the most im-
portant game of the year. If the
Wolverines beat them they'll be only
the third Michigan team to do so
since 1960. To win they'll have to
make their own breaks. Michigan
can't wait for Ohio State to make
-Mel Anthony

W1oluerine Victory at Columbus: Stjiles and Roses

(oach Elliott speaks at pep rally before OSU game



Bowl team

about Ohio State, Pasadena

The approaching game - of - the - year
against W. W. Hayes and his troops from
Columbus and the all-but-accepted Rose
Bowl invitation bring back memories of
the 1964-65 squad as they went into the
last game with the same record and same
possible future.
In the last game of the regular season,
the underdog Wolverines were to take on
the Buckeyes who, in one of the upsets of
the Season. had lost to Penn State the
week before.
Michigan had lost to Purdue 22-21
earlier to give them a 5 wins and one
loss record. Because they played one less
conference game that year, the Buckeyes
were 5 and 0.
The victor of the match earned the Big
Ten championship and the right to repre-
sent the conference in Pasadena.
Led by All-Americans Bob Timberlake
and Bill Yearby, the Wolverines surprised
everyone by shutting out the Buckeyes
10-0, then going on to defeat Oregon
State 34-7 in the Rose Bowl.
All the players on the 1964-65 squad
agreed that the Rose Bowl was the high-
light of their careers, although they un-
animously felt that winning the Ohio
State game and the Big Ten championship
was a greater rewa rd.
Below, the 1964-65 players reminisce
about the season. Ohio State, the cham-
pionship and, of course, the Rose Bowl.
They also comment on the Big Ten no-
repeat clause and offer some valuable ad-
vise for this year's probably Rose Bowli
Bound Wolverines.
STAN KEMP: End; Former Michigan
assistant coach, now an assistant at
"Ohio State was the biggest game for
usonly because they were better than
Oregon State.
"It also seemed that there- was alot
more at stake that year. Our loss counted
and their's didn't and we wanted to prove
we were a better team.
"It was a very emotional game. We had
overcome bitter weather, Ohio fans and
the psychology behind a conference loss.
"The Rose Bowl game itself wasn't
very exciting because we didn't face a
great team out there. But it was a pressure
packed game, and one that're more fun
to look back on.
"I do hope Michigan gets a chance to go
this year. I must say that I don't believe
that a second place team really deserves
to go. The Rose Bowl is the granddaddy of
the bowls and the finest team in the
conference should go.
"But, who knows? Maybe Michigan will
truly deserve to go this year. It will de-
finitely have to be their finest effort of
the season, but they're capable.
"A big key is in the Michigan defense.
If they. can hold Ohio State, they could
win. But it'll be tough because the Buck-
eyes are better than they were last year
but so it Michian.
"All I can say is that it'll be a classic.
JIM CONLEY: Defensive End; Captain;
Currently working in Ann Arbor,
"To me the Ohio State game outshone
the Rose Bowl, which was boring.
"The Rose Bowl couldn't measure up
to what Ohio State meant that year. That
game was everything to us.
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"But that's not to take away from the
bowl itself. I think just the shock from
really being there was one of the biggest
moments of my life.
"Like every little kid, I spent ten years
of my life waiting for that game through-
out each season. Being out on that field
fulfilled my childhood dream.
"But we had to beat Ohio State to get
there, so naturally it meant just as much.
"Michigan certainly has a chance to
beat Ohio State and earn an invitation
to Pasadena legitimately. The Bucks are
"Being a defensive player, I think the
way to win is by preventing them from
scoring on us. That's how our team felt in
both of our last encounters. It supported
the morale of our attack too.
"I do think Michigan deserves to go
even if Ohio States beats them. It's unfair
to make the rest of the conference sit
spacial flail
by robinmiviright
out when one team has a superior group
of sophomores and monopolizes all the
honors for three years
"But I don't feel the Big Ten teams
should accept bids for any other bowls.
The Rose Bowl is the oldest and the best
The others are just 'also-runs'"
LOUIE LEE: Halfback; Currently a
Law student and freshman coach
at Michigan.
"To me, the Rose Bowl was the greatest
thing in the world. It was the main reason
I was at Michigan. The coaches had pre-
dicted we'd go when I was recruited--and
we did.
"It's like the super bowl is to the pros-
it means everything. Just to play in the
oldest of all bowls was the greatest honor.
"One of the things I remember most
vividly was the scene in the lockerroom
after the game. My locker was number 41,
right next to Mel Anthony who had num-
ber 37.
"There were a million people swarming
around him to congratulate him for his
great performance. It was great just being
in on all that excitement.
"In the long run, I know that the game
at Pasadena was a more thrilling experi-
ence, although at the time, Ohio State
meant more in terms of personal accom-
"The team had heard that Woody had
been pointing to us for two weeks because
beating us meant so much to him,
"Many of the reports that came to us
had said that Ohio State had lost to Penn
State because Woody had been working
on moves to stop us rather than Penn
"We were more nervous before that
game than ever. We had to beat them to
go to Pasadena.
"I think this year's team feels that way
too. And the outcome could be the same.
"Alot of people have written us off.
They don't recognize what a tough battle
it'll be.

JIM DETWILER: Halfback; Currently
a dental student at the University
of Tennessee.
"The thing I remember most about my
last season at Michigan was the game
against Ohio State. It was the most ex-
citing game in my career.
"Winning the Big Ten championship
meant far more to us than playing in the
Rose Bowl--especially since we had lost
one game that year.
"The Rose Bowl was less personal, al-
though playing in the oldest of all bowls
is more of a lasting memory than beating
Ohio State. The Rose Bowl has more
national significance.
"I think the thing we enjoyed most be-
sides the honor of playing in the Rose
Bowl were the little things-like Disney-
land, meeting Tom Harmon and other
notables at a party he gave and being able
to eat all the ice cream we wanted free
at Baskins-Robbins.
"I believe Michigan this year has only
a slim chance of beating Ohio State, but
I definitely feel they have a right to rep-
resent the conference at the Rose Bowl,
although Ohio State ought to be released
so they can accept another bowl invita-
"Michigan's real hope is if Ohio State
gets overconfident, and then becomes
"Unfortunately I don't think Woody
Hayes will let that happen. He hates
Michigan and always likes to poor it on
us. Besides, since they can't go to the
Rose Bowl, their number one ranking is
all important to them.
MEL ANTHONY: Fullback; Currently
working in Ann Arbor.
"Ohio State for both my team and this
year's team is the most important game of
the year. If the Wolverines beat them
they'll only be the third Michigan team to
do so since 1960.
"To win they'll have to make their own
breaks. Michigan can't wait for Ohio State
to make errors. They'll have to run and
tackle as hard as they ever have
"I'm sure they want to beat Ohio as
much as we did. It meant more to me
personally than other games because I
was from Cincinnati. The guys from Ohio
really wanted to beat Woody.
"The Rose Bowl was exhilerating too, al-
though we had no doubt that we'd win it.
"Besides my run, one of the things that
stahds out in my mind is the enthusiastic
reaction of the Michigan fans after Ward's
"Someone released a little pig with a
blue 'M' pointed on both sides onto the
field. It ran all over the place. They
finally had to stop the game to get him
off. It really added life and excitement
to the game.
"I agree with the way the Rose Bowl
contract states that no team can go two
years in a row. But it might be altered
to let the most representative team from
the midwest go-including the ones from
outside the Big Ten."
BOB TIMBERLAKE: Quarterback; All-
American; Currently a minister in
Hales, Corners, Wisconsin.
"I thing Michigan teams will always
get more pleasure out of beating Ohio
State than playing in the Rose Bowl--

just because of the rivalry between the
two schools.
"Beating Ohio State was the greatest
experience of my career.
"Michigan is capable of beating Ohio
State this year also. It's a matter of not
getting panicked as they did last year
when they got behind. They'll have to
keep cool even if Ohio State gets ahead.
"The Rose Bowl for us was not a partic-
ularly good contest because Oregon State
was only average. The things I enjoyed
most in California were the things we did
on our own.
"One of the nicest experiences was when
Dave Butler and I visited some children
stricken with cerebral palsy. It's a warm
"Another good feeling was coming home
to find the fans waiting for us. It was
really nice to think everyone was behind
"I think the only unpleasant thing about
the trip was the publicity. The Los Angeles
papers were all opinion and no fact. They
weren't fair to either team.
"The publicity was such a negative
factor to our morale that I'd go as far
as warning the guys this year not to
let the papers get them down."
TOM CECCHINI: Center; Currently an
assistant Michigan coach.
"Traditionally the Big Ten champion-
ship is the most important thing a team
strives for, so we naturally got more enjoy-
ment out of beating Ohio State than win-
ning in the Rose Bowl.
"Look at it this way, Ohio State is the
climax of the season, whereas California
is a reward for the last game.
"The great think about the Rose Bowl
was the way the people tried so hard to
give us a good time. The greatest asset
of the trip was that it really made us one
group. Traveling, living and seeing the
sights brought us together as one body.
"For example, one of the Rose Bowl
traditions is to have a roast beef dinner
in the stadium. The team that eats the
most is supposed to win. We out-ate
Oregon State by 40 pounds.
"I think this year's team has an ex-
cellent chance of beating Ohio State.
We're a good team, not great like Ohio
State, but we're good enough to beat them.
"This is the scrappiest team Michigan's
had in years, but no one can lick them
spirit wise."

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Mlel Antlhony's re~cordl 84, yaril tourc'hidotrc run

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