0 serial report the Sundciy doily by mary radtke and howard kohn Number 15 Night Editor: Stuart Gannes November 2, 1969 A militant as a poet: ALL YOU BEAU TIFULS You who are your, yourself Are beautiful Those who think are beautiful The words you say are Beautiful The look you give, is all right The knowing of it is something All you beautifuls Stand up Those who are not sure Sit down The word all, means you But when you are falling and Think bad What are we loosing The beautiful! Beautiful! Chance Of finding ourselves. YOU TOUCHED ME I want you to know, that you Can be touched if you want to. You are beautiful And you touched me! By for I say to you who have touched me Sisters you touch me in the mind and and soul Brothers you touch me like red hot fire on the stove. Mother you have touched me Like you should! Everyone has touched me And I like this. But you can touch yourself Like you touch me. I touched you with all I -an By saying in this writing Everybody sometime or another will Get touched by life. ~-Daily-Jay Cassidy D S''EWART was released last month from W. J. Maxey Training School in Whitmore Lake. He served a year for. car- rying a concealed weapon-his first con- viction but his twelth arrest. Ted was born in Detroit's inner city. His mother died and his father left. "Thi city is no good," he judgres. He refers to the riot of 1967, during which he was booked twice for being a "suspicious per- son." "We're having no more riots in this city .. no more," he says, "or else we'll have no more city.' The city is. after all, still a place to go to. Hie is back there now, living with new foster parents on Clarendon St. Aging seems so Intense here that even the pre-fab buildings put up to cover the riot sores-look fossilized. D I 17 years old and a poet--a serious, ii ungrammatical poet, who sometimes writes 10 poems a day. His poetry does not lament the claustrophia or the masonry in- cest of tenement walls, because those poems are already in the library. Instead he confronts people and politics, often without making a distinction in verse. But on reflection, he separates his poems into an artificial caste system-some for the Organization and some for himself: The Organization is a black youth group which phoenixed out of the riot and now numbers, 1,000 tinilormed cavaliers. "We're trying to get our own thing going e're learning not to fight among our- selves," Ted explains. "The Organization's getting larger and larger." JOSI' ORGANIZAT'ION mnembers were 15 or 16 w Ihen the riot occurred, leaving many of them bereft and adrift. Rather than order themselves completely according to Black Panther canon, which places discipline at a premium, they left the Organization in- structured. They say they only want to protect what is their own-their lives and their lifestyles. Yet they must crusade for black history courses in high school and lobby against police brutality. Ted doesn't show his Organizatioii poetry to anyone outside, though he says "there's a time coming when the public can see it." Clearly he hopes that the "public" someday will include "his people." The Organization is based at Northwestern High School, the ghetto brownstone of De- troit's public school systeni with 2,000 black students. The Organization extends beyond the school, through recruiting and politick- ing, to include kids already on the streets. WE TALKED to Ted at Northwestern, where he is only a sophomore because of the missed year. As we walked past the adjoining junior high, the kids pushed back the iron-latticed shutters from the windows and laughed in derision at the white in- truders. Later we lstened to surly hatred from one of Ted's Organization friends, who had jacketed himself with a belt of empty 45mm shells. "My brother doesn't need you fags,' the friend said. "He doesn't need anyone but his brothers." Ted could do nothing to interfere. We had placed him in an awkward dilemma because he had wanted to talk about his poetry and couldn't. The friend did not linderstand poetry and threatened to punch us in the mout l Most of the other Organization people urged Ted away from us and away from the Iriend. As we debated, a police car dashed out of a driveway and onto the football field, chasing a young truant. It cavorted around the stands, pushing the boy out of bounds where he escaped through an opening in the fence. The car had to detour back to the main gate and missed the capture. Because Northwestern is a potential "riot area" police patrol the buildings every 10 minutes. But Northwestern has stayed mod- estly quiet all this fall. The Organization is one of the reasons why. "We tell everybody to stay cool, 'cause the pigs just waiting for us to make a false move," Ted gestures. "We're gonna outsmart them." NOW THE Detroit Board of Education is trying to integrate Northwestern and Cody High, a largely-white school. The Or- ganization has been bucking the plan. "They won't listen to us. We went to a school board meeting and got to speak. But some honkie ladies kept shouting, and nobody could hear. We asked the man to get them out of there, but he wouldn't. So we left, and the whole meeting broke up because the people are with us." Ted's digust seems a little rehearsed-. but it does not come from standing in front of a mirror. "The man don't care 'bout us 'less we give him trouble, real trouble," he adds. "And we don't want trouble at North- western. But we'd get it if they integrate us." Cooley High in Detroit was shut down for several days this fall because of racial fighting. The Organization does not want confron- tation with whites-culturally, socially, polit- ically or violently. "We're self-educated, you know," Ted says. "That's why some of my poetry belongs to the Organization . . . because it's about my people and what we do and what we gonna do." BUT SOMEWHAT ironically, Ted's educa- tion in poetry began at Maxey. "Before I came there, I thought I was dumb," he says, incredulous now in retrospect and laughingly certain he will never make that mistake again. Before going to Maxey, he had never tried to write and hadn't read much of anything. But, once there, he became part of a remark- able English program devised by Dr. Daniel N. Fader, a professor in the University Eng- list department, for the stated purpose of getting kids like Ted "hooked on books." Ted and countless others are, irrespective of socio-economic staus, impoverished chil- dren, Fader argues, "if they do not read with pleasure. Because if they do not read with pleasure, they are unlikely to read at all." The progam's first premise is that if kids are inundated with paperback books, maga- zines, and newspapers, anything in print ex- cept hard-bound texts, they will read. And if they are made to write briefly but con- tinually, they will write. Upon arriving in his first Engish class at Maxey, each child is given a spiral notebook and told to fill up at least two pages a week with writing. If he can't think of anything to write, then copying is also good. The teacher promises that this journal will not be read, but it will be collected once a week and the number of written pages counted. "ED EXPLAINS that at first he filled his journal with "anything about my life, crazy things that didn't make sense. Then one day I saw some Shakespeare laying around and I thought, 'I can write as good as that,' and I do. At least peoplesay I'm a good writer, and I think so." The poetry Ted writes is conversational, spontaneous, and makes no attemept to deal in conventional forms. He doesn't read poetry and is not particularly interested in what other poets have done. "I don't believe in trying to write other people's style," he says. His own style is simple, not filled with florid images or clever word play, but young and honest and hopeful. It is not gramma- tically polished, but Ted explains, "Each poem I write I go back and analyze once to see if everything fits in its place, that it says what I want to say. "If I wanted it to be perfect, I should go back five times and fix up the punctuation and stuff, but don't want to." His approach to writing is one benefitting a nineteenth century Romantic like Wordsworth or Cole- . ridge. "I love to listen to music while I write," he says, gravely explaining how he picked up, from a book he once read, the idea of using self-hypnosis as a means to better poetry. "Thoughts come into my mind and I start writing, just writing them down before I forget. And while I'm writing I put them into poetic form. It's like having two minds -one for the thoughts and one for the poetry." THIS DIVISION that he sees between thoughts and poetry is important. Ted says he writes for ideas rather than for words, and his ideas are directed more and more at the political and social problems of being black. At Maxey he wrote about "some black problems, some white problems." But since he's come out and his interests have focused increasingly on the Organization, his scope has narrowed. "Now I write about my peo- ple," he says firmly. "I get mad about people getting knocked up all the time," he explains. My writing is 'bad' meaning good) now because its about my people." He readily identifies himself as a "mili- tant coming into revolutionary." Revolution, as Ted sees, it, is aimed at liberation. And the poet is uniquely suited to be a good revolutionary. "Some people, if the revolution comes, will look back at the past and read. The writer will always be recognized. A person who writes and thinks will always be on top because he knows his moves and motives." Ted knows that survival is gained only by staying on top; he couldn't live in the inner city of Detroit any other way. But his poetry has given him a new way to attack an old problem-the writer and thinker, people who know themselves and can articulate what they know-these people stay on top. BUT TED'S feeling for his writing makes it more than a tool for survival; it is the means by which a gentle and sensitive poet confronts his environment. "I like to keep a person puzzled about me," he says. "I never reveal all of myself, only half,";A subtle uncel'taintly pricks the bravado; pei'haps he, too, is puzzled about himself, and trying in his poetry to come to terms with feelings that don't quite jive with the Organization. Mona Hass, a teacher at Maxey and good friend of Ted's says, "He is one of a kind at Maxey. Most of the kids here have no sense of unity or comradeship, no insight into themselves. Ted was different. He's sensitive and has insight-he can feel for other peo- ple as well as himself." The truth of this is apparent both in talk- ing to Ted and in reading his poetry. Al- though the Organization may claim his political and social awareness, his sensitive awareness of life in himself and other peo- ple is tied to his poetry. He says quite simply, almost naively, "I love my writing-you know that." ROY McNEELY, another Maxey teacher, thinks that Ted's love of writing may eventually be the thing that keeps him from going back to the streets and Maxey. Ted himself has no intention of going back to' Maxey, although 75 per cent of the inmates do return. "All these kids come in here with some kind of hang-up," McNeely explains. "Ted found his answer in poetry. He was looking for some kind of acceptability in the world outside the Organization. Poetry gives him that acceptablility." And so Ted Stewart, poet and militant, writes of basic human values in the passion- ate rhetoric of black pride. And a boy who has no reason but himself to believe in the future keeps his faith. "When we get together as one people," he says, "then we'll be able to take the next step and be one with all people." FROM THE BROTHERS There are some sisters That we would Like to meet They might even say hello To the week Sisters why do you look so Sweet and neat And don't worry about Yourself at the peak Because you have to know that Your beautiful black bodies is love And your soul is a dove We wonder are there Some sisters Like this to be loved. SISTERS DON'T CRY You think the brothers do not love you. But you are wrong. You know it is all right To be black But you don't to Be black and not proud