See Editorial Page
4 41or
.Aitr t A, an
Variably cloudy, colder,
chance of more snow
Vol. LXXX, No. 67 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, November 20, 1969 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Apollo crew
Senate pa
ses bill
SPACE CENTER, Houston i. - America's newest explor-
ers --- veterans of nearly four hours of moonwalking
struck out again yesterday on a mile-long trek across rugged
and dangerous lunar country far from the safety of their
moonship, Intrepid.
Before they left, Charles Conrad Jr. apologized, "I'm sure
sorry the television didn't work. It's a beautiful sight to see
Intrepid and Surveyor sitting here on this crater."
Surveyor, a dead U.S. moon probe that landed there 212
years ago, was one of the prime, but last, targets of the second
moonwalk of the day.
On the second excursion Conrad hit the surface first, at
ate yesterday passed President
Nixon's draft lottery bill with
only one opposing vote, and
sent it to the White House.
The administration hopes to be-
gin a gradual phase-in of the new
draft lottery by January, when
the next nationwide draft call
goes into effect.
11:01 p.m., EST, more than 1
cxplamne( I
Charles Thomas, local advocate
of a Black Manifesto demand-
ing financial epa ration for black
people from white religious con-
gregations, spoke yesterday to a
Sociology 100 lecture class in the
Natural Science And.
"The black people of this coun-
try are burning from racism and
their economic plight,"' Thomas
said. The solution for such anger
put forth by the manifesto, he ad-
ded, is to "separate (black peo-
ple' from the wihite and the black
Thomas, who has already col-
lected more than $700 from local
churches to help welfare mothers,
said the authors of the manifesto
do not shrink from the thought of
violence to accomplish their goal
of black supremacy. If other
means fail, the only way to achieve
such a goal is "bringing down the
colonizer through force - guns,"
Thomas said,
Thomas excluded all white peo-
ple from taking part in such a
revolution - even sympathetic
whites. "Blacks must assume lead-
ership of the revolution, because
they best understand suffering."
He maintained this quality of
the black man makes him "sensi-
tive to our brothers in Vietnam.
Asia, Latin America, Santo Do-
Thomas' manifesto includes a
nine-point program for the use of
money gained f r o mn reparations
from whites. It includes the es-
tablishment of a southern land
bank, printing offices, broadcast
networks, a job-training center
and a labor fund.
The manifesto advocates sit-ins
and seizure of selected churches as
means of gaining support.
The sit-ins would not b- non-
violent if self-defense were nec-
The manifesto also advises'
whites to "practice patience, non-
violence, Christian charity and all
those other things they have told
us about," for their own good.
Emphasizing the blacks' minor-
ity position, Thomas warned that
blacks "are no longer shuffling'
our feet and scratching our heads.
We are tall, black and proud."
i hours earlier than planned.
Crewmate Alan J. Bean fol-
lowed him 10 minutes later.
Back on the exciting lunar sur-
face again, Conrad began talking
about the cables and devices be-
low. "They are constantly u n d e r
foot,"he said.
At this sun angle, Conrad said,
the moon dirt around Intrepid has
a brownish' tone, like a well-
ploughed field. Elsewhere is was
an expanse of light ashen gray.
Their orders were to collect
dirt samples from six craters, the
farthest 1,500 feet away and to cut
off pieces of equipment from Sur-i
veyor for return to earth.
They cuf away their own tele-
vision camera from return home
and then set out for the north-
west., their first stop at the in-
struments they had installed ear-
lier i'
Earlier in the day, the two astro-
nauts acted like two giddy child-
ren as they began their first moon
walk in the Ocean of Storms.
Both kept up a constant comic
commentary as they went through
the serious business of exploring
the moon and setting up instru-;
"We're not going to sit he:e,"
Conrad said, "so we'll give you aa
holler whenever we get up and
we're going to start clipping right
then and there, and be ready to
go over the sill as soon as possi-V
ble and not cut ourselves at thef
It was that mixture of hard- -
headed thinking and gleeful ex-s
ploration that was the pattern of1
these two men on the moon.
"Hey," Conrad exclaimed with
boyish wonder. "I just threwN
something and it bounced up and
must have gone '300 feet. T hi e
s'tuff discoverie: are made of."
-Associat ed Press
lit-i at NASA facility simutlate space' walk
( 'I
MObe p
anti-wa i
Pleased with the success of last
n c e k e n d's demonstrations in
Washigton, the steering commit-
te of Ann Arbor New Mobilization
met last night and decided to con-
centrate its immediate efforts on
a statewide petition drive during
Christmas vacat 7ion.
Dfinite plasior the petition,
whichwilldemand iimediate
wvithdrawalo4alli American troops
from Vitam. will be formulated
at a statewide New Mobe meeting
this weekend. A mass meeting is
scheduled for Monday for all peo-
ple interested in working on the
The steering committee also
voted to urge local churches to
initiate fasts or other activities
in support of the anti-war move-
ment, to send three representa-
lans statewide
Lives to a third ward Democratic
party meeting tonight and to ex-
plore the possibilities of entering
local and state politics, and to,
form an executive committee to
"be spokesman for the organization
and to implement proposals of
the steering committee." New
Mobe has also tentatively sched-
uled a concert in Hill Aud. on
Dec. 11.
The steering committee is com-
posed of anyone who is interesteda
enough to attend its meetings.
Last night's meeting was attended
by about 30 people.
The first portion of the meetingt
was spent discussing the mass
march and rally in Washington.
"The thing that people gained
in Washington was mainly a feel-
ing of unity," said Barry Cohen,
local New Mobe coordinator. "But
Professor di~scuss,-,es adaptation
in first lecture on environment
the content of what was said left
something to be desired. The at-;
mosphere was half way between
Woodstock and a political rally."
"It's an astronomical leap from
any demonstration we've seen int
the past few years," said Gene
Gladstone, a member of the Na-
tional Steering Committee of New
But the steering committee
found it difficult to relate the ac-
tivities in Washington to the Ann
Arbor movement. "I don't think
the people in Ann Arbor are the
same as the people in Washing-
ton," said one person. "I think the
people in Ann Arbor have a seri-
ousness that was generally lacking
in Washington.
One of the major discussions re-
garding local organizing was over
broadening the base of New Mobe.
"We've got to stick together,"
said committee member Jake
Evans. "I think that local N e w
Mobe has excluded many people
whom they don't agree with. The
only way we can win now is to all
stick together."
"We have conceived of New
Mobe as an organization, not a
coalition," replied Gladstone. "Be-
cause we conceived of the local
Mobe as an organization we were
able to develop a movement that
has not been'equalled in the en-
tire country. This is an organiza-
tion of people, not of groups."
"You have to choose your goals
and pick your tactics and go ahead
on those terms," said another per-
son. "Those that can join you will
join you."
Discussion over the petition cen-
tered mainly on the length of the
petition's statement and to whom
it should be addressed. A repre-
sentative from the Petition f o r
Peace, an organization which had
previously been circulating a pe-
tition demanding withdrawal
from Vietnam within a specified
time. was also present to ask that
the two groups now join in a pe-
tition drive, the wording of which
did not particularly concern him.
Cohen promised that something
could be worked out.
Based on a national drawing of
birthdays and designed ultimately
to concentrate the draft on 19-
year-olds, the measure will sup- s
plant induction rules under which
the oldest eligible men are the
first summoned to military serv-
Sen. Mike Mansfield (D-Mont)
cast the only opposing vote, after-
a scant hour of sparsely attended
debate. Mansfield said the meas-
ure does not adequately deal with
the inequities of selective service.
Sen. John Stennis (D-Miss),
chairman of the Armed Services
Committee, promised his panel
will open comprehensive draft
hearings by Feb. 15 in an effort to
fashion a general reform bill.
Secretary of Defense Melvin R.
Laird said the next draft call will
come in January, and the admin-
istration will try to have the sys-
tem in operation by then.
When the new system is fully
effective, it will mean a single
yeai' of draft liability for most -Assochi
Americans, instead of the sevenDefense Secretary Melvin Eaird
uncertain years they now face.
Nixon already has announced he
will designate young men in their STUDENT DECISION-MAKING:
19th year as the prime group for
While the program is being
eligible men up to 26 years of age
will face equal liability to selection
by lottery.
Under present law, the Presi-
dent is empowered to designate the
prime age group, but once he does
so, the oldest men in that group By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN
must be summoned fi'st. In a special closed session yesterday, the Reg
The bill the Senate passed re-
peals that requirement, opening cussed possible amendments to the current student.
the way for the lottery. approved draft of chapter seven of the Regents bylaw
The lottery itself amounts to a deals with student power in decision-making.
scrambling of birth dates. Administration officials said the day-long mee
The day of the yea will be
r ea ays eoc te asswie abcalled to allow time for consideration of proposed re
'number. the bylaws, which would clarify and institutionali
"If No. 1 is Nov. 15, all those student influence in certain areas of UniversityC
born on Nov. 15 would be in the making. --
highest priority for call," Stennis Officials said portions of the
explained. "If Nov. 20 were to re- bylaws redrafted by the Regents
ceive No. 365, all those boi'n O1 would eventually be ciueatedB
See SENATE, Page 10 among members of the Senate
ents dis-
xs, which
Ming was
vision of
ize some
ted Press
"The power mower is basically a
relic sheep." zoology Prof. Mars-
ton Bates declared last night in
the first in a series of University
lectures on environment.
Bates was citing man's use of
the lawn mower, and especially a
local city law which requires lawns
to be cut, as examples of modern
man's maladaptation to his natu-
ral environment.
The speech was sponsored by
Environmental Action for Survival
EnAct as part of a buildup for
a March 11 teach-in on environ-
Other maladaptations to the en-
vironment have caused serious
problems, Bates said.
Chief among these is Ihe popu-
lation problem, which\Bates claim-
ed, "seems to underlie everything
that goes on.'
World population increases by
50 million annually, In the United
States. a new Chicago is born
every month, Bates said.
Bates said he was unsure what
could be done to improve the sit-
uation aside from planned parent-
Bates cited pollution as another
example of man's maladaptation
to his environment. Man's meth-
ods of disposing of his solid waste
show he has some of the instincts
of a monkey left in him, Bates
said. Before the automobile, horses
produced large amounts of manure
which stayed in the atmosphere
a relatively short time. Today, ac-
cording to Bates, we have sub-
stituted long-lasting exhaust gases
for horse manure.
Although the United States has
six per cent of the world's popu-
lation, it now consumes 49 per
cent. of the planet's non-renewable
resources, Bates said.
Part of the trouble may come
from man's ideas, which Bates
called the conceptual environment.'
People live with ideas and cannot
escape from them. A person today,
for example, cannot think in terms
of the year 1975.
The environment itself, however.
consists of more than ideas. Bates
divided it into two areas-percep-
tual and operational.
T h e perceptual environment
consists of information gained
through the senses. "For every an-
imal species the perceptual world
is a little different," Bates ex-
plained. Moving from one animal
to another, Bates added, is like
moving to another world.
Viruses, radiation, poisons and'
other things that influence man
but which he does not perceive,
are included in what Bates tem-
ed, operational environment.
Living on spaceship earth. man
Ott today'sI
Page Three
! Norman E. Isaacs president
of the American Society of
Newspaper Editors, blasts
the Nixon administration
and Vice President S p i r o
Agnew for what he calls at-
tempts to "intimidate and
control" the major n e w s
* Backers of Clement F.
Haynsworth, Jr.'s nomina-
tion to the Supreme Court
gain support as the c o n -
firmation vote nears.
! U.S. combat deaths in Viet-
nam rise for the s e c o n d
straight week, but with-
drawal efforts are not halt-
Assembly and Student Govern-
ment Council, the two groups
which, with some differences, ap-
proved the bylaw draft last sum-
Acting Vice President for Stu-
dent Affairs Barbara Newell said
the bulk of yesterday's discussion
centered around the proposed
creation of a Committee on Com-
munications and a Universitv
Black Beret Capt. Gary Wilson
was freed from Washtenaw Coun-
ty Jail last night when Circuit
Court Judge William F. Ager re-
instated Wilson's probation.
Since his arrest Aug. 31 in a
deputies' raid on the Black Beret
office, Wilson has been detained
Coluncailand released from the county jail
TCommunica-more than once.
The Committee on CWilson faces charges of resist-
tions would be a student-faculty ing arrest during the raid, in
group charged with helping to re- which the deputies were looking
solve campus conflicts. University for Black Beret member David
Council would be composed Of Hunter, charged with violation of
equal numbers of students, fac-probation
ulty members and administrators pWilson was brought before Ager
and would make conduct rules forI yesterday for a probationary hear-
all members of the University ing, since the August arrest was
community subject to ratification considered a probation of proba-
by SGC and Senate Assembly. tion terms that were set against
Administration o f f i c i a 1s de- him for a previous conviction.
clined to detail the objections In the 15 minute proceedings,
raised by the Regents to the stu- Ager said that he was reinstating
Wilson's probation on the basis of
dent - faculty - approved bylaw a promise made by Wilson's attor-
draft. ney that Wilson live at home.
'U' faculty: Putting ROTC to bed
The overwhelming 52-2 -vote
by Senate Assembly Monday
proposing drastic changes in the
relationship of ROTC to the
University was a vote borne not
of passion but of convenience
and-of academic interest rather
then ROTC be reduced to an
extracurricular activity.
"The faculty voted out of con-
cern for the structure and phil-
osophy of the University," says
Prof. Richard Beardsley of the
anthropology department. "We
are experts on the needs of the
University - we are not all au-
"The report says that ROTC
has its place and it is not an
academic one," explains P r o f.
Horace Davenport, co-chairman
of the committee. "The n e x t
thing we should do," he adds, "is
abolish the football team. It
be over-estimated," Buttrey says.
"We weren't at each other's
throats. It was just a matter of
preference or inclination."
"We took a straw vote for the
heck of it and it just happened
to split down the middle," he
The issue followed the same
just serves for
of the alumni
the greater glory
so that they can
wm r