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November 13, 1969 - Image 1

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Cold, very cloudy,
chance of snow

Vol. LXXX, No. 61

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, November 13, 1969

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages




books tore






Daily News Analysis
The largest turnout in several
years for a Student Government
Council election seems likely to
resolve very little besides the elec-
tion of candidates who in fact
interested students less than any
of the three referenda on th?
It was no surprise that students
voted 10-1 in favor of the book-
store proposal, and whether the
bookstore will be created now de-
pends only on the eligibility of the
student-faculty controlled store
for the state sales tax exemption
offered to educational institutions.
As of now, the store is expected
to qualify for the exemption.
And although students voted 3-1
in favor of the second referendum
for student control of tuition
money used for University con-
struction, it is very unclear what

significance the vote on this re-
ferendum will have.
University administrators were
quite noncommittal about the ref-
erendum yesterday. "We're always
interested in student opinion on
this kind of subject," said Presi-
dent Robben Fleming. "But it's
also very hard to get at such a
complex matter in a simple refer-
endum question."
"Given the simple question ask-
ing if students want to control
their tuition, the only thing that
surprised me was the fact that
the margin was not higher," Flem-
ing added. "On the whole I think
the issue is a very complex one
with little general student under-
Acting Vice President for Stu-
dent Affairs Barbara Newell
echoed the same sentiment, say-
ing, "I don't think anyone was
surprised at the outcome, and the

referendum was worded loosely
enough so that I don't think any-
one really learned much from it."
SGC President Marty McLaugh-
lin admitted that the University
is not legally bound by any refer-
endum, but still believes the refer-
endum may have psychological
"Before the administration does
anything which the referendum
concerns, it will undoubtedly keep
in mind that there was a refer-
endum which clearly expressed
student sentiment on the issue"
he says.
The most immediate effect of
the referendum will probably be
its influence on decisions made
concerning the proposed new in-
tramural facilities to be funded
by as much as a $15 per term
assessment against student tui-
But the proposal is now incom-

plete and cannot be evaluated by
either students or faculty, and it
will certainly~ not be ready for
some time since the three-week
vacation of Vice President f o r
Academic Affairs Allan Smith has
postponed any work on the pro-
"The proposal is not ready to be
discussed," said Fleming, "so I
really can't say what effect thc
referendum will have on its con-
"The whole thing is up in the
air right now, because the pro-
posal is in the hands of Allan
Smith, and he will be out of town
until Dec. 3," added McLaughlin.
The only action currently be-
ing taken on the IM proposal is
by Senate Assembly's Student Re-
lations Committee, which h a s r
drawn up a list of questions con-
cerning the IM proposal that will

be transferred to Smith by Mrs.
But these questions also w i ll
probably not be answered u n t i 1
after Smith returns. When action
is taken, it seems more than like-
ly that the administration will re-
gard the referendum as little
more than an interesting com-
mentary on student opinion.
Since every organized group-of
students from Inter-Hotfse As-
sembly to the Tenant's Union ex-
cept Engineering Council has al-
ready officially opposed any IM
assessment that has not been ap-
proved by students in referendum,
any move to assess students with-
out their consent seems certain to
create a storm of opposition.
Indeed, the ambiguity of t h e
student fee referendum seems to
have been matched by only the
anti-climactic nature of the book-
store resolution.

Despite the great support which
it received, the bookstore issue
was largely resolved before t h e
vote, which only made previous
actions of students and faculty
"The bookstore was pretty hard
to vote no on," McLaughlin said.
"The Regents, who are the most
conservative group on campus,
had already approved it, and the
students had taken the whole in-
itiative to force the results we got
in the first place."
The administration also believ-
es it was the events earlier in the
term which pulled out voters on
the bookstore question, quite ob-
viously the pace-setter of t h e
"No one was surprised by the
bookstore vote," said Fleming.
"We had always proceded on the
assumption that the proposal had

a large amount of support among
the students."
"The issue certainly had great
publicity on campus, and stu-
dents just wanted to demonstrate
the feeling that there was large
student support for the issue and
that it did not concern only a
few people," he added.
But McLaughlin felt that re-
cent events such as the adver-
tising campaign by local book-
stores against the referendum
added further to the size of the
"The ad campaign by the local
bookstores produced a student
backlash because the ads were so
insulting to intelligent students,"
he said.
Of no actual effect, of course,
was the resolution calling for the
immediate withdrawal of all U.S.
troops from South Vietnam. But



EMU board

ba c

s paper


YPSILANTI--In a 5-1 decision last night, the Eastern
Michigan University disciplinary review board upheld the
right of the staff of the Second Coming, an underground
newspaper, to sell and distribute the paper on campus free of
administrative restrictions.
The review board, composed of three students, two faculty:
members, and one administrator, was given final judicial
authority in such cases by the EMU regents. Administrators
have warned, however, that
C ethey reserve the right to over-
Consil er rule the board.
The Second Coming also won
support yesterday from the EMU
Faculty Senate. In a statement to
11 W cod e the administration, the senate
recommended that all newspapers
be allowed to sell and distribute
" eon campus-free of administrative
01n l u 1 n rtriction-as long as the paper
contained the names of persons
responsible for the content, and'
By GARY SOLOMON was not sold in classrooms.
Members of the Tenants Union The senate also asked that all
and the Legal Aid Society pro- charges against the Second Com-
posed yesterday revisions to the ing staff be dropped.
City Housing Code at a meeting Dean of Students Thomas Aceto
with Councilman Len Quenon (D- declined comment last night on
Second Ward). Quenon is a mem- the review board decision, saying'
ber of a three man council sub- he wanted to review it thoroughly'
committee charged with drafting today. He said he had "no idea"
a new housing code for the city how the administration would re-
in compliance with the state's act to the ruling.
1968 Tenants' Rights Act. A spokesman for the paper
The two major modifications praised the decision last night,
sought by the tenant groups are saying, "We're gratified that the
recognition of private escrow review board ruled in our favor,
funds, and the right to place rents just as the Student Court did. This
in escrow for less than "serious should convince the administra-
violations' of the housing code by tion to give up."
the landlord. The case camne to the review
Under the draft of the code board, a court of appeals, from the
proposed by the councilman, es- EMU Student Court. In a ruling
crow funds would be placed in a on the case Nov. 1. the Student
city fund. The right to place funds Court said newspapers were ex-
in private escrow, however, is empt from an EMU rule prohibit-
guaranteed by common law. If the in the sale or distribution fc
city code were to legitimize pri- mercial items without the perinis-
vate escrows, the tenant spokes- sion of the vice president for busi-
men explained, ienters would be ness and finance.
able to strike against their land- A
lords more easily. accet termed that decision "un-
The Tenants Union now utilizes a b, an appealed.
a private escrow fund in which In the decision last night, the
striking tenants deposit their rent. review board affirmed the right of
The union and the Legal Aid the EMU administration to reg-
Society representatives also ask ulate campus activities, but rec-
that the use of private escrow be ognized a conflict because distri-
extended to cover striking against bution of the newspaper by the
minor housing code violations. Second Coming staff was an act of!
Under the proposed code .ten- speech.
ants may resort to using escrow The review board declined to
only if the housing lacks a cer- rule on constitutional issues in-
tificate of compliance or if the cer- volved, and thus recommended
tificate is revoked. The certificate, that charges be dropped until the
which ensures that the housing constitutional issues are resolved
See TENANT, Page 12 by a civil court.

a 1
ployment of nearly 9,000 riot-
trained Army troops yesterday
served as counterpoint to the
optimism of public officials
over the prospects for peace-
ful anti-Vietnam demonstra-
tions beginning today.
Planners hope the Saturday cli-
max will be the biggest yet in the
capital's era of demonstration.
Organizers had obtained a pa-
rade permit from a reluctant De-
partment of Justice by the time
first contingents of the 250,000
persons expected for the three-day
rally trickled into town.
But the organizers were still
locked in a harried, last-minute
earch for room to house and feed
the participants. As of yesterday,
officials said they had only 22,000
of the 90,000 accommodations
they'll need by Friday night.
Hundreds of local gatherings,
large and small, were being
readied around the nation for the
weekend's Vietnam Mobilization,
the second big antiwar protest in
a month.
In Detroit, the Student Mobili-
zation Committee to End the War
in Vietnam said it hopes "to close
down high schools and colleges
across the country to show Presi-
dent Nixon and his staff that a
majority of young people in the
country are strongly opposed to
U.S. policy in Vietnam."
Yesterday, President Nixon in-
vited a bipartison congressional REGE
delegation to the White House toi open f
join him in a telephone talk with
Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge
so they could affirm their sup-
port of the Nixon negotiating C
position at the Paris peace talks.
Rep. Jim Wright (D-Tex.),
sponsor of a House resolution
backing Nixon on Vietnam, told 601
newsmen later at the White
House-arranged news conference
that his measure "has attracted
such spontaneous support f r o m In
both sides of the aisle that we the Sta
now have 300 co-sponsors" - a licans s
clear majority.
The White House meanwhile Liindem
announced that President Nixon tives.
will be in the mansion Saturday Lin
night when the Washington Mon- Dennis
ument rally takes place within sent dis
sight of the White House South
Portico. The im
Although the President will be pressed1
physically able to view the rally, as the 1
he has alraady declared his poli- from the
cies will not be affected by it. to accep
Vice President Spiro T. Ag- "Total
new has denounced what he called there we
the "carnival in the streets." And income,"
Atty. Gen. John W. Mitchell de- versity b
clared, "The foreign policy of this per cent
governme'nt cannot and will not: and the
be formulated in the streets of requirei
Washington or in any other street thesem
of this nation."
See RIOT, Page 12 "I gre




Daily-Jimo Diehl
Law Prof. Layman Allen plays Equations, an educational game of "creative mathematics" with a
group of junior high school students. Educational games being developed by University faculty and
student are played weekly in the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching.
SGC to inVestigate govern1menits II
o i d0vidualV s 'io ollege s
Q~~~s Colleges-| ]]]

-Daily-Jay Cassidy
NT LAWRENCE LINDEMER speaks at Young Republican
orum at the Union last night.
ollege1GO1s hold
iniunication panel
an attempt to bridge the communication gap between
te Legislature, Regents and students, College Repub-
sponsored a forum last night with Regent Lawrence
er (R-Stockbridge) and two Republican representa-
demer, Representative Ray Smit (R-Ann Arbor),*
Cawthorne (R-Manistee) and the 15 students pre-
cussed various aspects of University autonomy.

Student Government C o u n c il
last night voted to immediately
begin an investigation to deter-
mine which current school and
college 'student governments' meet
the requirements of student gov-
ernments as determined by SGC.
According to Council member
Bob Nelson the purpose of the in-
vestigation is to find out which
organizations that consider them-
selves student governments are le-

Oitimate according to SGC rules.
The minimum criteria include
that membership of the govern-
ment bodies be elected directly or
indirectly by the constituents, and
that provision be made for in-
itiative, referendum, and recall.
Council member Mike Farrell
questioned the investigation. He
said "SGC does have the right,
and responsibility to establish cri-
teria for governmental structure
in the colleges, but one hesitates





Special To the Daily
WASHINGTON - As preparations for
what could be the largest single anti-war
protest in the nation's history neared com-
pletion here last night, several difficult
problems still faced the protest's organ-
At the headquarters of the New Mobili-
zation Committee to End the War in Viet-
nam, organizers were attempting to find
adequate food, lodging and sanitation fa-

But their request is dwarfed by the size
of the problem. New Mobe earlier indicated
that only those coming for the mass march
Saturday would go unaccommodated. Yes-
terday, however, New Mobe officials ad-
mitted that many participants in the
March Against Death, which begins at 6
p.m. tonight, would also be without lodg-
ing, during their one-to-three day stay in
A spokesman for New Mobe's housing

The National Park Service has so far
agreed to provide only five portable toilet
facilities--one for every 40.000 people--al-
though negotiations with New Mobe are
still underway.
New Mobe officials say the sanitation
problem is especially acute because most
of the public buildings along the march
rout e-almost entirely government build-
imrs are closed on Saturday.
One Senate aide indicated they would be

at the prospect of having one leg-
islative body investigate another
legislative body. While SGC's jur-
isdiction may be described as 'un-
limited,' it seems that a more ap-
propriate step in regard to de-
termining the validity of an indi-
vidual school government. would
have been to have Central Student
Judiciary undertake such action."
Nelson said that the SGC inves-
tigation was an effort to lead to-
ward democratically elected stu-
dent governments in all schools
and colleges and to give the stu-
dents of these colleges a govern-
ment more directly representative
than SGC.
"The puirpose of this is not a
witchhunt," le said, "but an at-
tempt to insure that the structures
of the various student govern-
ments are representative.'
Council last night also appro-
priated $500 to the Environmental
Teach-In to be held here in
The teach-in, which will be the
first of its kind in the nation, is
an effort to start nationwide ac-
ion on solving environmental
probleis. The project, initiated by
students in the School of Natural
Resources, has received the en-'
dorsement and promiised partici-

nembers of the panel ex-'
the feeling that as long
University accepts money,
state, it must be willing
t some state control.

autonomy worked when --
re independent sources of
Smit said. But the Uni-
udget is now financed 50
by the state, he added, Il l
"legislature is going to
more knowledge of how' By)~
onls~ are spent."


SEA, to work


atly fear that disruption

Oti today's/
Page Three
* A two-year phase-out of
DDT is ordered by the fed-
eral government.
* Judge Julius Hoffman re-
vokes bail for Chicago con-

in LSA


when its nature becomes violent
will lead to a polarization of re-
sponsive representative action,"
and have an adverse affect on
the University budget, said Linde-
He also confirmed his support of
President Robben IPleming's hand-
ling of the LSA Bldg. sit-in say-
ing, "It withstood the tests of the
times and pressures."
Since the LSA Bldg. sit-in, the.

Students for Effective Action
(SEA) voted last night to "con-
stitute the SEA as the University
Course Mart Committee." Only 15
people were at the meeting, a
much smaller turn-out than at
their three previous meetings.
SEA is a new student organiza-
tion that does not yet have any
formalized structure. The consen-
sus was that the SEA could use its
work on course mart to generate
campus interest in the organiza-
tion as well as to improve the edu-

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