T4r 3ir4igan Daiti Seventy-ninie years of editori(II freedoI Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: DANIEL ZWERDLING -4 Law School elitism: Time for a change The antiwar movement and how it grew rHE BLACK Law Students Alliance de- serves campus-wide support in its de- mands on the Law Sclool. For too many years the Law School has completely ig- nored the black community. Now it acts too slowly and too timidly in deference to the interests of the alumni, the w h i t e community and the faculty., And rather than letting the black stu- dents assume the principle role in relat- ing the Law School to the needs of the black community, the faculty and admin- istration have in the past pompously and patronizingly assumed that role for them- selves. The necessity of increasing the number of black students must be of tantamount importance - meaningless elitest con- siderations should be ignored. Matthew McCauley, assistant dean for admissions, argues that the University must compete with Harvard and Yale for a small pool of qualified blacks. This is nonsense. If the University can't compete with these schools it should obviously re-examine its qualifications. .JEANWHILE the Law School is patting itself on the back for its liberalism and generosity. Of the seventeen blacks admitted this fall only five of them could have been admitted under regular stand- ards. The other twelve were special ac- ceptances. This number could easily have easily been thirty-five. The regular standards, including t h e LSAT, bear little relation to native intel- ligence and maximum relation to one's membership in t he white middle class. The Law School should not compromise with this racial bias by only admitting some special cases. The Law School should attempt to totally compensate for this racial biasby ignoring LSATs and focus- ing completely on the applicant's real po- tential for functioning successfully in the black community. In this context the black law students themselves are most capable of determin- ing which blacks are qualified and which aren't and should h a v e the dominant voice in determining qualifications. The six member student-faculty com- mittee which considered the remainder of the applications contained only one black student. And McCauley ruled out 60 of the 125 applications before they even reached the selection committee. Apparently he was positive those blacks couldn't cope with the work load and should be spared the needless suffering of trying to compete. OBVIOUSLY some whites can effectively evaluate the potential of black appli- cants. But more obviously black students who have lived in the black community most of their lives can do it so much more effectively. T h e special admissions committee should be reconstituted in compliance with the demands of BLSA, three black students and three faculty members in- cluding one chosen by BLSA. Financially, if the white alumni grow paranoid over "reverse discrimination" the Law School can find scholarship funds somewhere else. Scholarship funds for blacks will be located when the Law School shows a real desire to reorder its priorities in favor of racial justice rather than physical plant facilities or faculty benefits. The twin problems of elitism and the powerlessness of black students may be at fault in the recruitment of black fac- ulty and administrators. Theodore St. An- toine of the faculty recruitment commit- tee said that despite the most vigorous efforts only three black faculty members were approached; all three declined their offers. AGAIN THE LAW SCHOOL may h a v e looked for black faculty with impec- cable academic credentials. If that were the case the "qualifications" should have been lowered. Moreover, no b 1 a c k stu- dents were on the recruitment committee. The curriculum problem again reflects a white elitist emphasis on churning out qualified corporation and tax lawyers to the exclusion of dealing with the needs of poor and black people. Two Law School courses dealing with poverty law and race relations 1 a w re- spectively were abandoned because the professors left the Law School. Perhaps if black faculty members had been succes- sfully recruited those courses would still be taught. The BLSA has indicted the Law School for racism, a charge which to many may seem overly severe. But the Law School is as racist as many other institutions in America. Until recently the Law School made no attempt at all to compensate for the inevitable racial bias in its admis- sions procedure. The faculty has appar- ently admitted that its "fair and unbias- ed admissions procedures" are a f a r c e with regard to black students. But t h e Law School must no longer nod its head in recognition of the validity of black de- mands. It must bend over backward to meet them. ''HE BLSA DEMANDS entrance of a substantial number of blacks regard- less of their "qualifications." They aren't prepared to wait twenty years for a suf- ficient number of blacks to become "qual- ified" for admission, under t h e totally biased mechanisms of the p a s t or the semi-biased mechanisms of the nearly all-white special admissions committee. Who can blame them? -TOBE LEV By BRUCE LEVINE THIS WEDNESDAY, the nation will wit- ness the largest anti-war action it has ever seen. It will include students, workers, businessmen, congressmen, college admin- istrators, and professors. It will cover the political spectrum from moderate right to, left. It is not a phenomenon we should al- low to pass without examination. When John Kennedy took office in 1961, there were about 600 U.S. troops in South Vietnam - hangovers from the Eisenhow- er years. The new administration regarded the outgoing's foreign policy as ideological- ly rigid, misguided, and "essentially mor- alistic." When asked to enlarge his military com- mitment to Saigon in 1962, Kennedy was firm. "They say it's necessary in order to restore confidence and maintain morale," he confided in an aide. "But it will be just like Berlin. The troops will march in; the bands will play; the crowds will cheer: and four days later everybody will have for- gotten. Then we will be told we have to send in more troops. It's like taking a drink. The effect wears off, and you have to take another." Arthur Schlesinger relates Kennedy's firm conviction that the war could be won only so long as it was a Vietnamese af- fair. "If it were ever converted into a white man's war, we would lose as the French had lost a decade ago." By 1963, liberal and enlightened John Kennedy had boosted troop levels in Viet- nam to 16,000 - i.e., by a factor of 25. We can examine o n e outstanding factor at work in these years undermining J o h n Kennedy's "hands off" resolve: his own world view. JUST WHAT WAS John Kennedy po- litically? He was certainly not, on the one hand, a reactionary. He had only contempt for Dulles's platitudes and w a s honestly concerned about the need for progressive change in the world. On the other hand, he was no radical, either. John Kennedy felt the need for change, but only for certain kinds achieved in cer- tain ways. Neither reactionary nor radical, he was instead the most prominent of the self-styled pragmatists, the "tough-mind- ed" liberals. As a sympathetic man, he favored re- forms. But more pragmatically, he s a w their utility - they could help defuse rev- lutionary movements in the world. And as a pragmatist, Kennedy was pre- pared for contingencies. Specifically, if re- formism failed, he had other tools at hand - one of them being the stick. He said as much to Schlesinger in planning L a t i n America's future: "There are three possibilities in de- scending order of preference: a decent democratic regime, a continuation of the Trujillo regime, or a Castro regime. We ought to aim at the first, but we really can't renounce the second until we are sure that we can avoid the third." When forced to choose between right- wing reaction and leftist revolution, Ken- nedy chose the former. Nor was this the President's private quirk. On the contrary, it is the tried-and-true standard of twen- tieth century liberalism. A n d it is quite logical if you accept its assumptions: First, contemporary American society is seen as the pinnacle of human civilization and the principle source for further pro- gress. The foundation of tlh is society is capitalism. While one w o u l d prefer his capitalism in as sweet a form as possible (a "decent democratic regime"), one must defend even its less attractive forms (e.g., Trujillo) so the entire social order would not be overthrown. NOW HOW WOULD such an outlook ap- ply itself to Vietnam? First, it would look for reformers. John Kennedy looked. And in the mid-1950s he found Diem. With the benefit of hindsight, everyone can now see what a poor choice this was. But the point is that in i the Vietnamese context, Diem was just about the best anyone could come up with. In those days he was a nationalist (of sorts) and relatively honest. That these traits were rare among t h e Vietnamese ruling classes is demonstrated by the suc- cession of pimps, puppets, and playboys which have followed him. What Diem was by 1960, he was forced to become by his position. The Saigon regime which he headed was a landlord regime; when the people demanded land, the regime had to refuse. To do otherwise would have been to commit class suicide: what is a landlord without land? The people wanted exactly what the re- gime could or would not give, so reform- ism-as-stopgap was an illusion. And once committed to the Vietnamese counterrev- olution, he (like Diem) was left only with escalating levels of force. So the war rolled on, got ever more bloody and costly, and rolled on some more. And then John Kennedy died. A mess created by a liberal president and born of scupulously liberal politics w a s dumped unceremoniously into Lyndon Johnson's lap. For liberals now wincing under the weight of the war's responsibility, the new situation was optimal. It would be child's play to make a Southern conservative ap- pear the only villain of the piece. With his elephantine clumsiness and dripping hy- procrisy, Johnson was the perfect patsy. Wayne Morse could now inform his col- leagues that - had John Kennedy lived - he would have ended the war in short or- der. It was a thesis somewhat difficult to test, and was therefore perfectly suited to the liberal establishment's needs. THE SHIFT from uncomfortable sup- port to relieved opposition did not take place all at once, of course. It was a slow, tedious process - with the participants constantly testing the political waters be- fore venturing further. No one was ever really sure how openly and militantly the dissent ought to be conducted. Thus in 1964, we find Senator J. W. Ful- bright (in his "Old Myths and New Reali- ties" speech) promising Johnson his sup- port even if "the war is carried to the ter- ritory of North Vietnam with a view to ne- gotiating a reasonable settlement." Some months later Fulbright made good on his promise by personally shepherding the Tonkin Gulf resolution through the Sen- ate. Throughout this period, Fulbright's goal is "the independence of a non-Com- munist Vietnam." And he constantly re- veals his underlying fears: E v e n if we should toy with negotiations, he warned, don't get us wrong! "It should be clear to all concerned that the United States will continue to defend its vital interests with respect to Vietnam." In March of 1965, a Kennedy man from the State Department, Roger Hilsman, lec- tured a House subcommittee on the need for negotiations. But he repeated Ful- brights caveat. "We cannot bluff. If the Communists refuse to come to the nego- tiating table and insist on total victory, we must fight- and fight on the ground as well as in the air." IN THE MEANTIME popular anti-war sentiment began growing. While student activists attacked imperialism and de- manded complete and unilateral US troop withdrawal, the corporate liberals decried strategic errors and requested negotiations. The difference involved more than tem- perament. The anti-war movement w a s casting a jaundiced eye at the social sys- tem which created the war. The corporate liberals had a stake in that system and were simply quarreling over the way it should be managed. The difference is clear from the reasons the establishment dissi- dents gave for opposing further escalation: -- General James Gavin (ret.) : "My concern for Vietnam first became aroused when I found us cutting back out global commitments in the realm of economics, for I began to suspect that the escalation in Southeast Asia would begin to hurt our world strategic position." - Marriner Eccles, formerly of the Fed- eral Reserve Board, now chairman of Salt Lake City's First Security B a n k: "The Vietnam war is responsible for the most serious economic, financial, and political problems in this country. It is responsible for the huge federal deficit . . . the de- ficiency In o u r international balance of payments . . . inflationary pressures . . . increasing strikes and exhorbitant de- mands by union labor . . - John M. Mecklin, JFK's public affairs officer in Saigon, now on Fortune's board of editors: "Quite apart from the risk of holocaust, the "cost-effectiveness" of the war as it is now being waged . . . is be- coming debatable, especially since the Pueblo incident so dismayingly revealed the weakness of our posture elsewhere," AS THE WAR escalated still further, so did the energy of the liberal opposition. Now Eugene McCarthy and Robert Ken- nedy took the field against the ogre. And throughout their efforts, their distinctively liberal approach shone through. McCarthy entered the fray with the ex- plicit purpose of undermining the radical anti-war movement. He was out to save middle class children from "third or even fourth parties." He was determined to draw the war's opposition back into "legitimate" channels - such as the Democratic Party. And his rhetoric was chalculated to dis- courage "extremist" solutions. 'McCarthy's reasons for opposing the war were quite clear. He had decided "about the middle of 1966," he said, that "the pro- portion between what it was going to cost to win a victory and what would come of victory came at that point out of balance." On that principled basis, McCarthy dumped Johnson. His prescriptions were similarly inspiring. "I think there should be a phased withdrawal over a period of several years." Hadn't even Johnson prom- ised withdrawal within six months of set- tlement? Said McCarthy: "I would advise him against moving that fast. I would put the time limit at five years." As for uni- lateral withdrawal, of c o u r s e: "I don't think it's desirable." Nor did McCarthy allow h i s Vietnam views to color the way he viewed the rest of the world. "We are now in Thailand. I think we could remain there for some time even though we did withdraw from South Vietnam." Why? Because we had a "strong base" there which discouraged "Chinese expansion." KENNEDY WAS Tweedle-dunm. Stating in no uncertain terms that he "supported the objectives of the Administration" in Vietnam, Kennedy saw three roads to achievement: victory, negotiation, with- drawal. As for the first - "If we can de- feat them without paying a great price, an overwhelming price, then that's what I'd like to do." Bobby's worry was that the job was getting too costly. It seemed useful, therefore, to try negotiations instead. But the road of "military victory" was by no means closed. "Despite all the dan- gers, we may yet come to this course. The intransigence of our adversaries may leave us no alternative." One alternative t he y were leaving us, of course, was immediate withdrawal. But that was simply beyond the pale. It "would be catastrophic for American interests," for one thing, "would mean a repudiation of commitments," for another, and in stum "would injure, perhaps irre- parably. the principle of collective secur- ity " THESE WERE the men who promised, in the n a m e of American liberalism, to chart the nation a new course. All of which brings us down to the pres- ent. Johnson's out, the Republicans are in, and it's open season for liberal Democt'ats on "Nixon's war." Wednesday this campus, like many, many others, will shut down in protest. Make no mistake - this is a milestone. But let us go even further. Let us learn some lessons from this war: in particular, how to prevent the next one. We will not accomplish that by "letting bygones be bygones." Nor will we do it by dismissing the differences between the real war protesters and the corporate liberals. The latter stand with us now not out of principle, but out of convenience. Our job, it seems to me, is to set about building a movement which will fight against all imperialist wars, not just the long, expensive, and politically-embaras- sing ones. HENRY STEVE NISSEN City Editor GRIX, Editor RON LANDSMAN Managing Editor .\ARCIA ABRAMSON .... Associate Managing Editor PHILIP BLOCK ... .Associate Managing Editor CHRIS STEELE............... Associate City Editor STEVE ANZALONE ......... Editorial Page Editor JENNY STILLER ...Editorial Page Editor JOAN GRAY........................ Literary Editor LESLIE WAYNE ....................... Arts Editor LAWRENCE ROBBINS.Photo Editor LANIE LIPPINCOTT.A istant to the Managing Editor WALTER SHAPIRO .Daily washington Correspondent MARY RADKE .. . Conributing Edittr LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Mathematics professors support moratorium To the Editor: EVERY DAY, the Vietnamese people watch helplessly as their country is defoliated by American chemicals and devastated by American bombs. Every day, in- nocent men, women, and children are crippled and killed by Amer- ican napalm and anti-personnel weapons. It is the conviction of the under- signed members of the Depart- ment of Mathematics at the Uni- versity of Michigan that the con- tribution of the United States to the destructive war in Vietnam must stop immediately and com- pletely. On Wednesday, Oct. 15, in co- operation with the nation-wide moratorium on "business as usual," we will cancel our usual activities at the University. We consider that it is our duty, as citizens and educators, to so dem- onstrate our conviction, and to ap- peal, by our example, to our fellow citizens to join the opposition to -Peter G. Hinman -Noel J. Hicks -Thos. Storer --R. Gariepy -J. D. Halpern (on leave) -Arthur J. Schwartz -Raymond F. Goodrich -Clifford 0. Bloom -William J. Haboush -B. A. Taylor --C. L. Dolph Anti-strike To the Editor: WE THE UNDERSIGNED are members of the University of Michigan Law School faculty. We speak here as individual members of the larger University and na- tional communities. For a variety of reasons all of us feel that the "mandatory suspension of Uni- versity classes on Oct. 15" would be wrong, and some of us feel that any suspension of classes on that date is imnroner. However, we are We feel that the piecemeal withdrawal of unspecified numbers of American troops is an inade- quate response to the need for peace in this area. We urge the President to commit our nation to withdrawing all its troops from Vietnam in as short a time as pos- sible. We hope that a cease fire will be arranged while this with- drawal is in progress. -Francis A. Allen, Dean -Layman Allen -Olin L. Browder, Jr. --Paul D. Carrington -David Chambers -Alfred F. Conard -Roger A. Cunningham -Charles Donahue -Whitmore Gray -Carl S. Hawkins -John H. Jackson -Douglas Kahn -Yale Kamisar -Frank R. Kennedy -Robert L. Knauss -Richard 0. Lempert -Alan N. Polasky fully endorse and encourage sup- port of the national moratorium on Oct. 15 to end the war in Viet- nam. We support this action as a legitimate means of expressing de- sire to obtain an immediate with- drawal of all American troops in Vietnam. We make this endorsement sole- ly in the interest of promoting world-wide peace and strongly en- courage all concerned citizens to join in our support. -Herbert W. Johe Assistant Dean, -William A. Lewis Associate Dean -Student Faculty Committee Dept. of Architecture Oct. 7, 1969 No endtorsement To the Editor: AN ADVERTISEMENT in the Daily for October 8 indicated that the Anthronnltiv n inninaim action to "endorse," as a group the Moratorium. Each decided to follow, in effect, the guideline set out by the Assembly resolution of October 6, and we should like to put the record straight. -William D. Schorger Chairman Anthropology Dept. -William E. Porter Chairman Journalism Dept. Oct. 9 Political purity To the Editor: STEVE NISSEN and Bruce Levine seem to miss the major reason for the success which the anti-war movement has had thus far. In their editorial suggesting that people should support the Oct. 15 Moratorium ". . . with sec- ond thoughts" they appear to ad- vocate a purist, sectarian policy of eyhluing lihernl from the anti- platform in the past and if he represents a constituency he is welcome to speak there again. Political purity excuses none of us from acting to end the war. -David Gordon Oct. 9 Smash Newberry To the Editor: THE SITUATION at Helen New- berry Hall cannot be tolerated any longer. The oppressive atmosphere of the place is out of our control, but the flagerant violation of the Constitution of the United States of America must cease. People may not be aware that prayers are ritually said before meals at H.N., and to attend a meal one must be present during prayers. Lateness at a meal means that you miss it. Effectively this comes to mean