A closer look at the bookstore's 1r £1r4,ithan Daitlj Seventy-nine years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan ledgers 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff wrjters or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: DAVID SPURR I Tomorrow' s moratorium: Nixon leaves us no choice PRESIDENT NIXON'S statements yes- terday reaffirming his intentions not to "be swayed by public demonstrations" should serve as an incentive to the un- decided to take an active part in tomor- row's moratorium. "There is nothing new we can learn from the demonstrations," Nixon says. "The question is whether, in the absence of any new arguments, we should be turned aside from a carefully considered course." UNDER NO circumstances should this President, who was himself elected by a minority, be allowed to flaunt the wish- es of the governed and ignore the pro- test against the Vietnam war. The mora- torium is indeed not born of new evi- dence; it is rather a display of collective frustration with the government's un- willingness to heed old arguments, survey old evidence and reconsider old policy. To support the moratorium is to re- pudiate a President who philosophizes that "To allow government policy to be made in the streets would destroy t h e democratic process." But many Americans have determined to take the process into the streets and campaign actively for peace. Although it remains unclear how many citizens will participate in tomorrow's moratorium, it is apparent that an overwhelming num- ber of Americans will stage the largest anti-war protest ever held. In the usually stuffy suburbs of Bos- ton, communities passed resolutions sup- porting the moratorium. In the pastoral suburbs of Detroit, peace marches will be held and petitions calling for with- drawal by July are being circulated. At campuses across the country, students will strike their classes and professors will either join them or devote class time to a discussion of the war. THE SIGNIFICANCE of this demonstra- tion cannot be overestimated. It will bring together Americans from all spans of the political spectrum toward a single end: protesting the continuation of a senseless slaughter that epitomizes the worst aspects of "official" American pol- icy. And hopefully, many of those who will be making their first symbolic act of pro- test tomorrow, will remain in the anti- war movement and press for a total re- ordering of American priorities both at home and abroad. We urge you to take part. -THE EDITORIAL DIRECTORS (EDITOR'S NOTE: The author is a graduate student in the history department. Hie was once employed at a local bookstore.) By EDWARD SUROVELL Daily Guest Writer DURING the last week. or so three handouts concerning costs of operating a bookstore in a university community have been distributed on campus. Two of them, entitled "Where Does Your Textbook Dollar Go?" and "Where the New Textbook Dollar- Goes," have been passed out in the local bookstores, and the University has distributed to its employes a "Re- port to the University Community from the Office of the President" on "The Bookstore Issue." All three of these documents claim to give all or most of the relevant statistics on the econ- omics of textbook costs and book- store operation, but in fact the data are misleading (intentionally so in the case of the two sheets handed out by the bookstores) and require interpretation. THE BOOKSTORE flyers both play on the use of the word "text- book" to distort the figures they show. "Textbook" has two distinct meanings, one in the publishing industry, one for students. In the book trade a textbook is any book designed to be sold pri- mariy to college classes in bulk quantity: these books are almost universally discounted by the pub- lisher to the bookstore at 80 per cent of list price. To the student, however, a text-. book is any book he has to pur- chase as required reading, includ- ing paperbacks and hardcover books other than those discounted as texts by the publishers. Rather than the 20 per cent dis- count allowed on texts, discounts on these books range from 40 per cent to 50 per cent and include virtually every paperback series, such as Anchor, Vintage, Torch- book, Dell, Delta, Viking, most of the university presses, Bantam. New American Library, Grove Press, and many more. Hardcover books given 40 per cent discount or more by the pub- lishers include most fiction, poetry, history, and other general non- fiction-and series such as the Modern Library. MOST STUDENTS, faculty, ad- ministration, even bookstore own- ers and Regents of the University can recognize that books not "short discounted" (i.e. 20 per cent) represent a large part of any student's required purchases. Thus, the two bookstore flyers have used the limited definition of textbook to distort the real nature of where each "textbook" dollar \goes, for many books are not short discounted. The 20 per- cent discount, how- ever, is not the only distortion the bookstores use in these handouts. For' example, "Where the New Textbook Dollar Goes" says that "College students and others have been spending more than $3 mil- lion a year for textbooks": I be- lieve this statement should read "$3 billion." Almost $3 million a year is spent in Ann Arbqr alone. A small typo-maybe-but $3 bill- ion is an awful lot of money. A SECOND OPENLY mislead- ing figure. and one that is far more important for the student. is the claimed prices paid for and charged for used books--"text" and otherwise. Regardless of the fact that the National Association of College Stores and the American Text- book Institute claim that "the na- tional average for the repurchasing of textbooks by college stores is 50 per cent of the $1.00 that was paid by the original owner." even 'if "it is assumed that this book will be used in the current se- mester and is in good condition and is the current edition of that title," there is no question that such is not the case. The standard repurchase price nationally and locally for books that meet the above requirements is 40 per cent, no more. Any book- store employe, will tell you that Furthermore, few books in any one semester, even if in new con- t_ I -+t I ,__ ___ -- ., .,3,.,.. -- t _ ' f Y, ' e ,-1" r II r- " t r f r M cMl6A 1 #sA ty .,, . . .. "I see, Mr. Ulrich, your study shows that discounts wouldn't be feasible. Well, you should know, I guess ." dition, "will be used in the cur- rent semester." Books are used on a yearly cycle, not every semester. BUT EVERY other category stated above also reduces the stu- dent's chance of getting even 40 per cent back. "Good condition" Letting the people decide THE CURRENT effort to abolish the Electoral College is an insignificant move in the attempt to democratize the American political system. For while the College is a minor ana- chronism, its abolition w i11 in no way remedy other basic defects in the elec- toral process which render our system a "psuedo-democracy." While some claim that true democracy is an unattainable goal within the frame- work of our present economic order, there are defects which can be corrected so as to make the electoral process a far more meaningful representation of the popular will on public issues. THE FIRST AND grossest defect is the extent to which candidates and par- ties of differing financial means h a v e such drastically unequal access to t h e public's eye and ear. The wealthy candi- date can buy vast amounts of advertising, projecting himself constantly into the voter's home via television and radio. He can pay highly skilled campaign workers, organize parades and demonstrations, and travel extensively. The candidate of more modest means must constantly scrape for cash, often al- lowing himself to become unduly influ- enced by those able to supply him with the money he needs. If he refuses to submit to such tempta- tions and attempts to get along on the small contributions of supporters, he will be at a s e v e r e disadvantage against a wealthier opponent. He will be unable to pay for advertising, TV or radio time, or professional campaign workers. And, he may have to spend much of his limited time in fund-raising attempts, while his wealthier rival meets the people. The solution to this problem lies in ef- fective government requirements making large amounts of free television and ra- dio time available to all candidates who qualify for a place on the ballot - in both primary and general elections at all lev- els of government. This solution must al- so involve the appropriation of substan- tial public subsidies to meet t h e other smaller campaign expenses. Such regula- tions could succeed where unenforceable limitations on campaign donations and expenditures have failed. [HE SECOND defect is t h e unrespon- siveness of party organizations to pub- lic opinion. Political party organizations at the local level typically degenerate in- to a clique of old-timers: conservative in world view and life style, anti-intellectu- al, unconcerned with broad political questions and often unresponsive to pop- ular will. On the national level, party or- ganizations usually represent a broad conglomeration of such groups. To remedrv this unres'pnsivness it will the ballot. The institution of the runoff for all elections, with the two top candi- dates in the first election facing e a c h other a week later, will prevent the vic- tory of candidates who win by a minority vote, only because two or more candidates of similar views split the opposition. THE THIRD CRUCIAL problem is the abscence of meaningful information available to the voter. The voter general- ly has little or no idea of what specific power public officials have, what the pub- lic records of the various candidates are, and what positions they hold on vital is- sues. He usually makes decisions based on party loyalty, except when some over- riding issue causes him to oppose or sup- port whatever man happens to be in of- fice. The only sources of information he has readily available are the advertising of the respective candidates, and the news reports, which invariably present him with a collection of meaningless charges and counter-charges that he of- ten has no intelligent way of interpreting. This defect would probably be the most difficult to correct, and yet, it is the most crucial. For if voters had some relatively easy way of understanding the merits of candidates, the other issues might be of lesser significance. A sophisticated elec- torate would probably not be taken in Eby vast amounts of advertising, and would probably .not support the candidates of corrupt and incompetent machines. WE COULD SUGGEST the establish- ment of an independent public com- mission, composed of noted journalists and scholars of. varying political views, who could write and distribute informa- tion booklets to all voters regarding -1) the specific powers of the official they are electing, 2) a clearly stated summary (including various interpretations) of the candidates actual records in previous public positions, 3) statements submitted to the panel by the candidates delineat- ing their stands on major questions. This information could be distributed as a section of newspapers the week be- fore elections, or be m a i l e d to voters' homes. In addition, part of the TV and radio time made available might be ear- marked for regular debates, which would be held as a regular campaign procedure, rather than just at the convenience of candidates. An impartial observer might participate in the debates to explain and adjudicate when the candidates differ ov- er facts on a question of record. These are only tentative suggestions, and o n c e a dialogue on this subject emerges, there would doubtless be many better ones. But an effort must be made to stimulate posi- tive suggestions on this matter. WHILE THE Electoral College is a relic to a bookstore means "almost new." Many books are used for only one year and will never be used again, especially here in Ann Arbor where few of the traditional "western civilization" type courses which remain static year after year are taught. And most im- portant, "current edition" makes one out of every four or five of the large texts obsolete every year, because almost all of these texts are designed by their publishers to be revised on a four or five year cycle. So, once every five years you get nothing. Lastly, a glance today or any day will tell you that even the poorest used text rarely sells for less than 75 per cent of list price --the best ones for more. Lest the very lots profit claim. d by the bookstores of three cents on the dollar (and remember that this is the short-discount dollhr only) prove misleading, keep in mind that 3 per cent is on esch sale only, and does not represent annual profit on invested capital. The same money a bookseller in- vests on your January book is re- invested on your books in March. May, July, September, and Christ- mas: three cents on the dollar can and goes mean 10 to 15 per cent profit per year. CONCERNING the figutes plc- sented with President Fleming's letter, there are a few points that need to be brought out. First, this study makes it clear that college bookstores are profit- able operations; of all the stores surveyed, only two reported less than 100 per cent self-sufficiency, and those only slightly under 100 per cent: all reported a profit. Second, in no case was there a textbook volume of less than 300 per cant of average inventory, which indicates a healthy profit potential for any text store. There are some other points, however, that relate directly to the question of a student-operated bookstore here at Ann A r b o r. Two of the five Big Ten stores give student discounts, none of the Michigan stores do: of the ten stores surveyed, only one returned even a portion of its profit to stu- dent-related activities (s c h o1 ar- ships). In all the non-Michigan stores giving discounts or rebates, faculty and staff received a higher return than did students this, of course, is true now here in Ann Arbor, where faculty and staff receive discounts at most of the book- stores, while the students receive none) But what is clearest is that in all cases the student receives les than any other user of university operated bookstores. In this light I think it is perfectly clear a hy it is so important that students have full managing authority over any University sponsoied i ook- store. Otherwise, they stand. ittle chance of gaining anything. I WOULD ALSO like to suggest that any one-time fee for the funding of a store also be assessed against the faculty and adminis- tration, who will benefit no 1ess than the student body. In this connection, the point that Presi- dent Fleming raises about the Student Vehicle Fund merits one last comment: The Regents he- lieve, according to President Flem- ing, that "few students now in school ever paid anything into the fund, and that funds of this kind once deposited into a University account do not "belong" to special groups, and they feel the need for use of these funds in ther wa vs The same argument can be used to ask why students now-or ever for thathmatter-should be asked to pay the initial costs of a book- store that in ten years "few stu- dents now in school" will ever have paid for. TrHhe truth about the colorblind military By LORNA CHEROT f HERE IS A myth pervading this society that the military is colorblind, but to the black GI the military is just as racist as the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club. Dis- putes, both verbal and physical, have broken out between the races and have just recently received press attention in Louisiana, South Carolina, and most recent- ly, Selfridge Air Force base near Detroit. Attention has been focused on Selfridge because of court martial proceedings intiated this week in the case of the United States versus Airman First Class Evelyn James. Airman James, who is black,has been charged with dis- orderly conduct for allegedly as- saulting a white WAF, N a n c y Moran. Yet, while the fracas between WAFs James and Moran is only one in a series of clashes between blacks and whites at Selfridge, it is one of the first in which a black person refused to be inti- midated by the military hier- archy. SELFRIDGE IS NO- different from the rest of society. The fric- tion between the races wa al- offer them $1000 for three nights work, but they won't hire a n y brothers who are willing to play for less," says one serviceman. When asked why black g r o u p s weren't hired, one committee member allegedly replied t h a t there were enough Negroes at Sel- fridge and if they brought a n y more up they would soon be edg- ing the whites out. Air force officials, who w e r e unresponsive to black complaints in the past, started getting up- tight last February when the air- men and officers formed B l a c k Servicemen Organizations, a n d when their friends -- some of whom are Black Panthers - visit- ed wearing African garments. There were also sporadic occur- rences of harassment of blacks by white commanders over Afro hair styles. But clashes over hair have since subsided. Says Afro- coiffed Sgt. Diana Green, "No one says anything, but we know they don't like it." During the spring. complaints from blacks against white over- seers increased in both number and volume. For those who per- sisted, the military solution was simple - either transfer t h e trouble-makers or discharge them. noise. She obliged by turning down the volume. But in the meantime, the white WAF went to get the master sergeant, who is also white. Upon returning to the barracks, the master sergeant barged into the room, hitting Green in t h e mouth with the door. Green, who later swore out a complaint against the master sergeant for violation of an Air Force regula- tion which states that no one may enter an officer's room w i t h o u t the consent of that officer, was treated at the base hospital for a split lip. The master sergeant was transferred before any action could be taken on Green's com- plaint. Two days later, Sgt. Green found her car sprayed with shaving cream and the words "choir nig- gers" scrawled on the car. Base police were called in to investi- gate further tampering with the car, and another complaint was made by Sgt. Green. ON AUGUST 26, Airmen James and Griffin were driving around the base and noticed two white WAFs - one was Nancy Moran -- whom they suspected of dam- aging Sgt. Green's car, parked in the drunk WAF charged at her again, swinging at James b u t missing. James then sought to de- fend herself by retaliating Mor- an's assault with a reciprocal blow. Then two black servicemen drove into the parking lot and separated the two women. It is reported that the servicemen had difficulty containing Moran, as she repeat- edly made attempts to charge af- ter James. Later that evening Moran re- turned with 15 white WAFs who gathered outside James' barracks chanting that they were going "to get James." One of the more in- censed white WAFs tried to set fire to the barracks that housed James. But the bonfire and rally were interrupted by base police. BOTH JAMES AND MORAN were reported to their squad com- mander. Major Richard J. Mackle- ravey, who reduced the charge from assault to a misdemeanor of disorderly conduct, made an ef- fort to settle the matter quick- ly by asking both parties to cop a plea of guilty by omission. Mor- an agreed, but James would not On September 17, Airman James was notified that court martial proceedings were b e i n g brought against her by the mili- tary. September 18, Airman Grif- fin, a prime eyewitness to the melee, was transferred to Elman- dourk, Alaska, If James is found guilty of the charges against her she is libel to punishment under Article 15, the same as Moran, but the mili- tary has the added alternative of sentencing her to 30 days in jail. The Air Force may then also place a motion for a general court martial against James, who if found guilty would be eligible for a dishonorable discharge. SELFRIDGE AIR FORCE of- ficials will probably emerge from the briar of racial bias slightly scratched. Since the base is be- ing transformed into a navalsbase, the authorities will be spared the task of implementing substantial reform. The populace of St. Clair Shores, who cheered the National Guard as they mobilized to do combat