a special report the sundlay dcfily by howard kohn Number 13 Night Editor: Jim Neubacher October 19, 1969 Why Ann Arbor's poor people's park may be a new overpass by 1970 The political system, traditionally an important vehicle for minorities to participate effectively in decisions affecting the distri- r bution of public resources, has not worked for the Negro as it has for other groups. The reasons are fairly obvious .. . From the report of the National Advisory Committee on Civil Disorders "There just ain't enough room for everybody here," one boy says. Daily-Jim Diehl -Daily- Jerry Weehsler ANN ARBOR has plush parks and play- grounds, sprawling out in green acreage. For special efects, the city has the conch band shell of West Park and the horse racetrack- turned-bicycle path of Burns Park. But these parks service the picture window, expansive lawn areas of the white m i d d i 1e class. They are enjoyed and apreciated - but they are "city parks." Summit Playground is an 'exception' and could become a "peoples' park." Summit is the only playground for school- age kids of the First Ward, the city's black ghetto. Summit is a 1 s o the smallest of the city's 18 playgrounds, though the area has one of the highest needs. Summit's disadvantage is that the people - as well as the city - do not want to claim it. A mottled plot of untended crab grass, Sum- mit can brag of only two teeter-totters a n d swing sets and an asphalt basketball court- plus an indoor shelter which is never open. PHYLLIS BIRD, who is 10 years old, used to play there. "I don't anymore 'cause there's nothing to play with," she explains. "I'd rath- er ride my bike or just play on the sidewalk." Her sister, Patty, who is eight, still g o e s there sometimes to use the swings. B u t she prefers tagging along with Phyllis. So instead, they and their friends play on dewalks or squat in the narrow drives be- tween the close woodframe houses, and more often chase each other into the streets in tat; eanes with 3,000-1b. cars. A smattering of boys occupy the p 1 a y- ground, either for soccer matches or basketball ,.rimmages. 'They're tough kids," Phyllis says. "I don't like them." The boys have chased other kids off the play area. "There just ain't 'nough room for everybody here," one boy says. And there isn't. Summit falls beneath even the minimum standards set by federal agencies. Instead of the recommended four acres, it has only one acre. The facilities are unattended and uncared for. The shelter and the restrooms need paint- ing. The lot needs landscaping. Litter needs picking up. J )EOPLE SAY the city recreation department doesnt care about the playground, except when individuals try to do something on their own. A Tniversitv stuident helninv out last sum- of Summit seeded with grass. About half the playground was seeded, but t h e grass isn't coming up very well and no one seems to care. "Unfortunately, the city isn't even using that pitifully small space in the best way it could," Stapp criticizes. "Planners seem de- termined to use the same old ideas, no mat- ter what. I wonder if some of them even un- derstand kids." He points to chicken - wire fences which limit t h e aesthetic appeal of a playground. And he notes that the only capital improve- ment at Summit in the past two years has been the new fence. X DMITTEDLY, the city is embarrassed about Summit Playground. George Owers, w h o butchered its pigs in traditional style, filling the air with dying squeals and the smell of in- nards being boiled for glue, Still it was the only open s p a c e in the neighborhood, so Sproull installed playground equipment there 10 years ago. After more bickering with the black resi- dents, the city gave in and bought out Peter's Sausage three years ago. That doubled Sum- mit's size to its present one acre. "It looked like the city was committed to improving Summit when it got the land from the slaughterhouse,' Stapp recalls. "But that hasn't been the case." The indoor shelter, for instance, is open only during periods when there are supervised activities. "The truth is we've had a lot of willing to move, they say, but the c i t y has balked at rezoning land elsewhere for them to move to. The city explains it doesn't want to solve one area's problems by creating problems in another area. Critics say this is doubletalk. They accuse the city of stalling. Two years ago a few University students set down a proposal for changing the scope of Summit Playground. Their plan requested closing off Summit St. and adding more land. But it also called for digging a pond, shaping a slope for tobogganning and soapbox derbies, installing a ramp for working on cars, etc. "We've got several outlines like that in our files for Summit," Owers admits. "But we city determine improvement of Summit is a top priority. Ann Arbor's electorate passed a $2% mil- lion bond for recreation in 1966. Most of that went to sink three municipal swimming pools --a gesture which infuriated blacks when all of the pools were located outside the black community. But about one half million dollars is left. 'I'd like to know exactly where our priori- ties are," Prof. Stapp challenges. "Sure, it's great to have big parks and swimming pools. But you need a car to use them and inner-city people don't have cars." Harris has promised new parks along the Huron River. But he isn't guaranteeing exact- ly where they'll be. BLACKS ARE skeptical. Somehow m a J o r parks like West, Island, Hunt and River- side have been placed out of comfortable walking distance-just like the swimming pools. "I'm tired of hearing about how they're gonna do this and that," comments Tom Har- rison, First Ward businessman and resident. "Either do it or keep quiet." Harrison suggests shutting down Summit Playground and starting over. "They might as well," he explains. "It's not at all adequate." His two children are grown now, but he's still outraged. Summit Playground is a beleaguered topic among Harrison's neighbors. Their petitions to city hall have been ignored. They're tired and frustrated. They can't take pride in Sum- mit, and yet they must put up with it because it's the only playground they've got. The Gillnet gang has swept Summit and the Fifth St. playlot (a living room-size ar- rangement for pre-schoolers in the First Ward) free of broken glass and other trash. The Gillnet gang, named after New Testa- ment nets which entrapped fish by the gills, is an anonymous bunch of teenagers who avoid administrative red tape by going under- cover and pursuing a Robin Hood-styled course of direct action. Last year, for example, the gang chopped off part of a hedge at a busy intersection late one night. The owner had refused to do so, and the city was.reluc- tant to make him. They've been doing "good deeds," some of them extra-legal, for four years. Gillnet members, including a few from the First Ward, have tried to call attention to the Summit situation. Datily--Jim IDiehl replaced Sheldon Sproull this spring as city recreation director, inherited the problem. Sproull was forced out after citizen groups complained he was ignoring their complaints and advice. When Sproull refused to s t o p spraying DDT, for instance, old ladies sent him trouble with vandalism, and we can't afford to keep it open," Owers explains. UPON PRODDING, though, O w e r s admits other reasons why the city is reluctant to invest money and personnel in Summit. can't do anything until we get word from higher up." MAYOR ROBERT HARRIS, who began his administration six months ago, has side- stepped the issue so far. "I can't say T've given