Page Ten THE MICHIGAN DAILY Saturday, November 1, 1969 Over-enrollment plaguesLSA SW students SOME PROGREsS CITED: (Continued from Page 1) "If we want to keep enroll- ment at 11,800, Milholland ex- plains, "cutbacks will have to be made in terms of new stu- dents for next year. But one just can't cut back drastically on the number of freshmen." At one point the admissions committee had entertained a suggestion to cut freshman ad- missions to 2,560 - 600 less than this year - but the idea was rejected because of the un- favorable reaction it was expect- ed to receive from state h i g h schools and the Legislature. A plan to admit 2,850 fresh- men met a similar fate when Milholland presented it to the LSA executive committee. The plan he will present to the fa- culty on Monday will call for the acceptance of 2,970 fresh- men applicants - the s a mn e number of places planned for fall, 1968 - and only 350 trans- fer students from outside the University. Under the plan, transfer ad- missions would be down 1 0 5 from this year and 275 from fall, 1968. About 200 of t h e 350 spaces would be held for graduates of junior colleges - students whom LSA officials feel they have a responsibility to ad- mit. Even with the cutbacks in freshman and transfer admis- sions, however, there is no way the college can be sure of avoid- ing over-enrollment again next fall. "You've always got that big joker," says LSA D e a n William Hays. "We can't be sure how many people are com- ing back." The admissions proposal that Milholland will recommend to DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The Daily Official Bulletin is an official publication of The Univer- sity of Michigan. Notices should be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to 3528 LSA before 2 p.m. of the day preceding publication and by 2 p.m. Friday for Saturday and Sun- day. Items may appear only once. Student organization notices a r e not accepted for publication. For information, phone 764-9270. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Day Calendar Degree Recital: Maria Meirelles, piano; School of Music Recital Hall, 8:00 p.m. Dance Series: Jose Limon Dance Company, Hill1 Auditorum. 8:0 p.m. PlacemnCt t Service GENERAL DIVISION 3200 SAD Federal Service Entrance Examina- tion applications due Nov. 5 for last test, Nov. 15, this semeter.N No test given in December. Applic. avail, at Career Planning Div As Dec Graduation approaches we will list a few of the positions we receive by mail. Come in and browse through listings in all fieldse and all locations. Detroit Agency: Assistant Director, administration exper min. 2-5 years, Bus Ad/ Publ Ad Pub Health areas of study at BA or MA level. Chippewa Valley Schools, M o u n t Clemens, iMebt.: Social Worker, MW plus 3 yrs. Marillac Hall, Farmington, Michi- Staff Social Worker City of Detroit: Planning and Devel- opment Administrator, MA in planning area plus exper. Local Service: Rcreatioal Therapist for Adolescent girls and women, de- gree In some soc. sci. area plus 6 mo. psychiatric exper preferred. will accept less qualifications however. Local Institute: Research Assistant level 1, data processing and' analysis, not pogramming. BA soc. sei. area with math or computtma bckrnd. ORCANIZATION NOTiCES Ul Oceanmological Society: Slike and Film Festival Tuesday. Nov. 4, TOO pm., Room 1028 Natural Pesourc- es Building. If ou've had an inter- esting experin-ce ii the resources fields recorded oi lid aiid film bring them dong! Rfreshmeints afterwards. A 11 Welcome! Graduate Outing (lub, Sunday at 1:30 p im at the Huron St. entrance to Rackhian . .. for hiking, canocina, volleyball, and accossionally horseback ridin, Also: Graduate Eating Club, im- mediately following Sunday outing. "nUt our students" which would more easily corres- pond to the real teaching ca- pacity of the college. And if that figure were converted into numbers of students, the re- sults might be an increase in the present enrollment ceiling. But for next fall, at least, the faculty seems likely to maintain - or try to maintain - the 11,800 figure. And already this is creating serious prob- lems for the admissions office. This year, for the first time, literary college admissions for in-state students will be decided on a competitive basis. In the past, all in-state appli- cants judged to have a high probability of academic success have been admitted - and this policy has been a strong bar- tering point when the University sought funds from the Legis- lature. Now some students who would formerly have been ac- cepted will be turned down. And in the long-run, compe- titive admissions standards may present even more difficult problems. With a surplus of qualified applicants, the literary college is more than ever pre- sented directly with the prob- lem of whom to admit, whom to reject and what standards to use - a problem which could go a long way toward determining the nature of the college in the future. TOMORROW: ADMISSIONS STANDARDS- WHO DO 'U' TRUST dissatisfied with status (Continued from Page 1) two-thirds representation for fac- ulty and one-third for students. The other members approve the present ratio. Additional problems are fore- seen by Marcus. "Some faculty members don't seem particularly interested in the committee to which they have been appointed," he says. "There are those who don't treat the students as equal members, reverting subconsciously to their old 'I am the teacher, you are the student' stance!" Prof. Erwin Epstein who worked on the student-faculty committee which drew up the plans for the 50-50 plus one system, explains, "It was the intent of no one on the committee to diffuse the stu- dents." "The 50-50 plus one system has worked when students have been able to participate, but often their resources are divided between the school and outside social move- ments," he concludes. Epstein advocates "more say for- students across the board, al- though it is difficult to determine what form this should take." The entire controversy over the 50-50 plus one structure seems to be part of a larger struggle over student activism and leadership in the school. Budsan, who resigned a l o n g t with two other SWSU officers last week, cited his reason as "dis- satisfaction with the current func- tioning and direction of the Un- ion" and told the assembled group, "You don't need a union, you need a movement." Budsan says there are splinter groups forming to deal with t h e problems facd by social w o r k students because the union h a s been unable to function effecti've- ly. Law School faculty sets session to discuss demands of BLSA Adon Gordus William Hays (Continued from Page 1) been a lot of conjecture as to who it might be. It may be a per- son who can't accept," said BLSA President Jim Waters. Waters claimed the adminis- tration is attempting to get De- troit Recorders Court Judge George Crockett to teach a sem- inar at the Law School and has also contacted a black graduate of the Law School about accepting a teaching post here. "I'm looking for them to come through with something," said Waters. BLSA has also said it will not do any "active recruiting" of black students until the Law School agrees to admit 100 blacks. "Active recruiting can produce a large number of applicants and until we have some sort of a com- mitment on the part of the Law School to accept these people we are being unfair to them," said Waters. "However, they may be willing to set it as a goal assuming there are enough qualified applicants," he added. "The major issue to be resolved is over the word qualified," said Waters. "You need a large num- ber of applicants before standards can be discussed." Last year only 125 blacks ap- plied to the Law School-50 were admitted and 17 accepted. The demand for three blacks on the special admissions committee may be close to solution. The com- mittee has been reconstituted with four faculty members, -Assistant Dean and Director of Admissions Matthew McCauley as an ex-of- ficio member, and three students. Last year the committee includ- ed only two students. The three students must be appointed by the Lawyers Club Board of Di- rectors, the student government of the Law School. i In a compromise resolution passed at their Thursday meet- ing, the board agreed to seat two blacks and one white on the com- mittee, contingent on the admin- istration's approval of a plan to allow a black law student to re- view with McCauley all applica- tions from minority group stu- dents. If the administration re- fuses, three blacks will be seated on the committee. McCauley has been heavily cri- ticized by BLSA largely because he rejected approximately 60 black applicants before the Special Admissions Committee reviewed them last year. McCauley counters that the committee was fully aware of his action and never objected and that he had no choice but to handle many of the applications himself because the committee disbanded for the summer before completing its work. In a letter to the editor of the Res Gestae, the law student week- ly newspaper, BLSA member Ed Fabre blasted McCauley's han- dling of black admissions last year. "It is a_ gross disgrace to have as a chief admissions officer one who fails to recognize a problem and also shows an inability to initiate reasonable programs for the eradication of the problem," Fabre stated in the letter. BLSA adopted this letter as its official policy at a meeting earlier this week. -- When asked if he was calling for McCauley's removal, Fabre re- plied, "I guess you could say that's premature, but not by much." the faculty assumes a return rate of 88 per cent, a comprom- ise between the old 86 per cent estimate and last year's 90 per cent. But there is no guarantee that the return rate will in fact be 88 per cent, and the literary col- lege might well be over-enrolled - or even under-enrolled - next fall if the estimate is off. Despite fairly widespread con- cern among faculty members that over-enrollment is a threat to the quality of the college, there has been the suggestion from some quarters that the present enrollment ceiling could be revised slightly upward. The present 11,800 ceiling on undergraduate enrollment is based on a plan for "controlled college growth" developed by mathematics Prof. William Le- Veque and adopted by thej faculty in 1965. Under that plan, freshmen enrollment would not exceed 3,100. Although the LeVeque plany has proven to reflect an ac- curate assessment of the facil- ities and faculty available to the literary college, Prof. Gordus argues that other factors would allow for an increase. The faculty members in the me- chanical engineering department have recently spoken at technical mettings. Prof. Herman Merte held a sem- inar at McMaster University in Canada on the topic of "Compu- tation of Stratification and Pres- sure Rise in a Closed Heated Con- tainer. Prof. Kenneth Ludema delivered a talk on tire research at a meet- ing sponsored by the U.S. Coin- merce Department at Stevens In- stitute, Hoboken, N.J. "Over the last five years, there has been a 30 per cent in- crease in fall enrollment," he says. "But at the same time, there has been only a 20 per cent increase in the total num- ber of credit hours elected." Thus, Gordus suggests the college might develop project- ions based, not on total en- rollments, but rather on total credit hours elected - a figure Do landlords rak it in? Weathermen indicted for Chicago protest Continued from Page 1) fail to account fr the 'ica'V factor and the "bad debi " facto: invov ne, thos" who pay rents U . D:'Boer adds that city tax-s ha'e tone up by 30 per cent in the five years since the projections were made. "These figures are complete'y ridiculous," he says. "If this were really the case. you'd have people building ali over the pace." Both DBoer and Gamipel say they ilavi' many owners who are making virtually no profit, and some who are losing money. These owners, they say. would like Oes- pe rate'y to sell their bui'lings. but aie unable to find buyers. The Tenants Union spokesman y a the high interest rates should ma luv- that great an effect on Sro its since little housing has been built in the past two years, and mo:-tgage for current build- ings we'e taken out before in- ter st rates wire this high. But Ganlpel claims that most Ann Arbor buildings have been resold within the past two years, and says that this validates the imnrrtance of the higher rates in det'iniiiing profits. The spokesman for the Tenants Union also says that the managers clam of increased costs and taxes fo n he timte mprojections were mace s caticeled out by rent in- c: eas:s in the same period. CHICAGO AP'--The Cook Coun- ty grand jury indicted yesterday 23 persons the jurors identified as members of the militant! Weatherman faction of the Stu- dents for a Democratic Society, The charges, ranging from mob action to aggravated battery, stemmed from fighting between demonstrators and policemen near the Federal Building Sept. 24. Nine of those indicted were among 'persons arrested during several days of street violence earlier this month, Among those indicted was Ber- nardine Dohrn, 27, a former in-' ter-organizational secretary of the SDS and a leader of the Weather- man faction. Ten of those named' by the grand jury are women. Most of the defendants gave Cbicago addresses. Out-of-towners were Robert Tomashevsky, 28, Bronx, N.Y.: Samuel M. Karp, 22, Aliquippa, Pa.; Daniel H. Cohen, Baltimore, Md.; Joseph H. Kelly, 24, Mount Kisco, N.Y.: and Russel T. Neufeld, 22, Westhamp- ton, N.Y. All were charged with aggravat- ed battery. In a separate development, cir- cuit court judges sentenced seven young persons arrested during the street violence this month. They are Kenneth Schlossen, 25, Great Neck, N.Y., mob action and resisting arrest, concurrent s i x- month and 30-day sentences and fines totaling $750. Malinda Leach, 19, Bettendorf, Iowa, mob action and resisting ar- l'est, two 30-day sentences to run concurrently and $750. Paul Rothstein, 21, Brooklyn, N.Y., mob action, 30 days and $200. Joan Hirschfield, 22, Baltimore, Md., mob action, two days and $215. Edith Crichton, 22 Baltimore, Md., mob action, six days and $200. Beverly Kane, 20, Winthrop, Mass., disorderly conduct, $200. Connie Gifford, 20, Sacramento, Calif., mob action, sentencing Monday. A mistrial was declared on charges of disorderly conduct against Miss Gifford. Wouldn't you really rather have a MIIIGAINENL.SIAN? The lampyridae beetle family. Delight of small boys. Biological light bulb, And prime source of raw material for another Du Pont innovation. Luciferase, an enzymatic protein with intriguing properties, obtain- able only from fireflies. 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