Page Ten
Sunday, November 16, 1969
Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sunday, November 1 6, 1969
200 rally,
ian churci
Over 200 people participated in Beautiful"
a "Stand Out for Peace" program of the war
at City H a l l in below-freezing cowdthjoin
temperatures yesterday. rWd join
The two-hour program, which We gat
was sponsored by the Ann Arbor ians the hea
Committee to End the War, in , to rr
eluded a reading of the 1800 Mich- icy of Im
igan war dead and speeches by our count
Ann Arbor Mayor Robert Harris, n" ar
ex-City Councilman John Hatha- "We are
way, and school board official recognize
and the pr
Ronald Edmonds. pointless,"
The crowd, carrying anti-war Americanl
signs, t h e n dispersed to leaflet buy more
various sections of the city. namese n
"This program was meant to country's s
serve as an opportunity for those "We pu
who did not go to Washington to Vietnam p
communicate their views on the cy, toleran
peace effort," explained Prof. we may pu
Irwin Goldstein, a member of the vigorously
committee. that same
Over 350
march de
leaflet through city
et from a local Unitar- seek reconciliation with those
h sang "America t h e Americans whom the course of we
following the reading war has divided."
dead, with some of the Hathaway said, "Washington
ing in. must concede this is a civil war.
her together to appeal The main burden of de-escalation
rts of sour fellow Amner- is on us."
rge upon them the pol- "We ask our president to share
mediate withdrawal of his plan with us and to question
ry's forces from Viet- it with us," he added.
mris began. Young people become cynical
hmen and women who because t h e y can't remember
that all wars are cruel when there wasn't a war, said
resent war has become Edmonds, and they can't recon-
'he said. "Loss of more cile the w~rongs in society with
lives in Vietnam will not their own ideals.
freedom for the Viet-
or will it a d d to this "I don't think today's pro>.am
security. is an excercise in futility," Harris
rsue t h i s change in said. "I believe it will make a dif-
olicy in a spirit of mer- ference."
ce, and humility so that The Ann Arbor Commite to
ursue social justice more Eid the W.,r is the "rem aa o
in the postwar world in the group which began activities
spirit," he said. "We for the Oct. 15 moratorium" said
J-in Ba on, a1
min ttee.
Chai man
Piof. Donald
member of the com-
of the committee,
Rucknagel said the
group see ves as a "bridge between
the community ad various un-
Ve s ry gr")ups.
"W "re going to have to do a
great'deal more work in promoting
dialogue and convincing people in
the middle that the vorld won't
come to an end ? America admits
a mis.k." he s.iid. "Many people
want the war to end, but it's not
clear how much sacrifice we're
villin- to make to end it.
Ruck aae1 scic most local gioups
se0v:c1 aside and let New Mobe
3 un toay's events in Washington
which accounts for the lack of
-ocal activities."
Th 3 I-aflet distributed by the
r1P .. the community to
participate in workshops planned
by the committee for Dec. 2.
-Daily-Jay Carsdy
rlihe trek in fWasinlgton attractedthe cmidltie-agedi as wllas teyoung
stage peaceful
minor clashes
(Continued from Page 1)
SDS and Yippie factions and their fear proved not entirely un-
The antipathy between demonstration organizers and militant
demonstrators was apparent in a number of small incidents yesterday.
At 11:45 a.m. as thousands of demonstrators were marching onto
the Washington Monument grounds, a group of about 50 militants
carrying North Vietnamese flags ran into the area behind the podium.
A large group of Mobe marshals quickly blocked the militants
from other demonstrators-drawing a chant of "Selt appointed pigs."
The group involved included SDS and Women's Liberation members.
Later the marshals, whose large and disciplined ranks helped
keep the activities peaceful, took steps to prevent a rumored charge
on the speakers' platform by militants.
New Mobe officials warned marshals of rumors that a Yippie
contingent, also carrying North Vietnamese flags, planned to charge
the podium when Sen. McGovern was introduced.
There was no charge, but apples, parts of apples and marsh-
mallows were thrown from the direction of the Yippies.
There was speculation that trouble might occur in the march,
especially where the route neared the White House.
A solid, impassable line of District of Columbia buses was placed
bumper-to-bumper between the White House and the Ellipse, the
other side of the White House.
With the addition of some police and large numbers of Mobe
marshals, the White House was effectively isolated from the marchers.
Police cordonned off an area of about four square miles around
the march and rally area, blocking it to all traffic.
Twelve wooden coffins filled with the placards representing Viet-
nam war dead were carried to the point where the mass march was
to begin.
Moments before the march began, Mayor Walter Washington
arrived at the front of the procession and surveyed the throngs crowd-
ing The Mall. Washington said he hoped the demonstrators would
have a "very excellent march. We'll do what we can to assist," he
The mayor called Friday night's outbreaks of violence "unfor-
tunate." "I am certain New Mobe was not involved in the distur-
bances," he said.
At 10:15 a.m, the procession began to march up Pennsylvania
Ave. About 2000 marshals kept the procession running smoothly. Some
100 marshals formed a human wall in front of the procession and
asked nonmarchers walking in the traffic-free streets to move back
to the sidewalk. Scores of marshals locked arms to prevent observers
from interfering with the marchers on the edges of the march.
There also were counterdemonstrators. One group of about 50
marched to the Lincoln Memorial, carrying signs which read, "Don't
Bug Out, Mr. President."
They succeeded in having the names of about 3,000 South Viet-
namese killed by the Communists placed in the coffins with the
names of American war dead.
Among the many observers along the march route were some 200
members of the legal task force, a group set up by former Atty. Gen.
Ramsey Clark to observe and report on any outbreaks of violence.
The task force was in the streets during Friday night's disturbances.
---Daily-Randy Edmonds
In Ai Arbor, the peace march on city hlaH was a family affair
beral legislators aid marc ers
Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON - While over
300 Congressmen were signing
a resolution declaring their sup-
port for President Nixon, a
handful of liberals, both Demo-
crats and Republicans, were giv-
ing aid and comfort to as many
of the thousands of anti-war
demonstrators in Washington as
they could.
Here's a glance at how a few
of them feel:
"Burn candles, not children,"
says a sign in the office of
Ogden Reid, a Republican from
Westchester. N.Y.
Workers in the office of Al-
lard Lowenstein, a Democrat
from Nassau County, N.Y., spent
the days just before the Wash-
ington demonstrations photo-
stating anti-war petitions con-
taining 16.000 signatures to or-
ganize the Congressman's ac-
tivities supporting the peace
John Conyers, a Detroit Dem-
ocrat, sported a peace button,
as did his administrative assis-
And in the offices of Richard
Ottinger and Benjamin Rosen-
thal, both New York Democrats,
and Don Riegle, a Republican
from Flint, everyone wore but-
tons for peace.
These Congressmen form a
small, amorphous group with
liberal and more-than-liberal
tendencies. Although they have
little chance for major concerted
action, Lowenstein did sponsor
a resolution similar to one sign-
ed by 21 Senators earlier asking
local residents to alleviate the
housing problems facing many
Mass march leaders
spaki at peace rally
out-of-town peace marchers
yesterday and Friday.
Although their activities W' -f
generally indefinite, most of the
Congressmen had arranged to
march yesterday with their ;tate
delegations and a number gave
speeches as well.
Ottinger marched with 3,000
of his constituents from West-
chester and also met with many
of them to discuss the most ef-
fective means for publicizing
their peace petitions.
Riegle talked with the Na-
tional Moratorium Committee
about possible campus speaking
engagements, and he said he
would spend Saturday on the
streets as an observer. His most
effective role, he said, would be
as a credible witness if dis-
turbances break out as they did
Friday night.
"I just offer up my body and
do 'what's needed," says Con-
yeris, who spoke to and marched
with the Michigan delegation.
These Congressmen may be
devoted to their goals, but they
entertain few illusions about
wider congressional support for
their work.
"Congress is by nature con-
servative," says Reid, but he
does note different views among
the younger Congressmen who
have been elected to office in
the last ten years.
A slight problem was created
when Rep. Jim Wright (D-Tex )
co-sponsored t h e resolution
supporting Nixon. What role did
the other congressmen mean to
take? It was not, if anything,
"defying the president."
"I will not question the right
of another person to make his
own choice," Reid says. "There
must never be a moratorium on
But, Reid charges that Nix-
on's Nov. 3 speech - and not
the peace demonstrators -
created division in the country.
Rep. Rosenthal, a liberal
Lowenstein believes the Pre-
sident only "bought h i m s e i f
time," with his Nov. 3 speech.
Hu is not discouraged with
the small congressional support
because he believes the speech
has created a "momentary con-
fusion" and that the majority
of Americans are in favor of a
more immediate ' withdrawal
than Nixon outlined.
"The American people made a
judgement in the last election to
end the war," says Reid.
"The President has dismissed
the opponents of that policy as
a vocal minority," said Rosen-
thal in Congress. "In this 4e
has made a grave miscalcula-
tion of the judgement of the
-Daily-Jay Cassidy
A DEMONSTRATOR in the March Against Death Saturday wears
a placard bearing the name of a serviceman who died in Vietnam.
The placards were carried in coffins to the Washington Monument
rally yesterday.
(C~otinued from Page 1)
tragic mistake of Vietnam and
get out.
Speaking in a similar vein,
McGovern quoted Emerson and
the Bible and called for a
"newer and finer America.''
But while Mrs. King was re-
ceived with respect, the re-
sponse to McGovern and Good-
ell was perfunctory. During
Goodell's speech the Yippies
chanted. "what about B o b b y
If there was a hero yesterday,
it was Black Panther Seale, who
is now serving a four-year con-
tempt term stemming from the
"Chicago 8" trial. And if there
was a villian, it was Spiro
Nearly every speaker h a d
words of outright contempt for
the Vice President.
snobs" who wrote the Declara-
tion of Independence and the
The government drew harsh
criticism from most of t h e
speakers, especially former Un-
dersecretary of Commerce
Howard Samuels, who is being
talked about as a Democratic
candidate for Governor or
Senator in New York next year.
"American business must re-
direct its wealth to human
needs." he declared.
Mrs. King said much the same
thing, but in a quiet, emotional
voice. She reacted violently to
Nixon's peace plan:
"The administration now tells
us the solution is to turn the
war over to this bizarre mockery
of a Democratic government.
And even this his spurious solu-
tion is qualified.
Gas in your eyes means a
Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON-Tina, a Columbia coed, sat
somberly in a phone booth. She missed a 6 p.m.
bus to New York when she got caught in tear gas,
had subsequently lost her wallet and now was
trying-with little success-to find a new way
to return to New York.
"I'm stranded," she moaned.
Tina's frustration was echoed by many others
last night who were roaming the streets at hours
later than they anticipated in efforts to make
buses that were to return them home, find lodg-
ing, and somehow escape the troubled areas of
Thousands of persons were retui'ning from
the mass march when they found themselves
in the middle of tear gas smoke which forced
them, coughing, into shelter-and into delays.
Some were stymied by streets in the White
House area which police had blocked for secur-
ity purposes.
This too, p'evented them from traveling in
gave up-deciding to stay another night and
take a Greyhound home or hitch.
A Boston woman apparently s'owed by the
tear gas rushed to one of the headquarters to
make a bus which she recognized might leave the
city without her She planned to phone her em-
ployer to tell him she would not be able to come
into work today.
Others sat on the streets waiting for friends
and unsure of the bus situation. "I've been trying
to get back to my car for the last half hour"
said one exasperated woman from New Jersey.
Sarah, a student at William and Mary Uni-
versity, searched for her friends with cars for
nearly a half an hour, but could not find them
as they all split up during the tear gas attacks.
Sarah planned to telephone her friends again,
but was not all at all optimistic about being
able to leave Washington when she wanted to.
An additional question arose over whether it
was better to remain in the streets and demon-
strate the marchers' solidarty to the police or
return home that night by bus.