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November 19, 1969 - Image 1

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SPACE CENTER, Houston (P) - Two
Americans landed on the moon's Ocean
of Storms this morning.
Charles Conrad Jr. and Alan L. Bean
piloted the mooncraft Intrepid to a
landing on the eastern shore of the vast
plain to begin a 311%-hour stay on the
lunar surface. They are the third and
fourth men to land on the moon.
Ahead are two expeditions on foot
over the powdery soil for a total of
seven hours of man's first far-ranging
scientific exploration of the moon.
Six minutes are set aside for the men
to erect an American flag on the moon's
Ocean of Storms and another eight
minutes are scheduled for setting up the
television camera.
All the remaining time-three hours
and 14 minutes for Conrad and two
hours and 23 minutes for Bean-is to
be taken up with basic research.

i on
More science is planned during
second stroll, expected to start at 1
a.m. EST tomorrow, when Conrad
Bean hope to ease down a crater s
to visit an unmanned Surveyor <
that landed on the moon 2% years
Today's expedition is to begin at
a.m. with Conrad easing backward;
hands and knees out the 32-inch
lauding craft hatch.
After reaching the second of
rungs on a ladder attached to the 1,,
ing craft's front leg, Conrad pulls a
that opens a compartment in which'
TV camera is mounted. Then Bean,
inside Intrepid, switches it on to s
Conrad descending to the lunar sur
Conrad first will spend several I
utes adjusting to the one-sixth gre
environment, assessing how difficu
is for men to keep their balance or


for secon

Then, using a scoop with an extend-
able handle, he will scrape up a sample
of moon rock and soil and place it in a
bag so he and Bean will not return to
earth empty-handed if problems cut
their moon walk short.
The Apollo 12 commander then will
open an outside door to a compartment
on the landing craft and unpack spare
batteries and breathing filters to be
used in their life-supporting backpacks
during the second moon stroll. Using a
clothesline-like conveyor belt, Conrad
will send the soil sample and backpack
supplies up to Bean.
Earlier in the day, the astronauts took
inventory of some minor nuisances-a
stuffy head, an open sore and a pesky
solar storm.
Command . Pilot Conrad awoke to
complain about a weeping sore on his
chest caused by a reaction to heart-rate

sensors and the jelly used to apply them.
Intrepid Pilot Bean awoke early to
complain about a stuffy head.
/ The only one not complaining was
Richard Gordon, pilot of the mother
ship Yankee Clipper, who will not walk
on the moon.
Mission Control told the astronauts
when they all woke up about 4:20 p.m.
EST that there was a Class II flare on
the surface of the sun, but that there
was no appreciable radiation coming
the astronauts' way.
Although Mission Control called it a
small flare, Dr. John Evans, director of
the Air Force Solar Observatory at Sun-
spot, N.M., called it a large flare. But he
said he doubted that it would be dan-
gerous to the astronauts.
"By the time they are ready to leave
the command module," Evans said, "I
think the shower of radiation from the

flare will have decayed to a level where
it won't be dangerous."
Solar flares are explosions on the sun
that send radiation shooting into space.
Conceivably, flares might shower the
moon with deadly protons and seriously
injure or kill astronauts working there.
Conrad's chest was considerably un-
comfortable because of the sensors. "It
looks like poison ivy under those things,
and they're weeping plasma or what-
ever you weep," Conrad said. "So what
I propose to do is continue the way they
are, and when we get done with the
EVA's moon walks down there, I want
to get rid of them. They're driving me
Mission Control said it was -keeping
an eye on the solar flare aided by satel-
lites that checked radiation.

Depiction of the Iunar landing

See Editorial PageArdm9
Vol. LXXX, No. 66 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 19, 1 969 Ten Cents

Chance of light
snow flurries
Ten Pages












one-fifth black


WASHINGTON (Il-The Justice first invoked last March when I . . . is a possible violation of the
Department is investigating some eight persons were indicted in law."
leaders of last weekend's massive Chicago on charges of crossing "Clearly, an investigation such
antiwar demonstration to deter- state lines to incite violence during as that announced py Mr. Klein-
mine if federal anti-riot statutes the 1968 Democratic National dienst is uncalled for." said New

were violated, Deputy Atty. Gen.
Richard G. Kleindienst disclosed'
Kleindienst, the department's
second top man, said some mem-I
bers of the New Mobilization Com-
mittee to End the War in Vietnam
are under investigation.
He refused to identify any of
the persons under investigation.
The federal anti-riot statute was

Seven of those eight are now on
trial in Chicago, and at least three
-David Dellinger, Jerry Rubin
and Abby Hoffman-took part in
the anti-war rally here Saturday.
A New Mobe statement released
yesterday said, "We are shocked
at the arrogance of the govern-
ment in its belief that a clearly
peaceful demonstration for peace


na tiol ,teach ins

to study, environment,
Months of discussion have culminated in firm plans for,
a nation-wide series of environmental teach-ins this spring
organized by local and national groups.
Sen. Gaylord Nelson (D-Wis) and Rep. Paul McCloskey
(R-Calif) will serve as co-chairmen for a national day of
environmental teach-ins at universities throughout the nation
April 22.
Since the University will be beginning final exams then,
the local Ann Arbor teach-in will be held March 12-14. It
will be sponsored by Environmental Action for Survival (En
Act), a group formed here recently to promote interest in
environmental problems, both before and after the teach-in.
Last week, SGC appropriated $500 for the teach-in. Fur-
ther contributions are expected from inside and outside the

Kleindienst specifically objected
to the fact that New Mobe al-
lowed Dellinger to address the
rally and urge participants to join
in a subsequent march on the
justice department.
The march, sponsored by the
Youth International Party at the
close of Saturday's activities,
erupted into violence, and police
used tear gas to disperse the crowd
of about 5,000.
Kleindienst said his confidence
in New Mobe was shaken when it
gave a microphone to "a person
like Mr. Dellinger who has a back-
ground and a history of violence."
However, New Mobe said, "The
government was unable beforehand
to deny the constitutional rights
of these people to march in order
to express their dissent.
"Now, after the fact, the govern-
ment is stooping to illegitimate
means and to innuendos in an at-
tempt to discredit a demonstration
of public opinion against the war."
Asked about reports that the
militant Weatherman section of
the Students for a Democratic
Society had demanded $20,000
from the Moratorium Committee
in return for remaining peaceful
during the demonstration, Klein-
dienst said, "that's the first time
I had ever heard of it.'
Kleindienst was critical of New
Mobe parade marshals who form-
ed a barricade between the dem-
onstrators and the police at the
justice department.
While conceding they had stood
their ground, he said the marshals
did nothing to prevent some mili-
tants from lowering the American
flag and replacing it with a Viet
Cong banner.
He also suggested that they did
nothing to help policemen who
were pelted with rocks while at-
tempting to restore the flag.
New Mobe has denied any con-

Backs same quota
for teach1ing staff
The education school faculty yesterday endorsed "in
principle" a proposal which calls for increasing the number
of black students and faculty to 20 per cent of the school.
The school now has less than three per cent black
students and two black faculty members out of a total
staff of 110.
At a special meeting yesterday called by the school's
executive committee, the faculty briefly discussed and then
endorsed by a 63-11 vote several demands of a "black caucus"
representing black students and faqulty in the school.

long series of

-Daly-Jim Judkis
STUDENTS and faculty discuss more innovations for the school yesterday at a day-
conference which replaced most formal classes.

However, 'the school does not
expect immediate implementation
of the proposals. "I haven't any
idea how long it will take," said
Dean Wilbur Cohen. "Twenty per
cent is a goal to reach fdr."
In addition to the enrollment
proposal, the faculty also endorsed
"in principle" demands calling
-Formation of an ad hoc comn-
mittee composed of black students
and faculty members with mone-
tary support and released time
to work on implementation of the
-Establishment of curriculum
relevant to the needs of black stu-
dents and the black community,
but not necessarily a black studies
kRepresentation for blacks at
all levels of the school's decision
making process;

On today's 1
Page ThreeI
* Draft boards find t h e m-
selves overloaded in paper-
work with an influx of CO
and deferment applications.,
* 23 members of Weatherman
are arrested in Cambridge
on charges of conspiracy to
m u r d e r. In addition, 80
Princeton S D S students
demonstrate in front of a'
Defense Department "think
tank" yesterday.
* Joseph P. Kennedy d i e s
after an eight year illness.

University, according to En'
Act Finance Committee chair-
man Art Hanson, Grad.
Organi'zing for the teach-in will
begin tonight a 7:30 in the UGLI
Multipurpose Room with a speech
by Zoology Prof. Marston Bates on
"The Human Environment."
A student-directed n a t i o n a l
teach-in committee will begin work
in Washington within a week, ac-
cording to Nelson and McCloskey.
The national office will serve as
a communications and service cen-.

Members of black community
charge HRC with inaction

Plan war
Radical Caucus last night began
organizing for a broad-based cam-
paign against war-related re-
search on campus.
Two committees were formed by
the 75 people at the organizational
meeting. One will explore the ex-
tent of military research on the
University campus. The other
committee will conduct an educa-
tion campaign and publicize the
struggle against war research.
Caucus member Joe Goldenson,
who chaired the meeting, pointed
out that acting against war re-
search is a logical answer to t h e
question: "Where do we go after
"The move on Washington was
a protest and not a political ac-
tion," said Goldenson. "We can't
sit around feeling self-satisfied
with the success of the Washing-
ton march."
Caucus members decided to be-
gin an educational campaign im-
mediately rather than waiting un-
til winter term begins.

Members of the city's b 1 a c k
community charged last night that
the Ann Arbor Human Relations |
Commission has consistently failed}
to concern itself with the prob-
lems of local blacks.
The charge was made repeatedly
during discussion at HRC's meet- I

ter and as an organizational stim- ,nection with the disturbances at
ulus for individual campus teach- the South Vietnam Embassy and

findings, but declined to make the,
report public.
Several members of the aud-
ience lashed out at this move.
"This report is not confidential,"
O. J. Henderson claimed. "Every-
body knows the University dis-
criminates. "
In the past several months, HRCj
has sought to expand its powers
to investigate the University for
racial bias, particularly in e m -
ployment practices. At the pre-
sent time, the city HRC is not em-
powered to check on the Univer-
sity, which has its own human re-

lations office to handle com- -Guaranteed support, such as
plaints. tutorial aids, for black students to
help them with their studies; and
Most of the night's meeting con- -An immediate commitment
sisted, however, of an emotional and support from the school's
discussion of the propriety of the dean, executive committee a n d
appointment of Jimmie L. Sump- faculty for the demands, especially
ter, a black man, to the post of a commitment to award highest
city police recruitment officer. priority, including fiscal priority,
Sumpter's appointment was an- to fulfilling the demands.
nounced at Monday's City Council Prof. Alvin Loving, a member
meeting and drew blasts from of the black caucus, explained the
black community leaders and 20 per cent figure is approximately
Councilman Leroy Cappaert 1D- equal to the percentage of blacks
Fifth Ward). Meanwhile City Ad- in the state.
ministrator Guy Larcom an- Loving has been appointed by
nounced yesterday that Sumpter's the executive committee to head
appointment has not yet been con- See ED, Page 7

However. the teach-ins, Nelson
and McCloskey said, "will be'
shaped campus by campus by stu-
dent initiative." The co-chairmen
stressed that "the success of the
See SET, Page 7

the Justice Department, ing last night including considera-
"Any time you have persons you tion of a confidential report byI
suspect come across state lines to University student Marjorie Sil-
engage in violence then you have verman on discrimination in Uni-
a duty to investigate to see if they versity hiring practices.
violated the anti-riot laws." said The commissioners were dis-
Kleindienst. cussing how to utilize the report's




replace some

The literary college-and es-
pecially its graduate students-
has been upset by rumors in
the past month that an impend-
ing change in teaching policy
would leave many graduate stu-
dents without teaching fellow-
ships and unsupported by the
Although the disquiet created
by the misleading rumors and
by the planned changes has
largely been relieved, a number
of questions still bother teach-
ina felliw and r raunteirdnt

ing fellow generally handles as
many sections as one full-time
faculty member, while his salary
is only one-third to one-fourth
that of the professor.
Thus, with the same amount
of money, departments cannot
hire as many assistant professors
as teaching fellows and each
professor hired would teach less
than the teaching fellows he
was replacing.
LSA Dean William Hays ad-
mits the flan will result in
"some restructuring "'of courses,

for some course now taught in
discussion sections."
The plan will force similar
changes in the history depart-
ment, where chairman Sidney
Fine says the department n o w
expects to reduce the number of
History 101 and 102 section
meetings from two to one per
week next year. It will also elim-
inate the section meetings in
400 and 500 level courses.
But some departments simply
cannot follow the plans because
they cannot increase the size of

little to worry about as far as
changes in class sizes.
"I think it is unlikely be-
cause it is my impression that
the size of the college will de-
crease next year," he says. In
addition, he notes that the en-
tire plan "is just a modest step
in a few departments, something
that we should be doing all
"This is a very small enter-
prise," he adds.
It didn't seem that way to
many graduate students when
thaw fjfi rstP 4h nrer - nrc

foruun meeting and it seems that
everything will work out all
right," says Paula Kaplowitz, a
history graduate student.
Although exact plans have not
been made students seem pleased
with the most likely prospect
that their teaching loads will be
cut but not eliminated w h iile
direct aid is largely substituted
for the loss in teaching fellow-
"The plan has benefits for un-
dergraduate concentrators too,
because it increases their chanc-
s fo r enurscpg withas sistant

Several blacks objected to the
fact that at least two other persons
had expressed interest in the job
were not even interviewed.
Evelyn Moore of HR G said she
deplored the "strategies used by
white institutions to pit blacks

a.gainst blacks when the institu-' ByTM YJC S
tions8 themselves mavetracisti a- By TAMMY JACOBS
titesevsSeminar groups brought to-
gether small but enthusiastic
City Administrator Guy Larcom groups of education school stu-
yesterday said that the announce- dents and faculty yesterday to
ment of Sumpter's selection was consider ideas for innovation and
"premature." He said that his ap- reorganization in the school.
pointment was not yet confirmed. Participants in the discussions,
Sumpter defended his still un- sponsored by Students for Educa-
confirmed selection and his qual- tional Innovation (SED, took time
ifications for the job, denying that out from classes to examine pro-
there was any impropriety in the oosals developed by members of a
city's decision to appoint him. I student-faculty retreat held at
HRC later passed a motion ask- Waldenwoods early this month.
ing the commission on police- The proposals, passed "in prin-
l rmmimity ,.finc to ra,.- ! cinie" veterdav fnliowina the

and were informed of the situ-
ations and the proposals, she
added. "However," continued Miss
Edwards, "it was unfortunate that
not enough education school stu-
dents cared enough to partici-
"Education school has always
been just a place where I come for
some classes," said Josie Mason,
'70 Ed, "but it looks like that is
changing now.
Faculty members also displayed
enthusiasm. "The direction of all
this is marvelous," said Prof. Ho-
uz,.r Mr ,.h " ierf, - 4 .

Ed school seminars
consider innovations

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