THE PLIGHT OF THE WELFARE MOTHERS See Editorial Page Yl r e Sir 43a~U ~IadF MOO High-57 Low-35 Cloudy and cooler, showers probable Vol. LXXX, No. 41 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 21, 1969 Ten Cents Eight Pages o be rift threatens Nov. By WALTER SHAPIRO Daily Washington Correspondent WASHINGTON - A growing r i f t with segments of the National Mora- torium Committee may endanger the success of the New Mobilization Com- mittee's scheduled Nov. 15 march on Washington to protest the Vietnam War. The Washington Post r'ported yes- terday that the Boston, Mass. and New Haven, Conn. moratorium com- mittees have decided to stress local organizing rather than participate in next month's Washington march. The Boston and New Haven groups co- ordinated two of the moratorium's largest demonstrations last week. Sam Brown, one of the national or- ganizers of the Oct. 15 moratorium, said the action by the Boston and New Haven group was "purely local." He added, however, "Moratorium or- ganizers have talked from the begin- ning about local action and the New Mobilization has talked about national action." The existence of a sp two groups, however, Carol Lipman, nationa retary of the Studen Committee, in a Washin ference yesterday. She said, "We don't any contradiction bets cussion and a unitedr Washington, D.C." The ilization Committee is t of the New Mobilization Despite generally m both sides, there are ferences between the organizations, which r floors in an old downi ton office building. The Moratorium Com ly an outgrowth of1 and Kennedy presiden last year. The organi close ties with liberals ies and secured the en 80 senators and represer Oct. 15 protest. The moratorium stre flit between the was denied by 1 executive sec- t Mobilization igton press con- think there's ween local dis- protest here in Student Mob- he student arm 1. ild rhetoric on important dif- fur n ti- nI ganzing is regarded by many as the prelude to a massive attempt in 1970 to elect antiwar candidates to Con- gress. This Congressional focus was dis- played over the weekend when the New Haven Moratorium Committee announced it will concentrate its ef- forts in November ". . . upon the Con- gress of th° United States." T h e y plan to invite the Connecticut Con- gressional delegation home to discuss the war with constituents. John Gage, who organized the mora- toriumn rally attended by 100.000 Deo- march cated "a commitment to a total with- drawal in a short time period," most of their Congressional supporters took more moderate anti-war positions. Of the Congressional supporters of the moratorium, only Senators George McGovern (D-SD) and Steven Young (D-Ohio) and 14 representatives, ad- vocated a speedy unilateral withdraw- al from Vietnam. Most Congressional backers of the moratorium instead favored escalated troop removals, cease-fire attempts and intensified peace efforts in Paris. Servingy as an umbrella Lro u fnr a Assembly fBy RAtotal cut delays [C vote; unlikely I ,1IX AngelaM Firtinag at UCLA overruled LOS ANGELES (T-The Uni- versity of California regents' firing of Angela Davis, an admitted Communist, was ruled unconsti- tutional yesterday in Superior Court. Judge Jerry Pacnt, ruling in support of a suit brought by a group of faculty members, cited a number of court decisions holding that "mere membership" in the Communist party is not grounds for barring a person from public employment, He granted the plaintiff's mo- tion for summary judgment in the case of the 25-year-old black as- sistant professor of philosophy atI the school's Los Angeles campus UCLA. Specifically, the judge ruled regents' policies against hiring of Communists, adopted in 1940 and 1950, were unconstitutional. Miss Davis has been appealing -er dismissal through faculty com- nittees. Meanwhile, she is teach- ng a noncredit course. The regents fired Miss Davis ;ept. 19 after she said she was a rember of a Communist club. There was no immediate coin- ient from the regents. Welfare p rotest set, for today By ROBERT KRAFTOWITZ A group of professional members >f the community will march peacefully outside the Washtenaw County Bldg. this morning as the first step in a renewed drive for increased payments to welfare mothers. The protest coincides with a public hearing called by the Coun- ty Board of Supervisors to discuss the proposed $7.8 million county budet for 1970. The supervisors plan to vote on' the budget following the hearing, The.protesters will demand that supervisors provide funds to meet the requests of the Welfare Rights Committee tWRC). The committee has requested: -An immediate allocation of $46 tor the purchase of schoolE clothing for the children of wel- fare mothers; --An additional allocation of $46.50 in January to meet the cost of school clothing next term: -A provision in the 1970 coun- ty budget which would increase the current monthly payments to welfare mothers by 25 per cent to reflect a similar increase in the cost of living since 1960. Current payments are based on 1960 prices. The p~rotesters are expected to- include social workers, doctors, 1 nurses, lawyers, educators and, 'housewives. According to members of the County Administrator's staff, the 125 per cent increase would cost) the county $262,762 for 1970. The Board's Ways and Means committee, which has held several meetings on the proposed budget, has declined to cut other parts of the budget to allow for the 25 per cent increase. The long dispute over the wel- fare mothers' request for a supple- mental school clothing allowance culminated in a meeting Oct. 2u between WR.C and the supervisors.1 During the meeting, the super-r visors informed the mothers thata the $124,000 budget surplus which the mothers had believed to be available for meeting their re- quests was, in fact, earmarked fora bwo a n -w iI aU r U ulumSat. ,CllucuAP.4 SJ,p52'J j Si *allCAAliviv l4 g puli la ent adjoining ple on Boston Common last week, an- wide variety of peace, radical and stu- Senate Assembly yesterday town Washing- nounced similar plans. Gage warned, dents organizations, the New Mobili- postponed until Nov. 17 final "The Washington march may attract zation Committee has a far less politi- action on a proposal which mittee is large- the Chicago crazies. We don't want to cally traditional focus than the mora- would substantially alter the the McCarthy get hassled with these more leftist torium. - status of ROTC on campus. tial campaigns groups." But Gage emphasized he did Although the two groups originated During a three-hour session, zers maintain not want to split the peace movement, separately and have maintained dis- Assembly twice overwhelmingly in both part- One consequence of the large-scale tinct personalities, outside of the defeated attempts to recommend dorsement over Congressional support for the Oct. 15 Northeast local support for the mora- complete severance of all ties with ntatives for the protest was the confusion of the mora- torium and the mobilization tend to the military officers' training pro- torium's exact position. Although the overlap. grams. ss on local or- organizers of the moratorium advo- See MOBE, Page 8 "It seems clear the Assembly does not want to abolish ROTC completely," Assembly Chairman Joseph Payne said after the meet- :. *:ing. tt Discussion centered around two h recent reports on the ROTC issue drafted by Assembly's Academic Affairs Committee. The minority ~ report-which called for complete severance - was rejected over- whelmingly when proposed as a substitute motion to the majority report. #Iz Final action on the majority re- - port was postponed. The report calls for the elimination of aca- demic credit, departmental status and all University subsidies for f s; OTC.-Daily-Randy Edmonds If the Defense Department re- fuses to accept restructuring of Prof. Buttrey speaks to Assembly its relationship with the Univer- --- sity, however, the majority reportSS then recommends ROTC becomeaeH UN DISRrUPcTION: "Today's voting implies the ma- jority report has large support," for m.u"''"-'- said history Prof. Gerhard Wein - Studen torii new - berg. In addition to voting down the minority report, Assembly defeat- ed an attempt by anthropology J' -XM Prof. Richard Beardsley to amend the majority report so that sever- ance would have been given pref- By CARLA RAPOPORT erence over restructuring of the A new s t u d e n-t coalition, favoring progressive ends ROC cotrnot permit the unique through moderate means, met last night and began considera- training program the military has tion of its first project--increasing student interest in the now through ROTC to continue," upcoming Student Government Council elections. said Beardsley. Some 50 students attended the two-hour meeting of Stu- we los control o ftROhe mTryC, dents for Effective Action (SEA) yesterday in the UGLI -Associated Press Weinberg argued in opposition to Multipurpose Room. " ,-, s Beardsley's amendments. "And, as "We want to be a progressive political group, one which 11 Hodges fo)I President a whole, the majority report as it seeks meaningful political change without militant confronta- New York Mets manager Gil Hodges and his wife are showered with ticker tape during yesterday's stands sets up a sensible pattern tion," explained Andy Weiss- __ parade to celebrate the Mets victory in the World Series. The parade, which ended with more cele- versiies ng ,, ro tial man, one of the organizers, at brations at City Hall, was part of a day of revelry heralding the new world champions of baseball. "ersitieytisol atebginn o h meig On du peevish response to the problems, We want to use the system he added. for change, not alienate it," e UNANIMOUS VERDICT: Another member argued, "What added., Pg e does the committee find wrong The group generally agreed to * President Nixon says Su- * with ROTC courses? Let's be honest work first on the SGC elections. preme Court nominee -are we doing this on academic It intends to present a sheet on fo u nd''i~ or emotional grounds?" all the candidates, assessing theirudeC mntay wrt "Whatever isS academeaic in ROTC mrhtsandgidig EAssesipinins habeesbeced t vic should be judged as other aca- The new group represents a ious character assassina- demics are," he added. coalition of two other groups that tion," and reaffirms his I , Law Prof. Terrence Sandalow formed earlier this semester short- s u p p 0 r t for the South 1111t T unsuccessfully moved to strike the ly after the LSA Bldg sit-in over Carolina jurist. g1 section of the majority report the bookstore controversy. which called for the creation of a Students for Rational Student The Nixon administration By ROB BlfIR loan company in Detroit to protest later. They finally reached a ver- student - faculty - administration Power, led by SGC member Roger proposes reducing penalties A six-man jury handed down a alleged racial discrimination by dict shortly before 10 p.m. Judge ROTC supervisory committee. Keats, was formed a few days af- for possession of marijuana inanimous verdict of 'guilty late the company. Thomassen had to be called from Weinberg t h e n successfully ter the sit-in to solidify students last night in the third trial of The 15 defendants were found his home and arrived ten minutes moved to delete part of the same who felt that militant tactics only time offenders fr s persons arrested during the sit-in guilty of conitention, whent they later'. section which specified areas Ibuilt barriers and hampered com- - ieofnes egrat the LSA Bldg.nSept.25. ssat in front of the tellers' booths The foreman informed Judge over which the committee would munication. Former Labor Secretary t and thus interfered with the tell- Thomassen that the jury had have supervision. A week later the Keats group Willard Wirtz speaks on Five students - Ellen Franco, ers' ability to conduct business. found all five defendants guilty as His amendment calls for "gen- joined one led by Mike Farrell, the political issues and the Hugh Galladge, Louis Miller, Rich- The trial in courtroom two of charged and a poll of the jury eral supervision" by the faculty Coalition for Rational Power, forces blocking change ard Schroeder and Diane LaMac- the Ann Arbor City Hall was showed each member to be entirely over the program, instead charg- which had leafleted on the day of Chia - were convicted in District brought to order at 9 a.m. by in accord with the decision. ing the committee "to encourage" the class strike over the bookstore Mayor Charles Evers of Court of creating a contention. Thomassen. After an hour break Absent from this particular trial elimination of summer service off urging students to stop and con- Fayette, Miss. describing Sentencing was set for Nov. 21, for lunch, the proceedings con- of sit-in defendants was the issue campus. sider carefully before striking, himself as "the mayor of the same date set for the sen- tinued until 7:30 p.m. when the of alleged police brutality. One The majority report being dis- He said the founders of t h e everybody," asks coopera- tencing of 12 others who have jury went out to deliberate. court observer commented that the cussed by Assembly recommends group ranged from fraternity tion between blacks a n d been convicted on the same charge. The jurors broke for dinner at arguement had been used in other that: conservatives to disillusioned Rad- The rest of the 107 persons who 8:30 p.m. and returned 45 minutes cases with little success. See DELAY, Page 8 ical Caucus members.f whites. other county expenses. It were arrested await trial. After hearing the verdict, Dis- trict Judge Pieter Thomassen in- structed the five to make an ap- pointment for an interview with a p~robation officer as soon as pos- sible. Thomassen said such an intem'- view is standard procedure in 90 per cent of all convictions, with he exceptions of traffic offenses "The purpose is to give me a chance to learn something about a person before I pass sentence on him," he said. John M. Barr, attorney for the defense, argued that the defend- ants had not committed a crimq by their actions. He based his argument on the first amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and on articles three and five of the state Constitution, which refer to the KEY LEGAL QUESTIONS REMAIN UNRESOLVED The bookstore controversy: Not dead yet By RICK PERLOFF Daily News Analysis The decisive factor in the Regents approval of a student- faculty-run bookstore Friday was the assurance that the University would be insulated from the store's financial lia- bilities. But if legal opinions indicate that such liability could not be avoided, the entire compromise would likely fall through. The Regents would then probably r e t u r n to the plan which from financial liability. If the University is to bear the brunt of the store's finan- cial losses, Lindemer believes it only fair that the University control it. Under the proposal, drafted by faculty and student repre- sentatives, the Regents would designate their authority to sell books to a six-student, three- faculty member policy board. The plan's approval is con- tingent on the legality of the Regents delegating this author- Affairs (SACUA), disagrees. He says the Regents could be freed from any liabilities if it was made clear that the store, as a n o n- p r o f i t corporation has limited liability to the extent of its assets. Knauss adds that proper in- surance procedures and explicit notice to creditors that the Uni- versity is not liable would solve any legal problems there. But the liability issue was not the only one that influenced the Regents vote. The overall ment on students and faculty members; -a campus wide referendum coordinated by Student Govern- ment Council be held to deter- mine student willingness to be assessed $5. Students will be bound by the total vote. The sponsoring of a new ref- erendum satisfied the concern of many regents who had con- tinually questioned the validity of the Student Government Council referendum last March when students voted 4-1 to be dilemma, in their September proposal the Regents stipulated ,that a second referendum be held by the schools and colleges - and not by SGC - to deter- mine student willingness to pay for the store. If students in a particular school did not sup- port the store, they would not have been assessed. But this idea was ruled out when the college student gov- ernment representatives indi- cated they did not generally have the facilities to conduct a