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October 30, 1969 - Image 1

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Increasing cloudiness,
little chance of snow

Vol. LXXX, No. 49 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 30, 1969 Ten Cents

Ten Pages




State ui


may probe


-Associated Press
BLACK PANTHER Fred Hampton of the Illinois chapter protests
the conspiracy trial outside the Chicago courthouse as Dr. Ben-
jamin Spock looks on.
Judge otrlers Scale
gagge( 1n coutirtroom
CHICAGO (i --Back Panther Bobby G. Seale was gagged
and manacled to a metal folding chair yesterday after he
refused to remain silent in U.S. District Court where he is
on trial for conspiracy to incite riot.
Judge Julius J. Hoffman, who warned Seale repeatedly
during several outbursts yesterday morning, ordered Seale
again at the start of the afternoon session to remain silent
until the jury was brought in.
Seale shouted, "Let me defend myself. This is a form

A resolution calling for an
investigation of used textbook
prices charged by campus
bookstores at the State-sup-
ported universities was intro-
duced yesterday in the Mich-
igan House of Representatives.
Under the resolution-sponsor-
ed by Rep. Charles Varnum R-
Manistique) - a special House
committee would be created to
determine whether both univer-
sity and private bookstores are
;buying backaused books from stu-
dents for a price lower than what
the stores resell them at later.
Varnum said committee mem-
bers would travel to the Univer-
sity, Michigan State and probably
Northern Michigan universities to
examine the stores' prices. ,He
added the committee may sub-
poena the stores' records or em-
ployes, but said he doubts that
will be necessary.
Varnum, a member of the
House committee on colleges and
universities, said he expects the
resolution to pass the House by
voice vote early next week.
Varnurn expressed concern over
alleged profiteering of state uni-
versity-operated bookstores which
purchase books from students at
one quarter or less.of their orig-
inal cost, and then resell them at
up to three quarters of the orig-
inal cost.
Although Varnum did not spe-
cify the universities, he may have
been alluding to the MSU admin-
istration-run bookstore which is
reported to be selling books at
higher prices than the East Lans-
ing private bookstores.
Varnum said he believed the
private stores in general are re-
selling used books at more equit-
able prices than the university'
stores. He indicated the committee
was primarily interested in the
resale policies of university oper-
ated stores, but would examine
private stores prices as well.
"If there is any inequity," he
cautioned, "the Legislature may
pass legislation to bring more
equitable selling prices the second
time around." Such unfair pric-
ing, he said, acts "to the deter-
rent of students saving money."
But Ned Shure, manager of the
Student Book Service (SBS),
countered that the prices at which
Ann Arbor private bookstores buy
used books from students are
among the highest in the country.
He doubted there was much prof-
Fred Ulrich. manager of Ul-
rich's and Robert Graham, Fol-
lett's manager, were unavailable
for comment last night.
Shure said there are "solid rea-
sons" for private stores sometimes
See STATE, Page 7
On today's/
Defense attorneys in t h e
Collins murder t r i a I an-
nounce they intend to pre-
sent 10 "alibi" witnesses.
* A Biafran leader declares
his willingness to negotiate
with Nigeria in an attempt
to end the 28-month civil
o The country's only perman-
ently-operating free medi-
cal clinic, in Seattle, may
close due to a lack of fin-
ancial support.

-Daily-Jim Diehli

Poet in idenceJj4r

Prof. Donald Hall of the English department signs copies of his new book of poetry, "The Alli-
gator Bride." Hall, a nationally-known poet, signed his new work at the Centicore Bookshop.
Bil aksF independence
for vFl16it and Darborn

tinued operation of segregated
schools under a standard of al-
lowing "all deliberate speed" for
desegregation is no longer consti-
tutionally permissible."
The decision immediately af-
fects schools in 30 Mississippi dis-
tricts that had been granted de-
lay in desegregating until Dec.
Government attorneys had ar-
gued the Mississippi districts
needed time to overcome "logisti-
cal" problems that would be caus-
ed by switching to a fully de-
segregated system.
The ruling said the joint Jus-
tice Department - Mississippi
move for delay last summer in
the U.S. Circuit Court in New Or-
leans should have been rejected.
The appeals court wasdirected to
order immediately an at least
partial implementation of desegre-
gation plans for the districts that
the government had once pro-
posed and later withdrew.
The "all deliberate speed" doc-
trine was set down by the High
Court in 1955, the year after rac-
ially separate public schools were
ruled a violation of the 14th
Amendment to the U.S. Constitu-
The doctrine recognized t h a t
school officials would need s o m e
time to overcome administrative
difficulties in complying.
The new decision forecloses use
of the doctrine in the future as a
mechanism for delay.
The Justice Department had no
comment on yesterday's decision.
However, Asst. Atty. Gen. J e r r i s
Leonard, the department's civil
rights chief, declared in an inter-
view last Friday he was "pre-
pared to do whatever the justices
order" in the Mississippi case.
At that time, Leonard repud-
iated some earlier statements in
which he suggested the court
would have to enforce its own de-
cree if it ordered instant integra-
tion. He suggested the department
did not have enough lawyers to
carry out a sweeping opinion.

Q ueen
After only three years, Univer-
sity Activities Center and t h e
Homecoming Central Committee
have decided to drop the home-
coming queen contest.
Jim Sandler, Homecoming chair-
man, said yesterday the decision
not to elect a queen was made
primarily because of a general
lack of interest in the contest,
"A Homecoming queen doesn't
have a place on this campus," said
UAC Executive Vice President
Richard Borenstein.
"The contest didn't really add -
it probably detracted from Home-
coming because of last year's
problems," he added.
Last year Kappa Alpha Psi,
a black fraternity, withdrew i t s
candidate.aJanice Parker, of
Delta Sigma Theta, because of
"overt discrimination in the judge
The withdrawal occurred after
Miss Parker said she "was being
judged as a black, and not as
"They (the judges) kept say-
ing things like, 'As a member of
the minority, how do you feel
about the white sorority system?'
Miss Pa'ker said.
Sandler also cited difficulty
in determining criteria for select-
ing a queen as a reason for elim-
inating the contest. In the past,
the queen was elected for beauty,
talent or both.
"There are different criteria
of beauty for everybody, including
blacks and whites," said Sandler,
adding that there are no objective
criteria for judging talent.
UAC and Homecoming officials
consulted the Office of Student
Affairs, past Homecoming queens
and members of the Blacl tu-
dents Union concerning the de-

slowdown in
WASHINGTON (Y) - The Supreme Court last night or-
dezed the immediate desegregation of Mississippi public
schools and declared that a segregated school system no long-
er is permissible anywhere in the nation.
The unanimous decision, a stunning setback for the
Nixon administration, pronounced the "all deliberate speed"
doctrine dead forever and announced "the obligation of every
school district is to terminate dual school systems at once
and to operate now and hereafter only unitary schools."
The ruling declares that "con-'

Meeting sets
teaeh-in plans
A mass neting set tentative
plans last night for the nation's
first teach-in on environmental
problems, scheduled for the Uni-
versity next March 12-14.
Students and faculty from the
natural resources school and other
interested persons watched slides.
films. listened to speeches, and
discussed examples of destruction
of the environment in the State
The general theme of the teach-
in, which sponsors hope will
spread throughout the country.
will be to expose critical environ-
mental probienis and to explore
possible prograis of action.
After the Michigan teach-iin
in March. sponsors hope to or-
ganize a national teach-in in

of racism."
Judge Hoffman ordered: "Take
that defendant into the o t h e r
room and deal with him as he
should be dealt with."
Moments later S e a l e was
brought back into the courtroom.,
A long white rag w a s wrapped
around his mouth and his feet
and hands w e r e individually
handcuffed to a metal folding
cha ir.
Just prior to Seale's third out-
burst of the day, Judge Hoffman
berated William Kunstler, chief,
defense counsel, for asserting that
the judge was intimidating the
defendants and their lawyers.
"I will not listen to this invec-
tive," the judge said, "I've been
called a racist, a fascist, a n d I
didn't think I'd live to sit in a
courtroom w h e r e a judge was
criticized f o r having George
Washington's picture on a wall."
This was in reference to Seale's
remark that "George Washington
was a slave owner."
Seale and seven others are
charged with conspiracy to cross
state 1 in e s to incite rioting in
Chicago's streets during the Derr-
ocratic National Convention in
August 1968.

Blastin the University admin-
istration for "starving" the Dear-
born and Flint campuses, State
Rep. George F. Montgomery (D-
Detroit) yesterday introduced two
bills which would make them in-
dependent by July 1970.
Contacted last night, however,
Montgomery said he does not ex-
pect the bills to pass during the
present session and added he is
actually "looking toward 1976" as
a reasonable date for making the
two campuses independent.
"This is just the declaration of
independence," he said. "It takes
eight or nine years to win the
A third bill introduced by
Montgomery would separate the
Oakland campus from Michigan
State University. Montgomery said
Oakland is ready for independ-
ence and said he expected this
bill to pass quickly.
In criticizing development of
the Flint and Dearborn campuses
by the University, Montgomery
compared their status to that of
"What we have here are two
children of the University of
Michigan who are the same age
as Oakland," he said. "But the
mother in Ann Arbor has stran-
gled them with its apron strings."
Montgomery specifically blamed'
the University administration for
short-changing the two smaller
campuses when it was dividing
up the lump sum legislative ap-
Montgomery specifically cited
Vice President and Chief Finan-
cial Officer Wilbur K. Pierpont
as being guilty of this practice.
Pierpont is the only top Univer-
sity official who was a vice presi-

dent here when the two campuss
were founded in the 1950's.
"M-. Pierpont and other people
there have been starving the two
campuses," Montgomery charged.
Responding to Montgomery's
charges, Vice President for State
Relations and Planning Arthui'
Ross revealed last night that the
Regents would be asked at their
meeting next month to approve a
number of proposals aimed at ex-
panding the two campuses and
making them more autonomous.
Ross said President Robben
Fleming will ask the Regents to
approve several steps recommend-
ed last spring by special commit-
tees which studied the future of
the two campuses. Fleming will
ask the Regents:
-To authorize the administra-

tion to seek legislative approval
for the initiation of freshman
and sophomore instruction at
Dearborn. Presently the campus
offers only junior and senior-level
instruction along with a limited
graduate program.
That thu titles of the heads
of the two campuses, be changed
from deans to chancellors when it
becomes clear that implementation
of plans for expansion of the two
campuses will be successful.
The chancellors would report to
the president and executive of-
ficers, while the deans now report
only to vice president for Aca-
demic Affairs Allan Smith.
--To authorize implementation
of plans for accelerated expansion
of the Flint campus.
See ASK, Page 10

AAEA postpones final action
on student teachiers until May

Ann Arbor public school teachers
yesterday voted 302-115 to post-
pone until May a final decision
on continuing their participation
in the University's student teacher
The action came at the end of
a long and confusing meeting dur-
ing which the teachers blasted
their union leaders for failing to
inform the membership adequately
on the issue.
The general membership meet-
ing of the teachers was called by
the Ann Arbor Education Asso-
ciation (AAEA ). the teachers

Math: Foundation for education reform

union, to discuss the University's demands that can be immediately cision.
response to AAEA's demands call- agreed to and implemented by the A tentative decision to eliminate
ing for reform of the student University. the contest .was reached l a s t
teaching program. "We're asking the University to summer by Sandler, the special
The AAEA has demanded better send us students who have prepa- events committee of Homecoming,
preparation of student teachers, ration and training we don't have and the UAC senior officers. The
mnore University supervision and ourselves," she said. decision was reaffirmed this fall
counseling of these students teach- Among the areas outlined by by the Homecoming Central Com-
ers, faculty priveleges for super- the AAEA as those in which they mittee.
visory teachers, and increased said student teachers are weak "So far no one has raised any
compensation for s u p e r v i s o r y were sex education, black history, complaints over the absence of
teachers. and group dynamics in the class- the queen contest. In fact the re-
In a response to the teachers room. action has been favorable," Sand-
M o n d a y. University education See AAEA, Page 6 ler said.
Dean Wilbur Cohen affirmed the
University's commnitment to in-
corporating the views of the teach-
e into the structure of the stu-
ofent st- end Hart says defeat
dent tea i-pogram.
The two hour meeting, attended
by about 450 of the system's 1175
teachers. was riddled with con- fHaynsworthcertain
fusion. o
Leaders of the AAEA. who told
the teachers that the University DETROIT (A')-U.S. Sen. Philip committee approved the nomina-
was not communicating with the A. Hart, (D-Mich) said he is cer- tion.
AAEA on the student teaching tain the Senate will reject the According to the Free Press,
question, were blasted by irate nomination of Judge Clement F. Hart said the debate on the
teachers who charged the union Haynsworth as a Supreme Court Haynsworth nomination will come
had failed to inform them ade- justice, the Detroit Free Press re- in November and will last no more
quately, ported last night. than four days.
"The AAEA. in terms of commnu- "Haynsworth will be rejected Griffin's summary is expected
nication with its membership, has and the President will then have Kto present the instances in which
handled this issue in a most miser- an opportunity to come up with a he believes the judge violated the
able fashion," declared Allan more distinguished choice-includ- canons of judicial ethics.
Schreiber, a teacher at Pioneer ing someone from the South," Hart Griffin says that the evidence
High School. said. against Haynsworth shows he did
Tom Wilson, another Pioneer The Free Press said in an article not avoid the appearance of con-
teacher, supported Schreiber, say- from Washington that counts flicts in interest.
ing, "The AAEA governs by crisis. taken by both opponents and sup- However many opponents of
They ask us to take action on, porters of Haynsworth generally Haynsworth are hoping the Presi-
questions we're not prepared to agree with Hart. dent or the nominee will withdraw
fnf hpv cho-w BR caPn t n'fc arp alikeal~y Ihis nnmp hafnva +the Senate oute.

U."I1I1aoI., sildenICts cgo to Letfis,4aIIur(

CIO.School pIroJCject proves methlodI works

The State Legislature went to school
yesterday, along with 31 black fifth
graders from Detroit's inner city.
Though the session was meant to be
a joint meeting of both the House and
Senate, relatively few representatives
showed up to hear Dr. William Johntz.
from erkeley. Cal., demonstrate how
disadvantage children can grasp ab-
stract conceptual mathematics and gain
confidence in themselves.
The program is currently underway in
Ypsilanti, and Johntz is attempting to

formulae instead of the routine "if Mar'v
has four apples ..
Johntz continually questioned the 10-
year-old children utilizing what has be-
come known as the "discovery method"
of teaching. Students answer his ques-
tions either verbally or by showing the
answer to a problem by displaying the
number of fingers they believe to be
he answer.
"This keeps the class moving and
leaves no one out." Johntz explained
following the demonstration. "It also
shows me the degree of conviction kids

Five graduate students and a Univer-
sity professor hope that tutoring under-
privileged elementary school children in
theoretical math may prove the kids
can do the same work as students in
more affluent neighborhoods.
For one hour several times each week.
math majors Wayne Paterson, Helen
Smiler, Sue Dlugo, Mary Kajdi, and
John Fink, along with Prof. A r t h u r
Schwartz, travel to the Perry Elementary
School in Ypsilanti.
The idea of the project now in the

The program first started after the
University administration last year
asked University departments to assist
urban minorities. Paterson conferred
with Johntz about his program, and
told the math department about the
program. Schwartz was then asked to
serve on a planning committee to for-
mulate a similar program at the Perry
'he committee then went before the
administration in hope of obtaining fi-
nancial support but were turned down
fio q aineky of fiirn,.wric,7,,0t',c

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