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November 06, 1969 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page


t C t Yi

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Partly cloudy,

Vol. LXXX, No. 55 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, November 6, 1969 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Dally News Analysis
Students arrested during the LSA sit-
in who have not yet been tried may have
been heartened by the acquittal late
Tuesday night of eight others from the
sit-in, but they shouldn't get their hopes
set too high.
Most features of the trial were not
substantially different from any of the
four earlier trials. The defense was
basically the same, the prosecution
wasn't changed, only the jury was dif-
Most observers cite the different jury,
a "friendlier" one, as the major reason
far the reversal in the direction of the
earlier decisions.
"This was not a typical Washtenaw
County jury," explains Hugh Davis, one
of the two defense attorneys at Tues-
day's trial. "It was not as antagonistic
as most."

cq uittais:.
Another observer said the change in
juries reflected what he called the weak-
ness of the prosecution's case.
"The prosecution has no case," he
says. "Up to now it has appealed to the
prejudice and anti-student feelings of
the juries." This time, he says, that
tactic didn't work.
And since a different jury will =hear
each of the future cases, none of those
yet to be tried will gain any direct bene-
fit from Tuesday's decision. But there
may be an indirect benefit.
That benefit, says an earlier defense
attorney, John Collins, will be in the
form of influencing later juries. He says
they may tend to "pause and think" be-
fore passing judgment on future de-
Collins says he thinks the juries up to
now have been simply following the lead
of the first jury.
Davis and the other defense attorney
in Tuesday's trial, Don Koster. both


ray of hope

declined to comment on the effect of
this trial on either future trials or ap-
peals because it might prejudice those
All of those convicted so far have in-
dicated that they are planning to appeal
the decisions. Official motions to that
effect will be presented after sentencing
Nov. 21.
The defense which has been used so
far, and which won for the first time
Tuesday, was developed by Koster. The
basis of the argument is that individuals
must be proven innocent or guilty on
an individual basis. It is not enough,
Koster argues, to show there was a dis-
turbance in the LSA Bldg. on the night
of Sept. 25-26 and that the defendants
w ere thxere.
"Contention might have been com-
mitted by somebody," explains attorney
Davis, "but they can't make everyone
present pay for the actions of an un-
defined number of people."

The defense lawyers privately question
the constitutionality of the contention
charge as it is presently defined by the
courts, which one attorney calls simply
"breach of the peace."
If defense lawyers decide to question
legally the constitutionality of conten-
tion, the next stop would be for ,them
to file a suit in federal district court.
Assistant County Prosecutor Thomas
Shea refused to comment yesterday on
any aspect at all of the proceedings.
However, Davis said he feels the prose-
cution has based its charge of conten-
tion on the idea that the students sit-
ting-in interfered with the work of the
janitors in the LSA Bldg.
Shea also would not say if there would
be a change in prosecution tactics. But
even if there is not, future defendants
are not much ahead of where they were

4 T9






before Tuesday-

-except for some hope



CHICAGO A' -- Bobby G. Seale, national chairman of the
Black Panther party, was held in contempt of U.S. District
Court yesterday and sentenced to four years in prison by
Judge Julius J. Hoffman.
Judge Hoffman sentenced Seale to three months in pris-
on for each of 16 incidents of contempt in the trial of the
Panther leader and seven other men on conspiracy charges
growing out of riots at the 1968, Democratic National Conven-r
t ion.
At the same time, Hoffman declared a mistrial for Seale,
separating him from the other defendants. He set April 23
for a new trial of Seale on the conspiracy charges.G
Seale is being held in the Cook County Jail on a fugitive

The University yesterday
sent a request for over $12
million in capital outlay funds
for fiscal year 1970-71 to the
state Bureau of the Budget.
Some $4.6 million of the funds
requested are earmarked for the
planning of new projects, while
the remainder will go for reno-
vation of existing buildings and
completion of construction already
In making the request for $12,-
380,345, Vice President for State .
Relations and Planning Arthur M.
Ross said the money will be used
to launch a "broadly based frontal
attack on the renovation and re-
placemelnt problem for the part of
our present campus which is now
40 or more years old."
Ross pointed out in a letter ac-
companying the request that "be-
cause of the tremendous enroll- W
ment increase which was experi- V
enced by the University in the
post-World War II years, replace->'
ment and renovation was virtually ;
abandoned in the flurry of new
construction for a larger student
The most far-reaching project
included in the capital outlay re-V e ed
quest is long-range development
planning of the University Medical S TATE TASKJ FORICtE
Center". Only $150,000 of the ulti- i- ~-'" "-'
mate expected cost of $450,000 is
requested for the coming year for 1
this planning, which Ross terms E1f I11'1R
"absolutely essential" for logical
jgrowth. 1
He also says there is a need for 1
"expanded efforts" in biomedical
research planning to solve prob- d raft, J
lems of cost, distribution, avail-
ability and quality of health By ERIC SCHI
Building renovations and con- ROTC and the draft were the
struction, possibly involving some public meeting held in the Union las
land acquisition, will be necessary Task Force Committee on Youth.
to solve these problems, he adds. There were only 43 people in a
Ross said that it is "too earlyUnvriysuet- etoalco
to say" whether the capital outay University students-due to a lack
will be approved, but he pointed Although they were split on t
out, "We did well with our ap- draft, all the speakers expressed ap
propriations last year and so I'm The draft was accused of bein
hopeful about the success of this immoral unconstitutional, inffici
year'ss appropriation." o h ihso h niiul> -
Other areas cited in the Uni- on the rights of the indivldual.
versity's request include: $10,584,- "The state should serve the peo-
500 for work on general educa- pe, not the people serve the fl
tional facilities in Ann Arbor; stat," said Neil Isen, vice-chair-
$75,000 for Flint College; $100,000 mnan of the University chapter of
for the Dearborn Campus; and Young Americans for Freedom.
$1,470,845 for woark in health! But "the d~aft is the only meth-
sciences facilities.r nod of supplying the necessary
These items including newvpro- manpower for the armed services,"
jects which are listed for general claimed Robert Lundquist, chief flr
educational facilities in 1970-71 of operation of the Selective Serv-
are:. ice in Lansing. i T
-$2,930,000 to begin construc- ROTC was credited by the tee c
tion of a new $8.5 million Archi- speakers with producing respon- dayt
tegture and Design Bldg. on North sible. liberalized and educated of- facul
Campus;! ficers for the miltiary. Point
-$50,000 to plan renovation of A representative from the Feld
the present A&D Bldg. on Central Woman's Club of Ann Arbor read sign
Campus. According to Ross, "It a resolution favoring the con- teei
remains to be decided what will tinuation of ROTC at the Univer- area
be done with the present Archi- sity. -
tecture and Design Bldg.;" Associate Dean A. R. Hellwarth, retur
-$300,000 for planning a new of the engineering school agreed tinue
Psychology Bldg. which may ulti- saying that ROTC produces re- ence
mately cost $10 million. The new sponsible citizens as opposed to men;
building will house the entire de- those people wvho cause destuc- --
partment which is now scattered tion on this campus. ter c
all over campus; Near the end of the meeting, one seine
-$420,000 for planning new of the committee members sug- Co
chemistry facilities, which may gested that more facts on both let "
eventually cost $12 million. This sides of the ROTC issue should and;
will enable the chemistry depart- be examined. "Ten
ment to move out of their obsolete The task force is one of 17 distr:
60-year-old quarters: throughout the state which are At
-$435,000 for planning a new examining different controversial consi
classroom and laboratory building subjects such as Youth, Job Op- versi
See "U' REQUESTS, Page 8 !portunities and Civil Rights. with

-.Daiiy-Jny cassidy

i Ross


YPSILANTI - A special faculty
investigative committee yesterday
recommended that the Eastern
Michigan University Faculty Sen-
ate severely condemn the adminis-
tration for its actions against the
editor and staff of the Seco~nd
Coming, an underground news-
The paper, plublished by EMU
students and faculty members,.
was banned from the campus two
weeks ago by President Harold,
Sponberg "because the content is'
una-ceptable to the university."
The Senate, EMU faculty's 60-
man legislative body, discussed the
proposal, and a number of other
proposals concerning the Second
Coming controversy, but failed to
take action on any of them.
A special session was scheduled;
for Wednesday, Nov. 12 for fur-'
ther discussion of the issue.
Many of the faculty members at
yesterday's meeting seemed in
agreement with the majority re-
port's general statements in sup-
port of the Second Coming.
"We hold that the university'
administration has acted wrongly
in obstructing the sale and dis-
tribution of the student paper."
See EMU, Page 8

warrant from New Haven,;
Conn., w h e r e he is charged,
with the murder of another
member of the Black Panther'
Judge Hoffman's ruling appear-
ed to resolve the impasse growing
out of Seale's repeated interrup-
tions of the trial xvith the demands
that lie be allowed to defend him-
Seale contends he has the right
to defend himself since his chosen:
lawyer, Charles R. Garry of San
Francisco, was unable to partici-
pate in the trial because of an
Last week Hoffman ordered that'
Seale be bound and gagged in an
effort to stifle the disruptions.
But, Hoffman relented without
explanation Monday, and Seale
continued to voice his demands to
cr'oss-examine xitnesses.
The dispute reached the break-
ing point earlier yesterday when
defense lawyers William M. Kunst-
ler and Leonard I. Weinglass re-
fused to cross-examine a Cali-
fornia sheriff's deputy wx'ho test-'
ified about Seale. They said they;
did not represent Seale.
Hoffman excused the jury and
'recessed the session 90 minutes
early and spent more than three
hours preparing his contempt ci-,
He cited 16 instances of con-

-Associated Press
(i'o up diisri tsis meeting
Chuck Campbell, leader of the t'niversity of Colorado Black Student Union, explains the ovgan-
ization's position after it broke up a meeting of the Western Athletic Conference commissioners.
The union demanded the reinstatement of 14 blacks who were dismissed from the University of
Wyoming football team. (See related story, Page 7)
to re-evailuate courss, progr'am.s

topics of discussion at a
t night by the Republican
ttendance-including five
of publicity.
heir attitudes toWard the
proval of ROTC.
g many things including:
ent and an infringement
rn .room
e Student Advisory Commit-
an Housing discussed yester-
the report from a student-
lty housing committee ap-
ed by Housing Director John
kamp to study dormitory as-
ment policies The commit-
is considering two problem
Placement priority, whether
ning students should c o n-
to have placement prefer-
or be superceded by fresh-
Reconciliation of early semes-
rowding with the end of
ster lag.
pies of the University pamph-
Student Apartment Rights
Responsibilities" and the
ants Union Guide" were also
their next meeting, they will
der discontinuing the Uni-
ty pamphlet and replacing it
the Tenants Union's.

"We want to start a fire, to turn
on a big, beautiful light," and with
that remark Assistant Director ofI
Nursing Services Hazel Avery, set;
the tone of the nursing school's
first think-in, "A Constructive Al-'
The conference, held Tuesday;
and yesterday in the place of class-
es, xxas called a "tremendous suc-

"The students are communi- opened the conference by out-
eating better among themselves, lining three dimensions to thej
and are realizing that faculty educational experience, "goals to-
members are people, and can be wvards which we should set our
receptive people," responded an- sights, and stride." The goals he
other student. defined were communication, co-
The conference, which vas at- operation, and the creation of a,
tended by approximately 350 peo- sense of community.

tempt beginning Sept. 26, when cess" by one faculty member and
Seale called him a "blatant racist," the participating students, faculty,
and culminating with yesterday and alumni generally agreed with'
nor'ning's interruption, her.
After the sentencing, Seale "People are accepting each other
shouted, "You can't separate me. on an individual basis, not for
I want a trial right nowv." 'what they do as teachers or stu-

Hoffman set the date and re-
plied, "I can't hear twvo trials at

dents, but as colleagues," said Jer-
ry S q u i r e s, a nursing stuaent
and conference chairman.

Baits residents seek lower rent,
" s
be"i crclaig"ettinstoa
By CAROL HILDEBRAND kitchenette rents for around $132 academic disciplinary measures for
Twenty students in Baits hous- per month. "what's basically a tenant-land-
ing last night decided to organize The meeting's purpose, Kulis lord relationship." Kulis believed.
a petition to ask the University said, was to determine whether During the meeting Kulis also
for a reduction in rent for Baits there was enough support to work compared Baits housing to mar-
residents. for the rent reductions he believed Tied student apartments. He noted
They may consider the possi- necessary. substantially lox'er rents in the
bility of a rent strike if their plan- The petition demands a rent re- married housing although floor
ned peition to University Housing duction, but does not name a space is greater and the apart-
Director John Feldkamp and Pres- specific amount. "Not mentioning ments have kitchens.

ple-including 100 per cent of theF
faculty-was the brain child of a
group of dissatisfied students who
organized a group last May called
"Concerned Student Nurses."
While discussing their com-F
plaints the group came up with
the idea of a think-in as a means
of involving everyone in the school'
in evaluating the relevance of
various aspects of the nursing pro-
"We had a hell of a communi-
cation problem," Squires said.
"Talk about apathy - this is the
fir'st active thing in the history '
of the School of Nursing."
They worked on the idea through'
out the summer, establishing
themselves as an official ad hoc'
committee of the Nursing Student
Council. Two members, Squires
and John Fongers, presented the
plan to the faculty on Sept. 10.
The faculty immediately pledged
its support.
The group's foremost. goals were
to establish a better means oft
communication among studentsN
and faculty, and to provide a'
means of effecting the needed
changes in the nursing school.
Keynote speaker James Robert-
son. LSA associate dean and di-


GOP claims vote

By 'The Associated Press
Although Mayor John Lindsay
of New York maintains his
re-election is an attack on
President Nixon's Vietnam war
policy, Republicans hailed GOP
victories in the New Jersey and
Virginia governor's races as an
indication of support for t h e
While Republicans cannot
prove theii' case from the Vir-
ginia and New Jersey elections,
simply by making it they may

for Linwood Holton in Virginia
and William T. Cahill in New
Jersey. "The President's gen-
eral endorsement by the public
had a marked effect on the
elections, no question about it,"
said Morton.
The President did not men-
tion the war from his campaign
platforms, although Holton and
Cahill made clear as campaign-
ers that they were Nixon m e n
on that and other issues.
Nixon addressed his nation-

Following the mass meeting in
Rackham Aud. students, faculty,
and alumni broke up into discus-
sion groups, each composed of 20
members with faculty and student
co-discussion leaders.
The groups discussed the roles
of elective courses, the grading
See NURSING, Page 8

rs suppoi
ple of New York City want the
war to end."
However, both Morton and
Democratic Chairman F r e d
Harriss said Lindsay's re-elec-
tion was largely a personal tri-
But Nixon's assistance m a y
have had its greatest impact
in Virginia, where Republican
Holton once remarked he would
just as soon see the election de-
cided on the issue of alliance or
opposition to the President, who


crats willing to talk in defeat,
and then only anonymously,
said Nixon's night of New
Jersey campaigning couldn't
have fashioned a landslide.
"That's relating him to
Superman," the Democrat said.
"He wasn't even in New Jersey
long enough to change clothes
in a telephone booth."
However the President was
not a factor in the Republican
mayoral victory in Detroit.
Mayor elect Roman Gribbs vic-

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