Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, October 22, 1969 Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wednesday, October 22, 1969 DAILY BOMBINGS, CIA ACTIVITY County supervisors pass budget, 'Secret' SAIGON CP)-Officials here are under orders not to talk about the war going on in next door Laos, and they will drop only tidbits about "Country X." But there is a war out there, a wear that flickers along the old Ho Chi Minh trail and flashes across a grassy plain in northern Laos dotted with stone funeral jars. It involves American men and money. It has been sputtering along since the end of World War II and today is linked to the fighting in Vietnam. It is also a war that is about to be spotlighted by congres- sional hearings that will study the extent of American military involvement in the Southeast Asian kingdom. The Americans have been in- volved in this twilight war for years - U.S. Navy jets were bombing Communist-led forces here five years ago from air- craft carriers off South Viet- nam. When the U.S. Air Force buildup began in Thailand in 1964, American jets bombed North Vietnam and Laos from bases which sported such signs as "Lead Alley, 30 miles north." The American aid program to Laos runs to $52 million a year for 2.8 million people, a third of whom are in Communist-con- trolled portions of Laos. It is declining, but there is no indi- cation the military role is. Senate Majority leader Mike Mansfield, (D-Mont), after a short visit here, declared the United States has reinvolved itself in Laos as a supplement to the Vietnam war. This was costing American lives a n d money and appeared to be in- creasing, he said. Mansfield has predicted the present U.S. military effort U.S. war in Laos may escalate refuse to raise ADC allowance could "lead to the full assump- tion of a U.S. military role in the pattern of Vietnam.." The official answer to ques- tions about the air war over Laos goes like this: "At the request of the royal Laotian government, the Unit- ed States does fly reconnais- sance flights over Laos, escort- ed by armed aircraft. These mis- sions are frequently fired upon by Communist ground forces. By agreement with the r o y a 1 Laotian government, these es- cort aircraft may return t h e fire." The fact is that several hund- red American planes make daily bombing raids in Laos, and no one believes that all of them are fired upon first, especially when many of the planes are B52 bombers that fly at an al- titude of 10 miles or so and can be neither seen nor heard. In addition to the daily bomb- ing raids from Thailand, in which 97 airmen have ° been downed and never heard from, the Embassy maintains 78 Army attaches. The U.S. government charters private airplanes to ferry troops into battle, or more often, to pluck them out when being overrun. Military equipment and sup- plies cost nearly $100 million a year. They include M16s and recoiless rifles. The support efforts are open secrets, even if never officially admitted. The C e n t r a 1 Intelligence Agency, by all indications, is the U.S. agency most directly involved in combat operations. Questioned about military in- volvement, American officials reply there are no American combat troops in Laos. The key word is "combat." When asked more specifically about U.S. military services other than combat troops assisting the Lao forces, officials reply only "no comment." But well-informed sources in Laos confirm the presence of CIA teams primarily engaged in training Laotian guerrilla forc- es. These special Laotian teams are mercenaries who receive higher pay and more benefits than do regular Lao government troops. They operate directly under the CIA team leaders and not the Lao military command. They are similar to the Montag- nard mercenaries working with the Green Berets in Vietnam. The Americans training these teams in Laos are believed to be primarily civilians although many were presumably recruited from former Green Beret men. American officials here gen- erally decline to discuss the rea- sons for the great secrecy of American military efforts in Laos. Questions are usually met with a bland "I don't know what you could be talking about." The Lao government is equally restrictive. Prime Minister Sou- vanna Phouma ordered all mili- tary men not to talk to news- men. There is only one mili- tary spokesman, a colonel who refuses to see reporters. The bulk of the war effort operates from Udorn, a restrict- ed airbase in Thailand just a short hop across the Mekong River. Here is centered the opera- tion of Air America, a private airline chartered by the U.S. government. Under contract for more than $10 million a year, Air America provides planes to carry Lao troops, planes to drop them supplies and hello- copters to fery them into com- bat. The pilots, paid $2,000 or more a month, believe they e a r n every penny. In effect they- are flying military combat roles which the American Army can- not do because of the 1 9 6 2 Geneva accords which were sup- posed to bring peace to this land. The Laotians, ranging f r o m sophisticated town dwellers to primitive hill tribesmen, are widely considered to be pacific people. "If everybody would just leave them alone, they would settle this war in no time," said a French veteran of 20 years in Indochina. "They don't have the fierceness and tenacity of the Vietnamese. They don't hate each other and they don't like to kill anything." (Continued from Page 1) According to Lands, a family of Plans for continuing the cam- -an immediate allocation of four that particip $46 for the purchase of school gram saves $24 pe clothing for children of welfare purchases. Compa mothers; an increase of 25p -an allocation of $46.50 in welfare payments January to meet the cost of school the same family clothing. tional $20 per mo However, the board declined to During their ca reverse its prior stand, which held creased ADC funds that the 25 per cent increase and has consistentlyt the supplemental clothing allow- that the food sta ance would force the county into "unworkable andu deficit spending, and would not be welfare recipients. a true solution to the welfare "A mother w; problems. stamps is immed Most of the supervisors have as a welfare recip said that measures such as the George Stewart, ones designed to improve the cur- WRC. "The moth rent welfare program are more degrading." beneficial to ADC recipients than --- -- increased allowances. "By broadening the programs in existence," Supervisor O. Herbert $$69, Ellis (R-Ann Arbor) explained yesterday, "we can give lasting ho benefits to people in terms of get- ting them off the welfare rolls, and making them at least par- tially self-sufficient. CHICAGO (A) - "This could not be done solely expert says young by increasing the present allow- parts of the coun ance," he added. to injecting pean However, the speakers at the mayonnaise into t hearing took sharp issue with the substitute for nar board's position. In several docum Dr. Herman Jacobs, represent- result has been d ing the Washtenaw County Citi- Carabillo Jr., a1 zens Advisory Committee for So- cist in the Federal cial Services, attacked the super- cotics, told a n visors' programs as "piecemeal Monday. solutions" that would not provide Carabillo said "the constructive help that is that peanut butt needed for long-term stability." haise would send t He added that a 25 per cent nae trip" was cont increase in the monthly allowance tlertrip" waeconta would provide the ADC recipients derground recipe with money that "they can de- to outline "culina pend on regularly to permit wise reality." budget planning." Other recent fa In response, Supervisor William eluded the use of p ates in the pro- paign for increased ADC allow- r month on food ances were voiced yesterday by the arably, he said, organizers of the professionals' per cent in fixed march. would provide According to Prof. Robert Segal with an addi- of the social work school, the nth. marchers have formed an organi- ampaign for in- zation called the Community Ad- s, however, WRC vocates for Welfare (CAW). taken the stand amp program is "We will continue to apply pres- unpopular" with sure on both a state and local level for making the welfare sit- who uses food uation here more equitable," Segal iately identified said. iet" explained legal advisor to' CAW will meet next week to be- legal adiort hers feel this is gin planning a specific course of i action. Betfwre of kids 'oot Peanut butter - A federal drug and toxic reactions with the so- gsters in s o m e called "high" provided by s u c h ntry have taken drugs as heroin or marijuana. He ut butter a n d cited the smoking of dried ba- their veins as a nana skins, a fad of a couple of rcotics. years ago, as an example. mented cases the Frank Gulich, a narcotics bur- EMU officials to discipline 'underground newspaper staff (Continued from Page 1) Kleinsmith said that editor of the paper, EMU student Frank Michels, never approached him for permission to distribute this sec- ond issue. However, he added that he would have refused to grant such permission. Registration by 'The Second Coming' would not have been ac- cepted by the university," he ex- plained. "The Second Coming' is not recognized by the administration as a student organization. It is published by the Ypsilanti Inter- Media Corporation, which was chartered by a group of EMU stu- dents and faculty members. "We're not sure what we're going to do about this," said one staff member last night. "We may deny the jurisdiction of the Stu- dent Court." She added, however, that the staff felt it could wint the case if it goes before the Stu- dent Court. Kliensmith and a number of other EMU officials summoned sponsors of the Homecoming Page- ant, the Homecoming Queen can- didates, and representatives of "The Second Coming" to discuss the story yesterday. Contestant Nora Surrett, a 21-7 year-old senior from Westland, said she is considering a libel suit. "Whether they meant it as a Second Coming' is attacking the satire or as a personal attack, it's girls personally." in print," she said, "and if I'm Candy Bush, a 19-year-old chosen queen, they just might sophomore from Detroit, said she! have a court suit on their hands." disagreed. "I think it was obviously! Miss Surrett said she considered satire. It was satire in a very the article a detriment to her at- vulgar way. I'm not worried about l t r Ii J ALS ] ] " panel studies future of education (Continued from Page 1) ' of the nature and scope of the Grix says he is not sure if he problems involved. should press the matter now or Generally, committee members wait until the question of the suggest a wide range of issues composition of the final study which will have to be explored: commission is discussed. -What is and should be the Meanwhile, the problem of the purpose of undergraduate educa- role of students in the literary tion and how can the literary col- college is likely to extend beyond lege best serve this purpose? a disagreement over the composi- -What can and should be done' tion of the committee. about problems of student aliena- "I'd like to see much greater in- tion in the college? volvement of students in how de- 1 -What are the implications of cisions are made on faculty hiring the problems of professional ob- and tenure as well as matters of solescence-the rapid changes in curriculum," says Wilson. "Stu- most academic fields which force dents should have some consider- people to work a great deal after able say in the governing appara- graduation to keep up with their tus of the school." field? Wilson also hopes the study will ---To whom is the University lead to a major restructuring of most responsible: the State Legis- the college. "I would like to see lature, the faculty, parents, stu- the monolithic structure of the dents or some combination? literary college desmembered," he -How will changes in the na- says. ture of pre-college education af- He approves of Residential Col- feet the kind of student who comes lege Dean James Robertson's sug- to the University and his level gestion to break down the literary of preparedness for academic en- college into smaller units along deavors? the lines of the Residential Col- -What role should students and lege. In addition, Wilson ques- faculty members play in the con- tions the relevance of the depart- trol of the literary college? mental structure for undergradu- I No one can be sure how these ates and suggests that depart- questions will finally be posed, or mental lines should be re-ex- how they will be resolved. But, amined. there appears to be some feeling Faced with the plethora of prob- on the committee that simply un- lems on liberal education, however, dertaking the task now will, in most committee members are more and of itself, have beneficial re- hesitant to suggest solutions at sults. this point. - "The committee's trying to flounder around to find out where it wants to go," says chemistry Prof. Peter Smith. And after two meetings, the committee has floundered its way toward few answers and only a general idea & '" 0 tempts to maintain a good repu- tation, and said she was afraid the article might provoke harrass- ing phone calls from EMU males "when they are all doped-up and stuff." Editors of "The Second Coming" did not seem disturbed last night1 by threats of a libel suit. "Everyone has the right to sue for libel," said one. "I could sue a newspaper anytime I want, but that doesn't mean I'm right, or that I'm going to win. We feel that we're right, and so they (the con- testants) can go ahead and do whatever they want," Michels said he considered theI administrations actions in at- tempting to suppress distribution to be a bigger danger. Two other contestants contacted last night said they are not con- sidering any legal action. "It wasn't insulting to me," said1 Cathy Miller, a 19-year-old junior from Pontiac. "I think, however, that 95 per cent of the people on campus won't realize that this is a satire. They will think that 'Thej --- - -- --- -- myself, but if that's indicative of,! the type of article in 'The Second Coming,' then maybe it shouldn'ta be published." Miss Bush said that Kliensmithj had asked them to remain avail- able for the next few days should EMU President Harold Sponberg wish to meet with them on the matter.{ The coronation of the home- i coming queen will take place to- night. ------- COUPON------- U -U I ! STHOMPSON'SV5 i PIZZA 7614001 OffD50c offi * Larqe one item (or more)tm I pizza. One coupon oer oizzo * I S Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs. Only OCT. 20-23 * I - ---mm m. ---rrr mm . -m. death, Ernest A. lawyer-pharma- Bureau of Nar- ews conference the information er and mayon- users "on a lit- Eined in an un- book purporting ry escapes from ds, he said, in-' paragoric, clean- Lands (R-Ann Arbor) said that ing fluid, the local anesthetic the 25 per cent increase was al- ethylchloride and freon, the pres- ready available to ADC families surized propellant gas in aerosols. that joined the food stamp pro, Carabillo said users of narcotic gram. i substitutes confused the bizarre eau official stationed in Chicago, said the underground "c o o k books" usually sell for about $1 and often give the formulas for preparing drugs such as LSD. Drug users, Gulich said, are "al- ways looking for new drugs that won't be a violation of the law." Carabillo and Gulich appeared at the a n n u a l meeting of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Carabillo urged hospital and control centers to help the nar- cotics bureau by reporting n e w fads among users of drugs or sub- stitutes. He did not specify t h e areas where the peanut butter-mayon- naise fad had cropped up, or how many deaths had been caused. KWIK 'N KLEEN 740 PACKARD On With Hangers Dry Or Cleaning Packaged Order HOURS PHONE Mon.-Fri. 7:30 a.m.-8 p.m. 662-4241 Saturday 7:30 a.m.-6 p.m. 662-4251 WASHING MACHINES ONLY 25c, DRYERS 5c Whether You're a Crack Shot or Can't Hit the Broad Side of a Barn, There's a Place for You in the U of MV Ri FLE CL UB COME CHECK IT OUT WED., OCT. 22-7:15 P.M. 2nd Floor, Back of N. University Bldg. iBehind Computing Center & Above Great Lakes Research Lab at the top of the Black Fire Escape) NO EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Do you think a bright young engineer should spend his most imaginative years on the same assignment? Neither do we. 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HUGHES HUGHES AIRC.A.T COMPANY AEROSPACE DIVISIONS is-------------- ----..----------.w--------. rr-..r --------- - --w.wr 1 CAMPUS INTERVIEWS: j October 30, 19691 Representatives of several activities of Hughes Aircraft Company (each with highly- snecialized personnel requirements and separate interview schedules) will visit your I' r. -.