a special report the Sunday daily by ron landsinian Number 14 Night Editor: Jim Neubacher October 26, 1969 On whatever happened to Dave McMurray "We leaned backward "I do not think, having not to punish him for said what you have said, the article," Romance you can spend more languages chairman, Is time in our company, Prof. Robert Niess wrote. Prof. James O'Neill explains. (O'Neill is pictured at a faculty imeeting ) LAST FEBRUARY, at the height of the language requirement controversy, a teaching fellow in Romance languages wrote a guest editorial for The Daily criticizing his department. Five months later, he resigned. The two events are peculiarly related, but trac- ing the connection is a delicate process with complex and subtle revelations. Dissected, the case of this teaching fellow raises serious questions about the machinery which operates in each department and affects the teachers and courses students are ex- posed to, DAVID McMURRAY'S troubles began on Feb. 4, 1969, when The Daily printed his lengthy edi- torial on language study at the University. In it, he chastised his department for treating students in elementary languages as "unsophisticated Midwest- erners" and for acting as though it were "casting pearls before swine." In addition, McMurray blasted m a n y depart- mental procedures and referred to those teachers who backed the existing language requirement as "professional reactionaries." The editorial inccnsed several faculty members and brought down a torrent of criticism on Mc- Murray. The backlash came in two forms: that which charged McMurray had erred factually and that which attacked the propriety of a teaching fellow daring to encourage students to make the language requirement a public issue. The former was propounded by more liberal faculty members such as Profs. Jean Carduner and William Cressey, who challenged the accuracy and propriety of what the instructor said. The latter was levelled by those who flatly didn't think Mc- Murray had the prerogative to say what he did. By far the bitterest criticism was launched by Prof. Robert Niess, chairman of the comparative literature department, in which McMurray was enrolled. "You should know better than to bring such charges against the people with whom you work and who, incidentally, give you your livelihood," Niess wrote to McMurray. "I do believe in your right to say what you said and in the way you said it," the professor added. "but I do not think that, having said what you have said about us, you can honestly stand to spend more time in our company." Niess' words proved prophetic. It would be his comments on McMurray, five months later, which would force the teaching fellow out of the Pilot Program and out of the University. DURING THE intervening five months between the publication of McMurray's article and the submission of his resignation, Niess kept tabs on the graduate student. A week after his first correspondence. Niess addressed another letter to McMurray: "I have the conviction, perhaps wrong, that when people 6rite letters like yours, there is some- thing usually awry in the background . . . I was not in error. Your academic record is certainly the worst, from a certain point of view, among all the gradu- ate students in Comparative Literature ..." What Niess had in mind was not McMurray's grades, which never dropped below A-, but rather the number of incompletes he took, with three outstanding at the time, Niess asked McMurray for an immediate explanation and ordered him to complete all three before the end of the term or be dropped from the department. This McMurray did, but it was not enough. WyHILE THE tension over the Daily article dimin- ished. McMurray began looking into the literary college's Pilot Program, an experimental program that preceded the establishment of the Residential College and provides an informal academic environ- ment. Through arrangements with the directors of the program, McMurray agreed to teach a course, Pilot 122, called "Revolution: Political and Social State- ments in Poetry and Prose." It was planned as a course in revolutionary writ- ings black Ameriean and Latin American for whrh courses would require the approval of the depart- ment chairmen of any teaching fellows involved. McMurray's appointment in Pilot had to be ap- proved by Prof. James C. O'Neill, chairman of Ro- mance languages. Niess would also have a say in the matter. The day after the curriculum committee ap- proved the course, Carl and Helga Goldberg, the resident directors for the Pilot Program's academic offerings, met with O'Neill and got what thQy called his "reluctant approval" for the course. But Dr. Varner, the secretary to the curriculum committee, was required to get a written statement from O'Neill, and she sent the appropriate forms to him a week or so later. While McMurray taught in Romance languages, O'Neill's department, he was a graduate student in Niess', comparative literature. So O'Neill decided h? should get Niess' advice on the curriculum com- mittee request. O'Neill says the note he got from Niess is "no longer in existence" and he doesn't recall exactly what Niess wrote. Niess says he, too, doesn't recall the details, but he now cites these reasons for opposing McMurray's move to Pilot: --McMurray's large number of incompletes; -His lack of training in the course he wanted to teach, revolutionary thought; --His teaching a course which was not run by or under the control of the department whose name Niess said it carried. LSA curriculum committee, specifically Assistant Dean James Shaw. It was Shaw who told Dr. Varner to stop processing the course after he saw O'Neill's letter. During the summer, when O'Neill's letter was received, the curriculum committee was no longer holding regular sessions. Shaw, Dr. Varner, and Dean William Hays handled matters for the com- mittee informally. There was a subsidiary issue - a faculty spon- sor is required for all teaching fellows teaching Pilot courses. Prof. William Cressey agreed to sponsor McMurray's course even though he would be in Hawaii this semester. Shaw says this fact did not help McMurray's case, but adds that O'Neill's com- ments alone were sufficient reason for halting pro- cessing As Dr. Varner notes, the meaning of the letter was very clear. "On the basis of the letter, there was no need to talk to O'Neill," she says. BUT THE importance of Niess in providing in- formation to O'Neill cannot be underestimated. O'Neill made it very clear in his letter to Varner and Storey that the source of his comments were Niess' own statements. "Mr. Niess is skeptical, as am I, about Mr. Mc- Murray's preparation and ability to teach such a course, or to teach it objectively . . . his (McMur- ray's) record as a graduate student, although cur- rently clear, has been delinquent all along, and THE MOST hardhitting challenge Niess made, however, was to McMurray's academic record. "He has an excellent record," Neiss explains, "but how much' were the grades affected by his incom- pletes? They are not equitable; they don't let students compete on equal terms. Anyone can get an A in a course if he has enough time." One critic of that view is the chairman himself. O'Neill termed Niess' statements "ridiculous." "Incompletes are quite common in the depart- ment," O'Neill says. He adds that "no one pays at- tention" to the one-year time limit the department places on finishing incompletes. "Many people have incompletes," explains Jan Michelena, a Residential College instructor. "They are left alone until a person presents a problem, such as spending too much time on teaching rather than being a graduate student." Niess and O'Neill agree that students who take incompletes are taking chances because the depart- ment frowns on graduates getting too involved in extra -curriculur pursuits-including teaching. Most professors confirm the belief that graduate students are students first and teachers second. But professors add that this does not constitute a "problem." At least the incompletes should not have been a problem in McMurray's case. For McMurray did pre- cisely what his supervisors demanded - he finished all his outstanding incompletes. Unquestionably, McMurray proved himself a com- -org E ham. h . } The debate over the language requirement was resolved last year with the institution of a Bachelor of General Studies de- gree, which has no language re- quirements at all. At the same time, within one language de- partment, a parallel and equally profound struggle began - one over requirements imposed by the faculty bureaucracy on a teaching fellow named Dave Mc- Murray, The implications of this struggle are manifold and of cru- cial interest to the community; the resolution of it remains far off. Whatever Niess wrote, O'Neill did take it into account. His rely to the curriculum committee did not arrive until late July or early August, but it sealed McMurray's, and the course's, fate, "I think you should not assume McMurray's involvement as of this date at all," O'Neill wrote,, although noting he had earlier agreed "purely from the point of view of his teaching," that McMurray's teaching the course was acceptable. An official response from the curriculum com- mittee came quickly. "In view of Prof. O'Neill's comments," Dr. Varner wrote to Bruce Storey, di- rector of the Pilot Program, "I do not believe that we should proceed to process Pilot 122." Pilot 122 had been listed as a regular offering earlier and had, in fact, been the first Pilot course fille rhirinL, nron1A-irAonn .S h,,pnfQnmhn vaar I n . 9./ __ : r .rrr O'Neill did harm to both in a quiet, official, admin- istrative manner." The charges Niess cited for refusing to approve Pilot 122 were insubstantial, McMurray added. McMurray's perceptions of what happened after the appearance of his article are substantiated by Prof. Yudin, who served on the Romance Languages department executive committee last year, Although Dr. Yudin feels the article was riddled with factual errors, she explains it was "accurate in the sense of capturing the feeling of the department that could be called unhealthy." Frthermore, she feels the entire affair "was a case of overreaction on the part of one member of the faculty to Mc- Murray's letter." "It was unnecessary in its long range conse- quences for a good teacher and graduate student," she adds. NEEDLFS TO SAY, Niess and O'Neill deny the charges. "We learned over backwards not to punish him for The Daily article," O'Neill argues. "He was treat- ed with extraordinary charity, generosity, and len- iency. I've done a lot of unreasonable things, but, in this case, I have dealt with the utmost perspica- city." But O'Neill will not deny that The Daily piece had a great deal to do w i t h McMurray's fate "There is an absolutely indissoluble connection be- tween The Daily letter and the department's opinion of McMurray. It was the question of his good sense -or lack of it-and his professional responsibility." When the guest editorial was published, O'Neill continues, McMurray "had written himself out of the profession." The treatment of McMurray, the chairman adds, could halve been worse. "He could have been fired right away," O'Neill says. "We didn't choose to make him a martyr." In response to such counter charges, McMurray has only one reply: "If the article was wronghead- ed, inaccurate, untimely, etc., it and I should have been attacked openly, publicly, and with logic. That none of the parties concerned choose to do so, I think, demonstrates that what I wrote was a good deal more than the half-baked ramblings of some incompetent." WHATCONCLUSIONS can be drawn? McMurray was not fired-although apparently only the threat of martyrdom saved him then. Was McMurray justified in feeling that depart- ment members wanted him to leave? There is strong indication that he was. Prof. Frances Weber suggests McMurray would have been wiser to stay here and fight his case. But that is a considerable demand. McMurray felt helpless and threatened #by the powers-that-be in the department. Besides, McMurray did not have any support at the time. The only warm response to his Daily article came from a professor in the education school. Few language faculty seemed to know or care what happened to the teaching fellow. Neither David Wolfe, who spent the year in Spain, nor Frances Weber, who remained in Ann Arbor, heard very much about the fate of McMurray. That he was leaving, they knew. That he felt he had been harrassed and barred from the Pilot Program was not known. What happened to Mc- Murray was handled solely by Niess and O'Neill and no one else. And this fact opens serious question about the decision-making proces in the department. But there arĀ° others-outside the department structure - at fault. One is Assistant Dean James Shaw. The careless bureaucratic inertia that re- sulted in the cancelling of McMurray's course may be common, as O'Neill suggests, but that does not excuse it. Shaw acted under th? same lack of knowledge that the rest of the department suffered. Shaw did not know, although it seems he should have, that Niess conducted so careless a "check" of Mc- Murray's credentials for teaching a course in re- does not augur well for this kind of additional activity." O'Neill wrote. Niess' two major reasons for his opposition to the Pilot course--McMurray had no proof that he was competent to teach revolutionary thought and he was a poor student because he had taken five in- completes in two years-are both open to serious question. "I had no indication from McMurray's academic record that he was qualified to teach a course in revolutionary thought." Niess explains. "Formal preparation is normally required." And Niess con- tends his "assessment was done objectively, off McMurray's record." But when asked if he had made any inquiries to determine whether McMurrav might have some petent student. No one, including Niess and O'Neill have any complaints against his classwork. And besides being an excellent student, McMur- ray was an appreciated teacher. Neither faculty members nor any of McMurray's former students contests this. "I didn't want to have anything to do with Span- ish," says Mike Lovy, '71. "With anybody else the class would have been intolerable. I would say that everyone in the class respected him." "I thought he was a very competent teacher,," says P'of. David Wolfe. who supervises the elemen- tary Spanish program. "I'm sorry he's not here to teach because he was an excellent teacher." IN LIGHT OF these comments, it is difficult to un-