City in crisis: The mayor vs. everyone By ROY GORDET and MARTIN HIRSCHMAN Since the South University disorders in June' Mayor Robert Harris has become trapped by the widening schism in the Ann Arbor community -with many students, street people, blacks and their supporters on one side, and the conserva- tive community and police force on the other. Harris is still far from recovered from the ani- mosity created by his handling of the South University disturbances. Although he praised initial police action, Harris subsequently tried to prevent harsh police treatment of the street people and students who took over South Uni- versity Ave. For his actions, he earned sharp criticism and a recall campaign which is pulling supporters from both extremes. The mayor's critical relationship with t h e community, especially the police, may have been dealt a serious setback Sunday night by a police raid on offices housing both the Ann Arbor Black Berets and the recall campaign against Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas Harvey. No clear story has yet emerged on exactly what happened Sunday. Police say David Hunt- er, wanted for parole violation, attempted to escape arrest by fleeing into the Ann St. of- - N W N fices of the Berets. When other Berets attacked an officer trying to arrest Hunter, a melee fol- lowed and five blacks were arrested. The Berets' story doesn't read quite the same way. They maintain the police were more in- terested in harrassing them than in arresting Hunter, who was not arrested that night. Black spokesmen say the police ignored Hunter's offer to be arrested if the office were left alone and let him walk out of the front door. The police say Hunter escaped by a back door during the fight. Harris has avoided committing hinself on this issue. Noting the discrepancies in the re- ports of the incidents, Harris said, "I do not at this point know what is true, but a city admin- istrator is investigating it at present." It is the blacks who are angered at Harris for Sunday's arrests. Elected last spring on a reform ticket, the liberal Democratic Harris has the blacks say, failed to meet his campaign pledges. "Mayor Harris condones the actions of the police in coming down here by his failure to stop them," Charlie Thomas said in a press conference at the Berets' office Monday after- 'oon. "City officials knew this type of harrass- ment was going on all along." See CITY, Page 2 -Daly-Jay Cassidy POLICE ADVANCE DOWN South University Ave. in the initial maneuver of Tuesda, July 17, which initiated over five hours of violence in the area. Street people and students had returned to South University that night after a wild, impromptu party there the night before. 5r igaun FREE ISSUE -Daily-Jay Cassidy Police make an arrest on South University Ave. A brief review of summer in the city Bookstore defeated The Regents destroyed student hopes for a University discount bookstore in July as they turned down two plans for creating a bookstore. In a unanimous vote, the Regents defeated Student Government Council's proposal for creating a bookstore through contributions and a one-time $1.75 tuition hike-an assessment ap- proved by students in an earlie r referendum. A substitute plan offered by the administration was also de- feated when the Regents deadlocked, 4-4. The proposal would have allowed SGC to solicit gifts and voluntary student contribu- tions for a bookstore. Renit strike Ceases Rent strike court proceedings continued through the summer, with many tenants winning substantial reductions in back rent in arbitrations or jury .trials. District Judge Pieter Thomassen delivered binding arbitration in more than 100 cases and rent reductions were awarded in 90 per cent, although most were not very large. A T e ants Union antitrust suit against local landlords was drop- ped by a federal court, but another proceeding is continuing in Cir- cuit. Court. Landlords have charged the Tenants Union with a con- spiracy to violate leases, while the Tenants Union has filed a counter- suit charging them with violations of antitrust statutes. The trial is expected to begin soon. Acctsed slayer Police arrested John Norman Collins for the July murder of Eastern Michigan University coed Karen Beineman-the seventh girl brutally murdered in The Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area during the last two years. But police are continuing to search for a slayer or slayers in six other cases, including the slaying of University graduate student Alice Kalom in late May. As hysteria grew over the murders, police command of the investigation was turned over to the State Police. Collins has been charged only with the first-degree murder of Miss' Beineman. Another University graduate student. Margaret Philips, was shot to death in her apartment in early July. Ernest Bishop of Ann Arbor has been charged with the slaying, and his pre-trial hearing opens Friday in Circuit Court. Miss Philips knew Bishop well and rci)ortedly was close friends with him. ROTC bonbed A bomb rocked North Hall, the University's ROTC center, on June 1. The blast blew out one wall of the structure and gutted thec Army staff c. Items in the questionnaire touch on such topics as cultural activi- ties and admissions policies as well as more controversial ques- tions on student political groups and University plans to handle disruption. The inquiry was sent to some 75 public and privately-support- ed colleges and universities in the state. In separate interviews, b o t h Daily-Jay Cassidy It elley ---Dailly-Thomas R. Copi te tipll son Kelley faces arrest 0 n11 Mrs. Newell Fleming Argus obscenity case DIFFERENCES REMAIN:' Final bylaw draft reported to Fleming By STEVE NISSEN City Editor Wash tenaw County Prosecutor William F. D e 1 h e y Tuesday authorized a criminal warrant against Ken Kelley, editor and publisher of the Ann Arbor Argus, charging him with publi- cation and distribution of an al- legedly obscene picture. Delhey's decision follows two weeks of political maneuvering which began when the Angus printed a picture of Republican. City Councilman James Stephen- son which had a drawing of a penis superimposed on it. Kelley said Tuesday he plans to surrender himself at police headquarters early Wednesday morning for arraignment in Dis- trict Court. He istapparently the only member of the Argus staff emntvir, orffir'i .1 u'will a f'arymnt to- to raise significant legal questions with regard to individual civil liberties and freedom of the press. Stephenson, a Republican, first tried to induce City Attorney Jer- old Lax to authorize a criminal warrant. But Lax refused, stating; that the "picture in question may well be regarded as a political statement" and therefore was protected in light of recent Su- preme Court decisions on obsceni- ty. Lax's statement followed a con- ference between he, Delhey, and two city police detectives. Delhey had been requested by Krasny to investigate the possibility of prose- cution under state obscenity laws. While Lax refused to prosecute, Delhey went ahead and authorized a criminal warrant. Delhey, like Stephenson, is a Republican active in local politics. Argus editor Kelley blasted the attempts to prosecute the Argus, calling the effort "purely polit- ical." "The only obscenity in the pic- Fleming and Mrs. Newell said dis- ture is Stephenson himself," Kelley closure guidelines formulated as a commented. The obscenity case "is result of a 1966 controversy would an effort by the politicians to de-l stroy the Argus," he said. However, Delhey said, "I feel this is a strong case and one which has the elements which can bring convictioli", Stephenson and other conser- vatives carried on a vehement pub- lic campaign against the Argus; preceding the publication of the1 allegedly obscene picture.l "A typical picture in The Argus shows a male genital in a dis- cernibly turgid state," Stephenson' said at a City Council meeting. In a statement on the same page as the allegedly obscene picture, the Ar'gus replied that "we combed our files and damned if we couldn't come up with any male genital in a turgid state." be followed closely. The guidelines bar disclosures from Office of Student Affairs files which "relate to the stu- dent's loyalty and patriotism, his political, religious and moral outlook, or his private life." j Also barred are disclosures i "which might tend to discredit or damage an individual in his life or career without his ex-I press consent." See HUBER, Page 21 L')11y U11IN NM KU i~ C lion from the state, but internal budget cuts were ordered to make prosecute. up the balance without raising tuition. The obscenity case is expected! CAMPUS CHANGES 'U' wi By RICK PERLOFF Thie vew from the airport bus is misleading. Fraternity r'w, the home of Robben Fleming and the vener- able Michigan Union give the inpression of unchanging con- tinuity, but a closer look reveals an array of buildings complet - ed, started or even demolished since most students left campus ll never cases and old cigarettes. It was aging and that was good." The modern structure that will replace the smokeshop will not likely satisfy the personal desires of Mauirice Lyle and Allen Ali. While the sinokeshop is gone. much else has appeared. Clinics and classrooms in ithe 17 mil- lion dental school complex were 'comolleted over the sumr.n be the same Then, there's the metamor- phosis of a dusty parking lot to an illuminated, grassy develop- ment called Regents Plaza. This was a surprise to the students who labored under the illusion that the area would be called Jeffei'son Plaza. "I think everybody called it Jefferson Plaza because it was near Jefferson St. There was no pletion. targeted for 1971. Another parking struct been completed, an addi one on Maynard St., th arches over the avenue Nichol's Arcade. With th pletion of the structure weeks ago, Maynard S opened to traffic, which to have been closed sin "Not wishing Mr. Stephenson to be guilty of persiflage," the Argus, article continued, "and since we , couldn't even find an erect penis in any of our issues, whe hereby # hlonor Mr. Stephenson',s remarks." The local chapter of the Amer-{ winter, ican Civil Liberties Union has ex-! pressed interest in the Argus case.' ure has County ACLU chairman Carl Co- tion to hen said last night, "It sounds at now like an affair the ACLU might behind want to get involved in." e com- The ACLU in general usually a few views obscenity statutes as "ob- t. was jectionable," Cohen said. "The ad- seemed dition of the political aspect of ce time the case compounds our interest," What's i FRONT SECTION: News .. . ed ment in Ann Arbor. ACADEMICS: LSA requirement departmental reform . . . thec ROTC ... LSA Dean Hays under . .. Residential College . . .hono tion school in crisis. . . the fa, libraries and studying . .. archit pharmacy . . . music . . . social work . . . nursing . . natural resources . .. dentistry . SPORTS: 'M' football's flight of money game . . . Tomjanovich hockey . , . track and field . ball . . . swimming . . . rugby ... controversy . . . tennis. STUDENT LIFE: The blossomin the city election . . the welfare prtts . _ . tudeint power vand t By SHARON WEINER SGC and Assembly sent a joint re- bylaws, port to University President Rob- ben Fleming. which would define the role of After consideration by the Uni- students in University decision- versity's Executive Officers, the making, has been given condi- bylaw draft will be sent to the tional approval by Student Gov- Regents, who have official au- ernment Council and the faculty's thority to enact them. Senate Assembly. Passage of the bylaws by SGC Following a meeting last month and Assembly climaxes two and to iron out differences in their one-half years of work on the respective versions of the bylaws ; problem of the role of students in passed earlier in the summer. decision-making. Re-examination of this role was begun in the wake of the Student Power Movement " of late 1966. 7j hThe key provisions of the by- - 0 .i *0 !laws would: -Create a tri-partite University itorials . . . arts and entertain- Council to make rules for all members of the campus communi- ty subject to ratification by As- s fight . . . students press for sembly and SGC; coming fight over tenure . . -Recognize the original juris- r pressure. . . course ,evaluation diction of Central Student Judi- rs.. .Pilot Program .. . educa- clary over most cases arising un- Iculty power structure . . . the der University Council rules and Lecture and design ... medicine delineate the judiciary's a ppel- engineering. . . public health ; late jurisdiction; .-Restructure the Office of Stu- business administration . .- dent Affairs (renamed the Office .. law . . . library science, of Student Services) so that pol- frthe Phoenix . . . The athletic icy would be made largely by stu- dent-dominated committees. and the cage . . . Wolverine In passing the bylaws, Assembly wrestling . . . golf . . . base- voted to omit controversial section gymnastics . . . the intramural 7.07 (2) which gave professional schools the power to discipline stu- dents on the basis of non-academ- ig rent strike . . . students and idc onduct standards relating to sit-ins ...a history of student licensing requirements. Student th omtoris . -t he medi'ioc-.. .le aersi"hadri c-e'an usvti Ahig'ntm