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October 23, 1969 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page




Frost, fair
but cold

Vol. LXXX, No 43 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 23, 1969 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

Rich oil reserve




upstate drilling tests Moratorium




Valued at
1 billion
From Wire Service Reports
LANSING - The state's big-
gest natural gas and oil strike
in twelve years was reported
yesterday near Traverse City.
A spokesman for the state
commence department put the
potential value of the oil
strike near $1 billion, of which
the state stands to gain mil-
lions of dollars in revenues on
production and royalties on
oil wells.
The new find is an under-
ground strip 50 miles wide run-
ning from near Traverse City 175
miles east to Gaylord on the shore
on Lake Huron. Referring to an
oil strike in Alaska that brought
that state $900 million in the leas-
ing of land tracts for drilling,
state officials called the area the
"New North Slope."
While large tracts of the land
strip are state-owned, an estimat-
ed 90 per cent of the area is al-
ready under lease to private busi-
ness. This rules out a land lease
boom similar to the one recently
fheld in Alaska.
Along with revenue levied on
drilling going to the state, how-
ever, the oil strike is expected to
produce an economic boom in an
area that has for years depended
on tourist trade for its livelihood.
The commerce department
spokesman said the new discovery
"shows every indication of pro-
duction exceeding all previous pe-
troleum production to date in
The statement referred to a
6,922-foot deep exploratory well
drilled in Union Township, just
outside of Traverse City.
Officials of the McClure Oil Co.
of Alma had termed the well "an

The two major organizations coordinating fall anti-war
activities and the Nov. 15 actions in Washington have pledged
their mutual support in the wake of reports that they were
divided over how to protest the war.
The two groups-the Vietnam Moratorium Committee
and the New Mobilization Committee-both held press con-
ferences Tuesday in New York declaring their unity in the
peace movement and vowing that the action in Washington
would be "legal and nonviolent protest."
The Moratorium Committee took an active part in planning the
Oct. 15 demonstrations nationwide and is organizing similar activities
for Nov. 13 and 14 in Washington.
New Mobilization-"New Mobe"-is planning the two-day death
march in Washington for the same two days plus a mass rally for
the finale Nov. 15.
The announcement by the two anti-war groups, which clearly
differ in make-up and political beliefs, came after numerous reports
of a split were published in the Washington Post and elsewhere.
Coordinated by liberals who worked for Sens. Eugene McCarthy
and Robert Kennedy last year, the Moratorium Committee is con-
sidered politically moderate by today's standards, the New York
Times reported yesterday.
New Mobe is a more loosely-knit coalition of anti-war organi-
zations and individual pacifists. Unlike the moratorium group, which
is directed by young people, New Mobe is comprised of middle-aged,
seasoned anti-war people.
At the press conference Tuesday, Moratorium spokesman Sam
Browne said the two groups were not so much split as just having a
"difference of emphasis."
He said he and other national Moratorium leaders plan to par-
ticipate in New Mobe's rally and urge "others to join us."
Leaders of the Ann Arbor New Mobilization movement are quick
to echo Browne's sentiments citing that there is not, in fact, a splitE
between the two groups. "There is not a division," points out New
Mobe's Barry Cohen, "but a kind of difference that can be easily
overcome in joint action." He says both groups have the same objec-
tive-to end the war in Vietnam Immediately.
Howard Goldstein, also of New Mobe, says that although the
groups represent different political opinions, they have been working
complementarily with each other and any split exists only between
individual members. "Our common objective keeps us together," he
Several local organizations, including the New Haven Mora-
torium Committee, have remained uncommitted to Washington par-
ticipation since they question the march's value.
The New York Times reported New Haven leader Gregory Craigt
said he feels the mass rally is a "most unfortunate tactic" which mayc
"alienate the middle-class people who supported us on Oct. 15." He

-Associated Press

Perfect fit

Soviet Cosmonaut Major General Gorgi Beragovoi tries on a
helmet during his tour of the Manned Spacecraft Center near
Houston. He and another cosmonaut inspected the Life Support!
Systems at the center yesterday.
EMU president bans
underground paper
Eastern Michigan University President Harold E. Spon-
berg yesterday issued an edict flatly banning the "sale and/or
distribution" of "The Second Coming" on the campus there.
The Second C o m i n g is a new, radical, student-oriented
newspaper published by a private group of EMU students and
faculty members. The newspaper is not recognized by the ad-
ministration a~s -an officia~l -tudent acrtivity nr or anizatin

-Daily-Donna Bassin
Sti.ent rifleman learns the game
Rifle Club:1p Finding relaxation
with a .22 caliber Remington

extremely good
well is known as
No. 1. It is am(

find." The new menuonet nat ne wil refrain trom openly opposing the rally,
State Union Well however.


ong 58 such ex-

*"'t1 1 41V o llV** d UC' ploratory wells drilled in the
Sponberg's statement, issued yesterday to administrators northern part of the state since
and faculty members but dated Tuesday, clears the way for 1966.
the administration to take disciplinary action against the The well has a production ca-
student editors and staff members. Dean of Students, Thomas pacity of 18 to 20 millioncubic
Aceto collected a list of names Tuesday of students selling the toleds
paper on campus and said he Two other major oil discoveries
plans to bring the case before have been made in the state in the!
M}tn the Student Court, a nine- past year. Last month Shell Oil
man elected body. Co. struck a productive source in
OtsegoCounty. About a year ago
de 11 e S RApparently, students will be another significant find was made
prosecuted u n d e r an EMU re- on Presque Isle by the Pan Ameri-
gent's rule prohibiting use of cam- can Oil Co.
A grouchy Paul McCartney - pus facilities for commercial ac- McClure is an independent firm
or someone with his voice - dis- tivities without the specific per- headed by Harold McClure, GOP
pelled rumors of the Beatle's death mission of the vice president for national committeeman for the,
yesterday in a 30-minute trans- business and finance. The editors state. McClure is also president
atlantic telephone conversation of The Second Coming reportedly of the Independent Petroleum
with a disc jockey from radio were told that permission would Producers of America.
station WKNR of Dearborn. be denied were they to apply. The new finds should move the
"Tel thm Pul c~atne is Although A c e t o maintained state, now 17th in the nation
"Tell them Paul McCartney i Tuesday that the administration among oil producers, up to number
alive and moaning nm London was only interested in enforcing 12 in the country.
England with a wife and family, "this rule, Sponberg's statement A spokesman for the McClure
said the voice of the Beatle, ap- yesterday made it clear that the Co. said the new area would take
parently annoyed at all the administration's disciplinary ac- five or six years to fully develop.
"hassles the rumors has caused tion was a reaction to the content , Much of the territory is under
him. He ended the conversation ',, . m 4nc. i l u.liai.

Reflecting Craig's sentiments, individual moratorium leaders in
other cities such as Los Angeles and Boston have privately indicated
their dissatisfaction with the Washington program but will refrain
from issuing public statements opposing it.
Campuses are also being urged to set aside the two days for mass
anti-war activities. New Mobe supporters are asking those unable to
travel to Washington to become involved in local activities.
On Nov. 13 and 14, national coordinators of the Mobilization
Committee plan to have 46,000 persons participating in a "march
against death." Each person will mirror the image of either an Ameri-
can Vietnam fatality or a Vietnamese village left in ruins.
On Nov. 15 a mass rally will be held near the Washington Monu-
ment, the site of the 1963 Civil Rights March and last year's Soli-
darity Day demonstration.


Take a right around the back of
the building, in through a narrow
door into a dimly lighted room
smelling of buckshot and pounding
with the sound of bullets thump-
ing against targets.
The scene is the first meeting of
the University's Rifle Club, a
group which gathers weekly to get
away from the books-about fifty
rounds worth of relaxation per
Ed Terill. the club's advisor, who
is certified for instruction by the
National Rifle Association, says
the club's purpose is to teach care-
ful use of firearms, as well as pro-
vide an opportunity for those who
enjoy shooting.
"I think that everyone should
learn to shoot" he said "especially
girls. Sometime someone is going

to put a weapon in your hand, E championship for both the 1965
and if you know how to use it you and 1966 National Inter-Collegiate
won't shoot anyone." competition.
The shooting is done with .22 ! Dick Porter, club president, ex-
calibre Remingtons at a distance pressed a willingness to form a
of 50 feet, the standard minimum team if there is enough interest.
small bore range. The group As recreation goes, the pastime
spends most of its time in the in- is cheap. The club supplies all
door range but has an, arrange- equipment, so the $3.00 per semes-
ment with the Washtenaw County ter dues are the only cost, besides
Sports Club to use their 200- and; 75 cents every once in a while
30-yard ranges on weekends. for ammunition.
The members of the club, usual- And, surprisingly enough, its
.ly numbering about 25, and in- safe. "No one has ever been killed
cluding a few girls, simply enjoy on an indoor range," Terill as-
spending one- day a week shoot- sured beginners. "Its safer than
ing, "though its no fun shooting bowling, or badmitton, according
in here," complained one student, to government statistics"
who prefers the outdoor ranges. ___-
Small groups of students some-
times gather for hunting, thoughOn oda s
the club itself does not sponsor
the trips o Page ThreeI
Members of the club sometimes
gather for informal discussion 0 Senate Republican leader
about gun registration, though no Hugh Scott proposes that
formal action has been taken. the U.S. unilaterally p r o -
"We are concerned about the claim a cease-fire in Viet-
problems of registration of wea- nam, but Secretary of De-
pons-what should be done, what I nabtSceryoD-
can be done, what is being done," fense Melvin Laird rejects
said Terill. the idea.


recommends ending
connections to ROTC


Graduate Assembly last night
recommended the University abol-

gents at the same time the facultyI
presents its report concerning
University-ROTC relations.

by simply hanging up.; statement read, in full: million acres under its control.thprga fosudnsod-wntospotScilW :Po.
The call was taped by newsmen "Because the content of the Shell recently disclosed that it has tide whthe ramhrto eabisftasaougnrita' min rity rort
and disc jockeys at the station publication, 'The Second Coming', spent and is in the process of iextracurricular activity.{ to Senate Assembly asking for
but was not replayed on the air contains material which is unac- spending $10 million on oil explo- Th eomnato ilb omlt eeaceo iswt
because McCartney refused to ceptable to the University, any ration in the state.
tirant permission for his voice to prior approval for sale and distri-t, McClure officials said that dur-submitted to the Regents at their ROTC, but said he believed it
be broadcast. bution of 'The Second Coming' on ing a test of State Union Well next monthly meeting.; would be more important "to be
the Eastern Michigan University No. 1 about 30 barrels of distillate The motion, presented by Mike an independent carrying weight
"Don't play theROT tape,"e Bron eplanhdeesaidot
The'talathetape,"yhesmani "Bcampuse ishereby revoked. Further natural gas and crude oil gushed Brown, treasurer, also included from Gauate Assembly."
'You created this sensationalism, sale and/or distribution of this from the well during a three-hour several points of implementation: Bill Price, GA vice president,
vhy should you make anything on { pbli
t by broadcasting it (the tape)? air cation is denied." experiment. They estimated the -drafting a letter explaining said Acting Vice President for
The issue currently on sale, the well could produce from three to their motion and the philosophy Student Affairs Barbara Newell
"I'tpmstosap o int vic e o ror tovbe pfbrishledcn iti-M:ue!fcassidta u-nx othymeigwudb mr motn t
"' sy ti seod te pihed contains . 10 barrels of distillate per hour. behind it; had suggested various student or-
ne," he said. "It's one big drag a controversial satire of EMU's Oil was first produced in the -making the letter open to the ganizations prepare their own re-'
laving to deny it all (the rumor) annual Homecoming Pagent. Male I state in 1925. Production peaked in public; ports on the ROTC issue to be
md I wish you would stop it." See EMU, Page 8 11939 with 23.4 million barrels. -presting the motion to the Re- presented to the Regents.

"It is everyone's legal right to
Senate Assembly has postponed bear arms," he went on, "A bullet
final action on the Academic Af- is similar to the spoken word.
fairs Committee's majority report Everyone has said something theyI
until its next meeting, Nov. 17. wish they hadn't said-a bullet is
the same way.",
This report calls for the elimi- "sk
nation of academic credit, depart- "The weapon was made for kill-
metal statusad aldiver ing, no doubt about it. But we
mentastas, anTC allhave desired in our so-called civil-
subsidies for ROTC. ization to make a sporting weapon;
The report also states that if out of it, and we have created a
the defense department refuses to very fine sport," he says.
accept restructuring they then Citing the position of the Na-
recommend ROTC become totally tional Rifle Association, he con-
extracurricular cluded that the criminal ought to
Senate Assembly defeated Lit- be punished, -not the sportsman.
wak's minority report of the same The club has been non-competi-
committee last Monday which tive for the last three years, due
called for complete severance of to a lack of interest in tournament:
ROTC from the University. shooting, though it won the team

9 The premier of Laos says
he has a 'tacit' agreement
with the U.S. that Wash-
ington will provide aid to
defend Laotian independ-
ance, neutrality and terri-
torial integrity.
0 The defense attorney f o r
accused murderer J o h n
Collins asks for a chance in
0 UAC ticket patronage re-
sults in the disappointment
of students who attempted
to buy tickets to the Mich-
igan - Michigan State foot-
ball game.

During the summer Marc Van
Der Hout, a student member of
the Academic Affairs Committee,
walked out of a committee meet-
ing because he claimed students
were not given equal representa-
tion- with the faculty.
Faculty members of the com-
mittee and Mrs. Newell then sug-

Draft extension

relieves grad pressure

U' tops list in gifts
from alumni, business

President Nixon's recent ex-
tension of draft deferments for
graduate students relieved press-
ures in many of the University's
graduate departments.
The announcement was seen
by many students, however, as
either a stay of execution or a
shrewd political maneuver.
While there was no massive
collective sigh of relief, quite a
few students who might have
been drafted won't be, and many

students quit school because of
pressures from the draft.
This year, though, only a few
have left, and no more are likely
"Of the few grads who have
left, in every case their call-up
procedure had begun before fall
registration anyway," Groesbeck
says. No students have received
induction letters since registra-
Graduate advisors and other
spokesmen from the various
grauate deartments igeneral

"Last year four students were
drafted out of the department
and two changed school because
of draft pressures. This year we
have everyone we started out
with," she said.
"We lost seven of our 110 grad-
uate students to the draft this
term,' says zoology administra-
tive assistant Mrs. Ursula Frei-
marck, but "only one was taken
a f t e r registration and our
other students seem to be defer-
red for their period of enroll-

Other department spokesman
pointed out that the full effect
of the extension on graduate
students in their schools would
not be apparent until later in
the year because they had not
yet seen any results.
University graduate students
themselves were surprisingly
noncommittal about how much
of an effect the extension will
have on them, and none felt
any gratitude toward Nixon.
"Nixon is politically commit-
ted to take this kind of ation."

master's degree so I can teach."
I planned on enlisting in the
Navy officer training program if
I was drafted," says Kwiatek.
Calling the move "a step in
the right direction," Kwiatek
predicts that the extension "will
continue past this year and may
evolve into a continuation of
complete graduate deferments."
Pleased with the move w a s
another business grad, H a 1
Munson, \vho was previously
scheduled for induction Oct. 28.
"I h a v e to admit Nixon is


gested students develop their own By ANITA WETTERSTROEM study period were years of extreme
proposals. However, only GA has The University last year received efforts in fund raising: the $55
done so at the present time. more money in gifts from alumni ! Million Fund Drive took place
and corporations than any other' during that time. MacCarthy con-
back the ad hoc Committee of public university in the country, siders much of '67-68 donations as
Teaching Fellows and to under- a recent report shows. residues of this campaign.
write their mailing and operating Alumni support increased 12 per He also cites the decrease in
expenses up to $500 cent during the 1967-68 school federal and state government sup-
It was initiall sugested that year, moving the University port as a factor in focusing great-
It wsntials t Asugeste thaagainst the tide of diminishing er effort upon the private sector
representatives to GA also be rep- support for state institutions, as an "untapped reservoir "for fi-
resentatives to the Teaching Fel- A study by the Council for Fi- nancial aid.
lows Association. This was deleted, nancial Aid to Education and the The success of the fund raising
however, because some members American Alumni Council listed campaign has prompted the Re-
of the assembly are not teaching the University's receipts at $5,356,-: gents to expand the Development
fellows. 1n I ., ,,,.,,,,.,,+ -f - " - 1arff

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