ElieMieligan 4Baily Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students'of the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Edit(riotL printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: JIM NEUBACHER LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: McKinley talks: First step THE DECISION by the management of McKinley Associates to enter prelim- inary talks with Tenants Union repre- sentatives is a significant gain in the struggle to win collective bargaining rights for Ann Arbor tenants. It is the first concrete demonstration that Ann Arbor landlords and manage- ment companies, under sufficient tenant pressure, may accept the collective bar- gaining principle. While McKinley, a company under new and relatively lib- eral management is not a typical case, it may set a valuable precedent for oth- ers to follow. Although McKinley has taken a cruc- ial first step, it will be essential for the company to grant formal recognition to the Union as a legitimate collective bar- Oink! Vice President Spiro Agnew's teen- age daughter, Kim, wanted to march in a demonstration on Vietnam Morator- ium Day, but he refused to let her, News- day reported today. In a copyrighted interview with Mr. Agnew, the Long Island newspaper said Miss Agnew, 14 years old, wanted to show her support for the moratorium by marching with a black arm band last Wednesday. "I wouldn't let her," said Mr. Agnew, who opposed the moratorium and crit- icized its leaders in a speech earlier this week. "She was unhappy for a day, but she got over it. Parental-type power must be exercised. Some parents have forgotten how." "Youth should challenge the adult gen- eration and put its ideas to test," he said. "But they must reason their way, not jump to what they feel is right. Education is a continuing state." gaining agent. Without such recognition, the Union understandably refuses to negotiate other issues. Delay in recog- nition merely hinders the achievement of a workable landlord-tenant relation- ship . Student tenants who today applaud the -McKinley-TV talks from the side- lines, must realize that their own direct support, by means of the rent strike, will be necessary to bring landlords into gen- eral collective bargaining. Those who bask in the improved main- tenances prevalent this fall, due largely to rent strike pressure, and those who passively contemplate the hypothetical advantages of a well-established tenants union should realize that widespread and dedicated student support are necessary to translate the goals of the Tenants Union into reality. THESE GOALS relate to an Ann Arbor housing situation characterized by astronomically high rents and erratic maintenance service. The union aims at equalizing the power relationship be- tween tenants and landlords, thus mak- ing lease conditions more favorable for student tenants. In addition, a viable Union could effectively lobby for the construction of low-cost housing by both the city and the University. These are worthy goals, and their achievement requires the collective ac- tion which the Union has been taking. McKinley manager Ron Weiser indicat- ed his acceptance of the legitimacy of the Tenants Union when he said that, "the Union provides a viable means for determining what some of the concerns of students are." Tenants Union leaders have a certain responsibility for assuring McKinley that they will not encourage the adoption of demands the company would be literally unable to satisfy. Unrealistic claims by Union organizers about the possibilities of vast rent reductions which might re- sult from tenant-landlord talks, have fueled landlord distrust of the U n i o n. McKinley officials have noted the pre- sent management could easily go out of business and transfer its properties to a larger management company if U n i o n demands threatened to eliminate t h e company's profit margin. BUT UNION leaders recognize t h e s e facts, and it would be unwise for Mc- Kinley to use such fears as an excuse for not recognizing the Union, meanwhile ignoring the basic grievances which led to the Union's formation. If McKinley recognizes its own long- term interest, and its own obligation to be responsive to the wishes of its tenants, it will grant recognition to the Tenants Union. -STEVE KOPPMAN Shock, To the Editor: FROST HOUSE wishes to com- municate its shock, indignation, and disgust at the manner in which the housing office has con- ducted its affairs which have led to the present, untenable situa- tion. Last year, it was suggested t h a t Resident Advisers be given roommates. This idea was debat- ed within the houses, before the Board of Governors, and before the Regents, and it was rejected on all levels. At the same time, Housing an- nounced that it had discovered it- self short of men's housing, which, oddly enough, followed shortly the conversion of part of men's housing in West Quad to office space. Housing suggestedhthe con- version of two women's houses in Markley, Elliot and Little (later changed to Blagdon), to alleviate the problem. This idea was firmly opposed by the residents of Mark- ley and was also rejected by the Board of Governors. Yet, due to flagrant mismanagement of stu- dents and housing, both proposals were implemented. And this was done over the summer, at a time when virtually no one was present to oppose them. THE SITUATION as it stands now is even more outrageous. In- coming freshmen have been sub- jected to housing in cafeterias, study halls, practice rooms, and linen closets, and others have been given no rooms at all or "tem- porary" residences with the con- stant danger of expulsion. For- eign students who have come to the University in order to room with American students and learn English have been stashed away in a cafeteria and are now scattered around the University with little or no contact with American stu- dents. Students, who have con- tributed $50 toward the services of Resident Advisers, now find these Advisers inaccesible when serious personal or emotional problems arise due to inconveniences to the RA's roommate. And most or all of these problems might have been avoidable. LAST YEAR, a prepayment was instituted for the explicit purpose of weeding out those not seriously considering returning to t h e dorms. It was stated by the hous- ing office that this would give it an accurate picture of the housing' situation and allow it to plan for the coming year. Now, it seems, the office ignored their own pol- icy and figures in preference to theoretical reports on the effects of lessening restrictions on stu- dents in University housing. Since there is no clear distinction be- tween University housing and the academic University, we as ten- ants are at the mercy of the Uni- versity's whims. Since we are the ones who must suffer from your office's mistakes, we demand an adequate explanation for t h e present situation and specific plans for solving and avoiding re- occurrences of this most deplor- able situation. -William L. Levy Oct. 1 Health Service To the Editor: THE STUDENT HEALTH Ser- vice procedure for dealing with the "walk-in" patient is in des- perate need of revision. A stu- dent who wakes up in the morn- ing and finds himself in need of medical service, and cannot get an appointment is accommodated on a first come first serve basis, between the appointments. The other day I found myself in this position for the first time in my two years here. As a stu- dent I decided to avail myself of the privilege of free medical help, but what I found was so dis- organized and unprofessional, that I vowed never to use these facilities again. As is the procedure, I picked up my medical record, and after be- ing told that there were no al- pointments available, I took a-seat and waited for my turn. The nurse, upon my request, took my temperature and after noting that I had a 101 degree fever proceed- ed to put my folder back in the middle of the stack. Although there were at least three doctors in attendance, and lass than 10 people in the waiting room at any time. I and a few other "walk-ins" waited for over two hours to be seen. WHEN I FINALLY got to see the doctor who came out to get my record, I asked if there were any priorities or did all patients have to wait for over two hours? She was horrified that with such a small number of people, we had waited so long. The blame for the delay, sha said, lay on the inef- ficiency of the nurses in distribut- ing the records to the doctors; in addition those doctors who work- ed faster, had complained about the inequality of the caseload. I feel, as I am sure those who waited with me feel, that there must be a better system. Most "walk-in" patients come for sore throats, or colds, not major sur- gery. Therefore, perhaps t h e r a can be a doctor who deals only with those who do not have ap- pointments. It is enough of a punishment in itself to be sick, without h a v i n g the Student Health Service procedure add to it. If this system is not improved perhaps we should all do as one girl jokingly suggested: make a weekly appointment and if we don't need it. cancel it. -Dianne Globus Sept. 26 Cht lrini71 To the Editor: WHATEVER HAPPENED to the "Women's Page" which you'd been promising us? Because there were some extra pages, in Sunday's Daily, devoted to fashion drawings and photos and ads from local stores and a few really profound and astute comments on today's fashion, such as the enlightening and revolutionary insiht that the sleeve is normally attached to a blouse, are we supposed then to infer that this constituted the pre- vious1y announced "Women's Page"? Although there was a mildly interesting front page ar- ticle on bralessness, this had, for- mally n o t hi n g to do with "Women's Page." Pity any U of M co-ed who was satisfied or iden- tified herself with this image of woman and who was not, on the contrary, insulted by it. It would seem that the Daily's political policy is inconsistent--co- operation with the military-indus- trial complex is condemned, but what about the Daily's complicity with the fashion-cosmetic-indus- trial complex which submerges the American women in mindless ob- session with fashion and total dis- traction from anything more meaningful than clothes, make- up, dates, bridal showers, cocktail parties, silverware and laundry detergents? Certain Daily contri- butors object to ROTC because it diverts young men, through the provision of generous scholarships, into the armed forces. In a similar vein, I object to the Daily's ac- ceptance of advertisements from jewelers and clothiers, since it perpetuates an unacceptable image of women and encourages Ann Ar- indignation, disgust, outrage etc. ". . Encouraged by an effete corps of impudent snobs, hardcore dissidents, and professional anarchists, who characterize themselves as intellectuals . . ! !" IFENR STEVE NISSEN City Editor OREIX, Editor I-ON I.A\I)-.\IAN bor co-eds to conform themselves to this image. OUT OF curiosity, what would you have dreamed up for a "Men's Page"? Or perhaps it never would have occurred to you, since men are just normal human beings whereas women apparently con- stitute a special species whose identity depends on what clothes they're wearing and what boy they're going out with or are mar- ried to. Your "Women's Page" supplies as good a reason as any to join the Ann Arbor branch of the Women's Liberation Movement: although not yet a member, I'm sure this organization would join me in con- demning the "Women's Page's" male contributors as prime ex- amples of male Chauvinists, and its female participants as copping- outers to their own sex. -Kris Alilunas Suppression To the Editor: I WOULD like to express dismay at the suppression of student and faculty participation in the Oct. 15th moratorium by the School of Dentistry. Although it had been previously announced that individual parti- cipation would be allowed and that neither quizzes would be given nor attendance recorded, the jun- ior and senior clinics did record attendance. In addition both stu- dent and faculty who were present and wearing black armbands were ordered to remove them. GRADING in the dental school is so subjective that few students will not even dare to wear a con- troversial button supporting peace. Also students are ordered to get haircuts and refusel to do so is certain to lead to low grades and an evaluation of poor attitude. We are told that the dentists' participation in community affairs is one of the best ways to show the profession's concern for the bet- terment of man and his health.. We are limited, apparently, only to issues without controversy. I WISH I had the courage to sign my name, but I too want my D D.S. The things I have written, how- ever (and many more) can be con- firmed by talking to almost any dental student or some of the fac- ulty. Maybe someday these conditions will change, but they must be brought into the open first. Name withheld upon request Oct. 21 Church and politics To the Editor: I FIND Anita Wetterstroem's article, "Revolution and religion: Awakening at the University." in- teresting, but I feel that I must comment on it. I cannot speak for all the churches, but I have some claim to knowledge of the situation of the Catholic Church on campus. With all due respect to Fr. Ir- vin's remarks, I feel that all too many of the students attending Sunday Mass at St. Mary's are not liberal, but either static conserva- tive or unconcerned. Apathy is high among all large student pop- ulations. I see as one of the important tasks of the Church the education to get these people concerned and involved in a Christian way with the problems of the world today. MISS Wetterstroem claims, "On the political spectrum, the chapel itself sits decidedly to the right of its 'liberal' congregation. The Church (ecclesia) is the p e o p 1e, ministers as well as congregation. The staff members of St. Mary's are very liberal. They are not ex- treme radicals, as Fr. Irvin points out, but most of those who speak from our pulpit make it obvious that their views are more liberal than what is being heard - and this because our views are decid- edly to the left of a certain num- ber of parishoners. "WHILE there are many activ- ists within the congregation... they do not direct their activities through the chapel." We at St. Mary's feel that it is better for us to direct our actions through existing organizations rather than set up, competition. As Christian individuals within working organ- izations we can often work more effectively than by starting a new group. The aim of the Church, of St. Mary's, and of the Newman Stu- dent Association is not to form cliques of individuals who try to do everything in our name; but rather to help individuals grow and to provide facilities when needed to go out from our worship community and make Christ pre- sent in the world today. -Edward Swart, President Newman1 StudentrAssociation. Oct. 22 Letters to the Editor should be mailed to the Editorial Di- rector or delivered to Mary Rafferty in the Student Pub- lications business office in the Michigan Daily building. Let- ters should be typed, double- spaced and normally should not exceed 250 words. The Editorial Directors reserve the right to edit all letters submitted. I MARCIA ABRAM N A .seia tA M\lnaging Editor CHRIS STEELE Associate City Editor 'TEVE ANZALONE .... , Editnri.al Page Editor JENNY STILLER . . Editorial Pa ge Editor LESLIE WAYNE .. 1.Arts Editor LAWRENCE ROBBINS ...... ... Photo Editor LANIE LIPPINCOTT Assistant to the Maniaging Editor WALTER SHAPIRO Daily Washington Correspondent MARY RADTKE ............. Contributing Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Stuart Gannes. Martin Hirschman. Jim Neubacher, Judyi Sarasohn, DaId Spurr. Dan- iel Zwerdling. ASSISTANT NIGHT EDITORS: Ale:i Canad:, AAhi- son Cooke, Bob Fusfeld, Russ Garland, Caroid Hilie- brand, Judy Kahn, Pat Mahoney, . nrd Montgomery. Marty Scott , Lynn Weiner. Bu.'siness S/at! (=R(0-. IITOL ............... Bu .iuc "_ aa TEVE ELMAN ... Executive Advertising Manager i'E LERNER . . Senior Sales ianager LUCY PAPP .... Senior Sales1 1a;nai N;ANCY ASIN ...Snior Circulation MIan:ar BRUCE HAYDON.........FinanceMnst UARIA KROGULSKI.....Associate Finance Manage BARBARA SCHULZ Personnel Manage JOHN GRAY .... .......Literary Editor On electing 'that bum John Lindsay mayor of New York By STEVE KOPPMAN ' IBERALS ACROSS America accept without a second thought these days the notion that the upcoming New York mayoral election will pro- vide a landmark test for the forces of enlightened, progressive govern- ment-incarnate in the person of John Lindsay-against the forces of dark reaction, personified in his two rivals-Mario Procaccino and John 'Marchi. But the people of New York know better. For while it is difficult to argue that Lindsay is not a more capable man than either of his opponents, there is little doubt in the minds of most New Yorkers-white and black, professional and worker, lukewarm supporters and redhot opponents- that the man who proudly presented himself four years ago as the saviour of the America city is a fraud. WHITE WORKERS look around their neighborhoods and see crime spiraling, taxes rising, and things in genernl getting worse. They figure of the city. But they were mad about Vietnam and they still voted for Hubert Humphrey. After all, the gov- ernment must keep running, and he is the lesser of three evils. What would happen if some horrible man like Mario Prdcaccino or Richard Nixon came to power? SO THE SET of actual "Lindsay supporters" narrows down to a few liberal students-largely from out- side the city, the editorial page editor of the Times, and a few prominent Democratic politicians. "I've alienated eight million people," Lindsay said this summer. And he wasn't kidding. Yet, he will probably he re-elected, because those voters who feel he is substantially less obnoxious than his two opponents make up more than one-third of New York's electorate. But, the fact that a solid majority will unquestionably vote for either a Procaccino or a Marchi says quite a bit in itself. CITY COMPTROLLER Democrat Mario Procaccino is an old-line conservative intellectual with a philo- sophical bent. But his penchant for thrift has led him to use his position in the Legislature to help derive New York of the money it so des- perately needs. The backwardness of Lindsay's rivals have made it relatively easy for him to fit into the "knight in shining armor" role. But at the same time, his fraudulence has shone through more blatantly than usual these past months. In response to the alleged laxity of welfare regulations under his admin- istration, Lindsay aparently ordered a sudden tightening of the regula- tions to produce a leveling in the rolls in time for election day. IN RESPONSE to public com- plaints about crime, Lindsay points to the 5,000 new policemen he has hired, and the new "fourth platoon" system for getting more police on the strets at night which was convenient- ly instituted a few months ago. While the fourth platoon may do some good. it is ironic thnt Lindsav noints to LINDSAY DERIDES Procaccino's impossible programs for locking up all the addicts, but doesn't come out himself for the only realistic ap- proach-the legal and widespread dis- tribution of the drug addicts need, or some substitute like methadone, through doctors. Lindsay instead has seemed to advocate the "middle" ap- proach-doing nothing. In response to complaints that Lindsay concentrates on Manhattan and ignores Queens, he has embarked on a campaign in the last few months to fix more potholes and collect more garbage in Queens. Perhaps New Yotk's most basic problem - the lack of sufficient housing fit for people to live in-- has changed little during Lindsay's term in office. The construction of new housing can barely keep tp with the deterioration of old housing, and admittedly the only long-range solu- tion seems to lie in massive infusion of federal money. LINDSAY HAS finally, in this elec- black attitutdes toward Lindsay was made last week by national CORE director Roy Innis, one of Harlem's most prominent spokesman, as he anounced CORE's rejection of all three mayoral candidates. "THIS IS A CHOICE between ar- senic, cyanide and strychnine," said Innis. The city's black and Puerto Rican communities have been looking des- perately for an alternative to Lind- sey. as was demonstrated by their overwhelming support of Bronx Bor- ough President Herman Badillo in the June Democratic primary. And while Lindsay has recently cut his appearances in black neighborhoods, when he does venture there he is re- peatedly dogged by the plaintive signs. "What have you done for Har- lem:?., SO, WHILE LINDSAY and T h e Times editorial page and some fin- icky liberals tell you that Procaccino would destroy "what it took us 50