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October 21, 1969 - Image 3

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prse ts
Wed. & Thurs.-Oct. 22 & 23
4:10 P.M.
Arena Theatre, Frieze Building
"Is it too much to expect that we con have a thoughtful assess-
ment about the costs in l ,od before we again send our young
men and our bombers into battle in the name of reducing terror
and advancing self -discrimination for others?"
HEAR McGOVERN on the war and Nixon's Foreign
Policy NEXT SUNDAY, Oct. 26, Hill Aud., 2 P.M.
TICKETS: S1,25 at Union, LeaauFishbowl, and door

Charles Evers is mayor of the
fourth poorest town in the
country - Fayette, Miss. The
town has no ambulance, no free
clinic, no old people's home, no
firemen for whites or the black
majority. In the black section
there are not even streets o;,
Speaking to a large, respon-
sive audience t h a t filled Hill
Auditorium Sunday. Evers said
he considers himself "mayor of
everybody" and is trying to
solve all the problems that
plague citizens of Fayette, what-
ever the color of their skin.
Evers, brother of slain civil
rights leader Medgar Evers, be-

came mayor of Fayette la.;t
spring as the town's long-pas-
sive black majority took over at
the polls.
Not a separatist, Evers stress-
ed togetherness in the struggl-
for black rights during his
"We took Fayette w it h to-
getherness and showed blac&
power can really work. You can
change the system by taking it
over and fixing it up," he insist-
"No one accepts change easily
- the old blacks or whites. You
have to be determined," Eves,
added, emphasizing that white
Fayette, no longer having a
choice, must accept change.

toget herness'

There are so many problems
facing Fayette, Evers said. Wat
there is no time for violence.
Although Evers does not favor
separatism, he understands the
feelings of young blacks who w -
lieve true black equality lies out -
side the system.
"They see no reason to Join
white America," Evers exulal o-
ed. "They feel it won't work b e-
cause it hasn't already."
Evers is willing to "forgot ftIce
past" if whites will give black: s
a chance. But, he warned, un-
less blacks become part of the
system, "We're going to destroy
this country -- white and blac-
Evers said blacks should Inca

let hatred separate themseives.
''Hate kills, and we must stu>
all this." he added.
"This ain't no white man or
black man's country, it's o 4r
country," Evers said. "The black
man died in wars just like
ery body else,
Evet'sturged students to te' 1
their parents, the Univesit X V
and the government that i
crimination must end now.
"We're part of this :ountr:
we helped build it, and w'
the last ones to be accepted _y
it," Evers said. "If you had to
suffer one day what blacks soii-
fer their whole lives, y o u
couldn't take it." M(1avr C1
£ Acr iiOn

l, im-es iEvers of hit'elte, ,MIiss.


n ews tday
h) 1* I/)( ii Jso ( 1/ lpr <an C lleePrs Seri ie


Tuesday, October 21, 1969 Ann Arbor, Michigan Page Three

University of Michigan School of Music
1969-1970 FESTIVAL
Wednesday, October 22, 8:00 P.M.
Rackham Lecture Hall
STRAVINSKY-"Fanfare for a New Theatre"
KURTZ--"Animations" William Albright, piano

soprano, Lynda

"A Solemn Music II" Michigan
Directions Ensemble with guest

BERG-"Chamber Concerto" for piano and violin
with thirteen winds, Joseph Banowetz, Angel
Reyes soloists, Theo Alcantara, Conductor
Music by Bassett, Schafer, Stockhausen and
Music by Webern, Shifrin and Berry
Space provided by Pi Kappa Lambda
"The film is a very now one in style and technique
and in theme. It is about a guy who cops out on the
Establishment and on the affluent society, deciding
that there's more to living than work and the acqui-
sition of money. A delicious happy comedy."

THE SUPREME COURT agreed to hear a challenge of draft
regulations requiring continuing registration.
A petition filed by a 28-year-old Brooklyn businessman, charged
with failing to register, argues that the provision requires self-incrim-
ination by those who refuse to register initially.
The petition also maintains that the federal five-year statute of
limitations applies to the case. The government contends that failure
to register is a continuing offense. not subject to the statute of limii-
Meanwhile, Senate Republicans predicted the next group of young
people to be drafted will be selected through a lottery system.
Senate Minority Leader Hugh Scott (R-Pa.> said draft reform
legislation will probably be passed before the end of the year. That
likelihood plus the cancellation of November and December draft calls
could mean the end of the present selection system, according to Sen.
Karl Mundt R-SD).
A MEIDICAL EXAMINER confirmed that blood was found in
the nose of Mary Jo Kopechne after her body was recovered from
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's car.
Dr. Donald Mills said blood is often found on drowning victims.
Mills said his external examination of the body precluded other possi-
ble causes of death.
A pathologist, however, testified that an autopsy could modify
Mill's findings. He explained that external examinations fail often
to reveal internal injuries.
The two testified at a hearing in Wilkes-Barre. Pa. on a petition
by Massachusetts Dist. Atty. Edmund Denis to have Miss Kopechne's
body exhumed.
THOUSANDS OF PERSONS began evacuating Louisiana's
coastal communities as hurricane Laurie headed for land.
Located 300 miles south of New Orleans late yestetrday; the stormn's
highest winds were estimated at 90 miles petr hour. Laut'ie was moving
at eight to ten miles pet' hour north-northwesterly, but was expected
to change to a more northeastern course.
While many towns and cities were taking a wait-and-see attitude,
over 1,000 residents have left low-lying areas in Plaquemines parish1
alone. The Louisiana National Guard has been placed on alert.1
THE DEFENSE DEPARTMENT will not spend an additional t
$1 billion for new ship construction proposed by the House Armed t
Services Committee.
Pentagon Comptroller Robert Moot, testifying before the com-
inittee said the move was part of an administration drive against
inflation. Moot said defense contracts in other areas have beenf
significantly reduced to curb government spending.,

-Associated Pre
THE DIRECTOR of, the Bureau of Narcotics of the Justice Dept., John Ingersoll, proposes reduced
penalties for drug users before the Senate subcommittee on juvenile delinquency.
inlnarcot-cs possessionpenlt

WASHINGTON 1 i--It t h e would no longer be branded felons
hope that it will lead to better subject to maximum penalties of

"A funny picture.
Impudent a rd
--NY. Times
"Probably one of
the most immoral,
m a s t subversive
and most hilari-
ous m v i es you
will see this year.
"Alexander spells
pleasure !"

-Judith Crist

law enforcement "and better re-
spect for the law," the Nixon ad-
ministration proposed yesterday
that the federal penalty for pos-
sessing narcotics a m d dangerous
drugs be reduced to a misdemean-}
This would mean that first of-I
fenders convicted of possession ofj
marijuana or other narcotics

t Nv o to ten years imprisonment
and $20,000 fine.
John E. Ingersoll, director of the
Justice Department's Bureau of
Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs,
said a more flexible penalty struc-
ture is needed to "make the pun-
ishment fit the person" and th
Testifying before the Senate


Wirtz analyzes controversies

Five controversial political issues were
discussed by former Secretary of Labor W.
Willard Wirtz in a speech to about 250
people at the Law School yesterday,
The object of the lecture, one of a series
by Wirtz on the "Politics of Change," was
to decide if forces blocking change in poli-
tics are caused by the political leadership,
the public, or both.
In discussing civil rights. Wirtz praised
former President Johnson, explaining that
he "pressed that cause more effectively
than any other President in history" wifh
the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln.
"Like it or not, resent it or not, in this
area the political leadership of this coun-
try is way out ahead of its troops," Wirtz
said. But he added that under the Nixon

administration "we're losing ground as far
as the human rights issue is concerned."
Wirtz next criticized the public's reac-
tion to poverty programs, saying, "If
there's a price tag on it, expect the public
not to reach for the bill."
"The most favorable present develop-
ments between the politicians and the
public is the public's willingness to talk
about things like the negative income
tax,' he said. He added that the "idea of
changing the welfare program is long over-
due ."
The third issue. which Wirtz labeled
"guidelines and guideposts," dealt with the
economy. He praised the strides made
under Presidents Kennedy and Johnso. i
but blasted Nixon's policies, pointing out
that the unemployment rate reached a new
high last month.

Wirtz also discussed the public's attitude
toward labor disputes.
"'The public reaction has a large degree
of emergency-mindedness about it," he
said. "The public is terribly concerned
about a strike, but not at all concerned
about the terms of a settlement."
Speaking about the war in Vietnam,
Wirtz placed the blame for inaction on
political leadership. "I think the public is
simply waiting for the kind of leadership
which I believe will be forthcoming very
soon, but only if the public demands it,"
he said.
If the youth of America changes its pres-
ent views on such things as the war and
ROTC, Wirtz told his audience, "Then the
rest of us won't make it.":

stibcomunittee on juvenile delin-
quency, Ingersoll said, "All t 0 0
often, because of the present pen -
alty structure, there is a real hes-
itancy on the part of prosecutors
in courts to handle possession cas-
es because of the potentially high
penalties involved."
Reversing a previous Justice'
Department stand, Ingersoll po-
posed that federal laws draw a
distinction between narcotics us-'
ers and sellers.
He suggested t a tpossesin
with intent to sell remain a fel-
ony and that "possession for ote's
own use. regardless of the drug in-
volved," be made a mseenr
This %would lowet't te maximum,
penalty for simple possession to a
$5,000 fine am!:d a possible sentenc%:
of up to onec year itt jail, forfis
offenders. Second offenders would
face stiffer penalties.
Ingersoll's proposals xv e r e en-
dorsed by Dr. Roger O. Egcberg,
assistant secretary of health andl
science affairs in the Department
of Health, Education and Welfare.
Egebe who has made several
public statements recently on the
use of maiua by young people.
told lie subrotninittee t h a t he
neitter recommems nor condones
its ue anyn
1,e said it isa ru Itat has no
r'ecogn ized medi( ical value and. "as
a halucinogen and intoxicant, it
cotti (1(es a cl1 eat' a tndd _emion-.
strate (d risk to the tusket atid thus
to those vj'i whom it comses in

NIx011 I u1%-11
WASHINGTON .1 - P.s;e .t
Nixon said yesterday his Suprem
Cou't nominee. Judge Clement F.
Haymsworth Jr., ha s been sb
jected to "vicious cltrater
''I find Jude Hayn~ cha
honest man, a lawyer's aL), an
a judge's judge," Nixon said after
stating he hapd gone over all the
criticisn of opponents. "IT think
he will be a great credit to the
Supreme Court and I -tnd to
stand behind him until he is con-
Sen. Birch Bayh D-LTd I w It o
wsas speatrheadinsw0the o stio
itt the Senate. id 'Them ient
appeat's to be levci, gh,(rnsat
me personally'' and ca.lledttsa
unfortunate attem ip tto(it'tW
issue and tum'trynott' on
ination into a partf< ay ad i a n tat at
he never has contended t h a t
Haynesworth, chief judge of the
4th U.S. Circuit Cout',. is a dis-
honest man. But he tnittained
that Haynsworth "has not con-
ducted himself to avoid en he
appearance of improprietyi'
Sen, Roman Hruska, n'aig
GOP member of the Srnta Judi-
ciary Committee, said that "'nox. '
that the mash of cat':less a'i .-
resp~onsible cags hsbe
shown to be complly baess
and now that attetition h o
at last been turned to the osti
judicial t'ecord of Judge, itn-
xvorth, I am more confident, at
ever that the Senate will vote its
confidence in him and confhrm his
But Sen. George D. Aiken H!.
Vt. , told a reporter, "I doubt if
the President made any votes
Aiken said his unpression from
talking to colleagues is that "most
of thema vis h notnan
would go away." Bu he remark-
ed it is obvious now t this will
not happen.
e i i u iv : -


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Directed by Ann Arbor's Oawn George Manupelli
tarring C
MARdf ~iI41__£

Will Make You










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