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November 20, 1969 - Image 6

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Page Six


Thursday, November 20, 1969

Page Six THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, November 20, 1 969









Loo fNI

Clocks and Bangles Ring Well

the dedicated follower of fashion--fames flynn

l Y 1) El1ORAl I ANN
lnst as clothing styles hase
undergone tremendous change inl
the last six yea rs, so heas the
emphasis on jewelry. Very little
of it is worn .at Ofle tiie; Uso-
aly tw\o or three pieces ait the
most. Seldom do youl see a girl
loaded down with earrings, a
nlecklace, pin, watch, and brace-
lets and rings on each hand.
Matching sets have also disap-
apeared, tucked away to stay in

1"essr eis boxe"s wxhile charm
bracelets have decreased marked-
JY in popularity. The bangle
bracelet has talken its place in-
Since the new advent at the
pierced ear three years ago, ear-
rings ai'e worn With everything
fronm skirts and slack outfits to
pant suits, and of course, more
o-ina attire. ['or the girl with-
ou t pieced ears, the solid metal
loop is a favorite as it can also


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be xvorn with both casual and~
formal ouitfits. Hammered gold
and bronze textures in the
metal, as well as brushed gold or
silver textures, are found not
only on earrings but also on
bracelets and wcatches.
With rings, the most obvious
change is in the number worn.
It is currently in vogue to
adorn each hand with two or
three rings. The fad with slaxve
bracelets was blessedly short-
lived, never catching fire as they
were not only somewhat cum-
bersome, but also because they
were somewhat untiversally un-
The greatest change in jewelry
has come wvith wvatches, which
no longer serve as a functional
time piece alone. Rather, a per-
son may be inclined to have two
or three watches to wvear with
different styles of clothing.
After last year's emphasis onl
the large mod watches, the
tendency this year is towards a
more streamline design. The
newest style has a colored dial,
with matching straps, which
comes in burgundy, midnight
blue and forest green. The faces
are accented with Roman nuim-
erals or Arabic gold-colored ac-
cent markers. The watch face it-
self comes in a variety of shapes;
from ovals and rectangles to
hexagons and squares. Straps on

Spread the fashioni
word in John
Me. yer's camel
fleetunic dress.
Tetalk will turn
t,,,the mock button
tab, the clever patch
packets, the new
band heme, and the
' leuth et loop belt.
'7r it with or
v'elg fly front
pants. $27.

F~ach of lihese three ou/fits portray s iacerlainii karl of the IN, OUT l C ia ASULJA
The fi rst is a /taco-lricetunaicr i) Pc sil, browc'i inluor -with both scarf and blouse
iii floral colors. Vith a tart Louiduii delsign in Ithe slacks, the second on/fit h~as a redl
blouse andc a muathing vest lin a som)ewhat f/oral Ipatternt. The final/cunsemble is at
Puirple Itunirciianl faired ran! out/it tii!! a white scarf, mntatchilig the ichcbil/ouse,
for accentl. Outfits are lour tcs of T'he Bagpiper, Jacobrsoii's amid i/he Co//imis Shop

TileI college coed on tis cam -
purs travels to a r ieltY of places,
does a1 number of different
thi ngS. Of ten *icconpaMn ng her
on) these jotirney's is the doubt
wlhether she is dressed in a styv-
I ishl manner. Perhaps one of the
c.a uses of this doubt comes about
wxhen this qutest ion is asked: "D)o
1 have to compensate comfort
fot. style.' TO many ;girls thle
solouion atften is yes. In an at -
tempt to remedy this I have ol -
fcred below several alternate so-
In t ion1s.
( ;ncI- all, actix ities on1 or
around the campis can be divid-
cd into three g'roups: On camn-
puts, Wvhich includes going; to
classes or the library; Otit, on
datevs or ot herwvise, *ind finallIy,
(.astralI, xhich is about eve ry-,
thing else. W1ithin these Ns ide
classifications many of t he
dint, activities fall. When 011n
campu1)1s comfort With a touich of
styvle should be the rule, -with
ex-ceptionls of cotirse! grust abot
arN' thing cotild apply' here but
I wvotild ad vise either sLacks and
sweater, a simple dress, or a
com-binatioiiar skirt tanrd blouse.
In particular, brown flaired-
slaclxs and a burgundy blouse
topped off withI a crochet knit
sweater of light tan. Becautise ofI
the comaing snow yoti would be
a ble to weair cit her a nkle or kl e
boots wvith this set. Another out-
lit which woouId look j ust as
fashiionable is crea ted by mat chi-
ig dark browvn pants ({faired
of course) with :tasdeep gold or


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n'sectiv y
these x-watches arc iiiterchan gc
.ble and %very- shlm.
For more formal xwear. there
are the fotirteen - karat gold
wat ches with non-interchang~e-
able bands. In same stevles, the

xv ,i tlcli faceit ct tCiall lx h iddi
appears to be a gold bracelet.
These watches bcgi a price
range otfsi150-200.
(soldtilted vatchcs xith nonl-
iiitercha ngeable bands are also

beneath a cov er lid, so that it
ax ailaible. Some stylecs,hosx r
hasve an adjustable band iteac~d
of a clasp to fasten the watch.
'Phis type of a fastenling miay be
Iimpractical as it seems it xvould
I gi xe with11time and frequen t
se,. The price ratnge tor. gld-
tinted wa~tches begins at X60.

Ir .
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f' s[D&k§ your language

an 6trn o
\We carry the finest in Kingerie Fouindation

]chowv blouse, xwhich is full in
lie sleeves. Covred xx' ith a close
knit sxx eater, a chain belt adds
accent as xxwelI as st x'le to this
railipIS ensembleA.
If VOLn havea a \I oat it
mvould keep vonuxxarm xwhen xyou
xs ore a t urtlI-neck poor box'
Swxeater in deep blue and a1 short,
Alniost mini, sirt off white in
' blor.,
\Vhen (Out on a date the .se-
lc~tiOm Is ils varied that the on-
Is1xxa' to loo: naturally stylish
is to be vonurself. If you look
good in a dress then try a tunic
type xith a button-dawn front
in browxn or any other color. Be-
neathi think aboutita wide-col lar-
ed blouse xvit h bishop sleeves and
at least txvo or even three but-
tons. \V ratp .1round a fews chains
aInd x iti're ready to go. Somle-
times .a simple skirt and blouse
ou~ft icn be as becoming as
lhe la test FoguLe fashion. For
insta nce, a screen skirt and wide
belt match tip w~sith a sik-like
blouse ini atgoldishl-yelloxvlhe
coulId be the a nswxer
Kit dresses fit in the picture
quite xxellI.and can be considered
lhe Ouit t h ig to var. To take
the drab outn of xvitr, sheai a
el loss dress in in alm ost A-line
st \le, Put a pat tern scarf in the
111ig11 open -neckled collar and its
vurs for the tang. Yet no girl
is completely ready xwithout a
pair of flaired slacks, Often con-~
sidercd thle old sta.1ndby, slcks
Can cnice to tihe fore when
combined vi thI blotises, sxeaters
or' topi to bec'oe a tiniqutienLU-
sem)ble f~ratay'ai.
lot. the Castial look, more than
'anx'xvhere else. con~fr is impot-
ta.nt. \When yot're comfortable
Yotn feel good, aindl xhen you feel
good y0ti look just as good. Jtust
as Caistial means anything, so too
f ashion can be anything. One
of the interesting ottfits for Ca-
sual wxear. is a purple tunic set,
flaired pants, a xhite blotse with
bishop sleeves and a long scarf to
wrap arotnd yaour neck.ressed
this way you're off to the store
or jtust to travel about the Dag
sight-seeing. Perhaps a set of
semi-bell bttomi pants and eith-
er a striped top of blute with red
or the reverse. Or combining the
bells xwith a vest sxeater doxwn to
lhe knees and a cotiple of sets of
chains for flair! Could a jtimp
sut be the answxer? Maybe so,
thexy look. great by themselves or
xvithIi an}v long swxeater.Now tha.i
he snow has been here it's stre
to retutin, sinows and cold wea-
her col~td Iliit Castial to slacks,
but CvCln so for Casual xwear a
knit dtress still is fashionable.
TIhe ensemlbles that I mention-
ed arc butl a fexxe of the possible
sets that Youi canl wear. Just as I
hlas C placed certain sets in one of
the three classes, yoti can take
then lou t and wearttheiii in the
othercis. O f Couirse, xwith these
%Csty5ou cain accent them by
jctcel ry, Carsnes and caps, so that
lies become sYOU not simply fa-

Garments, Girdles,

Brssiers, Hoicery


7 f

House Coats.
8Nickels Arcade
PHONE 662-2914

Pierre Cardin's


li, !I

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is long with

a touch of hardware
at the shoulder
In White, Navy, and Wine
Small, Medium and Large



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Velvet for
Your Important

Give her a watch that
tells time colorfully...
A ness' TissLot color dixxtch. NoSv she can enjoy the
excitement at color in these distinctive nessv Tissot strap
xvatches. Brilliant dials at btirtindy redl, midnight bitie
and forest green are acwented %wi th tgold-colored hour
markers. And benearth c.h kcolorful dial is the Tissot
w~satch movement ... , l ctr ctitel or 7 ftill days to as-
sure timekeeping dependality. Seec our complete collec-
tion of Tissot color dial1 wa ,tches todlay.
A -Blue dial. Yellow to, st ainless steel back
case. Facet-edged crystal .. .......$65
B - Red dial. Yellow to)p, stainless steel back
case. Facet-edged crystal ........ $69.95
C - Blue dial. Yellow or white top, stainless steel
back. Facet-edged crystal ........$69.95
All models available with white dials.
('I'oo,.e froum 250. different Tissot inodels formen an imdx.omen fromt
$39.95 to 5200.


.mc a1~nderer



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