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November 12, 1969 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page


Sir iauF

:4Ia it

Cloudy, cooler, chance of
showers, maybe snow flurries

Vol. LXXX, No. 60 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 12, 1969 Ten Cents,

Eight Pages








Protesters to proceed * * *
down Pennsylvania Ave. B
WASHINGTON 'P The government agreed yesterday to 0 0 s O r
compromise and allow antiwar protesters to use part of
Pennsylvania Avenue for a massive demonstration this Satur-
day. New Mobilization leaders accepted the plan.
The agreement was announced by Mayor Walter E. Wash-
ington and Deputy Atty. Gen. Richard G.uKleindienst,who e fe re iid
declared last Thursday that "under no circumstances," could1
the Pennsylvania Avenue route be used. rd
The agreement followed several days of virtually con-
tinuous negotiations with sponsors of the march. It provides
for the procession to proceed down the traditional parade ave-
nue from the Capitol as far as 15th street and from there to
the grounds of the Washington Monument for a rally climax-








Vietnam, student




Ed school
en tdrsed
The education school's executive
committee yesterday e n d o r s e d
three innovative proposals dealing
with problems of black education
students, development of educa-
tional research programs, and re-
form of the school's curricula and
The proposals, an outgrowth of
last weekends student-faculty re-
treat, were endorsed by the execu-
tive committee at a special open
meeting in the University High
School auditorium.
Education school faculty will
meet in a special session next
Tuesday to discuss and act on
these proposals. In addition, the'
school will turn classes into
forums, and hold special work-
shops Tuesday to inform students
and faculty members on the pro-.
The first. proposal was intro-
duced by the "black caucus." who
spoke for the black students and'
faculty members In the school. The
caucus listed nine demands, in-
cluding the demand that blacks
should constitute at least 20 per
cent of students and faculty in1
the school.
The executive committee agreed
to recommend to the faculty that.
Prof. Alvin Loving, a black mem-
ber of the executive committee, be
appointed to a committee which.
would work to implement these
Another significant proposal en-j
dorsed by the committee outlined
plans for creation of an ad hoc
student-faculty assembly which
would oversee structural and cur-
ricular reform in the school.
The assembly would work to
implement the ideas concerning
reform of teacher training and re-j
organization of the departmental
structural of the school--both pro-
posed at the retreat.
The assembly would also make,
recommendations to the faculty,
reform issues.
Supporters of the plan hope that
eventaully the ad hoc assembly
would replace the executive board
as the administrative body of the
school. This aspect of the plan is
still tentative. however.
The executive committee adopt-
ed "in principle" the recommen-
dations, contained in a third pro-
posal, concerning the role of re- a
search in the education school.
The proposal asks for appoint-
ment of an interim dean in charge
of research to develop policies for
See ED, Page 8

ing three days of antiwar ac-
This route makes no provision
for a swing in front of the White
House - one point that the New
Mobilization Committee to End
the War in Vietnam had demand-
ed. Instead, the route will pass the
rear grounds of the White House.
Kleindienst and Washington
also said the government agreed
to the route after the New Mobi-
lization promised to provide;
enough parade marshals to en-
sure order during the mammoth
march, which is expected to at-
tract about 200,000 in what could
be the biggest antiwar protest inI
"The New Mobilization C o m-
mittee has offered every assur-
ance that order will be maintain-
ed duirng the Nov. 15 march,"
Kleindienst said.
Leaders of the New Mobilization
reacted with satisfaction to the
government's decision. But, they
said, the government is "not giv-
ing anything to which the people
are not entitled," adding that theyj
were "basically happy and ready
to move now."
Asked if they were disappointed
at not being allowed to bring the1
mass protest directly in front of
the White House they referred
instead to their 40-hour "MarchI
Against Death" in which they planI
to march single-file from Arling-I
ton Cemetery tast the White
IHouse and to the Capitol begin-
ning Thursday night and ending!
Saturday morning.
Under terms of the agreement
the committee will provide 2,000
parade marshals to keep demon-
strators on the south side of Penn-
sylvania Avenue and another 500
marshals to keep crowds away
from government buildings on the
other side of the thoroughfare.
Meanwhile, a small advance
party from the 82nd Airborne Di-
vision flew here from Ft. Bragg,
N.C., to prepare for possible move-
ment of paratroopers to the cap-
ital in connection with the week-
end demonstrations.
Pentagon officials said no final
decision has been made, but they
indicated a light brigade of be-
tween 1,500 and 2.000 paratroopers
may be brought up before the
The Pentagon has already aler-
ted several hundred thousand
troops across the country for pos-
sible air-lifting to the capital in
case violence breaks out.
In addition, there are 28,0001
armed personnel in the immediatej
Washington area who will be avail-
able if needed.
New Mobe leaders contacted in
Washington last night said they
felt the Justice Department had
backed down as a result of public
Since the permit controversy
first flared last week, public lead-
ers, Congressmen and others have
criticized the administration's re-
fusal to allow anti-war demon-
strators the use of Pennsylvania
Avenue as a march route.

heavy turnout
Farrell, Anderson top
balloting for Council
Student voters yesterday approved by a 10 to 1 marin a
rolling assessment of $5 to be used toward establishment of a
student-faculty controlled bookstore.
In heavy voting, students also passed a referendum which
would grant students the authority to determine when new
student fees should be added to tuition for University con-
struction, and a referendum calling for immediate United
States troop withdrawal from Vietnam.
The 9,328 voters also elected nine candidates from a field

of 16 to fill vacant at-large
Student Government Council
Mike Farrell. Philip Anderson,
Marty Scott, Jerry DeGrieck, Bob
Nelson, and David Brand will fill
full-term seats. Joan Martin, Wal-
ter Lewis, and Al Warrington will
fill half-term seats.
The elected members will be
formally installed at the council
meeting tonight.
Voters in all the schools and col-
leges approved the bookstore ref-
erendum. The referendum asked;
whether a student-faculty con-
trolled bookstore be establishedj

--Dally-Richard Lee
The great silent majority
Supporters of President Nixon's peace plan for the Vietnam war, from Nixon himself to comedian Bob Hope, called on members of
the "great silent majority" to demonstrate yesterday. Here in Ann Arbor, the annual Veterans Day Parade marched up State Street
as a counter-prelude to Saturday's anti-war march in Washington. See related story, Pake 3.
Ann Arbor groups organize local
anti*.wVar el10 Strations services

Although 5,000 Ann Arbor stu-
dents and faculty will be traveling
Ito Washington for the National
, Moratorium this weekend, local
organizers have planned two full
days of anti-war activities in Ann
To kick off the weekend of pro-
test, New Mobe will hold a rally
on the Diag at noon today. Speak-
ers will discuss the question of
violence in Washington, the par-
ade permit, and the details of the
Information on th* parade
route, food, the Michigan Move-
ment Center, and other details of
Washington activities will be

handed out. Those people not cuss high schools, mass media. and
going to the march this weekend other subjects.
are urged by New Mobe to attend Thursday afternoon the coali-
today's rally and give support to tion will lead a march on City
those who are. Hall. They plan to reach the
For tomorrow and Friday, a building at 4 p.m. and stage a
coalition of seven groups includ- rally under the theme, "Stop they
ing Resistance, Students for a War, Stop the Trial, Free All Polit-
Democratic Society, and Student ical Prisoners."
Mobilization Committee, has plan- The rally will include speakers
ned several local demonstrations. from Black Panthers, GI's United
The coalition will sponsor anti- Against the War, White Panthers.
war workshops at the Bethlehem Friday afternoon the groupa
Uinted Church of Christ on both plans a rally in front ,of the Ann'
mornings. On Thursday they will Arbor News building at 1 p.m. to
study "War and Repression." protest what they charge is cor-
Three Newsreel films will also be ruption in American mass media.
shown. Speakers at this assembly in-
Friday's study sessions will dis- lude a representative from na-


tional office of People Against
Prejudice and Ken Kelley, editorj
of the Ann Arbor Argus.
The Baha'i religious group will,
present a movie tonight and to-,
morrow night explaining theira
programs for an end to war. The
film, "A New Word" will be shown'
tonight in the UGLI multipurpose
room at 8 p.m. and tomorrow at
the Canterbury House at 7 and
9 p.m.
A creative service in support of
the moratorium will be held at
Hillel House on Friday night at
8:30. Instead of a sermon, the"
congregation will quietly walk to
the Diag and conclude their serv-
ice there. The service, with Rabbi
Goldman, will be open to people:
of all faiths.
Saturday, the First United'
Methodist Church will hold a con-
tinuous service in the mnain sanc-
tuary to pray for the end of the
war and the beginning of world
peace. The service, which will last
from 1 p.m. until 9 p.m., will also
be open to all faiths.
On today's I
I FPggo Threce'
0 Passage df a draft lottery
appears likely as senators
seeking a complete overhaul
of the draft agree to drop'
their o b j e c t i o n s in ex-
nl-,nnnP fm inr r m ionPAzr(if

Election results
See Page 8
from funds out of the Student
Vehicle Fund and from a $5 re-
turnable deposit to be paid by all
The deposit will be levied in:
September, 1970 on all students
currently enrolled.
Students who enroll afterward
will pay the deposit on entering.
The deposit will be returned to
each student on request when he
leaves the University, as long as
the bookstore is solvent.
SGC Vice President Marc Van
der Hout said last night, "This is
the culmination of a series of con-
certed actions which finally got
the students what they wanted. It
should be made clear disruptive
tactics and the arrest of 108 people
were necessary for this to mate-
The controversial bookstore ref-
erendum was approved despite
heavy advertising by the major
bookstores during the past week
condemning it.
State Attorney General Frank
Kelley has yet to rule whether the
store can qualify for the state in-
stitution tax exemption, since it
is controlled by students and fac-
ulty members and not the Uni-
Lawyers, including University
Law Prof. Robert Knauss, agree
the state will probably rule the]
store has such tax exemptions
Over half of the voters approved1
all three referenda. The bookstore
question passed by a vote of 8230-
833: the fee assessment referen-
dum was approved 6415-2445; and
the Vietnam withdrawal proposal
passed 5979-2438.
Hub er iv
interview (

to meet,
Students and members of the
Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs (SACUA) will
sit down with Regents Nov. 20
in a "mutual education session"
to discuss communication among
all levels of the University, and
student-faculty participation in
determining priorities and long-
range planning.
Topics for the 11 hour meet-
ing were decided yesterday at a
meeting of SACUA and represent-
atives of various student organi-
The Regents passed a resolution
at last month's meeting to s e t
aside time to talk with students
and faculty about campus prob-
lems. There had been criticism
that communication between Re-
gents and faculty and students
have been inadequate.
SACUA proceeded from t h e r e
and contacted student leaders in
the schools and colleges, stu-
dent organizations and Student
Government Council to form a
group that could decide on topics
to discuss -with the Regents.
Discussion of 'student partici-
pation in formulating University
priorities and long-range plan-
ning was strongly supported. Neil
Hollinshed, Grad, said, "Students
don't know what is going on. They
are continually reacting to crisis
"Students should be in on long-
range planning and should know
what the budget is. The V i c e
President for Student Affairs re-
presents the administration-we
need student representation be-
fore the Regents."
SGC Executive Vice President
Marc Van der Hout advocated the
establishment of a student com-
mittee that could investigate both
long-range planning and the in-
creased involvement of students
in making high level decisions.
)n campus

Faculty ignore

Senate Assembly members s
will make up their own minds on
changes in the status of ROTC
assertions by Pentagon officialsI
program will be removed from
if significantly modified.
"We should make our own de
consider what is important to t
versity without regard for what
fense department is going to d
Prof. Robert Knauss, vice chai
Senate Assembly's Committee on
sity Affairs.
The statement is representativ

"I don't think it will have much effec
ay they on Assembly--they are going to make u
possible their own minds, not listen to the de
, despite fense department," said Bernard Galle
that the a member of the Assembly's Academic Af
campus fairs Committee, the group that wrot
the ROTC report.
cisions- Many faculty members respond to th
the Uni- remarks of Army, Air Force, and othe
the de- defense department officials with skep
o," says ticism.
rman of "I don't believe it," declares romanc
Univer- languages Prof. James O'Neill, also a
author of the report. "I'd be astonishe
e of the if they did pull out. They can't afford t

ct department-it's like considering how the
p Armour Meat Co. would react to an action
of the University. I don't think it will
r, have any influence at all."
- Like Porter, most faculty predict As-
e sembly will approve the majority report,
which recommends:
e -elimination of faculty status for
r ROTC officers, except when they hold an
- academic appointment with another de-
partment of the University;
n --elimination of academic credit for
d ROTC courses, except for those taught by
o instructors with faculty status;

Investigators for State Senator
Robert Huber's committee on stu-
dent unrest have come to campus
this week to look at the Univer-
sity and learn something about its
The conmittee was formed by
the Senate last spring to probe
unrest on c o 11 e g e campuses
throughout the state.
A research team from Higher.
Education Associates - a Detroit
firm hired by Huber's committee'
-began interviewing students yes-

"We are trying to make an
assessment of the problems that
faculty members and students
have," says Emmet. "We're trying
to see what the issues for the '70's
Emmet stresses that no one is
being forced to cooperate-all in-
terviews are strictly voluntary.
At least some of the people talk-
ing with Huber's commission are
glad they've come.
"It's marvelous that they are
looking because they will learn a
lot," says James Shaw, assistant


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