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October 19, 1969 - Image 1

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Ohio State .,
Nittitesothi ...


Puiirduie . . . . . . 35
Iowa . .. ..... 31

Indiana ...... 4I
Illinois ....... 20

Northwestern 27
Wisconsin . . . . 7

Southern Cal .14
Notre Dame ..14

Tennessee ... 41
Alabama .....14

Penn State.. .15
Syracuse .....14

Slippery Rock 29
Wilmington.. 20

State r
Executive Sports Editor
Special to the Daily
EAST LANSING-Certain elements of
immaturity were fatal to Michigan's foot-
ball team yesterday, as Michigan State
ran away with a 23-12 victory.
After the game, Michigan's Coach Bo
Schembechler called the performance
"terrible," and put most of the blame for
the team's mistakes on "the inexperience
of the sophomores."
There actually was no one factor which
accounted for the final result. Michigan
State came onto the field with substitutes
sprinkled throughout the lineup. Despite
being hampered by these second stringers
filling in for injured players, the Spar-
tans put out a whale of a performance.
They had worked on a whole new series
of plays and executed them well.
Michigan came out with a very healthy
team. Phil Seymour was playing for the
first time since his injury; Glenn Dough-

om ps


ty was back to full strength. Nonetheless,
the team had poor execution of plays
and made major mistakes galore.
Doughty, the Wolverine's top yard
gainer with 89 yards, also proved himself
the team's top mistake maker. His first
big goof came on the first series of plays.
The Wolverines took the opening kickoff
and moved the ball to the Spartan 32.
Doughty then grabbed a pitchout to
sweep the right end; that is he almost
grabbed the pitchout. He bobbled the ball,
dropped it, and finally recovered the pig-
skin 11 yards back.
There's nothing like an eleven yard
fumble to kill a drive. Three plays later,
Mark Werner punted and pinned the
Spartans on their two yard line; that is
he almost pinned them.
On Michigan State's first play from
scrimmage, quarterback Bill Triplett ran
around left end on a naked reverse where
the team goes one way and the quarter-
back the other. The Wolverine defense

23 -12
fell for it lock, stock, and barrel going
with the rest of the Spartans while
Triplett dashed to the 30.
Michigan State must have liked what
it saw since two plays later they ran the
same play. The Wolverines couldn't have
minded too much as they again watched
him scamper away. This time the play
carried him to Michigan's 28 yard line.
Michigan's defense finally realized it
was playing football and held the Spar-
tans, who missed a field goal from the 32.
Down the rug stomped the Wolverines
offense once again, seemingly intent on
getting the ball into the endzone. They
made it to the 25 before Doughty blew it
again. This time he didn't even have to
touch the ball. Moorhead went back to
pass, defensive end Rich Saul charged,
Doughty cleanly missed the block, and
Saul mashed Moorhead on the 38 yard
line. End Michigan's second drive with
Werner punting into the endzone.
After an exchange of punts, Michigan

State gave the Wolverines their big
chance when Don Highsmith fumbled on
his own 30. The Maize and Blue took
quick advantage of this to stall at the
12 yard line and settle for a three-
The Spartans, however, had lost their
benevolence. Taking Michigan's kickoff,
they drove 80 yards in 12 plays, with
Highsmith driving in from the two for
the touchdown.
Where State had decided to push, Mich-
igan decided to help them along. Four
plays after Michigan State's kickoff,
Moorhead fumbled the hike and Duffy's
boys took over at Michigan's 32 yard
line. After five plays, Triplett swept
around right end from the 10 to hit pay-
Doughty must have figured that the
Spartan's must have needed even more
help. He caught the ensuing kickoff on
the one and stepped back into the end-
See MICHIGAN, Page 11

Dash'--Jay Cas~idv

Mo10orhead ltrap.ped by !SpartanI iline

tee Editorial Page

g4i lt


Variable cloudiness
with chance of rain

Vol. LXXX, No. 40 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, October 19, 1969 Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Nixon to

withdrawal CSJ







Nixon has ordered the Penta-
gon to work out a dramatic
speed-up of U.S. troop w i t h-
drawals from Vietnam, it was
reported in a copyrighted
story in the Long Island news-
paper Newsday.

The story, reprinted here in
yesterday's Detroit F r e e
Press, says reliable informants
have indicated that plans call
for pulling out up to 300,000
men during 1970, at the rate
of over 20,000 per month.
Nixon will reportedly announce

Tenants Union 1meets
with, landlord's agent

A Tenant's Union negotiating
committee met with McKinley As-
sociates manager Ton Weisner
yesterday in their first prelimi-
nary negotiating session.
Dale Berry, of the Tenants Un-
ion, refused to comment on what
transpired at the meeting. Berry
simply acknowledged that a meet-
ing did take place, and indicated
there would be others,
Apparently, McKinley Assoc-
iates have not yet recognized the
Tenant's Union as a legitimate
bargaining agent. The Union has
been seeking such recognition as
a fundamwntal demand since the
beginning of the rent strike.
Weisner also declined to com-
ment on the meeting "I h a v e
nothing significant to say at this
point." Weisner must report to
Ott Tod ay',sI
Pa (,ge ThreeI
t Efforts are bcing' made to
develop a student image
for the Michigan Union.
Cyclamate production h a s
been halted. Product sales
will stop Feb. 1.
Servicemen find they can't
live on their monthly pay
and niust resort to joining
welfare rolls.

Mckin y Associates. who are the
owners, and is not expected to
make any significant concessions
to the Tenant's Union without
close consultations with his boss-
McKinley Associates are the first
Ann Arbor management companyj
to agree to hold preliminary ne-
cotiations with a Tenant's Union
negotiating committee.
It remains unclear at this
point whether McKinley's action'
will cause any of Ann Arbor's
larger management companies to
follow suit and negotiate with the
Tenants Union.
Other Ann Arbor real estate
managers had no comment on the
Rent strike organizers claim,
over 50 per cent of McKinley
tenants either are striking or plan
to begin striking with their next
rent payments. McKinley man-
ages 90 housing units with ap-
proximately 200 tenants.
Regarding negotiations, the Ten-
ants Union stated last week, "it
is understood that, the first topic
on the agenda is union recogni-
tion. Until that recognition, no
f u r t h e r bargaining can take
Last year, Tenants Union rep-
resentatives met briefly with
managers from Summit Associ-'
ates, but the discussions did not
lead to recognition of the union or
any breakthrough in the strike.

his intentions in a scheduled
television speech to the nation
Nov. 3.
The Associated Press lent con-
firmation to the Newsday story
last night in a report Washington
budget officials had advised the
Armed Forces that American mili-
tary strength will be reduced by,
up to 500.000 men across the board
by mid-1971.
A large portion of this reduc-
tions should stem from the scaling
down of U.S. involvement in Viet-
nam, the AP said.
The plan reflects a shift of in-
fluence in the administration
from the military to those civilian
leaders who have been arguing
that domestic. troubles are too
near the disaster point to permit
the much more gradual "Vietnam-}
ization" of the war that the gen-
orals wanted.
Nixon's Nov. 3 speech will come
at the end of a week of hearings
before the Senate Foreign Rela-
tions Committee in which Defense
Secretary Melvin Laird is supposed
to testify.
ht is expected that Laird will say
that "Vietnamization" has made
rapid progress. Secretary of State
William Rogers is also expected to
tell that committee the rate of
North Vietnamese infiltration and
a battlfield lull are political sig-
nals from Uanoi.
Pentagon sources reportedly
consider these factors merely a
shift of enemy battle tactics, but
Nixon's advisers plan to announce
them anyway. In this way Nixon's
Nov. 3 announcement of troop
withdrawals will not appear to be
a capitulation to pressure in
American streets.
The plan for increased with-
drawls was begun before the Oct.
15 Moratorium Day, but after the
scope and broad spectrum of sup-
port for the demonstrations had
become forseeable.
According to Newsday, the Nixon
withdrawal plan does not foresee
how the war will be' completely
ended, and do-s not make plans
for disposing of American bases
and investments in Vietnam.

students from having an in-
terview with Augustin L'Et-
oile, recruiter for the Naval
Underwater Weapons Labora-
tory, on March 25 in the West'
Engineering Bldg.
CSJ ruled it would not consider
political justifications for the act
as grounds for acquittal when the
free speech rights of others were
involved, when a division of opin-
ion existed in the community over'
merits of the justification, and,
when the case was not tried by a
The maximum possible penal-'
ties would have been a $250 fine!
and four months suspension for
SDS and a $50 fine for Rotkin.
CSJ listed eight reasons for re-
ducing the punishment:

Central Student Judiciary yesterday found SDS as a stu-
dent organization and Donald Rotkin '70 guilty on charges
resulting from the lock-in of a naval recruiter last spring.
CSJ fined SDS $25 and Rotkin $2 for violating a
Student Government Council rule prohibiting "interfer-
ing with the free movement of persons on campus."
Last Tuesday CSJ found three other students, Fred Mil-
ler, Nais Roulet, and Stephen Kriegal, not guilty on similar
Infact-finding statements CSJ said the demonstrators
h a d prevented a number of - ----_-

to meet
011 UIOfI
Teaching fellows interested in
the formation of a recognized
teaching fellows union have sched-
uled an open meeting for all in-
terested persons for 2:00 p.m. to-
day at 3569 Platt Road, Ann Arbor.
The meeting, according to
organizers, will address itself to
the type and possible affiliation
of the union and explore doubts

CSJ members Dan Share and Barb Addison discuss the case
Faculty to debate ROTC report


- mhere was no substantli
levidence L'Etoile was prevented aching fellows might have con-
from leaving the interview room; cerning a union's possible effects
- The demonstration occurred on their professionalism.
at a time and place which mini- During the week organizers also
mized the danger of crowd reac- plan to retain legal assistance and
tion; to schedule larger on-campus
- The demonstration was a meetings meetings for interested
matter of political principle; teaching fellows.

A report recommending com-
plete severance of all financial ties
between the University and ROTC,
and elimination of all credit and
departmental standing for the
program will be the only topic of
business at tomorrow's Senate As-
sembly meeting.
The Assembly may take final
action on the report, which was
prepared by its Academic Affairs
Committee. If adopted, the report
will be sent to the Regents who

will have to make the final deci-
sion, to alter the current status of;
ROTC programs.
The report asks that a commit-
tee be established to evaluate all
ROTC personel and course offer-
ings, and to mediate between
ROTC and students who have dis-
putes with the program.
The report specifically recom-
mends ROTC become completely
extracurricular if the Department

Liberation! Females no longer in a bind

of Defense cannot accept the rec-
ommendations of the report.
Currently the University is con-
tributing free classroom space as
well as supplies and services. The
total worth of these contributions
is more than $350,000 per year. If
the report is adopted, the Defense
Department would have to provide
the money.
A minority report also sent to
the Assembly for consideration to-
morrow asks the University to
sever its ROTC contract complete-
ly and recommends that the Uni-
versity "seek to pursuade other I
universities to do likewise."
While only one member of the
committee, Prof. Eugene Litwak,
signed the minority report, three
members of the committee en-
dorsed a provision calling for the
elimination of those ROTC courses'
hich teach methods of "elimina-
tion of human life."
Their resolution is in accordance
with the Elidem'field Report adopt-
ed by the Assembly last year,
which states that research aimed
at killing should not be accepted
by the University.
Assembly c h a i rin a n Joseph
Payne last night called the major-
ity report "reasonable." He said
he believes the report is one that
should be acceptable to all seg-"
ments of the University com-
munity, but warned that there
were a number of controversial
factors that mivht affect the out-
com of the report.

- The demonstrators augment-
ed the educational value of the
event with leafletting and discus-!
- No weapons were used and
nobody was injured;
- The disruption involved a'
relatively small number of people
for a relatively short period of
-Under engineering school pol-
icies the demonstrators could not
See CSJ, Page 8

Once a lawyere has been retain-
ed, the organizers intend to begin
circulating petitions among all
teaching fellows seeking signatures
of support for unionization.
When the signatures of a cer-
tain percentage of the fellow have
been obtained, the State Labor
Mediation Board is required to
hold bargaining elections to of-
ficially designate the structure anci
affiliation of the union.

Editorial Page Editor
19'70 - the year to hang loose?
It may be just that if the bra-
ess sensation continues spread-
ng to more and more girls both
n and off college campuses
across the country.
New York's East Village Elec-
ric Circus has announced that
)raless girls will bY' admitted
ree to Sunday performances.
-orset companies are beginning
o feel the finch of the revolu-
ion and some clothes designers
,ave begun to adapt their n e w

queasy stomach if her bra was
uncomfortable. Others simply
say they are "more free, in o r e
natural" without a bra.
Some girls try to hide their
braless state with clothes that
obscure the fact. "I only do it
when no one can tell -- I'd be
embarassed if I thought any-
one knew,' says one senior.
For many, no-braing-it is a
seasonal affair - but the sea-
sons vary. Som' go braless in
the spring and summer because,
they say, it is too cool in the
winter without a bra. But oth-

Perhaps a bit tongue-in-cheek,
one girl declares, "It's my own
little revolution. It frees me
from my straight-laced in i d d I e
class background." However
flippant the explanation, rebel-
lion is a part of the rationale
behind bralessness.
A coed from Berkeley wearing
a smock type of blouse which was
frontless except for a few lat-
ticed bands of material is re-
presentative of the militant anti-
bra group. She says she went to
Berkeley to "blow the p i g s
In a manner as airy as her
blouse she declared that t h e

man responded: "It's only a
small group of girls who are go-
ing without them - it's strictly
a fad." Another well-endowed
matron insists that she owes her
still firm and striking figure to
her bra.
But the reaction sometimes
approaches vehemence. "I lose

who grow into the bra market
each year.
Bra sales are down in Mich-
igan, although they have in-
creased in Ann Arbor, local
stores report.
Some bra manufacturers have
tried to accommodate to the
changing fashions. They are pro-
ducing "no-bra" bras-t h i n,
light garments designed to give
the look and feel of bralessness.
But the braless militants c o n-
demn these as a "cop-out."
One argument both bra mak-
ers and girls bring against go-
ing without a bra is the fear
that lack of support produces


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