THE GOVERNMENT PREPARES FOR BATTLE See Editorial Page iE r gl Afr'4AO iE3,aiIut REAL NICE High-56 Low-30 Cloudy but becoming sunny later in the day Vol. LXXX, No. 57 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 8, 1969 Ten Cents ROTC-may leave if 'U' reduces st By WALTER SHAPIRO amount of time and the Navy which the faculty report calls a Nov. 18. The report recommends: If these recommendations prove ed by Defense Secretary Melvin law s Daily Washington Correspondent feels they deserve academic cred- "gift to the Department of De- -The abolition of faculty status unacceptable to the defense de- Laird. has t WASHINGTON - All ROTC it," he says. fense." for ROTC officers, except when partment, the report recommends The ROTC spokesmen cite the profe units may pack up and leave The Army, Benson explains, has The Army spokesman indicates they hold a regular academic ap- that all contracts now held by the withdrawal of rent-free facilities able1 North Hall soon if the University stayed at universities where no the current Army position is that pointment with another depart- University with ROTC be drop- as a key factor which may render progr decides to sever all financial and academic credit was granted. But, the defense department should ment of the University; ped and that ROTC be set up as the faculty report unacceptable. ment most academic ties with the train- he adds, "Some appropriate refer- provide some funds to universities -The abolition of academic an extracurricular activity. Bersom says there is no school Be ing programs, ence in the catalogue and some as an incentive rather than as- credit for ROTC courses, except where the Air Force maintains a titles Army, Air Force, and other de- status in the academic community sume the entire cost of the pro- for those taught by instructors Benson s a y s the programs ROTC program which doesn't pro- conti fense department officials here would be required." gram. with faculty status; should not stay around as extra- vide it with facilities and class- build suggest they may withdraw from An Army ROTC spokesman says Lt. Col. George Bersom, chief -The elimination of the Uni- isrnone of t vies wy room space. He contends the re- there the University completely if a re- it is unlikely the program would of the Air Force ROTC program, versity subsidy to the ROTC pro- is none of the services would re- lationshiP between ROTC and the there port now before the faculty calling remain on the campus if it had to takes a similar position. "Of grams through its granting rent- .ain and I wouldn't advise them universities "is a reciprocal one. can't for the abolition of credit and pay rent. course we would have to wait for free space and supplying the pro- . We provide the instructors and the Th financial support for the programs "We feel that when we become action by the Regents before we grams with secretarial and other since the whole basis of the ROTC University provides the facilities. the F is adopted. rent-paying, we become divorced could comment officially, but normal departmental services; program is that people want com- We don't have any provisions for junio Dr. George C.S. Benson, direc- from the University and we feel generally speaking, we could not -The establishment of a Uni- missions with the minimum incon- doing it any other way," he says. the2 tor of ROTC programs for the we should be an integral part of accept any position that is de- versity ROTC committee com- venence But, says Bersom, the elimina- alter Department of Defense, says "the it," he said. grading to the Air Force," he says. posed of students, faculty and ad- The Army spokesman says that tion of academic appointments imed Navy would definitely pull out if The University now contributes Some faculty members say the ministrators to review the direc- a report co-authored by Benson, now granted to ROTC instructors On there were no academic credit for $80,000 annually in direct services Senate Assembly is likely to ap- tion and content of ROTC courses which had said, in part, that the would not be a major stumbling tee n ROTC." to the ROTC programs, plus an- prove the ROTC report submitted in the same way as each academic government s h o u 1d re-imburse block. repor "The Navy's rationale is that other $270,000 in the form of of- by the Assembly's Academic Af- department now reviews its own universities for the cost of the "We don't stand pat on acade- "mod the advanced courses take a large fice and classroom space, al of fairs Committee when it meets curriculum and staff. ROTC programs, had been reject- mic titles per se," he says. "The Eight Pages atus ays that a ROTC instructor he rights and privileges of a ssor. But as long as he is to function and conduct his 'am in an academic environ- , titles don't matter." nson agrees that "academic are not important," but he nues that "if there were no ings provided, I don't think services would stay. For if is no building, you really function. e armed services depend on ROTC programs for training r officers, notes Benson, and Navy, for one, doesn't have nate facilities for training "an iately employable ensign." e Academic Affairs commit- member has said the faculty t would have the effect of ifying ROTC i n t o t h e See ROTC, Page 8 Lvents Bldg. fee discussed C ai rejects rient cut; students await full report By ERIC SCHENK University Athletic Director Don Canham has told repre- sentatives of the Office of Student Organization's policy committee that the current rental fee paid by student organizations for the use of the Events Bldg. cannot be reduced. However, committee members are waiting to see a full report on the financial conditions of the, Events Bldg. b e f o r e deciding whether to accept Canham's an- alysis of the situation. Policy committee chairman Phil Harrison says that at present it appears there may be some pos- sibility of reducing the $2500 per event fee by up to 20 per cent. Inter-Fraternity Council Presi- dent Gates Moss yesterday pre- sented the committee with results of a meeting held between Can- ham and the group's three-man subcommittee on entertainment and sports. Canham will meet with the subcommittee again within the next two weeks to present his full report. The question of reducing the Events Bldg. rent was originally raised by the Tenants Union, which used the facility for a sum- mer concert. Tenants Union leaders objected to charging student groups any rental fee for the use of the Events Bldg., which was financed entirely through student fees-$5 per stu- dent per term for 30 years, or a total of $12 million. Other student groups, including Inter-Fraternity Council, the Uni- versity bands and University Ac- tivities Center, became interesteds in the possibility of reduced rentsN this fall because this is te first year they have lost money ont concerts, Harrison said. Canham maintained that thet fee reduction would not be pos-1 sible. basing his analysis on these figures: -Annual operating costs for the Events Bldg. are approximate-C ly $200,000; -The building as used for 41 events last year, putting the op-,t erating cost per event at $5000: -For each event, security andt cleaning costs amount to $900. Canham added tha tthe cones- sion stands are currently commit - ted to a Toledo firm on a ten-I year contract. Some 30 per cent of the gross from the concessionsI goes into the general maintenances of the building.a Harrison said students wereo See DISCUSS, Page 8 1 Ott today's SPresidentNixon's.Vietnamt war policy receives s u b- stantial support in the Sen- ate as 40 Senators, includ- ing Majority leader M i k eV New Mobe comnpromis rejects offer route on Nov. 15 Bla ck Odyssey fret l L" 1 l "Black Odyssey," a pictorial exhibit devoted to the study of the b is being presented in the Michigan Union Ballroom this weekend pictured on the right, the exhibit has toured the state snee its c Black Students Union is sponsoring the exhibit. It is open from 9 WASHINGTON (AB - Leaders of the Nov. 15 Vietnam war protests yesterday rejected a compromise government offer to a 11 o w demonstrators to L stage a mass m a r c h along Constitution Ave. from the Capitol past an area near the 2 White House. Depty Atty. Gen. Richard Klein- dienst said the Justice Depart- ment would issue a permit for theq: march after the New Mobilization to End the War in Vietnam drop- ped its demand that the parade go 3 down Pennsylvania Ave., tradi- tional route for capital marches and demonstrations. Instead of Pennsylvania Ave., Kleindienst offered to allow use -Daily-Jerry Wechsler of Constitution Ave. en route to - the Washington Monument for a black man's culture and history, rally scheduled to climax three . Created by George Norman, days of anti-war activities in the reation several years ago. The capital. a.m. to 9 p.m. But the New Mobilization re- plied in a statement that the plan Kleindienst approved "d e p a r t s considerably from the alternative offered . . . in that no provision -Associated Pres is made for passing in front of FLORENCE ROBIN, head of the Washington D.C. American Civil the White Ho ostitution Liberties Union, held a news conference yesterday and blasted Ave. passes two blocks away from the White House. authorities -for their "invitation to violence" by denying the t u d e n t "Moreover, this proposal was re- original parade permit. jected by the New Mobilization committee previously," the state-~ ment continued. "The Justice De- Loea I ob e readies r1 partment was aware of the organ- ization's position on this route be- fore it was offered potential " threat" to thedimiiis In an alternative proposal New f tration. Mobilization offered to march tration.down Constitution to a cross "We are afraid that some day street, down that street to Penn- By ROB BIER increase participation In the they will do something, print sylvania Ave., past the front of Washington march, something that will be false and the White House, and back to While bargpfining for the parade " expect 2000 rented places on inaccurate and damage someone's Constitution. Another New Mobil- route in W shington continues, se," predicted New Mobe leader reputation," said one EMU ad- ization plan pi'oposed a Pennsyl- New Mobe in Ann Arbor is rushing bu ,"'ryced e o eader ministatorplania Ave. o aaP nd complete planses EdBarry Cohen. He also estimated ministrator. : vania Ave. route to E Street and to complete last minute plans and that perhaps twice that many were In a recent, edition, the Second down that directly behind the details.!going in private cars from the Coming parodied the campus;White House. Major apartment buildings in Ann Arbor area. "That means homecoming queen competition, The New Mobilization Execu- Ann Arbor will be canvassed to- 5000-6000 people from here, 5000 and drew threats of libel suit from' tive Committee will meet today to morrow, Monday and Tuesday by at rock bottom," Cohen added. one of the contestants. See LOCAL, Page 8 New Mobe workers in an effort to Estimates of the numbers who SECOND COMING CONTROVERSY: EMU officials suspend s distributor of undergroui By JIM NEU!BACHEI Eastern Michigan University student the Rev. David Barsky, 20, was suspended yesterday by the EMO administration for giving away a copy of the Second Com- ing, an underground newspaper banned from the campus by EMU President Harold Sponberg. The Rev. Barsky, an EMU Junior and an ordained mimlister of the California-based Universal Life Church, was apparently suspend- ed under an unwritten EMU ad- ministrative policy decision that persons who continue to sell or distribute the paper in defiance of the ban would face disciplinary action. 41 a letter last week to the Rev. Barsky and a number of other Second Coming staff members, Dean of Students Thomas Aceto said he w a< "enjoining" the selling of the paper until the controversy over the ban was resolved by the EMU Student Court. The Court ruled last Saturday that news- papers were under administrative regulation. but the decision was termed "unacceptable" by Aceto. Two Washtenawv County Dep- uty Sheriffs made the complaint to Aceto that the Rev. Barsky was distributing the paper. "On the basis of this informa- tion we decided to call him in for a conference," said Robert Zum- winkle. Vice President for Stu- to reinstate the Rev. Barsky would have to be reviewed by himself, Aceto, Sponberg, and possibly the EMU regents. The suspension may bring the Second Coming controversy to a head. Second Coming legal repre- sentatives have been preparing legal briefs asking for a tempor- ary restraining order on the ac- tions of the administration in threatening distributors of the Second Coming. It is unclear now whether the attorneys will go ahead with the request for the restraining order or, instead, file a civil suit against the administration claiming their First Amendment freedom of speech has been infringed. The administration has ban- ned the paper "because the con- tent is unacceptable to the uni- versity," and has made no secret of the fact that the paper is a' LAUNCH ANTI-REFERENDUM DRIVE ;Merchants attack By SHARON WEIN] With posters, ads an lets, local bookstore owne managers have launched tensive advertising ca against the proposed st run University bookstore Ulrich's, Folletts, S Wahr's and Overbeck's taken out a series of tisements urging stude vote "no" on the SGC store referendum schedu next Monday and Tuesd addition, they have print distributed leaflets on pus and in their store have renortedlv attemn books tore ER are opposing the discount store d leaf- that I know of, but a lot of p ers and students have expressed sym- n an in- pathy with the opponents of the h mpaign proposal," he claimed., udent- Ulrich has gone as far as o e. to offer to buy the advertising later's, space if the College Republicans s have would sign their name against t adver- the bookstore proposal.g nts to "Ulrich approached me and i book- asked if the College Republicans led for would actively support opposi- a day. In tion to the discount bookstore d ed and proposal." CR chairman Craig cam- Ruff said yesterday.t s a n d "However, we refused at that b ted to time to take a stand on the p plan Several members of SGC ex- pressed disappointment that. none of the bookstore owners have talked with people working on the bookstore about the facts or about their differences. "Insofar as the ads stimulate students to go out and vote for the referendum, the ads serve a good purpose," said SGC pres- ident Marty McLaughlin. "I don't think the ads will influence anyone to vote against t h e discount bookstore," he added. "The ads are a good reason to vote "yes," said SGC mem- ber Mary Livingston. "They prove the bookstore owners are will come for the Washington demonstrations range from 100,000 up past 500,000. The bus tickets, however, are nearly gone, and New Mobe organ- izers are looking for drivers, over 25 years of age, to take rented cars to Washington. Trip price for these drivers and riders would be $10. Volunteers are also needed to work as parade marshals in Wash- ington. Around 200 are being sought and a meeting is being held for that purpose in the Union As- sembly room on Monday at 8:00 p.m. The committee has two major local events planned this week to promote the march. One is a poetry, folk music, and film show 'Tuesday night, at Canterbury House. At noon Wednesday, a mass rally will be held on the Diag. Today at noon, New Mobe leaders will hold a press confer- ence on the third floor of the SAB w