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October 17, 1969 - Image 10

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Page Ten


Friday, October 17, 1969


-' .. -


TIiev ivenIt out to p~rotest
tlhe icarir H ednesday, hell over
(1 million o f them,,.
They llIlet outi for inl(Iily
dlifferent reasons 118- because
they wanuit tihe killing of
lericans to stopj, lbecauise
thiey waontIthjeilling4 of Vijet-
110r1I1(se to stop), bcauIlse they
(d1on ' cat to (lie thiemiselves
for (a (curse of such idubious
WIII'itrer thle reasonsthey
i gint the irw~r sftopped,. and
thIey didlthe o(lly thing thwt1
promI~ises (liy results -- they
1110hed HI l.It was mia (rching;i
tiro and (lthree years (iofo ta
depse onee 01Wpresidlent be-
(w(115( e e ouldn't stop) the

ic-t11 and( it ntaylVbemalrclhing
Wichi deposes another if 1e
icon!t stop the war.
W"Ito is "they" that are
tryinig so hard to stop it?
The ar the stuidenits and
tlie acad~emiccommunity, the
first ini opposition.
They ae(ld 011people, lwho(
have erhaps seI 5(enimor teaW(rs
ticwe. And they are the
1'Ouiig. the teenaugers wcho
h1('Ce 4rl(Dcf 11ip inithe shadi~e
pfI the~ (ost!raicaWll geier1-
f71 in 3Y 1 ,tettr5. And(1if they
are 110! ('01151i71Wdbar(a war
thev waY Vthe genertitiott 3.
years aa'i, ia(1s, they maytt vt
(a (differenlt history, for good1

or ill, than 11 as etched by
the ir predlecesso rs.
They also include buisi-
nesslemi nowc, sortie for al-
truistic reasonis, sortiefor
self-interest. Tieiwar 11(15
(driveni tiee coniomy lmost1108
out of conitrol, icith the icorst
in flat ion since the 1 920s, and
they kniewi the i'var li'(15the
TheCinlflauion has1 hit house-
ivies the mlost itotceabli,
the Wolosition. Along wit!
thir w~ orking 11tusband(s, they
are( also n1i(11rhinmg, (Ifter five
vf(1s. 1f) end1 this war.
r'floe rue (-> l k;Ins Of

wa(1r Wie~lidda, buit they
The alliance for Labor
.-Actioni mayI 'oppose the war,
but the larger AFL-CIO
businessmen now oppose the
icwar, (it least (as 1fl IllyVstill
sup jport it.
Aniong the old1, there are
those olpposed to ivar and(
thos whoicl 0feel this 5gene Crationi
nis! pay tlhe price just like
they (lid. And1( even among the
young, there aire those echo
(lready havre, or wcho still
wrant to, get their sha~re of the

may still be there, but it is
dlecilning no1w (as it lhas (at
times before. The opposition
sh owed( greater strength this
WveekI th an evier before.
The( Pres idenit s(1gs the
Inalrcliing wrill be to 1no avail,
but even ais he says it hie kicks
thie dlespised Selective Servrice
head upstairs, hte sus5pendls
the dIrafting of graduate stu-
dlents, Ie annmounices someW
hcider (draft cu tbac ks (and 8 sg
le wrill malke a major ain-
nuicemileit on the wrarNo
Pl hila, the Presidlenit acts to
ten der( ut the opposiiomi, hiis
l oiter level arides -- the vice

presidlenit, cabinetinmembers
-- delno0111ce the protesters for
guring aid(1and( comifort to the
eniemiy. Suichi protests, they
sa1y, Ill ikt it imipossible to end~
the tear quiickly.
.i1hat the President (doesnt
ir~ti'rst =ilis that many of
those? iwho oppose the war (10
1not want hiim to end tihe war
histWtiV - they iwantit enided1,
aind note. They leant anl equiit-
a.W)e p~eace, not ani Amtericani
or South V ietnam~lese victory.
T heyir (wint the war end(edl
their WOY, not his. JTimie (and
electioins will tell who wins
ii'i wr of nerves and11(1pol it-
icail clout.

action in i uettiani.
Thce sup port for the


., ' ,,..r ~amm ;. _

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