GOING SPIRO ONE BETTER See Editorial Page 1E lflr ian 4:3 a t 149 SNO-DOUBT High-35 Low-25 The Weatherman is in Washington Vol. LXXX, No. 62 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 14, 1969 , Ten Cents Eight Pages 71 PER CENT: Strikers win largeE ren~te cu By STEVE KOPPMAN Four rent striking tenants last night received the largest reduction in back rent awarded by a court since the Ann Arbor rent strike began. A six-woman District Court jury awarded the tenants a $765.30 reduction in rent owed to their former landlord, Louis Rome. Rome is Executive Director of the State Crime Com- mission. Rome was suing the tenants-David Schanoes, Paul Schultze, Edward Tobes, and Eric Sells - for $1,088.60 in back rent. The four began withholding part of their rents in November, 1968 - four months before the Tenants Union- .450 1150 00 join arrested memorial march; at Pentagon mass organized strike began - and had continued withholding 'March AgainJkst Death' proceeds peacefully By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ and RICK PERLOFF Special To The Daily WASHINGTON-The first of some 45,000 persons initiated a three day "March Against Death" here last night with a somber single-file procession from Arlington National Ceme- tery to the foot of Capitol Hill. The march went on peacefully despite warnings of vio- lence. Earlier in the day, 150 persons were arrested in the concourse of the Pentagon for violating a ban against dem- onstrations there without a permit from the General Services Administration. The arrested persons, including about 40 Episcopal and Paper at " . EMU aM skCs inj unction Second Comii lawyers file suit By JIM NEUBACHER Attorneys for the Second Coming filed a motion in De- troit Federal District Court yesterday asking for a prelim- inary injunction prohibiting disciplinary action by Eastern Michigan University adminis- trators against the staff of the underground newspaper. The case will be heard Friday, Nov. 21, by Judge Steven Roth. If the Second Coming wins the preliminary injunction, federal marshals will serve notices to EMU administrators to appear be- fore the court for a hearing on the matter. At the hearing, Roth can either, decide to m a k e the injunction permanent, or dismiss the case. "If we win the preliminary in- junction, well, that's the ball Bus Schedule Buses going to Washington will begin departing at 6:00 P.M. this evening from the Events Building parking lot. The time has been moved up because of the expected traffic jams going into Washington. Anyone holding a Friday bus ticket is urged to be there as early as possible. The last bus will depart no later than 8:00 P.M. game, the crucial decision," said Second Coming attorney Buck Davis. The civil action comes on the heels of a decision by the EMU review board Wednesday uphold- ing the right of the Second Com- ing staff to distribute the paper on campus free of administrative restriction. A spokesman for t h e Second Coming said it was hoped the le- gal action would stop adminis- tration threats of suspension as punishment f o r students selling the paper on the campus without "permission." c> through May, 1969. v. The jury deliberated an hour y and 10 minutes, before reducing the amount owed by the defend- ants to $323.30. The decision was the first to be reached in a rent strike case since the academic year began in Sep-s tember, Schanoes and Schultze claimed Rome had failed to provide ade- quate ma.,-itenance service f o rY their house. They said the wiring system had been faulty, causing r Schultze to receive severe elec- trical shock shortly after moving in. They cited defective plumbing, poor heating, fleas and squirrels in the apartment, broken kitchen equipment, and collapsing walls, in addition to various other com- ; plaints. Schanoes and Schultze claimed Rome had refused to make ne- cessary repairs, despite a report made by a city inspector in No- vember, ordering him to remedy code violations within 60 days. Schultze said Rome had told him that while the violations were obviously against the law, it was "not economically feasible" f o r him to make the required repairs. Defense counsel charged that Rome had made the repairs thisj August only after the City At- torney had warned him that an arrest warrant would be issued against him if he failed to comply. Rome claimed the defense al- legations were greatly exaggerated. His attorney said Schanoes and Schultze were "making a moun-s tain out of a molehill." He pointed out that the four had signed the By ROB BIER lease in full knowledge of the The N o v e m b e r mora state of the house. against the war got underw "They came in with their eyes terday in Washington an open," he said. "If it was so un- Arbor. liveable, why did they continue to Thousands of students, live there?" members and area residen Rome's attorney pointed out on their way or in Was] that the $192 per month rent for yesterday. Hundreds more, a four men apartment was a low ing Ann Arbor Mayor charge-coming down to $48 per Harris are expected to e man. He noted that this rent took the march today. into consideration the age and In Ann Arbor yesterday s general condition of the house. - 'MTJiry d narpe L'A to iAJIII -Daily-Larry Robbins Students march on City lull in local protest es, marches, workshops ocal moratorium mood students and young people march-! atorium ed from the Community Center to 'ay yes- a rally at City Hall to hear nd Ann speeches on the theme, "Stop the War, Stop the Trial. Free all faculty political prisoners." ts were New Mobe announced that Har- [ington ris will take part in the Washing- includ- ton demonstrations. Harris will be Robert accompanied by David Cowley, ave for director of the City Human Rela- tions Council, and Assistant Di- some 801 rector Robert Hunter. All day yesterday protesters left; by car, and last night 25 full buses left for Washington. Nine more full buses will leave tonight. New Mobilization faculty organ- izer Nick Mills estimates that theI number of professors making the trip is "in the hundreds." "One thing that impresses me," Mills says, "is the number of pro- fessors who are taking their fam-1 ilies. Not only does this represent a significant commitment to non- violence, but it indicates their be- lief that, this is something serious." Traffic was light last night on the main highway from Michigan to the capitol. A light drizzle was falling as dozens of students and young people crowded the service sta- tions and restaurants along the highway. The mood was friendly as the young people joked and asked for rides in the restaurant lobbies. Catholic clergymen, had tried and were charged with making "a loud and unusual noise." The march, planned as a tribute to and reminder of American sol- diers killed and villages destroyed in the war, begins what is expect- ed to be the largest single anti- war protest in the nation's history. Americans have poured into the capital in thousands for the three day anti-war protest. Leaders are predicting a crowd of more than 250,000. At 6 p.m. the first marchers began their three-mile walk which took them past the White House, down Pennsylvania Avenue to the Grant Memorial located in front of the Capitol. Each marcher wore a placard around his neck inscribed with the name of a dead soldier or de- stroyed village. At Grant Memorial each march- er placed his placard in one of 12 wooden coffins, and extinguished the candle he had carried through- out the procession. By 2 a.m. this morning, close to 8000 persons had completed the march. After the last marcher arrives at the Capitol tomorrow morning a short memorial service will be held in honor of the war dead. Then, the 12 coffins will be car- ried back up Pennsylvania Avenue to the White douse where they will be deposited. The march was under reason- ably heavy securty as the city police put its entire 3700 man staff on alert. In addition 400 park police and 600 Capitol police were supervising the traffic flow. The police did not appear to be concerned with possible outbreaks of violence, in contrast to the many government warnings about violence during tomorrow's mass march. The only major problem yes- terday was transportation. Ac- cording to Brad Lyttle, head of New Mobe's logistics staff, traffic around the Washington area was delaying many buses from arriv- ing at Arlington Memorial Bridge with the marchers. While the buses were being re- routed, march officials w e r e forced to start each participant at 20 foot intervals, and order that the single file procession would not be broken up due to lack of participants. The march began on schedule See MARCH, Page 8 to conduct a "mass for peace" 'Nxon speaks- on war Congress hears surprise talk WASHINGTON (M - Presi- dent Nixon t o 1 d cheering members of the House and Senate yesterday he believes a just and lasting peace in Viet- nam will be reached. The president paid surprise visits to both chambers of Congress on the eve of massive antiwar de- monstrations here. He expressed appreciation to members who have supported his Vietnam poli- cies and understanding for those who may disagree. In the House he was interrupted by applause several times. In the Senate he received a standing ovation from members and all but a handful of those in the gallery at the end of his 10-minute talk. "Americans want a just peace, a lasting peace," Nixon told the Sen- ate, adding "In the next few months we hope-we know-that progress will be made toward that goal. "We are going to reach that goal of a just and lasting peace in Viet- nam," he declared, because "we act and we speak not as Democrats and not as Republicans but as Americans." Addressing the Senate, the cen- ter of congressional opposition to his course in Vietnam. Nixon said he is not asking for 100 per cent support "which would not be a healthy thing" but for under- standing and support wherever possible. More than 75 of the 100 senators were present for Nixon's ,brief speech, delivered without notes and similar to that given earlier in the House. a e jury agreea To let Rome retain the $192 damage deposit which he has held.dA furtherclaim by Rome for $276.51 in utility bills was not contested by the defendants. Schutz and Schanoes were jubi- lant at the verdict. The other two defendants, Tobes and Sells, were out of town and could not be reached for comment. Rome declined to comment on the verdict. Tenants Union lawyers began taking cases to court last spring. Since that time over a dozen cases have gone before District Court and most have resulted in rent reductions of varying amounts. In cases submitted to binding arbi- tration, 80 out of 101 have result- ed in rent reductions. MOON LANDI " j Pennsylvania state police check- St e t Se ate asse taxrevsion stvehicles as they stopped at gas State Senate passes taX revisins stations,ttendants said. InAnnArbor today, several ! anti-war activities are planned. to fie n ca 0on ir Orn an There will be workshops in the to inace ductiomreorm plag from 9:00 to noon at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church on From Wire Service Reports The education reform package, been the governor's inclusion of North Division St. Sponsored by LANSING - The State Senate first outlined by the governor in aid to nonpublic schools in the the same seven-group coalition shot new life into Gov. William September, asks for a $160 million package. For six weeks, the pack- which ran yesterday's rally, the Milliken's education reform pack- increase in current education ex- age has been stalled in commit- sessions will deal with "War and age by passing a $1 btllion public- penditures. By passing four tax tees, where opponents of parochi- Repression." private school aid bill and four tax bills yesterday, the Senate cleared aid have attempted to remove it This afternoon the group is plan- measures, the way for an increase of $150 from the package, without success. ning a rally at the Ann Arbor The 1970-71 school aid bill, million. However, the package The governor considers yesterday's News. Speakers will include Ann which will turn $25 million over must still face the House where action a "major first step toward Arbor Argus editor Ken Kelly and to nonpublic schools, passed nar- parochiaid bills were defeated ear- education reform." a representative from the national rowly 22-15 after a procedural tier this year. Cpponents charged their col- office of People Against Racism. battle threatened to scuttle the The stumbling block to passage leagues won support for parochaid At City Hall yesterday marchers efforts of parochiaid supporters. of the educational reforms has by trading votes on a bill to re- gathered to hear the first speaker, - -peal the property tax credit White Panther Minister of Infor- against the income tax. That mea- mation Skip Taube speak on the NG ATTEMPT sure squeaked through 20-17 - purpose of the rally. a bare majority. It will bring in "We've got people from all parts an estimated $116 million. of the community here," Taube Also approved were three bills explained. "The idea is to form a itt d -valued at $35.2 million -that broader coalition to goy out and lif t off tdy sweep various items off the sales wFork in the community," he said. and use tax exemption rolls. The rally was organized by From wire service Reports The Legislature immediately ad- seven groups-the White Panth- journed until Dec. 2, setting the ers, the Black Berets, SDS, Student CAPE KENNEDY - Declaring "We're ready to go," the Apollo stage for bipartisan negotiations Mobilization Committee, Ann Ar- 12 astronauts yesterday received the "all clear" signal for an 11:22 involving Milliken's office and Re- bor Argus, and People Against a.m. EST liftoff today for the nation's second lunar landing attempt. publican and Democratic leaders Racism. "All is proceeding satisfactorily, and we forsee no problems" a from both the House and Senate. Victor Grayson of the Black Be- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) official said Parochiadfe ) S e Coleang etsnfollo u th aring- Young feSn oea esfloe ab iharng (D-Detroit) called t h e ing denunciation of the police. after workmen successfully replaced a leaky fuel tank that threatened recess "farcical" and said, "I don't He warned the audience, "If the a month's delay in this $375-million mission. think there's much point in ex- United States becomes a fascist "We're ready to go when they are," said Apollo 12 astronaut Alan pecting negotiations." state, the rest of the world will L. Bean shortly before he and his two co-pilots, Charles "Pete" Con- "All we have really done today too. Things lie in the hands of the rad Jr. and Richard F. Gordon Jr., took off in three T-38 jet aircraft is pass an unjust increase in pro- American people." to get a bird's eye view of their 363-foot-tall rocket while flying in perty taxes to finance a one-year Dick Yarr, editor of Fort Bragg's formation over the moonport. school aid bill," said minority See WORKSHOPS, Page 8 Weathermen said conditions would be satisfactory for a launch leader Sen. Sander Levin (D- attempt today despite overcast skies yesterday. "We're being asked to buy a sur- y) .oday's To improve chances of getting Apollo 12 off the ground, however, prise package without knowing officials changed the ground rules yesterday and extended the period what's in it." said Sen. GilbertPa e hr in which Apollo 12 can blast off by an hour and 23 minutes - until Burslev (R-Ann Arbor) "It rais-P Apollo ready fc Agnew blasts media for biased reporting By The Associated Press Vice President Spiro T. Agnew yesterday told a Des Moines, Iowa audience the television networks hold an unprecedented concentra- tion of power over American pub- lic public opinion and suggested it may be time they are made "more responsive to the views of the nation." "The people can register their complaints on bias through mail to the networks and phone calls to local stations," he said. "This is one case where the people must defend themselves . . . where the citizen, not the government, must be the reformer . . . where the consumer can be the most effective crusader." Dr. Frank Stanton, president of the Columbia Broadcasting Sys- tem called the speech an "unpre- cedented attempt by the Vice Pres- ident of the United States to in- timidate a news medium which depends for its existence upon government licenses." Julian Goodman, president of the National Broadcasting Co., called Agnew's speech "an appeal to prejudice," and charged that the vice president wanted "to deny to TV the freedom of the press." Agnew had led off his remarks to a Midwest Republican commit- tee meeting with a criticism of the commentators who followed Pres- ident Nixon's Nov. 2 speech on Vietnam. 3:50 p.m. this afternoon. Ie Pfi AvXnS Iy 1 R1 1 9 nl n ., Ati ant U L *USAIJS aI , . . . . es t;zlces riy X110 1111111Ui1 ul1Q pl7v- I I Senaite doves turn their at-I