1h-wstejvfeaiizalone -.iii (juiet desjwratioii Tlle sidyigan Daily Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan Prague, USA 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 7 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff write or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: STUART, An acceptable alternative HE UNIVERSITY'S Regents are once again confronted by the opportunity to resolve the controversial bookstore is- sue. And it would be no exaggeration to report that the Regents are as eager as students and faculty to dispose of the whole thing. '[HE PROPOSAL at hand is hardly radi- cal and comes before the Regents highly recommended. The Senate Advisory Com- mittee on University Affairs, student gov- ernment leaders and administrative re- presentatives together hammered out the final draft. The proposal provides for re- sponsible control of the store by students and faculty, with the advice of an admin- istrative representative. It calls for an equitable means of funding through an assessment which the students and fa- culty consumers might redeem. It estab- lishes the store as an independent cor- poration which would be ultimately re- sponsible to the Regents, but which would be forced to develop internal controls to dodge financial hazards, as every cor- poration does. And since the corporation would ultimately serve student interests and be responsible to the duly-elected board, it will probably qualify for the sales tax exemption needed. If passed - and it should be passed - the proposal will aid in the creation of a sorely needed student bookstor pus, BUT THE resolution of the c will have more significant tions. It proves that the Rege are reasonable men who will coi who will be pressured, but wh be coerced. A student-faculty coalition moral force in handling disput the community. Faculty, who mained disturbingly neutral on tion, were able to help break the on the negotiations once they d to become actively involved. meanwhile, were able to mak( more effective bookstore pr( once they enlisted faculty bac NOW IT REMAINS for the R endorse the bookstore in th of the new plan. Certainly th should not be afraid of losing f cepting a proposal which repres bined and conscientious effort segments of the community. objections to the bookstore ar they are not overwhelming. T1 worth a try. --HENRI Editor 764-0552 LAST WEDNESDAY, as the American people came together in opposition to the war in Vietnam, Alexander Dubcek rs was replaced as chairman of Czechoslo- vakia's Federal Assembly-thus marking another official defeat for the people of GA NN ES Czechoslovakia. Sitting in the chilly stadium the other night with 30,000 spirited and cheering people, my thoughts inescapably return- ed to the last time I was part of such a * * * spectacle. That was in Prague in August of 1968. The occasion was the visit of Yugoslav- e on cam- ia's Marshall Tito. Tito, a thriving maver- ick forced out of the Stalin block in 1948, came to Prague to symbolize the Dubcek ontroversy regime's intentions of pursuing a national ramifica- course outside the Russian fold. 'nts really Tito's visit came while the surging spirit ntsreally of the Czechoslovak people was at its peak. mpromise, They lined the route to Hradcany castle o will not and cheered wildly at the sight of Dub- cek and Tito. It was impossible to be un- has great affected by their euphoria as they cheered tes within the leaders who had defied the Russian > had re- demand that they return to the iron- the ques- fisted orthodoxy of the Novotony regime. te es-k stAfter the crowds had gone onehCzech e deadlock student told me he did not think that the etermined Russians would allow that sort of thing Students, to continue. He was right. Weeks later the e a much Russian tanks swept in. after a visit to the White House that Nixon was on the "right path's to peace and urg- ed public support for the President. We should not be to surprised, for Hum- phrey was never any peace candidate and never really broke away from his role as Lyndon's valet. Unfortunately, many poli- tical soothsayers are telling us that 1972 promises to be another Humphrey-Nixon boat race. And if there were any real promise in the Democratic Party, this would be cause for concern. BUT THE ALTERNATIVES are bleak. Ed Muskie proved himself to be a nice guy during the last campaign but that he outshown three fools does not necessarily make him the right man for the job. George McGovern, who favors immediate withdrawal from Vietnam and who is pos- sibly the most desirable candidate, stands little chance of securing the nomination. That leaves Teddy. Perhaps Kennedy's career will recover from Chappaquidick, but let's not hold our breath. Kennedy is about as much a peace candidate as Hum- phrey. On Wednesday he expressed his hopes that we could withdraw ground com- bat troops within a year and the air and support forces by the end of 1972. There are Republican senators who are doing bet- ter than that. Witl Congressional leadership in t h e hands of people like Kennedy, it should be perfectly obvious that the Democrats are in no position to lead us out of this na- tional disaster, which they had the great- est hand in creating. A SATISFACTORY solution to the war must be sought by people acting outside the existing power structure. It is not a question of getting the truth through to the folks in Washington: it is a question of taking the power away from them. As the struggle in Czechoslovakia demonstrat- es, this is a task which shows little prom- ise of immediate victory. Nevertheless, we must try. If the sheer spectacle and constant r e p e t i t i o n of Wednesday's moratorium fail to m o v e Richard Nixon, then more decisive action will be necessary. esentation king. egents to e outlines e Regents ace in ac- ents com- s of large Although e several, he plan is Y GRIX SO IT IS HERE. The antiwar movement swells every day and generates what little amount of national spirit that exists. The spirit of the movement has filled for many the vacuum created by their estrangement from their leaders. They arIe becoming more alienated from the Richard M. Nov- otonys and are coming together in t h e streets. But the question now confronting t h e antiwar movement is how to make the moratorium binding on an intransigent administration. The Nixon regime has made clear it will continue on the course of token withdrawal and public pacifica- tion. What can be done when the channels between the people and their leaders are hopelessly closed?, It looks like the momentum of the mora- torium can be sustained through Novem- ber's marches and even through Decem- ber. One wonders, though, how long people will stay in the streets as the weather gets colder and Nixon grows more obdurate. CAN WE believe that "legitimat?" chan- nels will open up? It is clear that Nixon affords us almost no hope, but what about the loyal opposition, the Democratic Party that controls Congress? I am afraid that a look at some of the Party's luminaries during the past week shows it is foolishly naive to think things would be much better had they captured the White House, or that things will be significantly better if they win in 1972. The party's leader - and By God, Hubert, you are tha party's leader - de- monstrated last week that he still is not his own man. Humphrey, perhaps dazzled by once-familiar surroundings, announced Bureaucrats of all shades THE VIETNAMESE people brought this war on themselves. It's true. Eisenhower, Kennedy, John- son, Nixon - did they w ant war? Of course not. All they wanted was to safe- guard in Asia a system which exists peacefully throughout most of the rest of the world. That is, they simply wished to run the affairs of one nation from the capital of another. But the Vietnamese preferred self-determination to s u c h a Pax Americana, and thus chose war. The point is that "peace at any price" is unacceptable. The primary goal is free- dom and self-determination; the calm of the prison is no ideal. Wednesday's events blurred that point. Two examples should explain. Among the speakers involved in the af- fair was Mr. Douglas Fraser. Doug Fras- er is a Vice President of the United Auto Workers. Last April the workers at Chrys- ler's Sterling Plant called a wildcat strike against dangerous working conditions and the arbitrary firing of fellow -work- ers who protested. Workers and manage- ment stood fast for weeks, not because of the specific grievance, but because' both recognized the more basic yearning for self-management which 1 a y behind the wildcat. But the official UAW did not support the strike. On the contrary. The strike, by its very plosive content, threatened t h e UAW's iron grip over its members. To preserve peace at Reuther's price, a troubleshooter was sent to Sterling. He suspended the lo- cal's officers, froze their treasury, a n d used the power of the UAW International to break the workers' wildcat. The name of this gentleman - t h i s champion of freedom and self-determination - was Doug Fraser. VICTOR PERLO was featured Wednes- day, too, at Hill Auditorium. He spoke for the Communist Party of the USA. Like Fraser, it too has an interesting record. In 1956 the people of Hungary went into open revolt against an oppressive, bur- eaucratic regime. Workers, students, and soldiers formed councils which seized control of the nation and its institutions, turning power back to the people from the ruling elite. And as Khrushchev pour- ed tanks and infantry over the Hungar- ian border to squelch the revolution, the American Communist Party nodded its approval. In 1968 a reformist Czech government - under mounting pressure f r o m stu- dents, workers, and intellectuals - began a modest campaign to loosen the bureau- cratic reins and open up the media to dissenting opinion. And once again, Rus- sian troops marched in. And once again, the American CP smiled benignly. POLITICS makes strange bedfellows, they say, and opportunist politics even stranger. The base of the anti-war move- ment is growing, of course, but clearly at t h e expense of its principles. Somehow the banner of the Vietnamese struggle is misplaced. And self-determination is for- gotten. -BRUCE LEVINE I't K{/ ,, )' I . -' t , f . . +In \\ t (WIY, VIrl \1 ,fir ir .w.wr i i +. 1 f F .S } f 'fir; 7Y i y@ { i1 I J "4 -Irk " ,,,w, . O pti mistic69 B1ORN IN the minds of a small group of dedicated men and women the Oct. 15 moratorium captured the spirit and imagination of a significant segment of American society, while others ran for cover behind automobile headlights and the guarded gates of the White House. That students at this University would shun classes to do anything at all-let alone anything politically worthwhile - marks Oct. 15 as perhaps the most dramatic day for the campus community. This single action stands as a striking symbol of the success of the mobiliza- tion organizers in regenerating the anti-war movement. Already, if only in small ways, the moratorium is having its effect. Even some former members of the Johnson administration are now saying the war must be ended quickly, and not necessarily "honorably." Even Hubert Humphrey asserts that the war should be ended in a year, not three years as President Nixon has suggested. There can, of course, be no expression of gratefulness for this kind of response. The war is not, as many have asserted. a "colossal mistake;" rather it is the logical extension of the whole thrust of American foreign policy for the past 15 years. BUT THEIR response does let us know we have won. The most significant aspect of the nationwide protest was the pervasive though somewhat misleading feeling that the anti-war movement had turned the corner, that the only remaining obstacle to forcing the U.S. gov- ernment to end the war is finding enough buses, cars and airplanes to take us all to Washington next month. While just a month ago even freshmen and sophomores were looking ominously toward graduation and their date with destiny, the draft and death, now we know better: The war will end soon and ultimately on our terms. We will have won the fight for peace. For all that, the future beckons with a crusted finger. The war has plunged the morality of the U.S. government - and with it, that of the U.S. people - to the lowest level in history. But even "Peace Now!" can be only as mall first step toward redemption. Part of the problem and challenge of the future was expressed amid the blasts of rhetoric at Wednesday's moratorium activities. Ending the wear is not enough - the spending priorities of the U.S. and the whole role of this rich country in world affairs must be dras- tically reordered. THE PROBLEMS of poverty in the ghettoes of Peking as well as the ghettoes of U.S. cities can be attacked objectively, technologically and compassionately. The crisis in U.S. relations with other members of the world community can be handled with a sensitivity to the rights of foreign peoples to choose their own governments in their own ways. Even if we are not quite a majority, these goals still remain with- in our grasp. This, then, is the revolution. It will come peacefully and soon. But if history can be taken at least as a rough guide, the revolu- tion will bear the hidden seeds of its own demise. The great victory of the anti-war movement lies in its success in convincing people that the war is wrong and that national priorities are sadly askew of the needs of the nation and the world. But while there has been considerable convincing, there has been little teaching apd even less learning. Though the problems of the world will change, the solutions will be little altered from the course we are charting today. The "majority" - those who oppose the war -- are no better prepared for the unforseen than they ever have been. FOR A LONG time I have felt that the greatest and only hope for the ultimate vindication of radical analysis of society rests with the young people - the elementary school students and those who will follow them. And as absurd as it may seem to a generation of students that went through public school with escape from public school as the only goal, the upcoming crop has recently undergone dramatic politic- ization. The transformation of the high schools is, of course, well known. But even some student in junior high school and elementary school "And when the ransom of 25,000 aircraft and 500 A-bombs .iloI. has been delivered, we will release your soliers. . . Le ters: Vietnam - an ode to Tricky To the Editor: Said Richard M. Nixon to All of the people, "Your Grand Moratorium I shall ignore. 'Street legislation' is Undemocratic, so I'll judge how many shall Die in this war." -Dave McBride, '70 Oct. 16 Unsigned To the Editor: ISN'T IT ABOUT time that the silent majority of University stu- dents stands up and be counted in support of President Fleming? How about an ovation for him from the student section at the next football game? And how about loading all thosen smon- strating non-students into busces and dump them in the middle of applications from black students in 1968-69 "before they even reached the selection committee." A list of all black applicants was given to each committee member and brought up to date weekly. Members of t h e committee in- formed me what candidates they wished to consider, using a rough statistical yardstick. When the committee adjourned, a number of students had not been accepted, although many of them had been considered. I then ad- vised these applicants t h a t we were unable to offer them places. -Matthew P. McCauley Assistant Dean Law School Oct. 13 For the workers To the Editor: I WONDER WHY, in reference to the October 15 moratorium, able movement, students a n d workers must organize each other for humanitarian goals, including better wages as well as an end to war and racism. ONCE A TRUE worker-student movement is organized. there can be no greater power on the cam- pus. From this basis we can take the city, the state and the nation by force. Long live the successful alliance, but let's get started? -Roger Forman, '70 Oct. 14 Ind(igna(tionl To the Editor: IN THE OCTOBER 7th issue of the Ann Arbor News. Mr. Mare Van Der Hout is quoted as saying, at Monday's rally on the Diag, ". . lot of people before the bookstore issue thought Robben Fleming was a God, but we have 'Dick breakdowvn in negotiations for fear that the bookstore issue might be settled satisfactorily without fur- ther confrontation? Was Mr. Van Der Hout's obviously inflammatory statement. "I think the Regents will be on their knees," intended to offend that body in order to preclude the possibility of Regent- ial approval of a compromise? In short, I cannot help wonder- ing whether the SGC executive vice-president is more interested in securing a student-faculty run bookstore which would be in the interests of al of us or in ad- vancing the interests of his own small group. Or can it be that he is really afraid that "peace might break out" on this campus? -Prof. Edward Stasheff Oct. 8 lb w? To th- Editor: mfLT " nCI..tTLim . C *t. , . fl.4 .Ihni.-.. onf