Friday, November 21, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Friday1 November 21, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven TV RENTALS SIO per mouth FREE Service and Delivery ---NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED--- CALL: Nejar' TV Ueials 662-5671 SERVING BIG 10SCHOOLS SINCE 1961 National Security Agency Examination. *IT DAILY OFFICIAL Applic. at Career Planning, postmark .1 I today. BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to 3528 LSA before 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sun- day. Items may appear only once. Student organization notices a r e not accepted for publication. For information, phone 764-9270. FIIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 Day Calendar Memorial Service for I. Leo Sharf- man, Former Chairman of the Econom- ics Department: Rackham Amphithea- ter, 2:00 p.m. 3 Astronomy Colloquium: Richard Teske, "Review of Solar X-ray Fluctua-I tions During 1967"; 296, P&A Bldg., 4:00I p .. Placement Service 3200 S.A.B. GENERAL DIVISION PLACEMENT SERVICES Addition to Interview Schedule: Stromberg Datagraphix, San D i e g o California, Interviewing Nov. 25 at Placement Services, seek BBA and MBA candidates for electronic processing trainees and other positions. Join The DailyI Further Iniformiation on the followingjf Programs is available in career plan- !n t o a ning at 3200 SAB, or call 764-6338. J(IL tofa Professional Careers with the State 1 SLOWDOWN EXPECTED: Lodge resigns post. as chief negotiator at Paris peace talks of New York, booklet now in Career Planning, applic. blank available. Miss Webber, government placement advisor is now receiving the P e a c e Corps Green Sheet for Returned Vol- unteers, a job listing for returnees only, to aid in placement. Ask for her copies of this publication if you are a return- ed volunteer., Graduate Program in statistics at University of Florida, Gainesville, Fla., offers Masters and PhD programs. Masters is non-thesis two year pro- gram. organization The Ann Arbor Tenants Union last week joined the National Ten- ants Organization (NTO), a group of inner-city unions concerned with eradicating slum housing in- Justices. The NTO executive board ac- cepted the Tenants Union as its first student tenants organiza- (Continued from Page 1) shall be glad to help in any Dinh Thao expressed no surprise Walsh cited another reason for capacity." at the resignation of Lodge and his decision, "In view of the man- A Viet Cong spokesman coin- Walsh, but declined all other ner in which these meetings are menting on Lodge's resignation comment. now being conducted by the other I said "changing the negotiator is North Vietnamese spokesman Le side, no purpose would be served not enough--the Nixon adminis- ngrHietrese tokeany by my continuing to hold this of- tration must also change its Quang Hiep refused to make any fice. If these conditions should poiy"direct comment on the resigna- tin fteecniin hudpolicy."n but said, "The main ques- change, you may be sure that I Viet Cong spokesman Duong tion is whether the Unted States a r 3 C A T Ation at a meeting last Thursday. I w v v .. aav yaavl -- Viliv kj"au'-3 shows anv Food will Mr sPrinim nP_ Is It Legitimate to Strike a "Good" Landlord? YES, and here s why... GUILD -802 M FRIDAY, NO NOON LUN GENE GL From Nationo "An appraisal c Ann Arbor housing is controlled by land- 1 11i1i 1ri 11 Pter Denton, Tenants Unio vaal ~v illlsiosn- gotiations. Without good will on NOTICEScoordinator, says he feels affilia- I otter'V e ntseip e" " NO I E :tion with the NTO will enable the L i.noIJ L r 0tseirpre engoitin"cn .. Arbor group o h more At yesterday's session of the South and Southeast Asia Club people," and enhance its credibil- 1 peace talks, Lodge said a greaft Browun Bag, Nov. 21, 12 Noon, Lane Hall ity.I i jii e 1" iuoen majority of the American people Commons room, Speaker: Thomas Specifically, the NTO seeks to j 1- L supportsPresiden Nixon's efforts Poffenberger, Population Planning, have federal, state and local gav- for peace .'Fertility Behavior in an Indian Vil- pae lage. ernments take over housing for (Continued from Page 1) In the coming year, for example, L - * * * lower and middle income famil- While knowing your birthday's some 800,000 men will be eligible angrily denounced the United University Lutheran Chapel, 1 5 1 1 les whose dwellings have not been priority does not guarantee knowl- for the draft, according to Secre- IStates, charging the reported Washtenaw, Gamma Delta, Lutheran operated properly by landlords. edge of whether you will be draft- tary of Defense Melvin Laird. Some Ae, msr e cvlasd Student Organization, Nov. 23, 6 p.m., ed, it gives an idea of probability American massacre of civilians in Supper-program, sound color movie, The NTO originally expressed eciall t either extreme, Crit of dte two villages of nl art "The Gift". concern that the Ann Arbor Ten- There sems to be a def e ad- Criticisms of the bill have al- inCe March 1968 were only part 11 t heesestob efnt d ready satdcoming inofckBastorycims. University Lutheranchapel, 1 51 1 ants Union membership would vantage for the non-student under ron Of the story of U.S. war crimes. Washtenaw, Nov. 23, Thanksgiving Sun- cause friction throughout the or- the new system. His seven years seli Cejnnounced t for Lodge also told the 43rd session day Services. 9:30 & 11:00 a.m., "The ganization because of the differ- of eligibility are reduced to one. Iving ter enounce tiog of the conference that the United Giving of Thanks". Rev. A. Scheips, ences in the backgrounds of the For the student, there may be ide-spead ssion of creating States is still willing to consider Communion 9:30e.students and other persons. a If he has a 'It must be emphasized that this any timetable Hanoi may wish to --However, the group later decid- low priority, he con drop out of bill is not the solution to all draft offe for a mutual withdrawal of ed that student participation school, wait out his year of eligi- problems," said Barron. "College all non-South Vietnamese farces. would give the organization a bility, and perhaps avoid the draft students are still being defered But, "President Nixon will not broader base and increase t h e entirely. If his priority looks high, while poor kids, blacks, and those be pressured into departing from strength of the tenants m o v e- he can stay deferred and see if his without the brains or inclination the course which he has set," --met.!luckimproves the next year- to go to college still get called up Lodge warned. VEMBER 21 ----u__-- first," he stressed. "Those who live in authoritarian CHEON 25c ALL CAMPUS The new system is not to be!icountries should try to under- taken as the Administration's final stand that last week's events in &DSTONE THANKSGIVING word on the Selective Service. Ac- Washington were a demonstration cording to both Nixon and Senate of the exercise of the right of free I New Mobe: AArmed Services Chairman John speech. You should also under- V,, Stennis (D-Miss), a complete draft stand that the evidence shows )f moratorium overhaul is forthcoming. And that the great majority of the FULL FAITH & CREDIT Brand says within a year to 18 American people supports the months a massive national confer- President's effort for peace," he FRIDAY, NOV. 21 9-12 ence on draft policy will be held. added. MARY MARKLEY HALL Whether such a conference will Lodge, 67, was the 1960 vice produce a more equitable system presidential nominee on the Re- GUYS 50c GIRLS 10c than now exists is still open to publican ticket headed by Nixon U of M I D required question. as the presidential nominee. -- _____ -From the student's point of In earlier years Lodge had a for New Board Members. ___,-,rj view, though, the new system is long political career, including ;Z vzz e~p simply another dose of "more of election to the U.S. Senate, and a and Pick Up Your Petition the same," with a few additional diplomatic record that centered Floor S.A.B. INTERVIEWS oopholes possible. on his service as U.S. ambassador o ADEBBY HERTELL to the United Nations. AY AND TUESDAY, NOV. Following the defeat of the Re- T THAT publican ticket by John F. Ken- UDOG nedy, Lodge accepted a Kennedy DOG assignment as ambassador to CONSouth Vietnam. _:.:.i. ........:5::<:::.... .. WHEELS It was against that background H c of long years in high positions R-N UUOr i J I S and their close personal link that COMING Nixon called on Lodge to be his c$ c c$$$ $__________- negotiator in Paris beginning last t-.^ I = , Jnury i lords, not tenants. Your housing may be better than average now, but the only guar- antee it will stay that way is a strong union. Every striker makes the union stronger. People strike in order to change the whole market, not in retaliation for a personal grudge. The only good landlord is one who recog- CINE Is Now Accepting Petitions Sign Up for an Interviewa at the Bulletin Board, First WILL BE HELD ON MONDE 24-25. nizes the union. STRIKE! 763-3102 JA :*h::::::::.:' ::::::::::::: :':. ::::::.".". t......... :r.......r::".'J:A"."fi rrf. nEl..rff:..frf:... }::":": A.'!:«:::::: A.. .:. .::::. ::. :::.: ::::::.'f: .. r."r.IJ1 ..:;... « .............................. .^::::::. : WOW A three-piece Treasure chest chicken dinner, plus trench fries, for only 79! Larger take-home orders also. Try a box soon!! Wetof #krborland for carefree eatir ig w . . . 4*V~tXWAO(N 00AMSKA, IW% DINE OUT ~V Old Heidelberg '1 ?1 I AN M i n a66q9753 1 COME and VISIT CURTIS BEEF BUFFET Where You Can Get "The World's Best Dish" CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH as well as ROUND OF ROAST BEEF The 1970 VW will stayugly longer. i L!! L 1 D !V. ivicii l )r. an -y:: Specializing in German and American Food BANQUET FACILITIES DANCING FRIDAY, SATURDAY, and SUNDAY Friday and Saturday startina 9 P.M. Serving Complete Dinners 1 1 A.M.-2 A.M. City Parking Lot in rear of Restaurant Closed Mondays and many more dishes 207 S. MAIN Open 7 days a week 1 1 A.M.-10 P.M. _ The/op'd9ex Located in Scenic Northern Ann Arbor Area (Dixboro) Mr-- rra Ct--rflLI r rC A nrrtlr. kIIA n ,- Anr =a MIKE and JOE Invite You and Your Dale to Casa Nova for PIZZA, ITALIAN What hath Volkswagen wrought this year? A longer-lasting engine, 1 that's what. It's more powerful than} the old engine. (Top speed: . 81 mph vs. 78 mph.) It has better acceleration. But most important, it doesn't have to work as hard to get you where you're going. Thus, according to every calculation known to man, it will last even longer. And just to make sure the engine and every other VW part leads a long, { happy life, we have another surprise for 1970: The Volkswagen Diagnostic Checkup. Now before the name scares you The equipment is faster and 3 more thorough than any me- chanic alive. And it's so advanced, it can actually tell you you i.----=have a problem early, before it becomes a real problem. For instance, let's say the resistance in one of your spark plug wires is too high. Nothing serious, but i could reduce your gas mileage and eventually foul up your spark plugs. During a Diagnostic Checkup, our equipment can find and we can fix this problem in a matter of minutes. When you buy a new VW, you're en- titled to four of these advanced checkups free.