The parade:
and football
-Daily-Larry Robbins
EVERYBODY DOES love a parade, and yesterday's version of the
annual Homecoming procession proved it. For the first time this
year Ann Arbor's community of freaks, street people-or what-
ever else you want to call them-joined the parade. Pat the Hippy
Strippy stole the show as she declared herself queen in a flurry
of pink tissue paper.
MORE THAN HALF the floats this year were direct attacks
showed the graphic destriction of a village; in another, a
giant black cannister.
-Daily-Sara Krulwich
on the Vietnam War and appeals for peace. One
anti-war protester was doused with Mace from a
-Daily--Sara Krulwich
BUT IT WAS still a football parade, with bands playing "The Victors," the
inevitable paper mache wolverines and badgers and a huge stork delivering a
bundle of roses.
S~ee Editorial Page
C, 4c
Rainy, chance
of showers
Vol. LXXX, No. 51 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, November 1, 1969 Ten Cents
Ten Pages
Students talk to
representative of
Hughes Aircraft
About 25 students sat-in
peacefully at the West Engi-
neering Bldg. for two hours
yesterday to protest recruiting
for Hughes Aircraft Co., one
of the 25 largest defense de-
partment contractors.
After the demonstrators left,
Prof. John Young, director of En-
gineering Placemnent, said their
protest was very orderly. "The
students did not physically pre-
vent people in the offices from
moving," he said. "We had no
quarrel with their actions this
The demonstrators were part of
a loose coalition of two newly-
formed groups, the Markley and
Lloyd Collectives. Members of the
collectives, who live in Markley
Hall and Alice Lloyd Hall, say
their philosophy is "anti-imper-
ialistic, anti-capitalistic,"
While the recruiter, I. H. Hart,
was interviewing a student, the
group walked into his office and
began to question the interviewer
and the student.
The protesters later said they,
asked Hart and the student
whether they were aware that the'
company was doing research on
"how to kill people."
A few minutes alter they en-
tered, Young asked the demon-
strators to leave the office, and
they promptly complied. They
then moved into the office wait-
ing area and discussed their views
with engineering students there.
The protesters said that at 11:30
a.m. Young's secretary told them
Hart had left and would not re-
turn that day. The protesters then
left the building. They explained
they had told Young they would
leave when the recruiter left.
However, Young's secretary later
said she never spoke with the stu-
dents. Hart returned at 1 p.m.
and finished all his scheduled in-
terviews, she added.
First of two parts
While the Selective Service System is holding graduate
school enrollment steady, it appears to be having just the
opposite effect in the undergraduate division.
At least this is how, in part, literary college officials are
trying to explain - or explain away - the fact that the
college is over-enrolled by 450 students this fall.
An increase of 216 students in the freshman class was
approved by the LSA faculty last winter, and was to be ac-
companied by a corresponding cut in transfer and out-of-
state admissions.
But instead of holding to the long-standing undergrad-
uate enrollment ceiling of 11,800, enrollment this term jumped
to 12,252, thus straining everything from class enrollments
to the already tight Ann Arbor apartment market.
LSA officials attribute the increase in undergraduate en-
rollment to an unexpected rise in the rate at which students
return to the University - a comparison of the sizes of last
year's freshman, sophomore, and junior classes to this year's
sophomore, junior and senior classes. This excludes the effect
of transfer students on enrollment.
In the past, the rate of return has been close to 86 per
cent. "But this year the numbers ended up being a bit
chaotic," says chemistry Prof. Adon Gordus, a member of
the LSA admissions committee.
In a surprising break from the past, the rate of return
this year soared to slightly over 90 per cent. This accounts
for almost all of the 450 additional students.
And'strikingly, although this year's senior class includes
no new transfer students, it is still two per cent larger than
last year's junior class. Although they admit they are spec-
ulating, LSA officials suspect that the threat of being draft-
ed has kept students in school an extra semester. And as
Gordus points out, the number of students who plan to grad-
uate this December is up 150 over last year.
Psychology Prof. John Milholland, chairman of the ad-
missions committee, suggests that other students who would
have- transferred to the education school to avoid the lang-
uage requirement decided instead to go after LSA's new
Bachelor of General Studies degree.
In addition, Gordus suggests that, with grades generally
going up across the campus and with the institution of more
pass-fail options, fewer students are leaving school for aca-
demic reasons.
But regardless of the reasons for this year's over-enroll-
ment, the problem, as most officials now see it, is how to keep
the numbers down for next year. And at the LSA faculty
meeting this Monday, Milholland will recommend cutting
back admissions for both new freshmen and transfer stu-
-Associated Press
Clifton Wharton spends his first homecoming at Michig
University, where he was recently appointed president.
the parade with his father is 10-year-old Bruce.
Lw School Ivorks
on BLSA demand
The Law School is apparently taking some ste
easing the controversy generated by demands of 1
Law Students Alliance (BLSA), but BLSA is still
Definite action by the faculty.
The faculty did not discu'ss the demands at it,
nonthly meeting yesterday, but agreed to hold
;ession Monday to discuss the issues.
"The black student discussion did not come t
Everyone agreed that it was such an important iss
arge block of time should be devoted to it," said Pr(
Following the meeting, which
,vas closed as are all faculty meet-
ngs, Dean Francis Allen said,
'The matter is very much under
consideration and as soon as we
:nake a decision on any part of it
the will cer'tainly mnake it public."Wd
BLSA ha deanded that t h eS W S
Law School admit 100 black fresh-
men next fail, hire five black fa- By M
culty members and seat three Students in the soc
black law students on the school's dtl less than univers
Special Admissions Committee.
which handles the admission of of student represent
minority group students who do ary.
not meet normal standards. The new structure
At present, the school has 38 dents a greater voice
black students and no black school, but many st
faculty members, and complain that
Although no ofiial action has role in policy-making
been taken on these( demands, the The' ne 50-50o p'
Law School is apparently acting students and faculty
on another demand - the posi- on most school comni
tion of assistant dean, left vacant
by the death of Kenneth Yourd man who votes in cas
H allowe en part-v
Costumed youngsters from neighboring schools frolic at a Halloween party given by students of
the Residential College. Last night the Residential College capped off Halloween festivities with a
masquerade ball,
$215,000 COLLECTED:
Mtartin Luther King fund seeks
increased studeiit contrit ions
With $215,000 already collected,
the Martin Luther King Jr. Me-
morial Fund is picking up steam.
The Fifth Dimension concert'
two weeks ago kicked-off a stu-
dent fund raising campaign. Alpha
Phi Alpha fraternity and the Uni-
versity Activities Center, the spon-
sors of the concert, contributed
the $10,000 proceeds to the fund.,
"This is the most idealistic cam-
U charges 'buy-off'
paign I have ever worked on,'
says Don Miller, the fund's cam-
paign director. "The students are
really committed to the project,"
he explains.
Other student organizations on
campus are being contacted for
contributions. Student Govern-
ment Council has already pledged
$2,500 which will be paid over the
next five years and Panhellenic
Association has pledged $1,000.
The King Memorial Fund, in-
itiated after the Rev. King was
assassinated last year, is intended
to help expand the pool of trained
business, scientific, and educa-
tional leaders among the non-
white and disadvantaged,
The Martin Luther King Scho-
larship Committee determines how
money is used. According to Mike
Henry, the committee chairman,
six of the nine voting members
on the 11-man committee are
Money from the fund is pres-
ently being used for scholarships
and fellowships. Future plans call:
for a visiting professorship which
would allow a professor from a
black college to teach at the Uni-
versity. If sufficient funding can
be found, an Afro-American Stud-
ies Center will also be established.
In addition to contacting stu-
dent orgaxnizations. the c'ommrittee
Landlords, tenants disagree
over study of profit figures
He adds that alumni pay 95 per
cent of their pledges and that
there is no reason to expect that
students will not do as well.
Although the University faculty
and staff have donated over
$50,000 and black alumni in the
Detroit area have raised over
$25,000, the original goal of $750,-j
000 has now been lowered to!
$500,000 according to Henry.
cial work school are a great
sally satisfied with the type
ation they won last Febru-
was supposed to give stu-
in making decisions in the
,dents label it a "buy-off"
they still have no direct
plus one" structure allows
an equal number of seats
ittees, with a faculty chair-
se of a tie. Faculty members
There are no students on the governing board,
which makes final decisions in the school. Ruth
Ryan, a social work student, charges, "These
are do-nothing committees. I've worked on them
and I know."
Many students fear the new structure will
tend to disarm student power by dissipating stu-
dent energy through "legitimate channels."
At the- Oct. 22 SWSU meeting Bernie Hoef-
gen, acting president, cited 50-50 plus one as "a
major reason that the union is having diffi-
culties this year" and added that the structure
has "co-opted students and problems which
would have caused the students to unify them-
By STEVE KOPPMAN structed by Dave DeBoer, current- remainder of which was borrowed.
Are Ann Arbor landlords really ly Apartments Limited manager, Both DeBoer and Summit Asso-
raking it in? show a profit of 23 per cent on a ciates manager Jay Gampel say
In response to tenant requests 10-unit building. The second model the figures used in the studies were
for information on profits earned shows a profit or 38 per cent for completely unrealistic.
by Ann Arbor landlords, the Ten- a 72-unit high rise. Gampel says his buildings are
ants Union is publicizing a sum- The third study was done in making less than the percentage
mary of profit studies based on 1967 by an economics' graduate which the summary claims as the
theoretical models which indicate student. According to the sum- national average. While substan-
landlord return on original invest- mary, the study was done with tially higher profits than this were
ment is 20-45 per cent a year in the assistance of University and earned in Ann Arbor five to seven
the cases studied. city officials and local realtors. It years ago, he says, figures like 44
But management company spok- focused on costs and profits in- per cent were far too high even for
esmen are quick to respond that volved in the construction of one the earlier period.
the models cited in the summary four-man unit. Gampel cites high interests