LETTERS TO THE EDITOR EIir Mir4igan Daily Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Fh -h Fighting the bookstore owners' 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. I NIGHT EDITOR: JIM NEUBACHER SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1969 The government prepares to do battle 111HE NIXON administration's shabby attempts to dispel legitimate protest of the Vietnam war in Washington Nov. 15 should strengthen the determination of all who are opposed to the war to turn out in force next week. Deputy Atty. Gen. Richard G. Kleindienst's denial of permits for the Pennsylvania Avenue march, his threats of meeting peaceful demonstra- tors with military force, and finally his "backing down" to allow marchers to use an alternate route past the White House, are all part of a conscious effort to per- suade the protesters to stay at home. These efforts should not be permitted to succeed. When the Justice Department original- ly denied the Mobilization a permit for next Saturday's planned march from the Capitol to the Washington Monument, via the White House, Kleindienst ration- alized to the press that the proximity of the line of march to the ghetto and the downtown business district, when coupled with the anticipated violent disruptions by Weatherman and others, would lead to rioting and destruction in the federal city. The paranoia behind such fears be- comes apparent when one discovers that the "militants" the Justice Department is so sure will cause violence are primar- ily the nation's college students. ARMED WITH the spectre of violence they themselves have raised, Nixon's lackeys first denied permission for a march past the White House, then threat- ened to prevent such a march by calling out the Army. Such actions would have been criminally stupid two years ago, and now, with the lessons lof Chicago staring the Justice Department in the face, they are totally unforgiveable. Only the in- credibly naive could believe that the gov- ernment is not aware that such denial of Beware GASP IN HORROR as a handful of young activists attempt the heist of $275,000 from the pockets of unsuspecting University students. Ads placed in The Daily by local bookstores give all the scary details ..is there any hope for the virtuous students? But wait, coming over yonder hill, it's the Silent Majority! You've thrilled as they rose in anger against "the effete snobs," you've cheered as they saved the nation again and again from a crazed minority, now see them as they smash the evil "student-run bookstore!" We wish to thank Ann Arbor bookstores for rallying them to action. -A.S. -J.M. permits and threats of force will prac- tically guarantee that violence will break out. VESTERDAY'S "compromise" leaves the situation practically u n c h a n g e d. While the Justice Department has agreed to let the march take place along Con- stitution Avenue, informed sources indi- cate that the police are massing on the Mall and the scent of blood is still in the air of the nation's capital. The Mobiliza- tion Committee has rejected this "com- promise" and rightly so, since it would still prevent the march from passing by the White House. The earlier denial of permits allowed the administration to explain the pres- ence of not only the police, but the Army, the National Guard, the White House se- curity forces, and the D.C. Park Police in downtown Washington on Moratorium Day. And the original fears of student- led violence are revealed as sham when the government's anticipation of disorder in the ghetto somehow vanishes when the parade route is moved two blocks to the south. IN THIS LIGHT, the administration's actions can only be seen as a blatant attempt to emasculate the Moratorium by scaring off demonstrators with threats of anticipated (dare we say "probable?") violence. By convincing the more mode- rate - and especially the more middle- aged-protesters to stay at home next week, Nixon hopes to discredit the peace movement in the minds of his silent con- stituency by diminishing both the size and the Establishment character of the march. Such manipulation must not be tolerat- ed if American society is to retain even the pretense of freedom of speech. By at- tempting to undercut dissent by threat- ening violence against peaceful protest- ers, the Nixon administration comes close to forbidding protest altogether. THOSE OF US who were simply going to Washington to m a r c h against the Vietnam war must now show our deter- mination to march at any cost. We must not be frightened away from expressing our views by tle threat of violence, or even by violence itself. What is at stake now is more than just the issue of the Vietnam war-it is the question of whether the basic freedoms on which this country was founded are to be allowed to survive. If we let Nixon's threats deter us from speaking our minds in Washington next week, we might as well surrender now, and let the police state come. -JENNY STILLER Editorial Page Editor To the Editor: HAVE YOU NOTICED how som e of the private bookstore owners are trying to buy a "no" vote against a University book- store through the use of hundreds of dollars worth of distorted, emo- tional, and incomplete advertise- ments? These ads are motivated by the self interest, of the private book- store owners - not by a sincere concern for the welfare of stu- dents. Many of the private book- stores are deathly afraid that a University Bookstore would pro- vide substantial savings to stu- dents and thereby decrease the profits made by the private book- stores. One of the ads is entitled "Beat the Machine." Hundreds of dol- lars are being spent by some of the private bookstores to prevent the establishment of a University Bookstore. On the other hand, the resources of the students who sup- port the University Bookstore are extremely limited. I ask. who is the "Machine?" ANN ARBOR'S prices are among the highest in the nation. Stu- dents are forced to pay exorbitant amounts for books, rent, food and other supplies. Remember w h e n you paid $15 for that book, they bought it back from you for $7 and then resold it for $11? The University Bookstore is de- signed to be a financial success and save students money. It will be a non-profit corporation run by a professional manager, it will use accepted accounting proce- dures and receive regular auditing. Students will receive an exem- ption from the 4 per cent sales tax. T h i s exemption cannot be given by private bookstores. Des- pite a proposed bill to the con- trary which would provide the ex- emption to private bookstores, it is very unlikely that the Michi- gan legislature will approve a change in the state sales tax. The University Bookstore will also save students money by pour- ing profits back to students in the form of discounts and/or rebates. On the other hand, thousands and thousands of dollars of private bookstore profit go to the owners of the private bookstores - not to the students. IF YOU ARE concerned t h a t the University Bookstore, may not be a financial success, examine the University Discount Store and the U-M Students Credit Union which are b o t h located in the Michigan Union. T h e extremely successful Dis- count Store, which will be com- bined with the University Book- store, already offers substantial savings on school supplies a n d records. The Credit Union expects to pay dividends and has $148,000 of deposits after less than three months of operation. Also, the five dollar levy in- cluded in the bookstore proposal is not a tax but rather a return- able deposit which can be collect- ed by the student when he finish- Letters to the Editor should I be mailed to the Editorial Di- rector or delivered to Mary Rafferty in the Student Pub- lications business office in the Michigan Daily building. Let- ters should be typed, double- spaced and normally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial Directors reserve the right to edit all letters submitted. - 7- , - - r A r - Commission report finds SST to be 'a white elephant, too expensive, and too loud.' -News Item couple of points about the Stu- dent Mobilization Committee. A coalition in which we are partici- pating, but did not initiate, has called local actions for Nov. 13-14. TO MY knowledge, no local ac- tions are planned for Saturday, and the SMC would oppose any such actions, which could cut across building for Washington. Our focus is exclusively local in the sense that the focus of our independent activity is local ac- tion. We are not acting independent- ly in Ann Arbor to build the March against Death or the Mass March Saturday; the March against Death Committee and New. Mobe are the organizations doing those jobs and doing them well. BUT WE consider the Nov. 13-15 actions to be of historic impor- tance and the first priority tasks at hand. It is with the idea of complementing those actions, by involving some of the tens of thousands of students who won't be able to express their opposition' to the war in Washington, that we support the local actions Nov. 13 and 14. Nationally, local actions will constitute a November Moratorium which will add impact to the Washington actions. -Andy Bustin Student Mobilization Committee Nov. 5 Exciting career To the Editor: SENIORS! Do you want to get to the top when you leave college? Forget corporations! In a cor- poration, you have to completely abandon all your ideals of right and wrong, dedicate your life to being the pawn of the corporation. and then it takes years to get to the top. No! There is an easier way. Become a Dictator. It is easy and - nachine you need no advanced degrees. Just pick out a piece of real estate anywhere in the world that you want for your dictatorship. Con- tact the State Department in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Tell them you think you saw a communist hiding behind a tree in the land and that you have a burning desire to liberate the people from the threat. The gov- ernment will take it from there. You may never have been to this locality: it may not even have a tree; but that is immaterial. The freedom-loving U.S. taxpayer is supporting dictators all over the world. You might as well be one of them. ONE SHOULD use a little discre- tion in choosing the locality for his dictatorship. It should have some natural resources that may be exploited by U.S. Industry. For example if the resources of the U.S. Department of Defense are required to maintain you as a dic- tator, there is little point in your being a dictator over an iceberg. This would require a public rela- tions "snow job" to convince the American housewife that she should abandon the noisy electric refrigerator and return to using the silent ice refrigerator. This objective would not be impossible; but it would add to the overhead. Of course, if you are on the trail of a communist, any consideration of cost or economics is completely beside the point. It is chiefly a matter of your own personal in- fluence. If the freedom-loving American taxpayer had to pay the cost of sending the 7th fleet down to protect your domain, your per- sonal influence would be en- hanced if your domain contained the natural resources that could increase the tax-exempt wealth of some multimillionaire American industrialist. It would be an exciting career. Give it your consideration. -Marsh F. Beall, '32E Nov. 3 es his studies and leaves the Uni- versity. Like the advertisements say. "Make your own Decisions. You know the issues. Make your vote count." Don't be pushed around by the same people who have been pushing students around for years. If you are concerned about high Ann Arbor prices for books and student supplies, then do some- thing about it. Beat the Ann Ar- bor Bookstore Machine by voting YES for the University Bookstore. -Neill H. Hollenshead President, Lawyers Club Board of Directors Nov. 7 Expertise To the Editor: SOME OF US on the faculty who are familiar with the Middle East were greatly impressed by the i;ecent articles on Arab politics by Rosenthal and Dinner. With great insight, and mar- shalling impressive evidence, they present a convincing case to the effect that the Arabs are not only fundamentally incompetent, but killers by instinct and probably, as Newsweek recently contended, "congenital liars." Citing the authoritative Al- Hayat of Beirut, they prove that the lowly Syrians are practising genocide against the Kurds. Equal- ly damning evidence is presented against the Egyptians and Arabs in general (except the Christians of Lebanon whom the authors. demonstrating t h e i r in-depth knowledge of the ethnology of the area, do not consider as Arabs 1 BY CONTRAST the authors in- cisievly demonstrate the integrity and hard-work of the Isrealis. There is little doubt that the Is- raelis are the only hope for pro- gress in the Middle East. We are indebted to Rosenthal and Dinner for helping us under- stand such a complicated situ- ation. Their credentials and sources of information, unfor- tunately not mentioned in the article, must be excellent. We hope that we can benefit from their expertise in the future. -Prof. John Waterbury Political Science Dept. Nov. 4 Local action To the Editor: LUNSFORD PHILLIPS and Al- bert Vellucci have performed a service in their letter to The Daily on Tuesday the need for which probably hadn't occured to anyone else. Those working to organize the Fall Offensive tend to forget that most of the people who are participating in it are not partic- ularly aware of or concerned with the organizational forms within which they 'work. A simple setting forth of the functions each organization is per- forming, to clarify the options for antiwar action, was valuable. This letter is just to clarify a Feidhamp on Feidhamp To the Editor: WOULD LIKE to respond to charges against myself and the housing office which appeared in a letter to the editor written Oct. 1 by William L. Levy, secretary of Frost House Council (Daily, Oct. 25). I would like to reiterate some of the responses I made to Mr. Levy at a beneficial meeting with Frost House residents on Oct. 8 and which Mr. Levy raised again in his letter to The Daily: 1. Roommates for Resident Ad- visors. While it wasealways our preference to have Resident Ad- visors in single rooms no guaran- tee of single rooms had been of- ficially provided. At the March 27. 1969 meeting of the Board of G o v e r n o r s representatives of Markley Hall, t h e board voted unanimously that it "go on record as desiring to do whatever pos- sible to better the situation of the Resident Advisors and that all ef- forts be m a d e to obtain single rooms... AT THE APRIL 10, 1969 meet- ing of the Board of Governors, the board was made aware that about $76,000 in additional General Fund monies would be necessary to carry out a guarantee of single rooms. It w a s then determined O n By MICHAEL DAVI IF NIXON has his way, the a riot in Washington on1 15. Violence. more than anyt would discredit the peace m because violence alone wou the easy equation of peace order, firmly allying the haw with the hawks of law ar Nixon has, since taking office best to create such an alliance ing heavily on the ambigui phrase "crime in the stree He, like most of the those ing the war, thought the 0 demonstration would end in r out outside help. He keptq did nothing. Despite provoc several cities, despite minor in many more, the Octobe torium was awesomely peacef covering it noted that pea with obvious relief and respe must have been very disapp He will not do nothing a has already spoken out ago peace movement with great cuning, trying to blame it witl ening the war, causing Amer diers to die unnecessarily, an America in danger of humil the battlefield. He calledu American common man to ways to avoid\ S Committee (MOBE), the march's policy of s re will be sponsor, took the refusal to court, it showed th November would probably have won permission. ly that, mE hing else, If the MOBE won in court, the likeli- look unjus novem ent,hood of violence would only be some- governmen Id permit what less than if it lost. plaining ' with dis- If the MOBE lost, the march itself The MC ks of war would be illegal and all other activities make sure nd order. would be tainted by that illegality, planned d done his The police would feel free to attack unjust refs , depend- at will. If the court granted permis- harassmev ty of the sion, the police would have to wait for ness of th ts. an excuse, and 15. Ni support- The President has, in any case, al- to catch ctober 15 ready set the tone. Soon he will prob- thing that lots with- ably announce that, while he hopes ever violex quiet and there will be no violence, he knows mitted by ations in that violence is possible and has decid- without ca incidents ed to take precautions. He will order To do t er Mora- large numbers of federal marshals and impose co. ful. Those federal troops into Washington, just participati acefulness as Johnson did for the March on the matter gi ?ct. Nixon Pentagon. That will help to scare off volved, the pointed. moderates, radicalize the doubtful, and sary diver again. He give greater weight to the violent, the lack o 'ainst the Movement care and Nixon-or rather, someone in the Mbent h length- Justice Department-will also place be s ic nsol- provocateurs within the ranks of the forthe s ri putting demonstrators, leaving as little to the MOE d putingb - 0 9discipline. Nation on chance as possible. Provocateurs were upon the used during the Convention demon- HOW S1 support strations in Chicago and appear to I would su violence in Nixon land crupulous nonviolence which e provocations to be obvious- ade extreme countermeasures tified, and left the respective nts the painful duty of ex- what had happened. OBE should begin now to it can both carry out the emonstrations, even against usal of permission or extreme nt, and preserve the peaceful- he activiites of November 14 o cameraman should be able one participant doing any- t even looks violent. What- nce there is should be com- the government, seemingly ause. hat the MOBE will have to nsiderable discipline on those ng in its activities-no easy Nen the great numbers in- e open recruiting, the neces- rsity of opinion and style, f time, and the discomfort. people always feel about ctly organized. Nevertheless, ake of the peace movement, E should try to impose that HOULD the MOBE do that? uggest that the MOBE begin draw them unthinkingly into acts they might later regret. I would suggest more. Those par- ticipating in any demonstration should be given an information sheet warning them that government agents, mental- ly deranged persons, or others who care nothing for peace, may try to provoke violence either by attacking the dem- onstration from outside or by engaging in some violent act from inside the ranks of the demonstration; that if attacked they should withdraw quietly and peacefully or, if ordered by a dem- onstration marshal, resist passively; that if any of their number commits a violent act, they should be given him no aid, applause, protection, or other encouragement or support but instead should leave him standing by himself as if he were-what he might well be -a police agent. Last, I would suggest that the MOBE recruit and train large numbers of demonstration marshals, p e r h a p s enough to assign one to every ten demonstrators. These marshals should be committeed to nonviolence, at least as a temporary tactic. (They might be asked to take an additional pledge.) They should be made responsible for preventing violence by demonstra- tors and for interposing themselves be- tween demonstrators and police in what many people in the Movement still do not: that for every person radicalized by participating in violence, there are probably four hardened against whatever that violence was done for. (It is hard to reason with people while they are angry or feel physicially endangered, whether they are justified or not in their anger or fear.) Violence only creates a ad- icalized minority at the cost of mobil- izing against that minority a vengeful and selfrighteous majority. Perhaps violence would still be worth the cost if that majority were immune to argument and peaceful persuasion. But there is no reason to believe that it is immune. Therefore, radicalization by doing violence is, as a tactic, stupid. There is no other way to describe it. OF COURSE, the Movement cannot always avoid violence. The best we can do is not add to it and not implicate ourselves in it. If the police, or some onlookers, decide to attack us, we are in no position to stop them from at- tacking. All we can do is localize the violence they commit by peacefully op- posing it-with our unprotected bodies if necessary--so that the watching nation can judge between us and them on the visual evidence, There is no better way for people that converted rooms and second spaces in staff rooms would be as- signed last. At that same meeting the Board of Governors was un- able to decide whether moving persons from converted rooms or giving staff single rooms was more important. As I indicated to the F r o s t House Council, in our budget pre- parations for 1970-71 our first re- quest for additional funds is for monies to obtain single rooms for staff. Further in the budgetary planning it has been determined that easing the situation in Mark- ley where most staff are in double rooms had first preference over other halls. There was also a will- ingness to reduce Resident Ad- visors' salaries across the board in order to accomplish the objective of single rooms for staff. This lat- ter mechanism was not available to us in March, 1969 because com- mitments had already been made for 1969-70 staff, 2. Offices in West Quadrangle. The decision to convert housing space to office space was made in March, 1968. The Regents au- thorized this conversion for a min- imum of two years. The conver- sion was authorized based on res- idency patterns that became evi- dent during the 1967-68 y ea r. Residency patterns have changed substantially since then. The de- cision to have office space in West Quadrangle is currently being con- sidered inasmuch as the two-year period expires this spring. 3. Conversion of Two Women's Houses in Markley. The authori- zation given by the Board of Gov- ernors to convert two houses in West Quadrangle on June 5, 1969 was based upon information that became available to them at that time. The student-staff planning group last spring had originally considered recommending conver- sion of women's spaces to men's tives discussed by the planning committee in the Spring the con- version of Markley obtained the greatest support. The Board of Governors and our Office both regretted that this de- cision needed to be made during the summer. Every attempt was made to contact persons affected by this change. We were aware that these late contracts left a great deal to be desired. 4. Temporary Space. At its meet- ing of August 21, 1969 the Board of Governors of Residence Halls was asked to consider the fresh- man male housing shortage that was apparent at that time. The consensus of the board was "that the Office of University Housing h a d a primary commitment to house incoming freshmen." T h e plans for temporary housing were discussed with the Board and while no one viewed these plans as a desirable living situation the only alternative was to return the $45 deposits to the freshmen who could not be housed and ask them to look for space in private hous- ing. W i t h regard to ELI students there was no policy of s a v i n g rooms for ELI students. When our halls opened this fall only 10 ap- plications had been received by us from ELI students. When ELI students appeared in far greater numbers the only spaces we could offer were spaces from "no shows" in Baits. Through a concerted ef- fort at Baits and in our office all ELI students were placed by the end of the first week of classes. 5. Prepayment Problems. T h e prepayment plan endorsed by the student-staff planning committee was designed to reduce the num- ber of "no-shows" that had been experienced in previous years. No one believed that this would make predictions accurate but if it could provide the Office of Uni- versity Housing with advance no- tice of vacancies these vacant spaces could be assigned to stu- dents applying in the latter part of the summer. As I indicated to you on Oct. 8, many defects were found in the prepayment system. Improvements that we are con- sidering fox' next year include less reliance on data processing mech- anisms. 6. Plans for Solving and Avoid- ing Recurrences of this past fall's Problems. As I detailed to t h e Frost House Council two major steps should make possible o u r avoiding the problems we faced this fall. First we need at an early date firm policy decisions with re- gard to what commitments the University has to freshmen, ELI students and others. These com- mitments this last year were made clear only at a late date. THE SECOND STEP toward avoiding these problems is a firm commitment to earlier mailing of information to new students. This last ,rear' housingr informatin as