The high costs of populism and elitism Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 1 1, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID SPURRI To save freedom from government repression Tr HEUNITED STATES government's de- cision to limit the scope of a mass march against the Vietnam war, and accom- panying warnings that it will use soldiers (read "violence") to stop the demonstra- tion is of such historic moment that most people would rather ignore the Nixon- Justice Department proclamations than swallow them. Plainly, the government is threatening dissenters with the possibil- ity of beating and arrest. And so, the recent pronouncements from the administration mark the com- mencement of an era of repression: of freedom of speech, freedom to assemble, freedom to criticize the government. Few people read the signs two weeks ago when Spiro T. Agnew suggested the nation should "separate dissenters from society ... like rotten apples from a barrel." It was more difficult to overlook Atty. Gen. Mitchell's statements to the same effect. All the while, President Nixon reas- sures dissenters that in this democratic society everyone has the right to pro- test. And Nixon is an honorable man ... rfHE GOVERNMENT'S stand on the mass march does not mark a sudden digression from previous national policy, but rather the continuation of a tragic trend which has been building inexorably in small towns, on campuses, in u r b a n centers, throughout the nation. At first, repression worked subtly: people could protest, but voting restrictions, the two- party system, political machines, uncon- stitutional laws, and the courts effectively prevented dissidents from securing a Endorsements.. T HE DAILY senior editors endors- ed the following candidates f o r at-large Student Government Coun- cil seats: EXCELLENT - Philip Anderson, Dave Brand and Jerry DeGriek. GOOD - Marty Scott and J o a n Martin. The senior editors urged students to vote "yes" on all three referenda calling for a $5 per student deposit for bookstore capital, student con- trol of tuition increases assessed for construction projects, and immed- iate withdrawal of the U.S. armed forces from Vietnam. Today is the second day of t h e two-day election. Polls will be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. position of prominence. Official doctrine ruled the microphones. But then, with the black self-assertion and the Vietnam war, public demonstra- tions began to build, mature, and gain national support. Dissent met ugly forms of repression: fire hoses and dogs in Alabama, gestapo police tactics in Chi- cago, teargas and buckshot at Berkeley. Now Marines and National Guardsmen will defend the Capital from the people. Still, the silent and vocal minorities alike fail to confront the political real- ity; they instead bemoan the whittling away of their freedoms by a state which must use the military to keep the public quiet. Meanwhile, they listen to the Pre- sident redefine concepts of freedom and forget the traditional ones to avoid grap- pling with the contradictions. WHAT ARE THE new definitions? There is the right to protest - but only in numbers small enough to be utterly meaningles and politically impotent; any demonstration which represents a serious political challenge to the government is prohibited. There is the right to protest-curbed by the right of government to "p'rotect belongings and property." To the admin- istration, this means prohibiting any de- monstration which may lead the vio- lence. In this case, the Justice Depart- ment "has information" that some groups will use violent tactics in the march; to prevent violence, officials reason, mili- tary force must be available to disrupt the march. But this is precisely the strategy which Nixon's government is plotting: scaring the thousands who are willing to peace- fully protest what this nation is doing with bombs. If the march fizzles because everyone stayed away in fear, then government re- pression will have worked effectively, without apparent coercion or disturbance. If the march becomes a riot, then t h e government will shift the blame to a "small minority" dedicated to the des- truction of society. BUT WHAT if everyone goes? T h e r e were perhaps 150,000 demonstrators in Chicago; there should be 500,000 in Washington. The citizens of this nation who cannot support the government must not submit to threats or bluffs, but must find safety in numbers. Any citi- zen who opposes the war must go to Washington on Nov. 15. Anything 1 e S s will tell the government that its repres- sion has won. -DANIEL ZWERDLING By ARTHUR M. ROSS Vice-President for State Relations and Planning YOUR Nov. 6 editorial, entitled "Bigger or Better," raises in- teresting questions about enroll- ment policy and budget appro- priations. The views expressed are wide- ly held; in fact the editorial might pass for a faculty report except that the sentence structure is bet- ter. I should like to comment on one or two statements which may re- flect misunderstandings of the facts. The editorial says that "plans for large-scale expansion are being taken pretty much as an accepted fact by University and college administrators." While we do not have firm en- rollment projections, my o w n judgment is thatrmoderate ex- pansion is in the cards. I do not see any basis, however, for a prediction of "large-scale ex- pansion." Ann Arbor enrollment rose 31 percent in the 1950's a n d another 38 percent during t h e 1960'. There is absolutely no reason to expect increases of this magni- tude, or anything like it, in the 1970's. THE EDITORIAL says "a good deal of the impetus for expansion of the University comes from ex- ternal pressure:" i.e., the Legisla- ture. If this proposition refers to the Ann Arbor campus, it is not correct. Nobody in Lansing is pressing the University for enrollment in- creases. So far as the Legislature and the Budget Bureau are con- cerned, we are free to plan for higher, lower or stable enrollment. But whatever the decision, there are attendanttconsquences for operating and capital appro- priations. The author recognizes that bud- getary appropriations are closely linked with enrollment trends, but appears to believe that we can argue ourselves out of that box. This, I fear, is an illusory hope. 'We can insist that the differen- tial costs of various degre p r o - grams be fully recognized. We can make out the case that a campus with a large component of pro- fessional and Ph.D. instruction must haveasalaries, and teaching loads, consistent with a h i g h- quality research commitment on the part of the faculty. We continually urge these points, and with reasonable suc- cess. But we cannot hope to sever the link between enrollment and appropriations. WHAT WITH the escalating costs of higher education, the ur- gency of other domestic problems and the fiscal crisis in the public sector, it is hardly surprising that the Budget Bureau and the Legis- lature think they are paying for enrollment when they appropriate money. This situation is by no means new: Populism, rather than elit- ism, has always been the dom- inant view in stte capitals. For the "extra margin of quality," we must look to other financial sources and try to protect t h e i from being counted against t h e state's fair share. When these facts are kept in mind, some prevalent myths are exploded. For example, it is widely believ- ed that MSU, by dint of more skillful arm-twisting, has run off with large amounts of State money which by rights should have come to the University. The facts reveal that w h i 1e MSU's operating appropriation has rised rapidly than ours, t h e same is true of MSU's enrollment. As a result, the percentage in- creases in appropriation per stu- dent were roughly in parity as between the two institutions up to 1969. (The situationf changed t h i s year because we were mandated [unsoundly, we think I to spend 1.7 million dollars of accumulated working capital. This capital con- sumption was deleted from the state appropriation. Governor Milliken has indicated, however. that the 1.7 million will be fund- ed in his 1970-71 budget recom- mendation,) THERE are similar strains of fantasy in Ann Arbor thinking concerning the Flint and D e a r- lars if we exerted more ingenuity in displaying the indefinable es- sence of our academic quality, in demonstrating how research bene- fits the State and nation, a n d showing how highly we are rated by the American Council on Edu- cation. Squadrons of students, faculty and alumni should descend upon Lansing in order to "sell" the Uni- versity of Michigan. We should in- form the Legislators that libraries are essential at high-class uni- versities. Some think that a Rose Bowl team is worth a million dol- lars. DESPITE these fashionable and condescending assumptions, the true facts are more prosaic and unpredictable. I will now tear away the curtain of mystery sur- uates because the unit cost is higher. 3) Third is a slow tendncy toward equalization or levelling as between the newer and older in- stitutions. Appropriations p e r student have increased more rap- idly at Wayne and the regional universities than at the Univer- sity or MSU. I WOULDN'T claim that this model explains every dollar in every year. Political fortunes and misfortunes play a part. Certainly we need effective representation in Lansing in order to obtain our fair share of what is available, But when all is said and done. we are not going to break the link between appropriations and en- rollment. Returning to your Nov. 6 editor- which we never tire of claiming to be-on the verge of because of bud- getary non-support. THUS THE issue of enrollment growth must be analyzed on its own merits. According to y o u r editorial, "the greatest task facing the University administration is to stop the trend toward enroll- ment growth." This is certainly an arguable position, but I personally believe that moderate growth is desirable. My reasons include the following: 1) The additional budget is available not only for teachers but for associated departmental costs, 2) Enrollment growth helps to strengthen the case for replace- ment of obsolete facilities. 3> Some undergraduate p r o- . . ... ............ .. ........ Populism, ratlier .than elitism, has always been the dominant view in state capitals. For the ex- tra margin of quality," we must look to other financial sources and try to protect them from be- ing counted against the state's fair share . . But we cannot solve problems by getting more money with fewer students. The only solution is to get more Inilelge from existing resources ... born campuses. There is a ten- dency to assume that if t h e s e campuses were not affiliated with us, we would have more money for Ann Arbor. The fact is, however, that there would still be campuses in Flint and Dearborn; they would still have students; they would still ob- tain a corresponding state appro- priation. The fact that the cost per student on these campuses is relatively high, reflecting limit- ed enrollment, does not change the situation. The same-has been true of Grand Valley College, for example. I have not yet listed all the un- founded beliefs on the subject of budgetary appropriations. It is often held that we c o u l d obtain millions of additional dol- rounding state appropriations. The amount of new money we get from Lansing over any sub- stantial period of time depends essentially on three factors: 1? The most important, by far. is the amount of new money avail- able to all the public colleges and universities in the state. If there is only $25 million of new money for higher education this year, nei- ther the University nor any other school will get a satisfactory ap- propriation. 2) Second is our enrollment trend in comparison with the en- rollment trend of other institu- tions. Naturally the character of new enrollment will make a dif- ference; 100 additional medical students will yield a larger in- crease than 100 new undergrad- ial, I would agree that lower-divi- sion students are short-changed because their academic diet is so heavy on teaching fellows and so light on professors.. But we cannot solve these prob- lems by getting more money with fewer students. The only solution is to get more mileage from existing resources in order 'to enrich the lower-division program and satisfy other priori- ties. This is a large topic which I will not attempt to cover here. Suffice it to say that sloppy use of resources and indifference to instructional costs are no longer the hallmarks of high-quality ed- ucation. On the contrary, they are the four-lane highway to mediocrity, grams (e.g. Natural Resources, Pharmacy) are below optimum size. Some graduate programs are below . strength because of the military draft (e.g. Engineering, Business. On the other hand, en- rollment in Education is pro- bably too large. 4? If we must turn away grow- ing numbers of fully qualified in- state students, it will be increas- ingly difficult to maintain the present proportion of out-of-state students. 5) Enrollment growth permits us to hire young faculty w i t h thoroughly up-to-date training. This is the best way to move into new areas of study and keep up with changing student ideology. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Liberation in black and white: Reflections on making ri ends 19La It e =-- ,, , i; _ ti _ . ~~11)I ...- To the Editor: I'M GETTING TIRED of black I'm-more-radical-than-you-ism. A n d Darryl - Gorman's article (Daily, Nov. 9) didn't help at all. Mr. Gorman is black. Mr. Gorman has an SGC voting record so con- servative that only Roger Keats can beat it. Mr. Gorman doesn't thinkmuch of SGC radicals. Mr. Gorman thinks all student power issues irrelevant. Mr. Gorman thinks the bookstore the most ir- relevant issue of all. Why? To Darryl Gorman, the book- store means rich white students spending their time trying to save themselves a few dollars t h e y don't need anyway. Why does it mean that to him? Like most blacks, Mr. Gorman's aim is to win his people - my people except when blacks won't let me in - what whites already have. There's nothing wrong with that aim, provided it doesn't start him thinking of white students as living in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. BUT MR. GORMAN has begun thinking exactly that. Therefore, for him, as for most other blacks, the only radical movement in America must be the movement (quite rightly) that, as an eco- nomic issue, the bookstore is triv- ial and, from the perspective of blacks, almost criminal insofar as the energies wasted on it could have been put to better use. WHITE STUDENTS spend a good deal of time these days try- ing to understand their b 1 a c k brothers and sisters. Black stu- dents m i g h t try returning the compliment, since living together requires mutual understanding and black students almost inevi- tably misunderstand their white brothers and sisters. Mr. Gorman is a case in point. If he had bothered to ask a n y white student he knows - except, perhaps Roger Keats - what the bookstore meant, he would have learned that the bookstore was a student power issue, a question of self-determination. (He might al- so have learned that by listening to the debate at SGC meetings.) Mr. Gorman, I said, doesn't un- derstand white students. That's at least as unfortunate for him as for white students. He can't build an alliance with white students if he doesn't understand what they're fighting for - or rather, t h a t the're fighting for enntrol of work the guilt off by doing the darkies a favor. Darryl Gorman talks big. But when it comes to doing anything, he looks to the white man - or, rather, to white kids - to do it for him. He doesn't know, that as Stokely Carmichael used to say, only black people can liberate black people; t h a t blacks can't and shouldn't depend on whites for their liberation; that where black and white work together, it must be as equals, neither doing¢ the other any favors. If Mr. Gorman wants white sup- port for open admissions for dis- advantaged students, let him join white students fighting for control of admissions policy. If he wants white support for black control of black studies programs, let him join white students fighting for student parity in academic decis- ion-making. If he w a n t s white support for any other fight of his, let him find common ground with whites. If he doesn't want white help, let him stop his whining. MY GRANDMOTHER used to say, "You've got to be a friend to have a friend." She didn't know anything about how to make social change. But, in that pro- ment had said: "Force will be used if necessary." I ask you to consider the ir- lationship between these two statements. I CANNOT BELIEVE that the headline was other than a deliber- ate lie. The only alternative is that all Daily personnel who approved the headline are completely in- competent in the area of word usage. I have noted with dismay a growing tendency on the part of The Daily to distort the news. It is often obvious that the distortion is deliberate. This is journalism at its worst. You yourselves should be the first to condemn dishon- esty. I ask for an editorial apology for the use of the headline and assurance that the persons respon- sible for it will be disassociated from The Daily. -Prof. Charles Brumfiel Mathematics Dept. Nov. 8 .EDITOR'S NOTE: The Daily recognizes the misleading content of the headline and regrets any misunderstanding resulting from it. The overriding consideration in this case was what would promote the most free and intelligent choice by the voter. CLEARLY TO exclude a can- didate from the ballot over a trivial violation of the rules would not result in giving the voter the fullest choice in the election. Moreover, such a decision would not have made the election pro- cess more rational. If the candi- date involved had any savvy at all, he would-have exercised his right to run as a write-in candidate. He wo'-d probably have campaigned solely on the fact that the C&R Board's decision had been unfair, unwise, and stupid. I BELIEVE an appeal based on that issue would have been upheld by the voters, with the result that the focus of the election would have shifted from the candidate's qualifications and platform to the wholly irrelevant q u e s t i o n of whether the C&R Board had n)ade a mistake. Since last spring, SGC has adopted a complete and full set of election rules. However. I would hope that SGC would always keep in mind that detailed rules are the means to an end, and not an end themselves. __oan Kra- "' il ' J. t . , - , . ., :,. '. :^ , a :;L>., gym;;. ¢-", .