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October 14, 1969 - Image 3

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m tily


Last Chance To Get Shot!

I Tuesday, October 14, 1969

Ann Arbor, Michigan

Page Three

:>: a

for your
come to the 'Ensian office, 420 Maynard
10-12, 1-5, 7-8



news today
by The Associated Press and College Press Service
THE SENATE passed a compromise student loan program.
The bill raises the interest ceiling on loans to college students
from seven per cent to ten per cent. The difference would be paid by
a federal subsidy.
Previously, banks had been unwilling to loan money to students
because they could lend to other customers at higher interest rates.
The bill also appropriates $240 million in additional federal aid
to students from low income families. The measure also calls for a
study by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare of al-
leged discrimination against students by certain banks.
The bill now goes to the House of Representatives for approval.
THE VATICAN was the scene'of intense debate over proposalsI
for liberalizing the church.
Speaking before Pope Paul VI at the Second World Synod, clergy-
men from three continents urged that bishops be granted more power.
The proposal, which is symptomatic of the current dissent overj
the monarchal power of the papacy, was criticized by conservativei
churchmen who warned that a decrease in papal authority would
spread confusion and conflict among the world's Catholics.
THE SOVIET UNION launched two more cosmonauts into
The two cosmonauts will bring the total number of Russians now
in orbit to seven. Observers in Moscow say the mission is designed as'
a step toward the construction of an orbital space laboratory.
Official announcements indicated that yesterday's launching
was the last planned in the experiment.
UNEMPLOYMENT will rise above four per cent in the coming
months, predicts a leading economist.
Arthur W. Okum, who was chairman of the Council of Economic
Advisors under former President Johnson, said that the unemployment
increase was not high enough to be feared. He added that the Nixon
administration's fiscal policy was maintaining the degree of restraint
necessary to curb inflation while insuring high employment prosperity.
In recent weeks Nixon's policy has come under attack as being
a possible prelude to a recession. This view was heightened last week
when the Labor Department announced that unemployment had
increased from 3.5 to 4 per cent during September.

Supreme Court to rule
on non-religious CO




Also sets review
of ADC limits
Supreme Court agreed yester-
day to review the constitu-
tionality of a provision in the
draft law which requires that
conscientious o b j e c t i o n be
based on religious belief.
In its first decisions under
Chief Justice Warren E. Burger,
the Supreme Court also announced
they would hear arguments on the
constitutionality of the attempt
by 27 states to set absolute limits
on the amount of public assistance
any one family can receive.
The draft case stems from con-
tradictory rulings made by two
federal courts.
Earlier this year, Federal Judge
Charles E. Wyzanski, Jr. of Boston
found the religious requirement to
be unconstitutionally discrimina-
tory against people with no re-
ligious beliefs.
However, a federal court in Cal-
ifornia upheld the law in another
test case. Yesterday, the Supreme
Court said they would review both
cases, paving the way for what
many observers feel would be a
decision with far-reaching effects
on the Selective Service System.
The welfare case will be heard
on an appeal from the state of
Maryland, where a $250 per month
family maximum was ruled illegal
last March by a federal court in
In addition, the Supreme Court
agreed to hear an appeal which
asks that a $10-million per month
reduction in welfare assistance to
ffamilies in New York state be


-Associated Press

Ordeal over


t I

Britisk journalist Norman Barrymaine, who was held in solitary
confinement for 19 months in Communist China, speaks to news-
men yesterday in Hong Kong. Barrymaine said he kept his sanity
by dictating news stories to an imaginary secretary.
Nixon to address
nation on Vietnam


William Glover
Suzanne Grossmann
Directed by Stephen Porter


,.4Wo .'

375 No. MAPLE PD.-"769-1300
SAT. and SUN.- :00-3:05-

The Michigan Daily, edited and man-,
aged by students at the University of
Michigan. News phone: 764-0552. Second
Class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, 420 Maynard St...Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48104. Published daily Tues-
day through Sunday morning Univer-
sity year. Subscription rates: $10 by
carrier, $10 by mail.
Summer Session published Tuesday
through Saturday morning. subscrip-
tion rates: $3.00 by carrier, $3.00 by

WASHINGTON {,P - President dent declared his policy would not Attorneys for ten welfare re-
Nixon will address the nation on "be swayed by public demonstra- cipients in New York say the re-
his Vietnam policy Nov. 3, in a tions." duction, begun last summer, con-
nationally broadcast speech, the "To allow government policy to flicts with a congressional meas-
White House announced yesterday. be made in the streets would de- ure which requires that payments
The announcement, which came stroy the democratic process," under Aid to Families with De-
as Nixon began discussions with Nixon said. pendant Children be increased to
n a d ciUnited The Vietnam speech will be de- reflect an increase in living costs.
Henry Cabot Lodge, chiefUntd TeVenmsecwilbd-; In other action, the Supreme
States negotiator at the Paris livered on the eve of scattered Court agreed to decide whether a
Peace talks, stirred speculation off-year elections. Some observers state may deny voting rights to
that the speech may bring to light felt that Nixon might be attempt- persons living in a federal reser-
either a major new development ing a last-minute effort to aidvation
or a change in administration Republican candidates. However, the Court refused to
poli. The speech announcement is the review a lower court decision up-
However, no change in policy latest in a flurry of administra- holding a statute requiring anti-
appeared evident yesterday, as tion activity on. the Vietnam war, smoking messages on radio and
Nixon reiterated his stance that which some observers feel is de- television.
he would not be affected by the signed to take some of the edge In the area of criminal law, the
nationwide anti-war moratorium off tomorrow's protests. Supreme Court agreed to hear
scheduled for tomorrow. Last Thursday, Nixon conferred NwYr tt fiil hl
In etr oaGogeonU 1 with Ellsworth Bunker, ambassa- lenge a ruling by U.S. Circuit
versity student who had chal-I dor to Saigon. On Saturday, he, Court that state prisoners who
lenged Nixon's position, the Presi- discussed Vietnam nnliCV With!..i,.. a .4n




"We the undersigned faculty and student members of the Asian Studies commu-
nity at the University of Michigan feel it is our special obligation to speak out in
opposition to the war in Vietnam, and are therefore supporting the nationwide
October 15 Moratorium.
"Since we are personally involved in the study of Asian culture and societies, we
are particularly aware of the futility and inhumanity of this war, and of the in-
creased distortions and rigidities in American foreign policy in Asia. We cannot
accept in silence the current position of the U.S. administration and instead de-
mand the immediate withdrawal of all U.S. troops andsupplies from Vietnam.
"We intend to suspend all regular academic functions on October 15 and to sup-
port the activities of the Moratorium, including organizing public action against
the war, helping to educate people on the issues, and attending the Mass Rally."


- - -------- -- ----- -
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October 15th and 16th
rtment of Speech Student Laboratory Theatre
by W. B. YEATS
Arena Theatre,Frieze Building


__. _._____ _ _ _ __ _ ___ ___ _ _ A.

Gen. Earl Wheeler. chairman ofI
the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Meanwhile, plans to keep the
House of Representatives in ses-
sion all night tonight in support
of the moratorium remained,
The planned protest evoked a
wave of Vietnam debate in the
Senate, where two former sup-
porters of American involvement
in the war joined the bloc de-!
manding withdrawal of U.S.
One of the two senators, Thomas
J. McIntyre (D-NH), said "Our:
own nation itself is tearing itself
apart under the ordeal of Viet-
However, the administration
supporters continued to denounce
the withdrawal proposals saying
the blame for prolonging the con-
flict belongs in Hanoi, not Wash-
"What I'm pleading for," said
Senate Minority leader Hugh
Scott (Penn), "is to encourage
young people on the fifteenth of
October to ask themselves one
question: 'Whose side are you

pieaded guilty are entied to new
hearings if they charge that their
pleas were motivated by involun-
tary confessions.
. The ruling if affirmed by the
high court, would give hundreds
of prisoners in New York a
chance to win new trials.
In the area of labor, the Su-
preme Court will decide whether
the National Labor Relations
Board has the right to force a
company to yield to a union de-
mand that it check off workers'
union dues.
A nother 20 appeals were accept-
ed for review by the Supreme
Court. The wide range of cases
which the Court agreed to hear
prompted some observers to spec-
ulate that the activism of the
Warren Court has not been damp-
ened by the new chief justice.
Judge Wyzanski's ruling block-
ed the government's attempt to
jail John Heffron Sisson Jr., a
Harvard graduate from Lincoln,
Sisson claims he conscientiously
opposes the Vietnam war, but not
because of religion. He refused to
submit to induction last year and
was subsequently convicted.

Betty Jane Andres
H. Bryant Avery
William Bachmann
Elleanor Bagramian
John Bardach
Josefine Bardach
Philip Barry
Roberta Barry
Daniel Bays
Richard K. Beardsley
Elliott Berry
Larry Bieri
W. Ross Brewer
John H. Broomfield
Thomas W. Burkman
Bonnie Carlson
Dietrich Carter
Charles Cell
David Chandler

Sharon Fidler
Glenn Fletcher
Albert Freedman

Rex Leghorn
Robert Leutner
Roberta Levenbach

Steve Schroeder
Howard P. Schuman
Anthony Shaheen


"The freshest, funniest picture
so far this year."
-NBC Monitor

Aileen Gattan Deborah Levine Terry Shannon

Anya Gendler
Joel Glassman
Howard Goldstein
Roger F. Hackett
Robert Hackmann
Gary Hanjurgen
Philip Harley
William Hauser
Phillip Hausknecht
Kenneth Herlin
Donna Hogle
Homer Hogle
Anna Holmberg
Kathy Houck

David Liden
Herbert Loner
Mark Lucoff
Joanne Mei
Robert McKinley
Roger Mills
Allan Miller
Sandra Miller
Thomas Miller
Ronald Monteperto
George Morel
Rhoads Murphey
Susumu Nagara
Edna Newman

Gwendolyn Shimono
Frank Shulman
William B. Sibley
Martin Singer
Andrea M. Solomon
Jaonne Banthin Stelzer
David Steinberg
Joyce Strong
Lynn Struve
Ronald Suleski
Frederic Surls
Thelma Swartzentruben
Carl F. Taeusch
Cassie Tokushige
Robert Treadway

Jarmer Clarkson Leslie Howard
Judith Coshak Gerald Huntley
Diane Danielle Barbara Kaufman
Robert F. Dernberger John J. Keane
Neal David Dodill Allan R. Keiler
A I - - r-U- ....,.-1 1 . ._

Ellen Paglinauan

Richard A. Perry Govind Tripathi
Ira Plotkin Edward VanderVelde
Thomas Poffenberger Frans Van Rosevelt
Frances Prevas R. William Vroman
I r% .I .1n ..,J . .1.I. .




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