COMING BACK HOME FROM WASHINGTON See Editorial Page C, C git I9UU E~aii4 INNOCUOUS High-52 Low-33 Cloudy and mild; chance of slowers Vol. LXXX, No. 65 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, November 18, 1969 Ten Cents Ten Pages CITY COUNCIL: Appointment FaCUlty asks end to financial, draws fire most academic ties with ROTC By TIM BRANDYBERRY and ALEXA CANADY The appointment of Jimmie L. Sumpter as the new police recruiter drew sharp criticism at last night's City Council meeting. The criticism arose over the method of filling the newly created position, which is part of the city's affirmative Action Program to hire more minority group members. The council also passed on first reading amendments and changes in the City Housing Code. If the housing code changes are adopted at second read- ing, the new code will provide recognition of private escrow funds and the right to place rents in escrow for less than ----"s e ri o u s violations of the Senate Assembly vote / ow goes to Regents By STEVE KOPPMAN Senate Assembly called yesterday for an end to all finan- cial and most academic ties between ROTC programs and the University. By a 52-2 vote, the University-wide faculty representa- tive body accepted the final majority report of its Academic Affairs Committee which had been issued Oct. 1 after four months-of consideration. The report calls on the Regents to renegotiate the con- tracts between the University and the three ROTC programs Officials at EMU face mnjunction By JIM NEUBACHIER A federal marshal yesterday served a court summons to four Eastern Michigan University ad- ministrators ordering them to appear in Federal District Court Friday morning to explain their actions in banning the Second Coming newspaper from the EMU campus. The administrators indicated yesterday they plan to appear as ordered. Failure to do so would put them in contempt of court. Meanwhile, the administrators issued a statement in which they, rejected the decision of the EMU disciplinary review board, which declared the Second Coming is ex- empt from administrative regula- tion. In addition, editor Frank Mich- els was placed on "administrative warning" for the rest of the aca- demic year. The effect of this warning "is' to reprniand Michels for violation of university policy and warn him that further violation of univer- sity policy a n d regulations will jeopardize his status as a student at Eastern Michigan University," said Vice President f o r Student Affairs Robert Zumwinkle in a statement yesterday. Zumwinkle has already suspend- ed one distributor of the Second Coming, the Rev. David Barsky, an EMU junior, for what ie called "continued and flagrant" viola- tion of an EMU rule prohibiting the sale or distribution of com- mercial materials without admin- istration approval. Second Coming editors chal- lenged this rule, saying that when it is applied to newspapers it vio- lates the First Amendment guar- antee of freedom of the press. Both the EMU Student Court, made up of seven elected students, and the disciplinary review board, a three - student, three - faculty, member appeals court, have up- held this interpretation and have exempted newspapers f r o m ad- ministrative regulation. In both cases, however, the ad- ministration has refused to adhere to the rulings, calling them "un- acceptable." Because administrators have ig- nored the student courts and have continued to threaten staff mem- bers with suspension or other aca- demic punishment, Second Com- ing lawyers asked for the pre- liminary injunction, which they hope to obtain at the hearing Fri- clay. EMU administrators will be asked then to "show cause" why they should not be restrained from taking disciplinary action against the staff. housing code by the landlord." "I am delighted that it passed so easily on the first reading, but I expect some trouble on the sec- ond reading," said Mayor Robert Harris. Allcity ordinances must be passed twice by the city council before they can become effective. In other action last night, the council repealed the city income tax proposal which failed to pass in a referendum Nov. 3. Although the council could still institute an income tax, Harris said "we promised we would repeal it if the voters turned it down." Councilman Leroy Cappaert iD- Fifth W a r d) que.5tioned the method used in the selection of Sumpter. "I know of two people who ex- pressed interest in the job of po- lice recruiter but who were not even approached for interviews," Cappaert explained. He said that he will "look into the situation." Several members of the com- munity also expressed opposition to the appointment of Sumpter, who is presently an employment; specialist with the Ann Arbor Human Relations Commission. During audience participation time, Ann Arbor resident 0. J. Henderson accused the city of completely ignoring his applica- tion for the job of police recruiter. Joseph Frisinger, city personnel director, says that approximately two months ago Henderson indi- cated he would be interested in any city administrative position. "The only position that has come up was city clerk, and he did take the test for that position which is still unfilled," Frisinger said. "Police recruiter is not classi- tied as an administrative posi- tion." Frisinger added, The appointment of Sumpter was also attacked by Mrs. Froma Wheeler, local NAACP president. Although Sumpter is black. Mrs. Wheeler charged he "has never been sensitive to the needs of the black community. "He suppressed testimony of city employes when complaint were made against the city," she added. "He told them that if you witness this and say it is wrong your job is in jeopardy." Sumpter had no comment when contacted last night. "The appointment of Sumpter will adversely affect any affirm- ative action progran" said Mrs. Wheeler. Council also held a public hear- ing on the Report on Youth Activ- ities. by an ad hoc committee about the South University disturbances of last summer. The majority re- port called for the creation of a' "comnmunity action project" which would provide more adequate re- creation facilities for Ann Arbor youth. Skip Taube. Minister of Edu- 'ation of the White Panther Par- ty presented the 10-point program of the White Panthers for serving the needs of the "youth culture'' in Ann Arbor. In the program the White Pan- thers expressed their willingness See COUNCIL, Page 2 on campus to meet the fol- lowing conditions: -The relegation of ROTC to the status of a "program" rath- er than an academic "depart- ment"; -The elimination of academic titles for all ROTC instructors ex- cept those holding regular ap- pointments in a school of the university; -The assumption of full costs for the maintenance of the ROTC programs by the Department of Defense, including the payment of full rent for all University build- ings used; and -The establishment of a Uni- versity-wide committee c o m - posed of students, faculty, and ad- ministrators, to evaluate ROTC staff and supervise ROTC cur- ricula. The report recommends the University drop the ROTC con- tracts and give the defense de- partment the option of transform- ing ROTC into an extra-curricular activity if these terms are not "substantially" met by the depart- ment. The report also calls on the fac- ulties of the individual schools and colleges of the University to cease granting academic credit for ROTC courses, except where such courses are taught by instructors holding regular academic appoint- ments. The Regental bylaws give the faculties of the individual schools' and colleges authority over what academic credit they will grant for courses. Thus, action by in- dividual faculties could effectively deny credit to ROTC courses even in the absence of Regental action., Defense department officials have indicated that the complete elimination of University subsidies -especially the granting of rent- free building space-might cause them to discontinue ROTC pro- grams on the campus. Assembly defeated, 35-19, an amendment which would have eliminated the section of the re- port calling for the relegation of ROTC to an extra-curricular ac- tivity if the defense department finds the conditions unacceptable. Prof. Jacob Price argued that, this section involved the facultyl in "the politics of confrontation" with the presentation of "non- negotiable demands." Another amendment, w h i c li would have eliminated student representation from the ROTC committee, was also rejected. Prof. Jacob Price of the literary college introduced the amend- ment, pointing out that students in ROTC could not serve on a committee which would evaluate their instructors because of "nili- tary discipline", and asking "what special competence" non-ROTC students could bring to the com- mittee. Prof. Donald Rucknagel of the See ASSEMBLY, Page 10 Bookstore funing approved Senate Assembly approved yes- terday A $5 voluntary assessment on faculty members toward capi- talization of the proposed student bookstore. The $5 will be withheld from September 1970 faculty paychecks. However, any faculty member who does not wish to contribute can receive a refund. Several Assembly members at- tacked the proposal, calling it "coercive" and a "dangerous pre- cedent." A straw vote taken early in the discussion showed an even divisioh, 25-25, between those who backed this proposal and those who supported an alternative pro- posal which would have mandat- ed Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs to solicit vol- untary contributions from the faculty. Prof. Gerhard Weinberg of the literary college noted that faculty will receive three of the nine seats on the governing committee of the proposed bookstore, and criticized Assembly members who "want mi- Today's 'trials for students arrested in the LSA Bldg. sit-in have been postponed since t Judge S. J. Elden is out of town. A new trial date will be set on Dec. 8. Yesterday's trials were postponed until Jan. 12 due to Prosecuting Attorney Thomas Shea's absence. nimal, preferably non-existent fi- nancial support." In other a c t i o n, Assembly amended the recommendations of its ad hoc committee for a Senate Advisory Review Committee. The committee has presented recom- mendations for the establishment of an all-University faculty com- mittee which could deal with faculty grievances such as promo- tions. The amendment struck from the measure a section which would have prevented a faculty member from appealing to the proposed Review Committee if within his 'teaching unit,' a non-administra- tive committee having review and advisory authority comparable to that of the proposed Review Com- mittee had been established. But the Assembly retained a section which would prevent a faculty member from appealing to the proposed Review Committee if the entire faculty of his 'teaching unit' had already considered and acted on his case. --Daily-ThomiasR. Copi THE LARGE'ST DEMONSTRATION in United States history masses over the grounds of the Washington Monument Saturday to call an immediate end to the Vietnam war. Crowd estimates have ranged from 250,000-what Washingtgn police officials call a "modest" figure -to the estimate by march organizers of almost one million. It is unlikely anyone will ever know just how many thronged to Washing- ton. There were too many people to count. New Mobe continues plans for more anti-mwar activities BSy PAT MAHONEY Delighted with the success of last weekend's moratorium, local and- national organfers of anti- war activities are forging ahead with plans for a new round of demonstrations next month. The local New Mobilization steering committee meets today and representatives of the eight Michigan New Mobe committee will mneet wit hin the wev(ek to dis- cuss Deceiber's actions. New Mobe official Gene Gladstone said yes- terday. New Mobe was the sponsor of the Washington march. Joe Tiboni. an official of Ann Arbdr New Mobilization, said the group will "emphasize that more people must vocalize their oppo- sition to the war." Tiboni said New Mobe will try to muster anti-war support in labor unions--"primarily in the United Auto Workers," although Tiboni says New Mobe "seeks sup- port from all unions." Now Mobe's executive committee will meet in New York City within a week "to decide the future of New Mobe," Jack Harrington, a Washington D.C. official of the or- ganization said yesterday. The Moratorium Committee, the ether large anti-war group, is planning a round of protests for December 12, 13 and 24, focusing on community activity such as public vigils and rallies. The committee will also deliver a Christmas present of thousands of cards and letters to President Nixon in a few weeks. coordinator Sam Brown announced yesterday. "The President offered 55.000 letters and telegrams as being evi- dence of a 'silent majority' in sup- port of his war policies. We have received more than that number of signatures calling for immediate withdrawal from Vietnam from Long Island alone," Brown said. On December 24. people will be' asked to address themselves not only to joys of Christmas but to "the serious problems facing the country." he added. Gladstone pointed out that Rep. John Conyers (D-Detroit) led a march of 12,000 Michigan resi- dents Saturday in Washington. October and November protests,j he claimed, had encouraged Sen- ators Charles Goodell (R-N.Y.), Philip Hart (D-Mich.) and George McGovern (D-South Dakota) to express support for immediate withdrawal from Vietnam. As the 1970 elections approach, Gladstone expects other' members of Congress to also support im- mediate withdrawal. Altogether Gladstone claimed "close to a million" people parti- cipated tn the Saturday rally in Washington. Of these, he said, about 25,000 came from Michigan, including 6,000 to 8,000 from Ann Arbor. The "tone, of Christmas around the Brown said. spirit and direction this year should be war in Vietnam." STUDENT VIEWPOI NT Course evaluations on file By JOAN MORROW Ever wonder what happened to all those course evaluation questionnaires you filled out last semester? The results are now available in a com- puter card file in the Association for Course Evaluation (ACE) office, 1018 Angell Hall, Some 40,000 questionnaires were given out last year in order to evaluate about 700 literary college classes, mostly large in- covered best, while science and lab courses are not covered so well," Markowitz says Questions on speaking ability and read- ings do not apply to lab courses which are oriented toward reports and experiments, he says. Markowitz adds that the questionnaires have not yet been perfected. "Many ques- tions may be leading the answer. For in- stance, the question concerning speaking ability implies that a good teacher must ed by their department chairman to have their courses evaluated have expressed in- terest in the service. Miss Ruth says she received a call from one history professor who "wanted ACE to evaluate his course, even though his course wasn't originally chosen to be evaluated." The professor-Robert Kelley-says that he wanted his course evaluated for two reasons. "First of all, I wanted to know if T ncm flino intn had fe nhine- hahits Rut Moratorium officials reflected yesterday on the success of the Washington and other recent anti-war activities. "The response to the November 15 rally was so overwhelming we are going to carry on." Gladstone said last night. Harrington said New Mobe has had a strong influence on mem- bers of Congress. "I think many are runnning scared and a r e concerned about the growing ex- pression of anti-war sentiment," he said. On Friday. he added. Senators from more than 20 states had dis- cussions with their constituents about th° war. Charge Weatherman set price of $20,000 for non-violence WASHINGTON r' -!-- The mili- tant Weatherman faction of Stu-1 dents for a Democratic Societyr demanded $20,000 from the Viet- nam Moratorium Committee in: exchange for a promise to refrain from violence during the weekend anti-war protest, Thu Washington Post reported yesterday. "They came in and said they reportedly have run up legal ex- penses totaling more than $50,- 000. Cohen described the exchange by quoting Weathermen repre- sentative as saying "We've come to ask you for money for legal de- fense. "After we leave here, we're going t6 be deciding whether to commit net. of vinolne.Om-ne nisionnwil .. .'v ?5'. 44