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November 07, 1969 - Image 1

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Sunny and

Vol. LXXX, No. 56 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, November 7, 1969 Ten Cents
Tax exemption sought or rivate books
By RICK PERLOFF At this point, however, no one seems business is difficult to crack-especially, He adds that the store's relatively con- but says it would stand a greater chance Harry DeMa
A state representative will introduce a quite sure how much, if any, business he says, for a new store in competitive venient location in the Michigan Union of passage if the exemptions are limited would abolish
bill in January that would enable private volume would be forfeited. Ann Arbor. would also help boost its business volume to students. books. Crim
campus bookstores to sell books and school Law Prof. Robert Knauss, one of the But Dennis Webster, manager of the and offset any losses from the tax exemp- Brown says his bill is directed primarily receive much
supplies exempt from the four per cent architects of the final bookstore proposal, Student Government Council discount tion. at easing students' financial burden, but Rep. Brown
state sales tax. says an extension of the exemption to in- store, predicts the bill would cause "no The only stores that might have a is quick to point out that he wants other "uncompassio
Although the exemption on books is clude private bookstores would be clearly significant losses." geographical advantage over the University non-student purchasers of educational sup- "There is
presently limited to those sold by an ed- "detrimental." He figures the store will be overly store, says Brown, are those located on plies to save money as well. the state sup
ucational institution to "bona fide enroll- s crowded as it is, and believes the extension S. University. Assistant Senate MaJority Leader Charles
But Knauss, like others, believes the dis- cowepahiysadieleestelxtnioplaniesiy
ed" students, Rep. Jim Brown (R-Okemos) of the tax exemption would put business But Robert Graham-manager of Fol- Zollar (R-Benton Harbor) adopts a wait hs n
counts offered on supplies other than Bof theetax exemption would put businesssn
says he wants to extend it to include educa- books-such as those crently given at the at a "realistic level."' and see attitude on the bill as he wants Hetees no
tional materials bought by all consumers discount store-would more than offset Assistant Director of Student-Community i h is ste o te St to see how much state revenue will be lost.
dson str-olmoeta ofstconfident that his store's complete stock tceehw uh tterveu wl b osp otec tnv
at any bookstores located near state and any initial loss of business. Relations Tom Brown, who has worked on of used books will attract large numbers However, the executive secretary to elso ofca
private universities, the bookstore proposals, also predicts that ofustdesoo llettanyay.e House appropriations committee member also purchas
If the bill passes-and Brown says he But Ned Shure, manager of the Student the bill would decrease the store volumeof students to Folletts anyway. William Ryan (D-Detroit)-Bobby Crim-- going to be e
senses substantial House support-it might Book Services, speculates that students of business. But he agrees with Krauss Graham welcomes the bill's passage be- figures the state will lose about $50,000 a While Bro'
take some business away from the proposed would see little value in patronizing a that could offset any losses by marking cause he thinks it would go a long way year. But he does not consider this any some seman
University bookstore, which may open in University store that saved them only one down products in demand and by offering toward saving students money across the substantial amount. He says he likes the school suppi
Fall 1970. per cent on books, particularly if it were some kind of rebate.,board bill in principle and says it stands a good eventually p
The store's charter precludes first year out of their way. Students, Brown says, would have to be But is is unclear just how close Rep. clance of passing. And if it 1
textbook discounts from exceeding five per He says the store would probably not convinced that their patronizing the store Brown's bill is to passage now. Crim discounted the passage of another important fir
cent of list price-including the four per survive without attracting customers would help it offer lower prices next year. State Senate Minority Leader Sander bill on sales taxes, introduced recently by dents with f
cent sales tax. through the tax exemption, since the book This, he admits, is a "hard sales pitch." Levin (D-Berkley> is receptive to the bill, Senate Taxation Committee Chairman perhaps ultin

Ten Pages
so (R-Battle Creek), which
14 exemptions, including on
does not believe the bill will
a agrees, calling DeMaso's bill
nate" to students.
no rationale," he notes "for
plying the instructor and the
t but not the books."
reason why the state should
ersity bookstores to the ex-
rivate stores where students
books. "A textbook is either
xempt or it isn't," he says.
wn recognizes there may be
tic difficulties in defining
es, he believed the bill will be
assed in some form.
passes he feels it will be an
st step toward providing stu-
ree books, free supplies-and
nately, a free education.

Committee to examine ..


to employ force



The LSA Student Assembly
proposal for a Faculty-Stu-
dent Council to govern the lit-
erary college will come under
first faculty scrutiny today at
the initial meeting of a special
student-faculty committee.
The committee, formed by LSA
Dean William Hays earlier this
week, will attempt to work out the
details of the proposal for presen-
tation to the LSA faculty at its
December meeting. The proposal's
general terms were written by the
Assembly early last month.
The study committee is com-
posed of five students appointed
by the assembly and five faculty
selected by Hays.
Student committee members do
not believe the committee will re-
vise the proposal significantly at
today's meeting, but they do ex-
pect to determine the direction
their future efforts will take.
"We just expect to familiarize
the faculty committee members
with the proposal and see what
their reaction to it is," says Ken
Lasser, chairman of the Assembly.
"But the whole approach that
we take toward a finished pro-
posal will depend on the reaction
of the faculty at this meeting,"
a Krulwich he adds.
Under the terms of the proposal,;
the governing LSA faculty would
continue to exist, but the ongoing
go con- government of the college would
h in the be carried out by the faculty-stu-
dent council. The council's actions
would be binding unless specifical-
ly reversed by the faculty.
Should the governing faculty
veto a faculty-student council ac-
tion, the council could repass the
motion by a three-fourths vote,
and the decision would still be
binding. In that case, the faculty
would be required to veto the ac-
tion by a three-fourths margin.
The Faculty-Student Council
would be composed of equal num-
bers of students and faculty, with
the dean voting on all issues.
o request The Assembly also plans to be-,



I 5


Marines, Army ready
to hialt demonstration
WASHINGTON V-- Force will be used if necessary to
block a mass march down Pennsylvania Avenue on Nov. 15
to protest the Vietnam war, the Justice Department said
The Pentagon, saying it has started precautionary plan-
ning, reported 28,000 soldiers and Marines are available in the
general Washington area for use if needed.
"The Army, as far as the District of Columbia is con-
cerned, is always standing by," said Deputy Atty. Gen.
Richard G. Kleindienst as he reiterated that there is "a sub-


Rennie Davis, one of the eight defendants in the Chica
spiracy trial, blasted the trial last night during a speec
Union Ballroom. See story on Page 7.
SGC to ask Fle-mi
for trial 'appeal ai
Student Government Council voted last night t
$3,000 from President Robben Fleming's discretiona
to aid the appeals of those students convicted in
sit-in trials,
The motion states the money would be used to b
transcripts for convicted students so that they cou
to appeal and so that they would "receive fair trials f
any procedural irregularities."
"The purpose of the motion," said SGC Preside
McLaughlin, "is to determine -
how Fleming feels the trials
are being conducted-to see if
he considers them to, be fair
or unfair."A

-Daly--Sara Krulwich
ewy Mobe organizers sell bus tickets to Wa shington

tantial likelihood of serious
He told newsmen the G u a r d
and the Army will be ready if
deeded to bolster District of Co-
lumbia police, U.S. Park Police
nd the White House police force.
The New Mobilization Commit-
ee and other sponsors of the pro-
ected three-day protest against
he Vietnam war next week have
een promised a permit only for a
ymbolic parade along Ponnsyl-
ania Avenue instead of the mass
march by the White House which
hey had outlined.
John W. Bean III, a Kleindienst
ide who has been conducting ne-
otiations with the sponsors, said
he department will "under no
ircumstances" reverse itself and
ermit the mass march. He said
iscussions are continuing with
he sponsors on other matters
uch as parking, health and medi-
al facilities.
Klaindienst would identify only
ne group - the militant "wea-
herman" section of the Students
for a Democratic Society - as po-
ential troublemakers during the
emonstration due to start next
Bean said the department un-
erstands the SDS Weatherman
;roup may attempt "to disrupt
Lraffic, to cause vandalism and
o close down the downtown
usiness area."
Pressed to name other groups,
-e said large delegations from
See U.S., Page 7


Leaders of the Ann Arbo
Mobilization Committee sai
night they will forge ahea
plans for the anti-war mass
in Washington on Nov. 15,c
the Justice Department ann
ment yesterday that force n
used to prevent it.

try fund,
the LSA
uy court
ld afford
free from
nt Marty.

gin a month-long petition drive
Monday to express the depth of
student support for its plan. Peti-
tions will be available at three of
the polling places utilized for the
Student Government Council elec-
The petition drive will be a sub-
stitute for a referendum on the


Barry Cohen, local New
co-ordinator, said New Mo
mains convinced that the g
ment's threat of force a

Mobe continuesPr
Y demonstrators "is nothing more small symbolic parade" would be d
than a threat." allowed Nov. 15 because of fearlT
Cohen said' the Justice Depart- of a possible outbreak of violence"E
lait nent "is bluffing, just as it did from the planned mass march of d
marc twith its decision not to grant a an estimated 500,000 persons.- g
darpc Parade permit for the mass march. New Mobe steering committee tr
despite "The N i x o n administration member Frank Schoichet said1t
ouncay e- hopes to scare enough people away many people are "infuriated" withI
to keep the march down to 150,000 the government's actions. "The'
--a number small enough to allow number of people scared away h
Mobe more effective police control," he from the march is balanced by an
be re- said. equal number who are now join- -
overn- The Justice Department had ing," he said.
igainst announced Tuesday that only "a Meanwhile, New Mobe continues
its preparations for the Washing-
ton demonstrations.
Howard Goldstein, local publi-
city co-ordinator, said that many
students are dropping classes and
other activities to work fulltime ;
surges for New' Mobe.
The office in the SAB has been
crowded during recent weeks as;
r believes it is impossible to tell whe- the organizers attempt to com-
there had been an increase this pete plans in time for the dem-
ith, since his rents were collected only onstrations, now just a week away.
days ago. He notes, however, that ten Among the planned activities in
cent of Apartment Limited's apart- Washington is a March Against
its failed to make their Oct. 1 pay- Death. which will symbolize and
t. pay tribute to the Americans and
get the impression," said DeBoer, Vietnamese killed in Vietnam.
at the Tenants Union has been active. The march will begin at Arling-
y've talked to a lot of people and ton National Cemetery at mid-
y're convincing some people that night on Nov. 13 and will move in
y're correct. But as far as tangible evi- single file past the White House
and C (anito la.

route plan
Special To The Daily
Mobilization Committee yesterday
offered the Justice Department
an alternative proposal for a
mass march on Nov. 15.
In a late afternoon news con-
ference, Mobilization spokesmen
proposed that the march pass in
back rather than in front of the
White House. The procession
would then use Constitution Ave.
instead of Pennsylvania Ave. as
previously scheduled.
Mobilization spokesmen also
announced that every other sched-
uled activity for the two-day pro-
test has been tentatively approved
by the J u s t i c e Department.
"Rough drafts of permission
permits" are expected today, they
Even if the Justice Department
refuses ' the new offer, Mobiliza-
tion spokesmen said last n i g h t
there are no plans for court ac-
tion to obtain a permit for the
mass march. "It's a little late in
the game for that," they explained.


If Fleming agrees to the pro-
posal, a strong defense insured by
the fund money would prevent
the misuse of the court. "Since
tie 'U' comnnmunity has an intere s
in a properly functioning court'
system," the motion states, the
money would be contributed so
that convicted students could af-
ford to appeal.
Council last night also endorsed
the Environmental Teach-In to be
held on campus in March, and will
vote next week on whether or not
to allot $500 for the project.
The teach-in, which will be they


strike organ izin

Rent strike organizing has picked up
momentum in the last few weeks, say Ten-
ants Union organizers. But, management
company spokesmen say there has not
been a substantial increase in the number
of rent strikers.
The Tenants Union says it now has over
750 pledges to strike from tenants -- a
dramatic increase from the early weeks of
this year. But, this number is still well
holniv t 19 f ti. ait., a 1.-. a

providing more time to build up com-
plaints and hostility against their land-
--The return of some strike leaders who
had been diverted earlier in the year from
organizing work by other issues, such as
the University bookstore and the Oct. 15
moratorium: and
-The gradual wearing off of the initial
effects of what Union leaders call t h e
landlords "counter-offensive", involving
ireatlv imnroved maintenance srvice a nd


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