VIEWS ON ROTC See Editorial Page Y Sw itAau 4 6F t SHADES OF WINTER Low-46 Lower--30 Cloudy, chance of snow Vol. LXXX, No. 42 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 22, 1969 Ten Cents Eight Pages SET head meets with state aide Eisner delivers education reform letter to Milliken By JIM NEUBACHER The president of the Uni- versity's Students for Educa- tional Innovation (SEI) met yesterday with education of- ficials in the Milliken admin- istration in Lansing to discuss reform of teacher training' programs. Jack Eisner of SEI also deliv- ered a letter to Gov. Milliken ask- ing that he give attention to "es- tablishing training and program priorities for the state's schools of education," and "seriously investi- gate the possibility" of financial support for innovative teacher training programs here. SEI is the officially recognized student organization in the edu- -Associated Press cation school. elior One of the officials who met with Eisner, James Phelps, As- s first Socialist sistant Director of the Commis- See story on sion on Educational Reform, said he was "very impressed with the concern that SEI is showing with the training of teachers." Phep's commission was instru- mental in helping Milliken de- -2 AW 70 velop proposals for' state-w I d e rU'panel studies liberal education By MARTIN HIRSCHMAN At the University, where lectures and recitations are daily fare, classes usually don't draw too much attention. But when 12 professors, three deans, three students, three vice presidents and President Robben Fleming begin holding bi-weekly seminars, something impor- tant is likely to be in the making. In the making, if fact, is a broadly- based, long-range study of the future of liberal education in the University- both where it is going and where it should be going. The idea for the study emerged last spring from the executive committee of the literary college and was passed along to the University administration. The immediate result was the formation of an LSA preparatory committee which began holding seminar meetings last month. "After evaluating the executive com- inittee's proposal, we thought it could be sharpened up," says Vice President for State Relations and Planning Arthur Ross. "The problems are pretty com- plicated because the school is so large and heterogeneous." In addition, Ross points out that a large amount of literature has been written recently on the problems in- volved. "We thought people would ben- efit from finding out what had been done so they wouldn't have to spend time rediscovering the egg," he says. The preparatory committee, conse- quently, was formed with a view to- ward isolating and refining the myriad of issues involved. These problems of the future of liberal education will be taken up for a thorough review by a study commission which would begin its work as early as next term. One of the problems which is sure to face the committee and the study com- mission which follows is the role stu- dents should play in the college"spe- cifically in the areas of decision-making and administration. And this problem has already cropped up in regard to the structure of the preparatory committee itself. At the committee's first meeting-a dinner session at Fleming's house- Gradua,e Assembly President Norm Wil- son and Daily Editor Henry Grix sug- gested that more students should be included in the body. As a result, LSA Assembly President Kenneth Lasser was added to the com- mittee. But there remains dissatisfac- tion with its composition. "The committee is very, very top-, heavy with faculty," complains Wilson. "It's very presumptuous on their part to be planning the future of the school without student participation." Grix suggests that both black and women students should be included on the committee. Associate Dean Alfred Sussanm ac- knowledges that even with the inclusion of Lasser, the number of students on the committee is small. But he says he is hesitant about adding more members to the committee because it is already large. In addition, Sussman points out that the major study of the future of liberal education will be undertaken by the study commission next term. "We have in mind a pretty good representation for students on that committee," he says. Wilson says he would quit the com- mittee if he thought this would force the faculty to include more students. But he says this is unlikely and indi- cates he plans to stay on the committee. See LSA, Page 8 Brandt becomes chano Willy Brandt takes the oath as West Germany' chancellor, at inauguration ceremonies yesterday Page 3. 20 GIRLS ILL: Food poisoning in Barbour sie1l By TAMMY JACOBS and BILL DINNER Food poisoning may have caused the su about 20 girls in the Betsy Barbour dormito Most of the girls came down with v o diarrhea, and additional symptoms like ch cramps within a six-hour period. Several thought food had caused the illness. Some residents of Barbour were relucta blame their illness on food poisoning, specu have been a 24-hour flu. I likel hkclyl mness; dden illness of ry Monday. mmiting and ills, fever and girls said they nt yesterday to lating it might { J i 4{ I { 4 educational reform announced in a speech last week. While the commission's report concerned itself primarily with elementary and secondary edu- cational reform, one section asked the governor to "Ask the Legis- lature to appoint a joint commit- tee to recommend appropriate ac- tion on teacher certification,C evaluation, training, and incen- tives." Both faculty members and stu- dents in the education school have been reviewing the University'sI involvement in teacher training with a critical eye for more than a year. Eisner said he made his trip in order to let Lansing of- ficials know that there is a sig- nificant desire for reform. According to one close Milliken aide, the rough draft of the Gov-I ernor's recent speech did include' a call for reform at the Univer- sity level. The section was drop- ped, however, after discussion with Milliken's staff. YThe aide said yesterday t h a t Liberal Wins mayor race in Atlanta ATLANTA, Ga. (PAI - Liberal Democrat Sam Massell rode a surge of black votes to victory last night over Republican Rodnay Cook in Atlanta's runoff mayor's race. With virtually all of the votes counted, the 42-year-old vice mayor hadta11,000 vote lead over Cook, an alderman and state legis- lator. With all 149 precincts reported, Massell, a Jew, had 61,558 votes to 49,455 for Cook. Still to be counted were approximately 2,600 absentee bllots. The decisive vote was in the pre- dominantly black 3rd Ward, where Massell had a better than a 10-1 margin. Cook, a moderate, took the lead; early in the nonpartisan election for a successor to retiring Demo- cratic Mayor Ivan Allen Jr., and: held a shaky lead for four hours. But as returns from black pre-r cincts poured in, Massell overcame the deficit and jumped to a com- manding lead. Cook took predominantly white precincts in the race which lacked controversial issues but which turned bitter and fierce in its' waning days.1 But Dr. William Joy, director of University Environmental Health and Safety, said yesterday that he doubted the 20 girls could suf- fer flu attacks at the same time. Joy was first notified of t h e outbreak when one of the girls entered the health service and mentioned that several other girls were also sick. In an extort to determine the cause of the outbreak, the Health and Safety department has dis- tributed a three page question- naire to the 120 residents of Bar-! bour. The questionnaire attempts to determine a correlation between the illness and whether it w a s transmitted through friends in the dorm or through contamina- tion of the food supply. An official report can not be issued until the results of the questionnaire are tabulated and organisms from stool and f o o d samples are isolated, said Joy. While most of the girls became ill Monday evening, at least one Barbour resident didn't h a v es symptoms until yesterday. "I was away for the weekend,"{ said Kathy Murphy, "but I ate some leftovers Monday. They have a lot of leftovers around here." However, she declined to blame her illness on food poisoning, add- ing "I can't say anything until we're sure." If the final report determines the cause of the illness as f o o d poisoning, a thorough investiga- tion of the Barbour kitchens will be initiated, according to Joy.1 County passes budget Rejects welfare funds increase By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ The Washtenaw C o u n t y Board of Supervisors yester- day approved unanimously the bulk of a proposed $7.8 million county budget for 1970, after they again declined to include in the bikdget a 25 per cent increase in payments to welfare mothers. The request for the increase, originally made by the Welfare Rights Committee (WEC), was supported by some 60 professional members of the community who picketed outside the County Bldg. for one hour yesterday morning. The 25 per cent increase would reflect the rise in the cost of liv- ing since 1961. Current ADC al- lowances for such items as food and clothing are based on 1961 prices. While refusing to increase cur- rent welfare payments, the board did appropriate an additional $40,000 in an attempt to increase the effectiveness of present wel- fare programs. The board specifically allocated: -$5,000 to set up a "clothing center"where church groups would distribute clothing to needy families; $$12,560 to provide a bonus of $25 to each family joining the fed- erally-funded food stamp pro- gram; -$10,000 to employ an assistant in the Social Services Department, whose purpose would be to teach county social workers techniques n in budget planning. These tech- g niques could then be passed on to il the welfare recipients; - -$12,500 to provide an addi- tional attorney in the office of the Friend of the Court. His main e ,task would be to assist divorced ADC mothers in collecting alimony onfees. During a public hearing which Eisner's letter to Milliken, an in- dication of a desire for reform, may stimulate the Governor to make an additional program- I oriented statement on reform of teacher training. Phelps explained last night that P ! currently, there is no precedent PROF. ROBERT SEGAL of the social work school urges the Wasi for the state to subsidize experi- increase in the monthly allowance to ADC families. Despite a sim mental. innovative educational supervisors declined to add funds for the ADC increase to the 1970 research. "This is mostly a fed- - eral concern at the moment," he AFFIRMATIYE ACTION PROGRAM "Over a period of time, however. we hope the state will be able to exert more leadership in this area than it has in the past," he add- t t iiicreas ed. Phelps said it was the hope of officials that reform of K-12 level structures would make school By LINDSAY CHANEY team-including the city person- boards and principals realize the Ann Arbor has undertaken new nel director, the city administra- necessity for developing new and efforts to increase the number of tor, Human Relations Commission more efficient ways to t r a i n black city employes. director and city attorney-which teachers. Under an Affirmative Action will coordinate efforts with city Currently, the Milliken admin- Program passed by City Council departments to increase black em- istration is working toward estab- Sept. 29, departments throughout ployes. lishing a number of "regional cen- the city will upgrade the level of The team will review the pro- ters" to coordinate cooperative black employment until it equals gress of the program in March, programs between the state, the the percentage of blacks in Mich- and once every three months universities, and the school sys- igan-12 per cent. afterwards. tems. Now, only 5.8 per cent of the Eisner also met with Represent- 125 black employes in the city are All the officials on the team are ative Clifford Smart, (R-Walled in professional jobs, compared to .hite. Lake), who heads the House Ed- 55.9 per cent of the white staff. Mayor Robert Harris made it ucation Committee. Eisner s a i d The program, proposed by Coun- clear at last week's council meet- that Smart was receptive to the ! cilman LeRoy Cappaert (D-5th ing that the city will not give idea of educational innovations. Ward), establishes a four-man preferential hiring to blacks--a -Daily-Larry Robbins htenaw County Board of Supervisors to provide funds for a 25 per cent nilar appeal from some 60 professional members of the community, the budget, and unanimously approved it intact. t " black amTb 'FbI~" 'u 'UNDERGROUND' NEWSPAPER practice which may be unconsti-a tutiunal. instead, said Harris, the Af- firmative Action Program should insure that qualified blacks are recruited and informed of possible job opportunities with the city. Presently, department heads are drawing up lists of probable job openings in their department in the next six months. These lists! will be reviewed by the affirmative action team. Reaction to the program has been mixed. City Personnel Director Joseph Frisinger anticipates relatively few, problems with the program. His: main concern is the slow turnover' of city jobs, which he fears could' make it difficult to bring about a fast increase in the number of black employes. "Many employes that seek pub- lic employment do so because of its security; they want to stay for a long time," explains Frisinger. Frisinger notes however, that informal efforts in the past five years have already increased black employment from five Per- cent in 1964 to about 15 per cent in 1969, David Cowley, director of the HRC, feels there is a possibility of silent resistance to the program on the part of some department heads. "When c e r t a i n departments show a continual tendency toward having no black employes, it is nae.,OIp t hns a , P-P is ni ,,m - di procedures, the Affirmative Actio Program seeks to improve testin of job applicants, which civ rights groups have charged is en vironmentally biased. The tests, they claim, evaluat applicants on the basis of ques tions which have no relevancet the job itself. Consequently, all written tests' except special tests which are used by the police and fire depart- ments have already been elimin-I ated in favor of on-the-job evalu-' ations. 'We're trying to make the testsI more relevant to the job," says Frisinger. "If a guy applies to be a tree-trimmer, we give him a tree to trim, not a written test." preceded the budget vote, 12 of the profe'sisonals urged the super- visors to add $262,762 to the so- cial services appropriation to cover the requested 25 per cent increase in ADC payments. The speakers also unsuccessfully urged the board to provide funds to meet additional requests by WRC for: See COUNTY, Page 8 EMU to discipline student By JIM NEUBACHER Disciplinary action will be taken by officials of Eastern Michigan University against the editor and staff of "The Sec- ond Coming," a new radical student- oriented publication distributed there for the second time yesterday. The issue, which contained a satirical article and editorial criticizing Eastern's homecoming queen pageant, was distri- buted in violation of a campus rule which states that "sales.assemblie.nrnmotional night she is considering a libel suit against "The Second Coming." Yesterday's controversial article, en- titled "Meat: The Game for Men," was accompanied by pictures of the 10 EMU semi-finalists in the homecoming queen competition, and across the page, a rear- view picture of the bodies of 10 women in identical white bathing suits. EMU males were offered the chance to match the faces to the right body. The nersn mbaino- the most "conrret" forced to compete as sex objects in order to gain recognition or security. The article was written by a staff mem- ber currently active in trying to organize a "Women's Liberation" movement at Eastern. "The Second Coming" is the second "underground" publication attacked by EMU officials. Attempts last spring to publish "The Obsidian" failed after of- ficials confiscated the issues. EMU Vice President for Business and editors The brief cites section 19.414 of Michi- gan Annotated Statutes, the "regent's enabling legislation," which states, in es- sence, that the regents of a state univer- sity shall have the authority to make rules governing the use of facilities, and governing the actions of students who at- tend the institution. It was unclear yesterday whether the administration's decision to take action was in response to the failure of the or- ganizaiton to obtain permission to distri- Aiken predicts rapid troop withdrawals WASHINGTON R) - Sen. Aiken, ranking Republican mem- George D. Aiken (R-Vt) said yes- ber of the Foreign Relations Com- terday he expects practically all mittee, told the Senate "Unless American ground troops will be the unexpected happens, I expect withdrawn from South Vietnam that practically all of our ground within one year. troops will be withdrawn by a The senator sounded a keynote year from now." for widespread optimistic fore- There are 408,000 U.S. Army and casts about the war-and the Sen- Marine troops in Vietnam, out of ate Foreign Relations Committee a total American military force postponed a planned series of fn+ nn