Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Five Wednesday, August 27, 1969 THE MiCHIGAN DAILY Black By NADINE COHODAS At colleges and universities across the country, black stu- dents have intensified their de- mands for more active, mean- ingful participation in campus life and decision-making. Black students at Cornell, the University of Wisconsin, San Francisco State and a host of other schools have staged de- monstrations, seized buildings and presented demands to ad- ministrators for black s t u d i e s programs, increased minority enrollment and more black fa- culty. And at this University, black students are working toward similar goals-- but in consider- ably less vociferous manner. peaceful With the exception of a peaceful five-hour look-in in the Administration Bldg. in April 1968, black students - led by the over 200-member Black Student Union - have pressed their demands and pro- posals through normal admin- istrative channels. And they have had considerable success in achieving their goals. At the April 1968 lock-in -- Student Union: Mild activism held just five days after the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King - black students issued a list of demands includ- ing the creation of a Martin Luther King Scholarship pro- gram, the appointment of a black man to the admissions de- partment and the appointment of blacks to posts in the ath- letic department. President Robben Fleming rushed to the lock-in to confer with BSU leaders and 1 a t e r emerged from a meeting w it h them saying he considered their demands "very reasonable and constructive." And since the lock-in, says BSU Chairman Ron Harris, the administration "has always been responsive to our proposals and has indicated a willingness to discuss any is- sues that might come up." Indeed, most of the demands issued at the lock-in have been met. The scholarship program has been set up, two blacks have been appointed to the admis- sions office, and a new black assistant basketball coach was hired last year. Last winter, BSU presented a proposal to the University for the establishment of an Afro- FORMER BSU CHAIRMAN Ron Thompson lashes out at the Senior Editors of The Daily during a Diag rally last March. Panhel officers seek reforms American Studies Program and a Center for Afro-American Studies Program and a Center for Afro-American Studies. By now, the concentration program has been approved by the liter- ary college. And Harris is op- timistic about the formation of the Afro-American center which, he says, is still in the planning stages. Not only has BSU succeeded in getting the Martin L u t,h e r King Scholarship program es- tablished, but BSU members will have an important say in who receives the money. Harris says money is still being collected- some of which is already desig- nated for engineering and busi- ess students. Other funds are funspecified and the scholarship committee will decide where it shall be used. Some black students have criticized BSU for not taking strong enough steps to enroll more than the 770 black stu- dents presently on campus. But Harris says a recruiting program for black junior col- lege transfer students m o s t likely will begin in the fall. BSU will also work with the admin- istration to begin some type of high school recruitment, he adds. The administration has re- ceived a tentative proposal to set up a summer program next year to establish remedial edu- cation programs for black high school students from metropoli- tan areas. The programs would provide college preparatory study for students entering either the University or a n y other institution of higher edu- cation in the state. BSU will finalize plans in the fall to print a booklet to encour- age more black students and professors to come to the Uni- versity, Harris says. In the fall, BSU may also hold a special program to recruit black students on campus into the union., BSU will meet weekly this year, Harris says. All meetings are open to black students only. In addition to securing a black studies program and the eventual Center for Afro-Amer- ican studies, BSU did last spring engage in one three-day pro- test. In response to Daily endorse- ments of Student Government Council candidates last March, BSU called for suspension of Daily publication pending an investigation of its editorial pol- icies. In the endorsements, The Daily Senior Editors listed Dar- ryl Gorman, a black candidate supported by BSU as unaccept- able, claiming he did not under- stand the needs of black stu- dents on campus. Harris says the rift with the Daily essentially stems f r o mn what BSU feels is pressure from the Daily to make BSU a more vocal and militant or- ganization. Several meetings between BSU leaders and Daily Senior Editors took place during the controversy. However Harris says no solution was reached. Politicizing the Greeks By NADINE COIIODAS "We simply must be able to offer Uni- versity women more than TG's on Friday and Pledge Formals," says President of Panhellenic Association Wendy Kress. "We have to turn outward next year rather than inward." Although Miss Kress is only one of the eight executive officers of the organiza- tion which includes all sorority women on campus, she seems to reflect the growing acknowledgement that Panhel must and is willing to change in order to remain an effective organization in the coming year. Panhel is facing an even greater chal- lenge this fall than in most recent years. In January, the Regents abolished the requirement that freshman and sophomore women must live in Univer- sity housing. Consequently, many fresh- man who joined sororities to avoid an- other year in the dormitories will now be able to live in apartments their fresh- man year. "It's difficult to tell what effect the University housing policy will have on potential rushes," Miss Kress says. "Each year freshman are more aware of things," she adds. So Panhel will have to demonstrate that "sororities don't have to be an end in themselves but can lead to greater involvement in University life." Some new plans have already been formulated for fall programs including a sorority-fraternity weekend which will combine both academic events with en- tertainment. Miss Kress cautions, however, that on the whole next year will be a "do your own thing" year. "We can't be imposing things on all the sororities," she says. The controversy, which started in spring 1967, accelerated in September 1968 when 16 sororities failed to sign a resolution pledging that they did not use binding or required recommendations. Binding alumnae recommendations are those that require sororities to have a "yes" recommendation on a girl before pledging her. If the recommendation is a "no" the girl cannot be pledged. R e q u ir e d recommendations stipu- late that the sorority must receive a "yes" recommendation on a particular girl. If a "no" isireceived, however, the sorority need not refuse to pledge the girl if a positive recommendation can later be obtained. The two black sororities left Panhel after they became convinced Panhel itself would not take any action to halt the use of the recommendations, Furthermore, Miss Kress says the sororities did not believe Panhel was relevant to their needs or interests. After the membership committee of SGC studied the sororities in question, they found, as the sororities themselves had found, that the recommendations are potentially discriminatory mechanisms. Each sorority was told to get a waiver frorn its national to halt the use of the recommendations for January rush. Ap- parently only Pi Beta Phi and Kappa Delta were unable to do so and sub- sequently did not rush. "I don't think Delta Sigma Theta and Alpha Kappa Alpha should be forced to come back to Panhel," Miss Kress says. "I think we can profit from them and they from us," she adds. "We'll be happy to have them back whenever they wish to return." By SHARON WEINER Interfraternity Council (IFC), representing 3600 University un- dergraduates in 46 houses, is trying to encourage its members to become active participants in political and social issues and change its image as a purely social organization. Last year, for example, IFC supported the rent strike, op- posed use of student fees for intramural funding, opposed the language requirement and ac- tively supported candidates in the SGC elections. Claiming SGC failed to "ac- curately reflect student opinion on the University campus or to appropriately represent the ma- jority of the student body in the process of deliberation and leg- islation," IFC also resigned its ex-officio seat on SGC last fall. The move came with SGC set to hear a motion to abolish the voting power of the four ex- officio seats on Council, which included IFC. SGC approved the motion. Individual fraternities also participated in the free school, and held t-groups and cancer drives. "The image of the fraternities being a party system is wrong," says rush chairman Charles Kao, '71. "We try to integrate campus political life with social and athletic activities," he ex- plains. Furthermore, Kao notes, fra- ternity members have on t h e average better grade point av- erages than independents. This fall, the whole rush pro- cedure coordinated by IFC will be changed, says Kao. One of the biggest changes is t h e abolition of dress regula- tions during rush. "A rushee can wear nothing "Things are in a state of flux," he explains "We'll have to wait until fall." "We feel the Daily has no right to dictate to us," Harris says. "We don't like the paper telling us how to do the things we're doing." BSU has, in fact, taken t h e peaceful route to campus re- cognition. And it seems to be working well for them. The or- ganization has been able to se- cure almost at will its demands from administrators eager to grant what BSU is asking. Daily editorials have suggest- ed that BSU is not asking enough of the University, but apparently the organization -- thought to be composed largely of blacks from middle- and higher-income brackets - is satisfied with its present goals. And as long as BSU continues to work within administrative channels and to attract the ears of administrators willing to listen to moderate proposals, there is unlikely to be any pro- test or disruptive activity ini- tiated by the organization. or a coat and tails - whatever is comfortable," Kao says. The structure of rush has also been revised. This year, it will last a week instead of the tra- ditional two weeks. Starting Sept. 21, rushees will begin to visit the houses. The formal visits will be followed by other contacts with the frater- nities through "smokers." If a fraternity then decides in all- night sessions known as "hash" that it wants a rushee, he is of- fered a bid. After the first week, o p e n rush will commence for these students with qualms about for- mal rush. IFC w ill sponsor a "Greek week" of social activities imme- diately preceeding rush. The system of freshman coun- seling h a s also changed, says Kao. Fraternity members this summer were assigned freshmen to contact with information on the fraternities at the Univer- sity, and all freshmen were sent the names of three fraternity members in case they desired information. Over 1,000 frater- nity members volunteered to be counselors. Usually 800-1,000 freshmen sign up f o r rush registration, and between four and five hun- dred pledge. The number of rushees has declined over the last few years, but the pledge class has remained fairly stable. The University has one of the oldest fraternity systems in the country, dating back to 1845. IFC includes t h e Fraternity Representatives (FRA) and the Fraternity Presidents Assembly (FPA). FRA is concerned with external affairs. FPA deals with internal affairs. IFC also has an executive committee, junior officers, and district officers. Wendy Kress PICK UP YOUR FREE GIFT-PAK (A $2.00 Value) at ULRICH'S-The Student's Bookstore "People have different interests. It's not up to us to determine other peoples values." A liberalized housing policy is not the only obstacle Panhel must overcome. Last year the organization was embroiled in a four-month discrimination controversy which culminated in the walkout from Panhel by, the two black sororities on campus, Delta Sigma Theta and Alpha Kappa Alpha, and the anti-climactic Student Government Council ruling which said sororities using binding or re- quired recommendations as a prerequisite to pledging could not rush in January, 1969. II r i b i R E i d yy{1 r " . Al ' LL Irk rye li i RWW tic Howard Cooper Volkswagen, Inc. The Famous "bug" with its "fastback" and "squareback" cousins has become a proven utilitarian vehicle, taking its place very prominently on the American road. The fabulous Volkswagens are now on display at Howard Cooper's, the only authorized dealer in AnnArbor. This is the dealership which recognizes that responsible service must be as good as the sales organization it helps support. i l !;1I t III