A MOVEMENT FOR HUMANITY See Editorial Page (Zi C 41k4 Pai4t STRIKING High-59 Law-4 1 Partly cloudy, not so cool Vol. LXXX, No. 36 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 15, 1969 Ten Cents Eight Pages Cs' clears 3 of 4 students for recruiter lock-in Fourth defendant still under consideration By DAVE CHUD WIN Central Student Judiciary yesterday acquitted three of four students on charges stemming from the lock-in of a naval recruiter in the West Engineering Bldg. last spring. CSJ declared a Student Government Council rule pro- hibiting disruptions of University functions does not apply to the case because the recruiter was not involved in a Uni- versity function. Two resolutions were passed declaring CSJ does not consider recruitment for the Naval Underwater Weapons Laboratory a University function under SGC rules. The first, passed by a 3-2 vote, said the recruiter was .engaged in activity contrary to the "philosophical and moral bases of a university." * * * * * * * * * * * * Massive moratorium participation Set today; Official forecasts city debt By ALEXA CANADY The City may not be able to meet the payrolls after February, according to a report by Ann Arbor City comptroller Lauren J. Jedele. l'e report. addressed to City Administrator Guy Larcom and f he City Council, predicts that if t le current fiscal climate of the I ast few months continues and if (guts in the 1969-70 budget are i not made, Ann Arbor will have S$401,000 deficit at the end of the f iscal year, June 30. $141,333 of this expected deficit r eults from an incorrect estimate o f the amount of money that vrould be carried over from last 3 ear's budget. According to Larcom, the carry- over balance fell short of the es- 1 imates, because of the city's in- dbility to sell bonds. Other factors he cited are the uvertime being accumulated by the Police Department and the fact That the city's recreation faciliites produced large deficits. Larcom predicts that if the city cannot sell bonds next year, there will be air additional $100,000 to $200,000 loss in revenues. The City has been unable to sell a bond since July. The reports sates "the inflationary economy, Which erodes the value of all fixed income investments, has made municipal bonds harder to sell." Because Michigan has a 6 per cent maximum interest rate set on bonds, and other states do not. tie reports says that people "buy bonds in states like Ohio which' have removed the six per cent ceiling." The reports also points out that ti e market for bonds is beginning to improve. The municipal bond index which had reached an all ti e high of 6.37 per cent in Sep- tember, is now just under 6 per cent 'his, coupled with possible ac- tion of the State Legislature to increase the maximum interest rate from 6 per cent to 8 per cent, an i the Senate Finance Commit - t to keep municipal bonds tax- : xempt, led Mayor Robert Harris to conclude "we won't know if we wil have a real problem until Jan uary." The second ,approved 5-1, stated Engineering Placement Office pro- cedures are in violation of the SGC Bill of Rights section re- quiring approval of rules by a "democratic constituency." Engineering interviews are used by a number of students not in the engineering school but only engi- neering students have a say about placement policies, according to CSJ Chairman Marc Wohl. By a 5-1 vote CSJ ruled Fred Miller, Nais Roulet. and Stephen Kriegal "not guilty" of interfer- ring with the freedom of move- ment of Augustin L'Etoile, the re- cruiter. In a fact-finding statement, CSJ declared a fourth defendant, Don Rotkin, had participated in and encouraged blocking access to L'Etoile last March 25. A similar finding against SDS was made on Oct. 7. The verdict on these two cases will be decided at a special CSJ meeting tenta- tively set for tomorrow. SGC rules forbid "individual or mass actions which significantly interfere with the free movement of persons on campus." CSJ said the presence of the three acquitted students in the area of the lock-in did not neces- sarily prove they violated the SGC rule. "You have to have conclusive evidence that people did some- thing more than be in a physical, geographical area," said CSJ member Dan Share. "You can't convict people by guilt by association. CSJ decided that testimony and photographs taken at the scene were not sufficient evidence to convict the three individually. CSJ decided an activity was not a University function unless it complies with federal and state! laws, Regental bylaws, the SGC Student Bill of Rights, and in- volves significant participation in the University community. Ott Today's Page Three 1 The Nixon administration has drafted an alternate proposal for more lenient marijuana possession pen- alties. * Washtenaw County Circuit Judge John W. Conlin has denied a motion to quash the arrest of John N. Col- lins, accused murderer of Eastern Michigan Univer- sity coed Karen Sue Beine- man. ! Some merchants on South University claim business has dropped since last sum- mer's street disturbances. 'wide Mass rally to climax protest day By JIM McFERSON Departments, schools a n d colleges and individuals a r e set today to join what may be- come the most massive public demonstration in the nation's history. A majority of students a in d faculty are expected to participate in symposiums, forums and ral- lies throughout the day. In new developments yesterday, 30 members of the chemistry de- partment including 13 professors, affirmed support for the mora- torium. All but two members of the De- partment of Urban Planning's 36- man staff also issued a statement supporting today's activities. Meanwhile, it appeared T o m Hayden, founder of Students for a Democratic Society and a de- fendant in the Chicago Eight con- spiracy trial, would not be able to speak at the Stadium rally to- night. Hayden may have to remain in Chicago after Judge Julius Hoff- man refused to recess today's trial to allow defendants to participate in moratorium activities. Mobe officials also report that Mayor Robert Harris and Council- man Leroy Cappaert (D-5th Ward) will not speak as sched- uled. Moratorium activities will begin today with picketing of the, Administration Bldg., f o 11 o w e d throughout the day by picketing in front of businesses, groceries, and other areas around the cam- pus. Panels will run from 9 to 1:30. Allen Ginsberg will speak in Hill Aud, at 4 p.m., in a benefit for White Panther leader John Sin- clair, sentenced to 912 to 10 years for possession of marijuana. A mass rally will form on the Diag at 5 p.m., followed by a 6 p.m. torchlight parade to the Stadium. The Residential College's repre- sentative Assembly last night re- versed a previous decision and voted not to cancel classes for to- day's moratorium. A supplementary motion urged, however, "that students and fac- ulty not attend classes, and that administration and service per- sonel not carry on business as usual." Inside the Residential College in East Quad, over 24 area clergy, faculty, and students will hold a Prayer Vigil for Peace. The vigil will last for 24 hours, ending at midnight tonight. Interested peo- ple are urged to attend the vigil. Camipuses, businesses join action By The Associated Press Across the n a t i o n, mil- lions of people prepared last night for what promises to be a massive demonstration to- day in protest of the Vietnam war. Colleges are closing for the day, while others expectfa majority to shun classes in favor of all- day symposiums. In streets, in churches, at schools and at state and federal capitols, acts of the planned anti- war demonstration included mass rallies, parades, teach-ins, forums, prayers and the reading of the names of Vietnam war dead. Leaders and backers of tlh moratorium have called for a nonviolent disruption of the or- dinary daily routine, and law en- forcement officials have express- ed no great outward concern. Some cities called extra police to duty, but mainly to handle traf- fic. See related story, Page 8 U' expected AdIobekvolunteer collets mUoneCy Buttons fo DEFENSE TO APPEAL CASE: Jury finds6 students in LSA of contention . The House of Representatives, meanwhile, ushered in the mora- torium last night with a far- ranging war debate that lasted far into the night. A motion to adjourn the House ~-Daiy-Jim Judkis before the discussion even began r pece}failed by a vote of 210-99. An hour later, a demand that a quor- um be produced turned up 2 3 7 members, 20 more than needed and enough to keep the debate going. Although the debate time had been lined up by 25 members who opposed President Nixon's w a r g u iltpolicy, a full-fledged discussion took place as those in charge of the time freely yielded to t h e i r Seopponents. About 500 spectators -- most of them young - kept the gallery nearly filled during the debate. Today in support of the mora- Pratt and Peter Selten were found torium rallies are planned in New guilty of creating a contention. 'York, Boston and Washington, Defense attorneys aismissed a where 17 Senators and 47 Repre- motiom d r sentatives have, expressed support Court protesting i c it for nonviolent demonstrations. Cor poesigthe consolida- Ne York, Mayor John V. tion of the first five cases into one Lindsay has proclaimed today a trial, adding they could fight the day of observance, with all flags rulings through their appeals. on city buildings to be flown at The motion also protested cit. Thomassen's refusal to grant a half-mast. defense motion Friday that each He urged churches to toll their of the five be allowed two "per- bells hourly. City Hall was to be etory challenges."dA perem- draped in black and violet bunting. tory challenge blocks the accept- There will also be antiwar anice of a proposed juror, candlelight parades from the a--o-rSee NATION, Page 8 By HAROLD ROSENTHAL After deliberating for seven hours. a jury in Ann Arbor Dis- trict Court yesterday found six University students guilty of cre- ating a contention in the LSA Bldg. sit-in. A verdict was reached seconds after Judge Pieter Thomassen told the jury "the court would instruct you to find the six guilty as in- dividuals" if they had merely been among the 108 persons arrested, and if the jury found the group, as a whole had created a con- tention. Defense attorneys said last night they will appeal the verdict in Shea replied that the testimony Washtenaw County Circuit Court. showed that the group "did in fact Defense attorney Elmer White charged the instructions were "tantamount to a directed verdict of guilty. "This deprives the defendants of the right of trial by jury," he declared. "They have a right to be tried as individuals and not be dragged through with 102 other )eople. 'Even Shea (prosecuting at- torney Thomas Shea) didn't :ave the nerve to suggest such a mon- strous instruction," White con- tinued. POLICE, '"U EVIDENCE UNLIKELY No trials for RI By DANIEL ZW'ERDLING Daily News Analysis If the University still has plans to pi osecute participants in the ROTC dis- ruptions over one month ago, no one in the administration is telling. But Chief of Police Walter Krasny has served no- te that as far as he's concerned, the city or county will not likely take them to court. "It's a pretty good guess." says Krasny, that the county will never prosecute the over 60 persons who seized North Hall Spt. 15, and then fled through the back door as police videotapes were rolling. If police had made the identifications however, protesters would have faced possible charges of breaking and enter- ing + a felony , malicious destruction of property and criminal trespass. What happens now to the more than 60 d.'monstrators who disrupted classes on Sept. 11, or over 50 others who seized North Hall four days later, lies in the University's hands. President Robben Fleming first warned demonstrators Sept. 9 - before any classes were disrupted - that the Uni- versity would take "no pleasure" in crim- JTC protesters? which could include violation of civil Morgan's class - one of the t liberties, and trespass. disrupters on Sept. 11 - Morga "Peter Forsythe has been so busy," "for volunteers" last Thursday claims Fleming, "he hasn't had time to company him to city hall, to sig evaluate all the evidence" - pr'esum- plaint against disrupters-. ably photographs taken by University No one has yet approachedt news service personnel and tape record- torney Jerold Lax, however, and ings of disruptions made by ROTC. refuses to comment. Forsythe says he will report to the ad- The final possibility: the U ministration "as soon as I physically does have the identifications an can." which Fleming says he hopes will ting on them, waiting until ther be sometime next week. "We ought to ium is over, and until the bookst get this thing cleared one way or the dies --- like the ROTC takeov other," he says. died several weeks ago. Some observers suspect that the Uni- And then as students immers disrupt functions of the Univer- sity's custodial staff. If the people were members of this group then this is relevant." Those found guilty were Julia Wrigley. William DeJong, Nicholas O'Connor, Elliott Lefkowitz, Har- ris Huberman and Michael Euman. The jury had started its de- liberations on Monday night and was sent to a motel at 1:45 a.m. yesterday. Upon returning to the court, the jury reheard testimony by Ther- on Klager, manager of building services for the university and Arthu Rentz, the head janitor in the LSA Bldg. Kager had testified that the group had made it impossible for the janitors to do their wor'k, while Rentz said that he w~as blocked from locking one door on the third floor, and after that was told to stay off the upper floors of the building. The prosecution attempted to show that, the demonstrators in the building created a contention by blocking the janitors staff from doing their jobs. On Monday, another of the janitors, Gerald Graichen, a stu- dent, testified he had been or- dered to stop working by the head of the maintenance team. He added they "were concern- ed for my welfare." However, he indicated that he was never threatened. argets of an asked to ac- n a coni- City At- Morgan niversity ad is sit- morator- 'ore issue 'er issue e them-