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October 24, 1969 - Image 1

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Fair and

Vol. LXXX, No. 44 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, October 24, 1969 Ten Cents

Ten Pages

Jlohn lSinclair

Ill Detroit'
White Panther leader John Sin-
clair, curently serving a 91,2-10
year sentence for possession of
marijuana, was arraigned in De-
troit federal district court yester-
day on a charge of conspiracy to
destroy government property.
Sinclair was indict ed earlier this
month along with Pun Plamandon,j
Jack Forrest and David Valler for'
conspiring to bomb the Central a
Intelligence Agency of f Li c e in'
downtown Ann Arbor.
Plamandon, who is still not in
uhe government's custody, was al-
so charged with actually bombing
the Main St. office.
Federal district Judge Thotna s
P. Thornton did not set a trial
date. which will be (lone by Judge
Talbot Smith, who will hear both
Forest's and Sinclair's cases.
Approximately 40 Sinclair sl1p-
porters, including Argus editor
Ken Kelley, Sinclair's wife ,nd
child and his brother, D x, at-
tended the arraignment.
They were all quiet duri i the'
court proceedings but did 5 ssout
leaflets outside the court room
charging the state with conspiracy.'
John Sinclair and Pun Pla-
mandon . . . have been challrorged
by the brain police of the state
...that is run by control acldi ,ts
and they are out of control," ,the
leaflet said.
On the reverse side ,was a
"Wanted Dead" poster of Valler,
the fourth member of the alle fed
conspiracy, who is the state's wit-
It was Valler who was convicted
of marijuana possession last sum-
mer and who wrote a letterl o
youth, published by the Detrdit
News, warning them of the da-t
ge's of drugs, including mai-
Valler, who is now serving a
termgin Jackson State Prisonon
a narcotics charge, was' not named
Js a defendant in the indictment
although he was named as a co-
U.S. District Attorniey Robert
Grace has declined comment on
Valler's role in the investigation.
Vallery among a g'oup of De
troit yout. hs charged several
months ago in similar'bombings in
the Detroit area.

refuses to
Remiains1 sl ent in
atiswer to Hianoi
(IeleOLIICs el iii
PARIS (Y -- Henry Cabot
Lodge took the unprecedented
step yesterday of refusing to
speak at the Vietnam peace
"You still s h o w no desire to
engage in genuine negotiations,"
the U.S. ambassador told the
North Vietnamese and Viet Cong
envoys. "Under these circumstan-
ces I see no point in delivering the
statement I have prepared for to-
Lodge also said he held back his
statement because he wanted to
dramatize the other side', "uni-
lateral demands" and "vitupera-
tive langu e.'
In Washtirgon, tine State Pe-'
partment * oiced ics suppor:
Lodge's decision, but it stiessed
his action did not signal U.S. in-
tent to quit the talks.
"There is no desire by the
United States to break off t n e
talks," press officer Robert J. Me-
Closkey told newsmen.
"But we have been concerned
and annoyed and frustrated that
there has not been a more se'-
iotus attemp~t for substantive Ile-
gotiations by the oter side," he
The State Department spokes-
man said Lodge was acting "with-
in his instructions" in not speak-
ing, although the specific deci:-
ion was made by the ambassador
on the spot.
Whether he would remain silent
at subsequent sessions when the
other side uses language deemed
as invective "would remain to be
seen,' McCloskey added.
Mrs. Nguyen Thi Binh, chief
delegate of the Viet Cong's pro-
visional revolutionary govorn-
ient, retorted that Lodge's ac-
tion showed he v'as seeking "to
elude serious negotiations....and'
showed the obstinate attitude of
the American government in pur-
suit of its policy of aggressicn in
South Vietnam."
A North Vietnamese spokesman
said the move "proves the b a d
faith of t h e Nixon administra-
The Soura Vietnamee delega-:
tion spokesman s a i d it, was an
"appropriate response" to the "es-
calade of verbal violence" by the
other side.
See LODGE, Page 10

.-Daily-Sara Krulwi
Protest So viet policy
The committee on Soviet Jewry leaflets the K-Mart shopping center in Westwood. Larry Swa
chairman of the group, explained that the commitee's purpose is to protest the Soviet Uni
treatment of its three million Jews, and "to force the Soviet Union to grant concessions" to the Je
SRC to study Upoics
on lelvof-student fees

Plans Viet
Student Government Coun-
cii last night placed the con-
troversial question of control
over the allocation of student j
fees on the November election
Precise wording of the referen-
dum will be worked out at next
week's Council meeting, but it was
generally agreed that the thrust
of the question Mill be whether
students should have the power to
either order or veto the use of
student fees for University con-
ei struction projects.
The referendum relates directly
to a proposal, now under consid-
rtz, eration by the University admin-
on's istration, which calls for the use
s.of a recurring fee assessment of
MS. "up to $15" to pay for construc-p"
tion of two new intramural build-
In a related referendum, also
approved last night, students will
be asked whether SGC's 25-cent
per student, per term budget
should be raised to 40 cents.
Under present University reg-
ulations, the Regents and the ad-
ministration have complete con-
trol over SGC's budget. It has
been set at 25 cents per student
per term for 15 years.f
A proposal which would grant
Vice- students the right to approve in
ffairs a referendum fee increases for
far afted SGC is among sweeping changes in e
f the Regents bylaws now under Te
uild- consideration, however. last ni
pre- A third referendum placed on milita
But, the ballot last night will ask justice
if students whether the United States
itfrshould immediately withdraw all H
well, armed forces from Vietnam. The credibi
nem- Nov. 11-12 vote on this and the totally
on as other referenda falls during the
week preceding the nationwid Presid
two march on Washington against t'ne
ssion, war in Vietnam. New M
rding j Students will also be asked to ice he
they approve a five-dollar returnable T
n the fee assessment to fund a student- stocka
con- faculty controlled bookstore. The:wo w
iding! question was placed on the ballot who w+
mural last week. tiny b
In other action last night, ties al
e se- Council declined to put on the demon
o be ballot a current plan for creation
apply of a student-faculty council to ade ya
aca- govern the literary college. One the p
e council member argued that the stocka
zctlon plan was too weak because theI fellow
um. LSA faculty would still have a d
ident veto over all decisions.




is on

Student Relations Committee
(SRC), the advisory board to the
senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs, yesterday set
up a panel to investigate the ques-
tion of levying student fees for
v'arIious University projects, in-
cluding a proposed intramural
sports building.
Originally, the meeting was to
consider the specific problem of
fees levied on students to con-
struct two IM buildings - one on
North Campus and the other on
central campus .
After discussion on several as-
pects of the proposed IM build-

ings, the committee believed its
proper role would be considering
only the question of levying stu-
dent fees.
Architecture Prof. Joseph Web-
er, SRC chairman, said yesterday
he would "get hold of two or three
people on SRC" to form a com-
mittee which would "initiate work
on the general policy of SRC" on
the student fee question.
Technical problems concerning
the IM buildings should be re-
ferred to the committee with pro-
per jurisdiction - in this case
the Advisory Committee on Re-
creation, Intramurals, and Club
Sports, SRC members said.

U' Hospital faces mirse shortage;
to defer non-urgent admissions

A committee headed by
President for Academic A
Allen Smith has already dr
a proposal concerning the b
ings which was to have been
sented at SRC's meeting.
there were no copies available
morning, said Vice- Presidenl
Student Affairs Barbara Ne
The letter will be sent ton
bers of the committee as so
poss5ible, she said.
The proposal contained
points relating to the discus
said Mrs. Newell, recommel
that if the facilities a'e built,
should be two structures o
two campuses and that the
struction of a chemistry bui
be given priority over intrar
The reasoning behind the
cond argument appeared t
that whereas the state will su
funds for construction of an
demic building, there would 1
funds available for construt
of a non-academic gymnasiu
Graduate Assembly Pres
Bill Price and Student Go
ment Council President Ma
McLaughlin, student membe
SRC, strongly protested thi
"If the legislature will not
support the physical educ
programs which would be ca
out in these buildings, we sr
eliminate our physical educ
programs, said Price.
If sttident fees were levied,
McLaughlin, "the Univ
would be saying if the legisl w nt s p ot u nt i ul
wntsuppot us in this ebis
then you (students )will ha
A referendum asking stu
whether or not they approv
students' fees being used for
versity construction projects
appear on the ballot in the
vember SGC election.

-Daily--Jerry Wechsler
Presulio 27 attorney Hallinan
[aiman hits system
military 'injustice'
erence Hallinan, billed as a "fighting radical attorney,"
ght at West Quad denounced this country's system of
ry justice, calling it a barbaric system of military in-
whic* ought to be scrapped,
allinan called the military system of justice "an in-
le system which can and does without any hesitation
destroy a GI who stands up to it."
allinan, a defense attorney for the soldiers in the
lo 27 mutiny case and west coast co-chairman of the
4obilization, concentrated primarily on military injust-
believed he had encountered it in the Presidio 27 case.
ie Presidio 27 are a group of 27 soldiers from a military
de near San Francisco<--- - --
were charged with mu- I
y the military authori-
fter they held a sit-inilled
stration in the stock-
Lrd last year to protest
poor conditions in the
d; dthekilling of a
prisoner by a stockadesc e ud
an described the conditions
stockade as crowded, dirty, By JASON STEINMAN
hmane. He claimed these3 J. B., a black boy born to

A severe lack of registered
nurses at University Hospital has
forced hospital authorities to limit
the number of patients admitted
in "non-urgent" cases.
James Norris, hospital director
of admissions, explains that ap-
plications for "elective" admission
to the hospital-- where the refer-
ring doctor believes the patient
may come in at his own discretion
--are being given close scrutiny.
"We are now deferring almost
all elective admissions," Norris

Personnel administrator Joseph
Augustine attributes the problem
to a nation-wide lack of registered
nurses rather than a specific
problem at University Hospital.
"There are just not enough
nurses to go around.' he says.
Agreeing with Augustine is
Fred Steuwe, employment man-
ager at St. Joseph's Mercy Hos-
pital. He also says that he could
use many more nurses. He claims,
however, that the hospital is not
"planning to close beds or limit
service in any way."
Augustine says a vigorous re-

cruiting campaign throughout the
spring and summer did not attract
enough full-time nurses to replace
those who customarily leave in
August and September.
The hospital can always use
more nurses but the problem is
especially bad now, says Augustine.
One factor is the opening of the
C.S. Mott Children's Hospital this
summer. The demand for nurses
at the Mott Hospital coincided
with the seasonal nurse shortage.
Efforts-including advertisement
in national magazines-are cur-"
rently being made in a variety of
ways to attract both registered
nurses and licensed practical
Hospital officials are quick to
point out that the shortage is not
affecting the quality of care re-
ceived by those patients who are
"While the patient who is ad-
nited will get the requisite nursing
care *we simnply cannot admit all
the patients we should," says Ed-
ward J. Connors, University Hos-
pital director. "As a result, all
available beds - those properly
staffed - are full."
Connors says the hospital staff is
"deeply concerned" about finding
space for emergency patients. Cur-
rently, 22 beds are closed in the
thousand bed hospital.
To help ease the strain, more
than 100 part-time nurses are em-
ployed at the hospital, filling Lhe
positions of 40 full-time nurses.
More part-time help is also being
Both Augustine and Steuwe say
they do not believe that money is
a problem.
"Our salaries are competitive

rs of
s ar-
. said
ve to
ve of

Ott Today' s


in thes
and in

v -a .1 ""wC U1Utt 1V1J u. CSt jf1lu b. Ir.. 1 Ct,,.*y
'Imilitary stockade throughout the lower class parents October 22
Page Three country. may have dental treatment
* Arab guerrillas attack Le- One reason, he continued, was only three times in his life,
banon from Syria in retal- that the Army was not prepared aic hr t
iation for a Lebanese army for the trouble it has received may be so sporadic t h a t he
crackdown on anti-Israeli? from an increasingly rebellious sol- will die seven years before a
commandoes. Al Fatah, the diery in the lower ranks. middle class backroudro B
midde cassbacground. J. B.

Arab guerrilla organiza-
tions claimed responsibil-

ity for the raids.
A split has evidently de-
veloped in the Justice De-
partment over the validity
of the draft delinquency


Student-faculty groonisc

The tremendous increase in may unknowingly b e n e f I t
AWOL and desertion cases re- from this weekends medical
cently has filled the stockades past symposium if its goals are at-
capacity. "The Army instead of tained.
providing better conditions, has
tried to crack dawn when thase The problem of low income fam-
ily health care is one of the ma-
conditions cause things to ex- jor points of discussion of t h is
plode," claimed Hallinan. weekend's medical symposium:
------- - ----- - - - - "Medicine and social responsibili-
ty towards a n e w model of the
J exam tes: physician.",
) f A LIUA pThe meeting will begin today at
1 at Dow Auditorium in Towsley
" Center. The opening discussion at
1:45 will be open to the public. A
. rricu l tr film at 7 p.m. in Towsley, "The
community medical center," will
the survey requirement, steering also be open.
commnittee members are plan- Other movies a n d the work-
ning to press for a wide range of shops will be closed to the public
other curriculum reforms. because of lack of space.
These include the substitution Both today and tomorrow's ses-
of a 200-level literary criticism siont will open with addresses and
course for the present poetry re- pane- dill ussen st oa dern n h
quirement, inclusion of a 200- j panel discussions concerning the
leenturse ininllectualhissocial responsibility of the doctor
level course in intellectual his- and medical school to community
tory and developme rogfa ju - health. Today, workshops will dis-
England or Ireland. cuss such topics as the r o 1 e of
Faculty members on the cur- medical education in social aware-
riculum committee decline to ness, community health centers,
ic ommit themielelin he qto rural and urban health problems.
commit themselves on the ques-c.

A small group of students,
with the help of some faculty
members, is taking preliminary
steps toward initiating a major
overhaul of the English depart-
ment curriculum.
The thrust of current pro-
posals for reform centers around
elimination of the two-term
literature survey requirement,
and possible substitution of
courses based on shorter periods

sentatives on the ctrriculu'n
Miss Wineguest outlines a
number of arguments against
maintaining the survey courses.
"Basically, the courses involve
too much material done too
quickly in a mass situation," she
Don Lindrw, '70, chairman of
the student steering committee,
adds that the quantity of the
material which must be covered
forces the student to do "too

.r: ,. _ v

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