T4P Afrrigan flaffj Sevenity-n in e years of editorial freedom Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan One or two joints don't a pusher make 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: JIM NEUBACHER Support the moratorium .. . "FHE MOST broadly based political pro- test ever planed in American history is scheduled to begin next Wednesday as an overwhelming number of citizens participate in a moratorium against the war in Vietnam. The one-day moratorium - which will be expanded by one day each month until the war ends - has all the best fea- tures of effective political action: poten- tial for mass support, maximum visibility, and nonviolent, rational action. This surge of anti-war sentiment is vitally needed. The movement is recover- ing from an almost year-long stagnation, stagnation bred by the frustrating presi- dential campaign and the ambigious situation created by the ascension of Richard Nixon to the presidency. SOME WILL argue that Nixon himself deserves a moratorium, more time to extricate the United States from a prob- lem it took si xyears to create. On the right, critics contend that a moratorium will do nothing to bring peace, it will only provoke violence and lawlessness. Indeed, Richard Nixon himself vowed that "un- der no circumstances will I be affected whatever by it (the moratorium)." And critics on the left proclaim that only more radical action will compel the President to cease the Vietnam atrocity. Force must be met with force. Commit- ment must be complete. Meanwhile, the moratorium is building a broad base. It is attracting anti-war protesters from religious leaders to uni- versity presidents. It is drawing support from noted radicals like Thomas Hayden. It is being backed by students and facul- ty members, by suburban housewives and office secretaries. IT IS ESSENTIAL that such broad-based action be taken now. All the anti-war sentiment in the nation must be pooled against an intransigent administrator who has arrogantly refused to acknow- ledge popular protests against his con- duct: This means that neither radical action nor conservative nonaction is ap- propriate; well thought out, political ac- tion is required. Those who argue that stopping regular activities for one day in October will do nothing to stop the war are ignoring the possibilities of large-scale protests. Mor- atorium leaders seek to convince as many people as possible of the rightness of their cause. The people working for the moratorium here and at other colleges will make overtures to neighboring com- munities to win backing for the move- ment. Nonviolent protest has been vin- dicated by history as a well-conceived tactic to effect political change. Those who contend that stronger ac- tion is necessary are both impolitic and naive. Disruptive action, whether it is violent or not, will alienate a large mass of potential allies and - worse - will play directly into the hands of Richard Nixon. It would be a godsend to the Pres- ident if the movement were to discredit itself in the minds of the "trouble ma- jority" by appearing to be anything other than rational, humanitarian and idealis- tic. IT IS UNREASONABLE for any anti- war supporter to do other than sup- port the moratorium. To fragment the movement now is to allow Richard Nixon all the elbow room he needs to protect his own political life while prolonging the war and ending it the way he wants, not the way it should be ended. The moratorium is a political counter- attack on the Administration and neither quiet, conscientious objection nor v a n- guard, revolutionary action can exert quite the same impact on a nation plagued by a war that must not continue. -HENRY GRIX Editor. -RON LANDSMAN Managing Editor (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is t h e second part of a three-part series describing Sinclair's arrest and conviction for possession of mari- juana. In this section Sinclair re- lates the events between his second arrest and the trial for his third and last arrest.) By JOHN SINCLAIR / THE DETECTIVE who had masterminded the big raid, a plainclothes sergeant named War- ner Stringfellow, was promoted to lieutenant shortly after my arrest and "conviction," and I saw him again byaccident after I was released from the House of Cor- rection. He asked me if I remem- bered him, and I told him in no uncertain terms that I knew exactly who he was and would he please get the hell away from me. He got mad and ended our conversation by promising to "get me" again, and "this time we won't be so easy on you, you prick." Within ten days, according to police records which were sub- peoned at my trial, Stringfellow has assigned undercover a g e n t Vahan Kapagian (alias "Louie") to my neighborhood, with specific instructions to "get Sinclair." KAPAGIAN'S FIRST APPEAR- ANCE, according to his notes fil- ed with the Narcotics Bureau at the time, was at a poetry reading at WSU where I read a new poem I'd written about Lt. Stringfellow, which Kapagian described in his report as "obscene." The agent was disguised as a human being, wearing a beard, long hair,, a beret and casual clothes. His next appearance, the following Friday night, was at the newly o p e n e d Grande Ballroom, which he de- scribed to the Bureau as a place where "Sinclair's followers" wvent to have a good time. They tried to buy marijuana from a number of people there, including F r e d Smith of the MC-5, but were un- successful. Kapagian also start- ed attending meetings at the Ar- tist'shWorkshop and "infiltrat- ed" the organization (which I had helped establish two years before). Soon he brought another under-cover spy into the caper- a policewoman named Jane Mum- ford, who called herself "Pat," wore hip clothing, smoked weed, helped out with the typing and mailing, and played up to t h e males around the workshop in her attempt to "get the evidence" of their depravity. Kapagian and Mumford made repeated attempts -- they w e r e on th° scene almost daily for three months - to buy, steal, beg, ca- jole, or otherwise obtain m a r 1- juana from almost everyone in sight. They were relentless in their pursuit of illegal substances. Since there were no "professional" deal- ers in the area at the time they concentrated on casual marijuana smokers and played on the young people's confidence and innocent trust to achieve their ends. WHEN THE POLICE finally pulled their big raid, on January 24, 1967 (Kapagian's first ap- pearance, according to his re- cords, was on October 18, 1966), the Narcotics Bureau had war- rants for 11 alleged sellers or dis- pensers of marijuana, three of whom were actually from o t h e r parts of town and had nothing to do with our scene at all. Includ- ed in the raiding party were the entire Detroit Narcotics Bureau, State police agents, Federal Drug Abuse Bureau Agents, U.S. Cus- toms agents and, probably some visiting firemen from Interpol and the CIA. In addition to the eight resi- dents of our neighborhood charg- ed in the warrants, the heroic raiders pulled in a total of 43 in- nocent bystanders who were held overnight and released without charge in the morning. When agents invaded the Artist's Work- shop to arrest Don Moye and my- self, for example, they pulled in a total of 15 other people, none of whom were subsequently charg- ed with a crime. The victims included all the caught and going to jail) was charged with "dispensing" one roach, or butt end, of a mari- juana cigarette-less than t w o grains of the evil substance- which he had shared with the undercover agent. OTHERS, like Moye, were charged with "sale of marijuana." with its 20-year minimum-man- datory sentence, for merely in- troducing the undercover spies to a friend, Marlene Kroghan, who allegedly sold them one ounce of grass. Two more, Michael Knight and Norman Weingarden, were charg- ed with "sale and possession" of the same matchbox full of mari- juana - about one-fourth of an ounce. A student. John Nagel, was charged with the 20-year-to-life sales count for allegedly selling the cop an ounce of weed that he'd grown himself, in a window- box in his anartment off campus. Two more. Sandy Weinstock and Sheldon Roth, were charged with the sales count in some wierd deal involving less than one ounce of marijuana between them. THESE were the criminals-the done ring that was leading the poor college students at WSU down the old primrose path. All of us were determined to fight our cases in the courts when the mass arrest was made, but when the dispositions came down I was the only one who had continued in my resolves to fight the ridiculous charges: all the others pled to lesser charges and received pro- bation sentences. I took my case through the courts and was rewarded with the wrath of the whole legal system in Detroit. which culminated in a sentence of nine and a half to ten years for possession of two joints of marijuana. THE FIRST MOVE with the help of attorney. Dennis James, was to ask for dismissal of the charges against me on the grounds that the Michigan marijuana stat- utes violate certain provisions of the United States constitution: namely that the laws provide cruel and unusual punishment; that they violate the provisions of "due urocess of law" in that no proof has ever ben brought to show why marijuana should be illegal: that they are in violation of the "eaual protection" provision on two counts: (1) that the'same penal- ties are offered for marijuana use and sale as are offered for heroin and other opiates; and (2) that the same penalties obtain no mat- ter what amount of marijuana or heroin is involved, so that a per- son convicted of giving away two marijuana cigarettes is subject to the same sentence-20 years to life-as a man who is convicted of selling 300 tons of pure heroin to six-year-old school girls. We also contended that the laws against marijuana use by individ- uals violates their right to pri- vacy and their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The courts decided to hear the motion to dismiss, and my new lawyers, Sheldon Otis and Justin C. Ravitz, prepared an 80-page brief supporting our motion. Den- nis James, who got the motion before Judge Crockett, turned it over to his friends Otis and Ravitz when he left Detroit to assume his new duties as Executive Secre- tary of the National Lawyers Guild in New York City., AT THE HEARING, Judge Crockett decided that the issue was of such import that he couldn't rule on it himself, and he invoked a previously unused pri- vilege of lower-court judges and, for the first time in Recorder's Court history, impanelled a three- judge tribunal to consider the con- stitutional questions. Ravitz argued the motion before the tribunal, which was comprised of orockett, Robert J. Columbo, and Judge Maher of the Recorder's Court bench. On April 17. 1968, the panel unanimously denied the motion for dismissal, stating that they felt the questions of the con- stitutionality of the marijuana laws were too big for them to handle. All threejudges concurred that they felt it wasn't the place of the lower court to make such decisions on the constitutionality of the laws even though they knew there were serious questions in our arugment that "involve controlling questions of law as to which there are substantial grounds for dif- ferences of opinion," according to the written opinion. The defense then moved to ap- peal this ruling, arguing that the constitutional questions should if possible be settled before a full trial on the charges, because if the laws were in fact invalid the ordeal of a full state trial would be un-, necessary and irrelevant. Ravitz and Otis filed an "interlocutory application for leave to appeal" to the Michigan Court of Appeals, which denied permission to appeal on December 31, 1968 (two years after the alleged offense has been committed), and then to the Michigan Supreme Court, which likewise denied leave to appeal on May 22, 1969, sending it back to the Recorder's Court for trial. IT IS INTERESTING to note that on the same day the notice came from the Supreme Court de- nying leave to appeal the decision on the pretrial mQtion, a notice came from the Recorder's Court setting the trial date for June 3rd, 1969. In other words, after t h e state had taken less t h a n two weeks to prepare the trial defense. Fortunately, the trial wasn't able to start June 3 because the female witness, police-woman Jane Mum- ford, was about to deliver a baby. So the trial was postponed until the 24th of June. On June 20th the trial judge, Robert J. Colombo, ruled in re- sponse to a defense motion that the "dispensing" charge be thrown out of court on the grounds that the evidence h a d been obtained through "illegal entrapment," i.e., the undercover agent had entrap- ped me i n to doing something I wouldn't otherwise have done. The judge further ruled that even though the evidence had been ob- tained illegally, he was still go- ing to try me for possessing it. His strategy here was clear to us: since he had only the word of the police agents to convict me with, he wasn't going to try to bring the "dispensing" charge be- fore the jury because even they would find it hard to send me to prison for twenty years to life on the word of an undercover s p y that I had given him two joints two and a half years before. But the "possession" conviction, with the one-y e a r minimum on the sentence, wouldn't bother the jury so much; even though he was le- gally wrong in pressing the pos- session charge, it would take years to get a reversal of his decision in the appeals courts and he could keep me locked up all during the appeal. THE TRIAL STARTED June 24th. The formal charge at this stage was "possession of 11.50 grains of marijuana" on Decem- ber 22, 1966. The defense moved to have the judge disqualify him- self from hearing the c a s e be- cause he was prejudiced against the defense attorneys, the de- fendant, and the case itself, but he refused to step down. We then moved to dismiss the entire jury panel on the grounds that it was illegally constituted and could not possibly insure me a fair apd im- partial trial by a jury of my peers. Ravitz's main argument here was that since I am a revolutionary, and since revolutionaries in Amer- ica believe that social change does not come about through voting, we don't register to vote as a mat- ter of principle and consequently are denied the opportunity to serve on juries. Colombo denied the mo- tion. We moved that the posses- sion charge be dropped on t h e grounds t h a t the judge himself had ruled that the evidence had been illegally obtained, but he re- fused that one, too, and the trial began with the selection of a "jury of my peers." letters from prison { I members of a band that was prac- ticing there and another group of people who were preparing to start their weekly poetry work- shop. THEY GOT front-page banner headlines from this one: 56 Ar- rested in Campus Dope Raid- Police Smash Ring With Light- ning Raid - LSD May Be In- volved, stuff like that. I was the newspaper "ringlead- er" of the criminal conspiracy, despite the fact that I was charg- ed with "dispensing and possess- ing" 11.50 grains (two cigarettes) of marijuana and released on $1000 bond. No one else was charged with the sale or possession of more than one ounce of grass, and one of the victims, Ralph Greenwood (who jumped bond and later com- mitted suicide in another state because he was afraid of getting LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ...with second thoughts EVERY YEAR the anti-war coalition gets bigger. And every year it incor- porates people with more "moderate" politics. There is an immediate tempta- tion to cheer the emergence of such a popular front; we've opposed the war for seven or eight years, and we welcome company. But popular fronts work in very specific ways. Their goal is to include as many people and groups as possible - as har- moniously as possible - under one um- brella. This is accomplished by throw- ing all the various political positions to- gether and cutting off the rough edges. In order to eliminate dissension in the ranks, the front unifies around "l o w e s t common denominator" politics. This process is useful where the dif- ferences involved are minor. In this case the differences are very great in- deed. JNCREASING numbers of "corporate liberals" have joined - and in some cases are directing-the anti-war coali- tion. They include the Kennedys, the Mc- Carthys, the Fulbrights, the Gavins, and small-time local politicians like Len Quenon. They diagnose the war as a freak de- parture from an otherwise reasonable foreign policy. They insist it is a surface blemish on the society, unrelated to the basic principles and structure of the society. On the other hand, we, as radicals, must view the war - not as a freak -- but as a natural product of a society which is predatory and hierarchical in nature. WE OPPOSE the war because we believe in the right of peoples to self-deter- mination and reject the American foreign policy of economic, political and military domination. We are extremely leery of corporate liberals who originally promoted this war, and who now join the "peace" movement in droves. We believe they are doing so, not out of principle, but because the war has become unpopular, unprofitable, and ence in diagnosis leads to difference in prescription. The liberals wish to end the war with as little fuss as possible. Because the war is to them just a blemish, they advocate simple plastic surgery. Any measures aim- ed at fundamentally restructing society find the liberals in violent opposition. Radicals believe that the way in which this society is structured a n d governed guarantees that it will combat - in one way or another -- all wars of national lib- eration. Our prescription is precisely the kind of radical reconstruction of society which the liberals so fiercely oppose. Popular front politics which atteMpt to include both groups will have to castrate one. WE CAN ALREADY see this happening. At the mass Mobe rally in September, liberal City Councilman Len Quenon an- nounced in one breath his opposition to the war and his fierce adherence to "free enterprise." Not a murmur arose from the Mobe "radicals." Because if they had told that crowd that it is precisely "free en- terprise" and its politicians which causes such wars, they would have endangered the solid front with the liberals. And in the Mobe, of course, that is the greatest taboo. The upshot of all this is apparent. The anti-war movement is being diverted from radical analysis and opposition to. simple support for liberal politicians on the way up (or back) into office. By mut- ing their politics, radicals become simple office boys for the Muskie-Hart-Kennedy campaign machine. And that is a disas- ter. Because such men are fairweather dis- senters. They judge wars w i t h adding machines. If a war against Thai rebels is cheap, a President Muskie will make the investment. IT IS THE responsibility of radicals to announce their politics, not mute them. We must squarely place the blame for this war on the society which spawn- ed it and on the liberal Democrats who nursed it. This war is the legitimate child History of To the Editor: THE faculty of the Department of the History of Art affirms its support of anti-Vietnam activities on October 15, 1969. To emphasize further its con- cern for ending the War, each cur- rently teaching member of i t s faculty is donating his salary for October 15 in support of this We will contribute the total sum of $556.23 to the November 15 March on Washington. Should the Government take clear action be-y fore that date,making the March unnecessary, this sum will be de- dicated to The Committee of Re-y sponsibility for the care of Viet-' namese children injured by the War. -Richard Edwards Marvin Eisenberg Calvin French David Huntington Joel Isaacson Virginia Kane Diane Kirkpatrick Victor Miesel Clifton Olds Charles Sawyer Priscilla P. Soucek Walter Sprink Egon Verheyen Donald White Nathan T. Whitman Oct. '7 art profs back moratorium I i op on the part of the landlords for the welfare of tenants in general. They correctly see it as a last ditch attempt to break the rent strike and eliminate any chance of having to make concessions to to the union. This tactic will not succeed. PERHAPS THE GREATEST in- dication of how well we are doing is the fact that we have been able not only to survive but to grow despite the obvious difficulties of the past month. The bookstore and ROTC issues have attracted much of the attention of this campus recently, and (since they and the Tenants Union are ultimately tied in to the overall issue of student control of our own affairs) many rent strike people have also been devoting a good deal of time and effort to them. But these are short-lived activities and the ten- ants union is a viable, continuing effort. Our ideas are rapidly spreadng to other major campuses such as Berkeley where a rent strike promises to be a majornac- tivity this year. We have provided the necessary leadership and in- spiration for this spread and will continue to be involved with it while not neglecting Ann Arbor itself. THE TENANTS' UNION is the most promising and positive stu- dent activity going on in this country right now and (I am con- fidently assured that) it will con- tinue to grow. If anyone's op- timism should be dampened it should be the landlords' who will soon be joining us at the bargain- ing table. -Norm Finkelstein, '70 Oct. 8 Olympian few To the Editor: Mr. Levine's editorial of Sept. 27 {"... more than a bookstore") was quite unclear. His statement Tenants union 'To the Editor: AS AN ORGANIZING group leader for the Tenants' Union I feel compelled to reply to Tues- day's Daily article which gave the false impression that the Rent Strike isn't getting off the ground and organizers are becoming de- pressed. Nothing could be more misleading. In fact, organizing is going well andthis is largely due to the enthusiasm and hard work of the organizers themselves. The people in my own group, for example, are out talking to tenants nearly every night and are receiving many favorable re- sponses. We are expecting at least 35 per cent of the several hundred *...__,y, ter. c .mc. w a+. f et = -cnww . X96 £+i9 . 19c . *eI,4ff~e an nc.n S i had to be postponed a month due to a lack of a sufficient number of willing strikers. However, we eventually had over 1200 tenants withholding rent and putting it into the escrow account. This se- mester there was no need to move back the target date, which was Oct. 1, even though organizing has just begun. There are already many new strikers as well as those stands and will be able to take an active role in shaping policies. This will be especially important after landlords have begun to negotiate with us on specific points of their respective con- tracts. THIS PERSONAL involvement kind of organizing is by necessity a slow process and many of the generaJly filled with anything but pessimism about the strike. (It must further be realized that since the organizing has only been gping on for a few weeks, most workers are only now completing the first round of visits to their buildings.) THE OWNERS and managers of most of the buildings being struck claim that the strike is not