Page Two
Thursday, September 4, 1969
Page Two THE MICHIGAN DAILY Thursday, September 4, 1 969
Subscription rates for the 1969-70 Mich-
igan Daily are $10.00 per year, $5.50 per
Sorry about the misprint in the Activities Section, page nine!
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CUnI.*nued Irolli Page 1)
Thomas was supported by Prof.'
Robert Beyer of the zoology de-
partment, who is working on the
recall of Sheriff Harvey.
"The attack on the offices of
the recall campaign is just the
type of harrassment that the cam-
paign is aimed at," he said. "Police
violence defeats the purpose of the
recall campaign."
He called the campaign "the
last legal attempt" available to
citizens trying to end police har-
rassment, and warned, "This town
may blow up."
Thomas added ominously, "We
know what to do about it."
But the blacks' anger with Har-
ris because of Sunday's incident
is more than matched by that of
conervatives who feel he abdicated
his authority in interfering with
Sheriff Harvey's handling of the
I street disturbances on South U.
The outbreaks on South Uni-
versity Ave. in June, which led toj
69 arrests and uncounted injuries,
were the climax of the seemingly
inexorable tension which has been
developing in the community for
some time.
In the last few years Ann Arbor
has become the home of hundreds
of "street people," some of them'
students or part-time students,I
!but mostly full-time proponents
of the cultural revolution.
The street people center pri-
marily around Trans-Love Ener-
gies, a group of communes found-
ed in Detroit in 1965 which moved
to Ann Arbor to avoid "police
harrassment." Members of theI
commune form the nucleus of the
more broadly based, politically
oriented White Panther party.
The goal of these groups, ex-
plains John Sinclair, founder of
Trans-Love and White Panther'
minister of information, is to
spread the cultural revolution
through ' in the streets, dope
and rock'n'roll."
And on Monday, June 16, that
is exactly what they did. After an
argument between a policeman
and about 50 White Panthers,
the policeman withdrew, the bar-'
ricades went up and 700 people-
Panthers and high school and
University students-had a party1
on one block of South University
After three hours of fireworks,
motorcycle stunts, d r i n k i n g,
shouting and at least one overt
sexual act, the Panthers dragged
out a few brooms,. swept up the
debris and went home.
Not much had happened Mon-
day night. One window was acci-
dentally broken and the Panthers
offered to pay for it. But no uni-
formed police had been called in
and the Panthers were jubilant,
Much of Ann Arbor was not,
however. The controversy over the
street people had been getting hot-
ter for some time, especially after
the Democratic administration
began allowing Trans-Love to
sponsor rock concerts every Sun-
day at local city parks.
On Monday night, the hands of
the police were tied by pragmatic
considerations. The injection of a
handful of officers into the "par-
ty" would at best have done little
to deter law violations. At worst
a riot could have resulted.
But on Tuesday night, spurred
by complaints from four promi-
nent merchants on South Univer-
sity. some 300 riot-helmeted po-
lice from five forces-including
Washtenaw County sheriff's depu-
ties -were mobilized and ready for
any action they deemed necessary.
There were about 1500 people
on three blocks of South Univer-
sity Ave. when the police arrived
at 8:30 p.m. to clear the street.
But it was not until after 2 a.m.
that the last of the'street peo- harris about the need for strict
ple" and students - angered by law enforcement and the city's
what they had seen and experi- decision not to use police that
enced-straggled home night. Harvey finally threatened
Some never made it. Forty-five to permanently withdraw his aid
people were arrested for conten- from the Ann Arbor force.
tion i a misdemeanor) or, later in Less than two weeks later,
the evening, for inciting to riot Harvey and Trans-Love were back
(a felony). They spent at least in the news. After a Sunday rock
that night in Harvey's County Jail, concert where laws concerning
and those with meager financial alcohol, drugs and indecent ex-
resources and high bail were there posure were allegedly broken,
for considerably longer. Harvey vowed to send in his men
The next day, Wednesday, the to "enforce the law." He criticized
University agreed to permit a local politicians-Harris and City
concert on the plaza in front of Administrator Guy Larcom - for
the Administration Bldg. in an their "lax" law enforcement at
apparent effort to take attention the previous concert.
away from South University. To add to the troubles of the
But when the concert broke up, beleaguered city administration,
and police left at 11:30 p.m., the the Ann Arbor Police Officers
street people returned and once Association-baigaining agent for
more "took the street," blocking city police-agreed with the sub-
traffic. Some 400 police moved stance, if not the wording, of
back in, cleared the street in about Harvey's statements.
an hour and left with the 24 per- With the concerts continuing,
sons tney had arrested.
On Thursday night, there were
no police sent in. Instead, Mayor
Harris went to South University
himself and calmly walked;
through the crowd of over 400
gathered at the corner of South
Forest. He asked people to leave
the street and go home.
Although police had moved out
to their staging area as soon as:
Harris left city hall-without his
knowledge or consent--they never
moved in. After about two hours
in the street, most of the people
simply went home.
The immediate crisis on Soutlh
University ended that night, but:
the claims of "police brutality"
which resulted from the confron-
tations, the growing conflict be-
tween Harris and Harvey and the
reaction of conservative elements
in the community persisted.
At a meeting in city hall after
the tenuous peace of Thursday'
night, Harvey reportedly ranted at'
Ploy it cool, kitten.
Come to Marilyn Mork's.
Huber probe request met
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Continuted frnPage I1
The guidelines were formulated
after the administration receiv-
ed heavy criticism in August,
1966 for complying with sub-
poenas which requested the
membership lists of three student
political organizations.
Names of members of the or-
ganizations were sent to the
House Un-American Activities
"Thereis no reason for alarm
or hysteria with regard to the
inquiry," said William Haber,
special assistant to the executive
At the request of the Huber
"What are the white o liti-I
cal action groups on your campus,
i.e., YAF, SDS? Which do youI
feel are radical? Would you esti-
mate the number of members you
feel each group has. What parts
of the Movement seem to be af-
fecting your campus the most?
Indicate which get free o f f i c e
space from your institution. Are
there other free services they
-"We would be interested in
any special procedures that you
may have for dealing with student
unrest, disorder, etc. if available."
Fleming said he did not know,
how the question on "radical" or-
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committee, Fleming has named ganizations would be answered, but
Haber, former dean of the literary said a statement noting that this
college, to act as a liaison be- was "a matter of opinion" would
tween the investigators and the be included.
University. Haber is coordinating The president said he would per-
the information-gathering pro- sonally review the repoit before it
cess. was senti to the Huber committee.
Both Fleming and Mrs. Newell He said he wanted to see what
said the committee's inquiry did response his staff had written to:
not involve requests for informa- the question on "radical" organ-
tion about specific individuals or izations before he made a firm
for the names of members of stu- decision on how this question
dent organizations. should be answered.
They also said that all the It was not clear yest4rday who
materials sent to the Huber com- in the administration will draft
mittee would be made public when the response to this question. Both
they are compiled. Mrs. Newell and Director of Stu-
The inquiry was initiated with dent Organizations Daniel Fitz-
a letter to Fleming last month. patrick said they had not been
Some of the more controversial asked to prepare any material on'
topics touched on in the letter in- "radical" groups.
volved the following questions: Haber was on vacation yesterday'
-"What black-only groups and unavailable for elaboration on'
exist on your campus? What is the procedures being used to;
the name of your black student gather information. A Ilt h o u g h
group for groups); estimate size. the Huber comnittee had asked
that responses to the inquiry be'
filed by Friday, Haber was not
expected to return until the middle'
of next week.
Fleming said students had not
been consulted in the decision to
comply with the request for in-
formation. He said this was not
necessary because there was no
conflict between the inquiry and
the disclosure guidelines of the
Office of Student Affairs.
Staff members of Higher Educa-
tion Executives Associates, Inc.-
the group which is conducting the
study for the Huber committee--
could not be reached for comment
last night. Member of the Senate
committee were also unavailable.
The Huber committee was form-
ed by the State Senate last Janu-,
ary amid charges by some liberals
that its work would constitute a
"witchhunt." This charge has been
denied strenuously by committee;
The committee was mandated to
investigate "the possibility of
criminal conspiracy on university
campuses, the strengthening of,
state criminal laws relating to'
breaches of peace on campus and
the role of SDS as related to cam-
pus disorders."
The investigating committee was
allotted a $50,000 working budget
and was provided with a small
legal staff.
Members of the Huber commit-
tee have said they will rely on
voluntary testimony, at least in
the initial stages of the probe, but
this committee, like all legislative
investigating committees, has sub-
poena power.
and with the growing antipathy
felt toward Harris by Ann Arbor
conservatives, an angry crowd of
400 American Legion members,
Disabled Veterans and other cit-
izens marched on the July 14 City
Council meeting and demanded
that the concerts be completely
Meanwhile, the "street people"
have been having more trouble
with the police. One of the foci of
street people activity in Ann Arbor
is the Whistle Stop, a small res-
taurant off South University Av-
enue and the only one in town
open 24 hours a day.
Early on the morning of July
12, three people were arrested at
the Whistle Stop in a dispute over
a table and chairs placed on the
patio outside the restaurant.
The incident began when Ann
Arbor policemen ordered the res-
taurant manager to remove the
table and ch'airs from the patio
where they had been placed for
over a month without incident.
The manager. Richard Gartee,
said he was informed of no rea-
son why the furniture should be
Soon, inure police showed up1
and ordered the sidewalk cleared.
One arrest reportedly came
when a woman returned from get-
ting the badge numbers of the
police outside saying "I got the
pigs' numbers." She was arrested
and charged with use of profane
The incident incensed street
people as did the forced entry
made by Ann Arbor police and
county sheriff's deputies July 12
at a house where an underground
media conference was being held.
Participants in the conference
claimed the police and deputies
ransacked the house without a
Many students and street peo-
ple are angry with the city ad-
ministration for "not controlling
the police," and for not following
up on claims of harassment and
"police brutality." The mayor has
set up a commission to study com-
plaints concerning the South Uni-
versity disorder. but there has not
yet been any indication that the
commission is indeed functional.
On the other side, the Ann Ar-
bor right wing has taken on in-
creased militancy and is pressing
hard for the mayor's recall. With
a highly vocal campaign and a
wealth of local conservative sup-
port to draw upon, the threat of
recall will probably make it only
more difficult for Harris to do
much of anything without arous-
ing criticism from the right or the
left -if not both at the same time.
I)Vlam- daft
vice president for student services
and the authority of the OSS pol-
icy board.
The SGC-passed version would
eliminate voting faculty member-
ship on the policy board and make
it more explicit that the board is
superior to the vice president in
The differences were noted but
unresolved in the joint report.
Recommendations for changing
the rule-making structure of the
University came originally from
the President's Commission on the
Role of Students in University
Decision-making 'tthe Hatcher
Commission . The commission was
created in December 1966 by then
President Harlan Hatcher.
The Hatcher Commission issued
its final 'report in March 1968.
Key recommendations included the
creation of University Council and
restructuring of the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.
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