Thr M44'tgan Bail Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan within the system: 3 European precedents 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Doily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in al reprints. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: DANIEL ZWERDLING Julius Hoffman v. Bobby Seale: The court's contempt for justice BOBBY G. SEALE, leader of the Black Panther Party and until yesterday co- defendant in the Chicago Eight trial, was accused by Judge Julius Hoffman of be- havior which "constituted a deliberate and willful attack, on the administration of justice and an attempt to sabotage the functioning of the federal judicial sys- tem." Having thus characterized Seale's protests, Hoffman found the militant black leader guilty on 16 counts of crimi- nal contempt, each carrying three months imprisonment, and sentenced him to a total of four years in jail. It is probably much closer to the truth that Judge Hoffman is sabotaging our- or more properly, the white man's-sys- tem of justice in denying certain basic rights in this trial. The right to the coun- sel of one's own choosing seems so ele2 mentary to the fair administration of jus- tice that any challenge to this principle is inexcusable, particularly when that challenge comes from a man who has sat on the bench for as many years as Judge Hoffman. O SECURE this right to choice of coun- sel, defense attorneys William Kunstler and Leonard Weinglass repeatedly made it clear to the court that as far as they were concerned, they could not claim to represent a defendant who did not desire their services. Hoffman has remained adamant on this point, and Seale has tried in every way he could to secure his rights as a defendant. As matters stood, then, both "attorney" and "defendant" disavowed any legal re- lationship in the trial - and yet Judge Hoffman refused to recognize this. Seale would not be silenced in his simple de- mand, and finally, Hoffman wrecked any hope of a fair trial, if there ever was hope, by physically silencing Seale with a rope and a gag. Hoffman's contempt for Bobby Seale as a human being far ex- ceeds the alleged contempt with which Seale is charged. THE WEAPON Judge Hoffman resorted to Wednesday, that of summary im- prisonment for criminal contempt, is one which must be used sparingly and with great discretion. Hoffman may not have overstepped his legal bounds in finding Seale guilty of contempt. But the Supreme Court has not yet ruled on whether a judge can enumerate the actions which constitute a "contempt," and proceed against each as a separate count as Hoff- man has. This question will undoubtedly arise in the appeal, and hopefully will be ruled in Seale's favor. Chicago was the city in which coercive and brutal police tactics were given their best public airing. Perhaps now Chicago will be the place which will mirror a sys- tem of law which can be successfully used to deprive minority rights, silence politi- cal protest through use of the courts, and jail its victims without jury trial when they dare to demand the rights guaran- teed by the Constitution, -LEE MITGANG By BRUCE LEVINE MUCH OF THE discussion in left-wing political circles, now heightened by the tremendous growth in militant anti-war sentiment, concerns how best to reor- ganize society in order to give social power to the people. Liberals maintain, in brief, that this can be accomplished without disturbing or going outside the established political in- stitutions of American government. Radi- cals insist that those institutions are only masks 'for privilege and power-cen- tralization which those in power will quickly jettison when the institutions be- come threatening to the established socio- economic order. This is hardly a new debate, but recent events in Europe remind us how it has been resolved in the past - not mere- ly in theory, but in fact. THIS MONTH, northern Italy was rock- ed by a general strike - primarily of metal workers with labor in other sec- tors striking in support. Demands includ- ed shorter hours for greater pay, and the level of militancy was expressed in strik- ers' physical attacks upon strikebreakers, management, and the industrial plant it- self. The Italian Socialist Party (PSI) re- quested "limited government intervention" to deal with this "labor unrest." 0 FIFTY YEARS ago, the Italian Left ar- gued out the question of reform or revo- lution. One wing of the movement insisted that what was necessary was the deliber- ate, mass seizure of industry and gov- ernment and their reorganization along collectivist lines. The prevailing group, however, brand- ished revolutionary phrases while intend- ing merely to sit on its hands and wait the enthronement of socialism through the exercise of universal suffrage. SO IN 1920, when the metalworkers in Turin and Mlian -- supported by trans- portation workers and others throughout the North - began spontaneously seizing their plants and managing them them- selves. the Socialist Party and its trade unions refused to condone the strike. The PSI was banking on electioneering, not mass action. Unfortunately for the Socialists, t h e bourgeoisie saw as early as they did which way universal sufrage was leading Italy. Consequently, the republican police be- gan enrolling criminals into goon squads which threatened, bludgeoned, and laid seiae to the homes of Leftist candidates. By 1921, the temper of the electorate had swung so far Left that the Liberal party decided to enter an electoral alliance with the Fascists in order to forestall Socialist victory. Fascist gangs killed dozens on election day that year, having already made PSI electioneering an impossibility in much of the country. The gangs themselves were often led by on-duty commissioned army officers and armed with government-dis- tributed weapons. Local groups of Socialist militants began forming self-defense squads, but these the police conscientiously broke up. IN THE face of all this, Italian re- formists conseled, not armed defense or revolutionary offense, but passive resist- ance to deprive the government of "jus- tification for its mock neutrality," as one historian recalls. And the Fascists, with the support of both the conservative and liberal bour- geoisie, systematically set about complet- ing the job by expelling the Socialists from the trade unions and the Parlia- ment. By 1925, Fascism was firmly in the saddle. And the efficacy of reformism had been demonstrated in Italy. The post-war PSI has learned its les- son. It has decided not only to abandon reformist socialism, but socialism per se, which is one sure way of preventing counter-revolution. By the 1960s the PSI was solidly in- corporated into the Establishment, and is now in the business of policing pro- perty rights, as this month in Turin. IN WEST GERMANY, Willi Brandt of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) has become Prime Minister, and journalists are trumpeting the re-emergence of Ger- man socialism from the ashes of the war. In a speech to Parliament at the end of October, Brandt made clear what kinds of changes could be expected from SPD socialism.", The New York Times reports that "al- though he did not go into great detail," Brandt promised educational television. curbs on air pollution, better schools, town planning, sports, "computerized govern- mental operations," reforms of civil service. welfare programs, taxes, research. medicine, and a brand new "war on crime." No mention, of course, of workers' con- trol of industry, democratic planning of the economy, or de-militarization. No mention of socialism at rll. The SPD has learned the same lessons as the 'PSI and has made the same decisions. ' IN THE Germany of the twenties, the SPD spoke of radical social transformation. And like its Italian brother, it awaited success through victory at the polls. The German bourgeoisie, like the Ital- ian, was not ideologically committed to authoritarianism. For quite some time it stood with the Weimar Republic and treated the Nazis like pariahs. But the constitutionalism of the bour- geoisie was conditional. Historian S. Wil- liam Halperin notes, "The leaders of in- dustry in Germany were not greatly con- cerned about forms of government per se: they were ready to tolerate any regime so long as it permitted them to accumu- late weath and retain it. A thoroughly conservative republic subservient to the great business interests would have been altogether satisfactory to them." OF COURSE, German workers were not interested in using their votes to en- trench the "leaders of industry." They were becoming increasingly bent on trans- forming the nation into, at very least, a social republic with serious restrains on business prerogatives. So, Halperin continues: "The conclus- party's chronicler, Stanley Payne, observ- tion's industrial plutocracy was that the republic would have to be eliminated." They turned now to the same kind of Fascist squads as had appeared earlier in Italy - for the defense of property from democracy. COMMITTED to the parliamentary road to power and terrified of involving the masses of people in messy, unmanage- able revolution, the SPD wrung its hands and witnessed its own murder in silence. The SPD which emerged from t h e war is even more gun-shy than before. And it has therefore even less chance of mak- ing Germany society a democratic one. THE RISE of Fascism in Spain was too similar to the stories in Italy and Ger- many to bear lengthy repetition. Once again, the rising Leftist vote. Once again, the fearful ruling classes. Once again, the tepid reformers. And once again, Fascism victorious. What is worth examining more closely in Spain is the nature of the Fascist re- gime. It was claimed by the Fascists of all three countries - and is heartily second- ?d by liberal capitalists since then - that Fascism initiated a social order com- oletely different, not only from socialism. but from capitalism as well. Unlike in Germany or Italy, Spanish Fascism survived the war, and in Spain we can examine Fascism's true nature. AT BIRTH, Spanish Fascism masquer- aded as social-revolutionary; in power, all such ideological baggage went over the side. Its grandiose prbmises to limit capital- ism have been junked. As the Fascist partys chronicler, Stanley Payne, observ- ers, Fascism's elaborate plan for societal reorganization "rwas carefully trimmed and regulates to fit many of the require- ments of capitalists. "The financial world recv.:.'d g r e a t privileges not because Franco cared f o r bankers but because he needed rhe sup- port of the upper middle classes to pro- vide a technical, organized base for the regime of 'order.' " Trade unions were broken and replaced with a top-down structure of labor dis- cipline; profits soared. And again Payne: "By 1950 Spain was much closer to being a capitalist country than ever before." Since then, the official Fascist party, too, has watched its star decline. This month, in a drastic cabinet reshuffling, Franco virtually eliminated from all key power posts representatives of the Fa- lange, substituting the technocrats of the lay Catholic group, Opus Dei. Fascism, the more drastic phase of Spanish capitalism is closing; and the na- tional-syndicated pretensions of the Fa- lange were long ago discarded. Spain now plans to join the Common Market. IN ALL three countries, reformers said they planned a total re-ordering of na- tional priorities: masses of people began voting the reformers into office; and the ruling classes, perceiving real or imagined threats to their social power, abandoned all interest in democracy or parliamentary forms - turning to the Fascist movements for social defense. Because the reformists were willing to subordinate their needs to constitutional forms, they assumed the ruling class was, too. They were wrong, and they paid for their mistake. THE UNITED STATES is not a Fascist country, and it is not headed for Fascism in the immediate future. Nevertheless, we can see in the in- creasing political repression here a micro- cosm of the European experience. The increasing brutality and extra-le- gality of the police; the wild abandon ex- hibited by more and more courts; the sly wink which state authorities give to right- wing vigilantes; the "law and order" cam- paigns in the cities - all these indicate that the American ruling class has no pe- culiar attachment to democratic forms. When republican traditions or institutions threaten or inhibit the defense of the existing economic power structure, t h e American ruling class, like the European, looks first to its wallet. It is therefore apparent that any move- ment in the US which seriously intends to restructure this society along truly egal- itarian, democratic lines must be pre- pared to do so in an organized, militant, revolutionary fashion. The only alterna- tive to repression or passivity is success- ful revolutiOn. The income tax in retrospect: Consider the alternative THE OVERWHELMING defeat of the income tax package last Monday fore- casts the worst of times for Ann Arbor and the Democratic administration. The failure of the tax package dooms the city to a financial crisis by early next year and begins a new assault on the city's mayor. It is important to analyze why Ann Arbor's voters came out in numbers des- pite relentless drizzle to express them- selves at the polls. Undoubtedly, the silent, but voting majority is fed up with tax hikes of any kind and is revolting against any proposal which calls for the slightest shift in the already odious tax burden, Taxpayers feared the package was only the first of a series of new taxes to be imposed by state, local and national gov- ernments. And a local tax burden, cou- pled with the general trend of tight money and increasing unemployment, drove voters to play it conservative and vote down the institution of the income tax. Furthermore, some voters probably Jesus Saves A VERMONT pastor, the Rev. Richard C. Ogden, Jr., is instituting a "pray now, pay later" plan in his Church. Pastor Ogden, who is also the mayor of the town, hopes that his plan, which is based on credit cards, will boost church collections. Just inside the main door of his church, Rev. Ogden has installeda credit card machine; the theory is that parishioners will find it easily to give on credit than in cash. Yankee ingenuity marches on. -MAYNARD !iHtEN Y C X, Editor feared that the city government would merely assimilate the estimated $1,000,- 000 increased revenue from the new tax and not plow it back into public use. The mayor must indeed be faulted for having failed to establish spending priorities. THE IRONY is that the voters chose the conservative course although m o s t would have profited from the adoption of the proposed tax. The proposals would have substantially lowered the property tax paid by lower and middle income homeowners and the city would h a v e drawn a great part of its revenue, from the one half per cent income tax on commuters. Although many inequities would persist, the income tax was as progessive as state law permits. Its failure can only be attributed to a misunderstanding of what the vote was all about by a great number of citizens. Some did not understand or believe the voting propaganda profusely passed out explaining the tax benefits. Others - probably a smaller number, but a significant group nonetheless - saw their negative votes as a - slap in the face of Ann Arbor Mayor Robert Harris. Harris had staked his city ad- ministration solidly behind the program and it appeared to his opponents that the best way to stymie the mayor - short of the aborted recall -- was to vote down his tax package. The package lost heavily in the Fourth Ward - headquarters of the Concerned Citizens -- although the pro- posal would have benefitted the middle income residents of this area most. Residents of the other areas which would have benefitted substantially from the tax and the resulting improvement in city services - the low income pre- cincts - also failed to back the propos- als. Although the vote was close in several of the city's prodiminantly black, low income areas, the tax failed to pass in most of them. The total vote in those areas was relatively small. Students, likewise, failed to turn out in numbers to endorse the tax package. While the tax would not have directly aided most students, and could have financially injured some, its progressive nature should have lured many student voters. IT IS IMPERATIVE that the voters of Ann Arbor reconsider the tax pack- age. The alternative is a series of re- LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Clarifying grads' draft To the Editor: WE HAVE been answering many queries at the Draft Counselling Center concerning President Nix- on's declaration on induction of graduate students. Unfortunately. we have had to disappoint most of the persons involved: we fear a good deal of this is due to faulty reporting by your paper. Therefore. I would like in this letter to try to clear the matter up by direct quotations from the Michigan Selective Service Head- quarters, which will give an exam- ple of the correct national imple- mentation of Nixon's message: W h e n a Local Board re- ceives a request for postpone- ment of induction of a grad- uate or professional student who qualifies for such post- ponement... the Local Board will postpone the registrant's induction until the e n d of the student's academic year. No action will be taken until after the Local Board has is- sued an Order to Report for Induction (SSS Form 252). . . . The registrant's classi- fication in Class I-A or Class I-A-O will be continued throughout the postponement period unless new information is presented to the Local Board which would warrant reopening of the registrant's classification . . . At the end of the graduate student's academic year, if he contin- ues in Class I-A or Class I-A-O, he will be ordered to report for induction . THREE crucial points must be made: 1) The above does not mean that graduate students should expect that they won't receive induction orders in the fu- ture. They will still be getting them at the normal rate. The directive refers only to those who already have, or are about to have, their notices. 2) The above refers only to a postponement, not a cancella- tion of the induction order. 3) This postponement does not mean by itself any reop- a t Il rrr au5 ' c -' status cause they "lack revolutionary analytic perceptiveness." Nice little game you've got going there! TRUE, YOU recognized the basis for the necessity of white professional liberals speaking out when you conceded that their ap- peals "would have been considered because their pigmentation and economic status were correct," and "Had their numbers been over- powering the Supervisors could not have afforded to say no." Unfor- tunately, you then had to resort to an old ploy and proclaim "Even if the white liberals had won an increased allotment for the moth- ers it could not have resolved the basic problem." Come off it! -Dr. Robert Segal Oct. 30 (EDITOR'S NOTE: The editorial in question wasgwrittenrby edi- torial page night editor Lorna Cherot and expresses Miss Cherot's views, not those of the editorial di- rectors of The Daily. The writer's byline was omitted accidentally.) Martin Singer To the Editor: FOR THE information of all my curious friends, I am not the author of the piece "T h e Tricky Dicky Show" which ap- peared in yesterday's Daily. -Martin Singer, Grad Center for Chinese Studies (EDITOR'S NOTE: Marty Singer, yesterday's gnest writer, is a freshiman in the literary college.) , n I .z RN ev!4',s .,... r rr w r w ~ w'rr UrF,. . rrr r i h 4i L u S f lJAtfi. pi Giant step To the Editor: sent actions control. beyond one's $'TEVE NISSEN dcitv Editor MARf1FCIA Ai;AMSON . >" Av I} I PP'INCOT'r .. 'HRIS s''TELE STFEVE ANZALONE JENNY STILLER I"I:I.ImE WAYNE ..... JO CLGAY .... fIHI BLOCK MRY RADTK LA RENCE ROBBINS 1CALTIER -sAPRO Dail, RON LANDSMAN A-ociateMaingEditor Associate 1Managing EIditor Associate City Editor Editorial Page Editor Editorial Page Editor ..Arts Editor ('ontributing Editor Contribut lg Editor Photo Editor w\n'Sii (' rorrspondent WE REGRET the necessity for having to report this. If there are any questions, please see us at 502 E. Huron. -Greg Kandel Draft Counselling Center Nov. 6 Curious notion To the Editor: SvrTA VTAVL O ,,2cuis. strangest one is her claim that the war dissenters are using the same tactics against which they are pro- testing. Her statement might make more sense if a war dissenter had brandished a cross and had hit her over the head to prove the point. On the contrary, Mrs. Taylor. If the U.S. government had limit- ed itself to setting up a display in Saigon telling the people that the "democracy" of the South is bet- ter than the "tyranny" of the guilt feelings motivating the so- cial action efforts of white liberals is old hat! As for your sociological premises about co-optation-surely you can do better than that. Wel- fare mothers aren't so easily co- opted-nor do all the white liberals wish to play the role of the co- opter. What turned me off though, and what surely must leave some egg on your faces, was your holier- than-thou attitude. Certainly you aren't implying that it is only The Michigan Daily that has the pre- ON NOVEMBER 10 and 11, we students are going to be offered the chance to take a giant step forwa'd. We will have the oppor- tunity to decide who will have the power to tax us - the Adminis- tration or we, ourselves. The referendum, which focuses on this issue, reads: "Shall the student body have the authority to determine when new student fees shall be added to tuition for construction of Uni- versity facilities?" SIMPLY PUT, a yes vote would mean that we stuidents nre naking I? ....... .....,. %, i .IT