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October 09, 1969 - Image 1

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Sunny and

Vol. LXXX, No. 31 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 9, 1969 Ten Cents

Eight Pages

CSJ fails
to reach
Posponeed in SIS
case until Tuesday
Central Student Judiciary
failed to reach a final decision
last night in the SDS recruiter
lock - in trial. Deliberations
will resume at 6:30 p.m. next
Although no final verdict was
reached, CSJ was able to decide
that SDS as a group had "sig-
nificantly interfered" with free
movement during the lock-in. The
judiciary also decided that there
is no substantial evidence that
three of the four defendants took
any other action than "merely be-
ing present."
No testimony was heard last
night and no discusion took place
except among CSJ members.
Chairman Marc Wohl explained
the deliberations were opened so
the free atmosphere which had
characterized the trial might con-
The case of the fourth defend-
ant, Don Rotkin, will be consider-
ed separately because of earlier
testimony to the effect that he in-
cited the crowd to block a door-
The defendants - Fred Miller,
Steve Kriegel, Nais Raulet and
Rotkin - and SDS as a student
organiation are charged with vio-
lating Student Government Coun-
cil's sit-in ban during a demon-
stration last March against Navy
recruiter A u g u s t i n L'Etoile.
L'Etoile was locked in a room in
the West Engineering Bldg. last
March 25 for six hours.
CSJ ruled that earlier testimony
by defense representative Ken Mo-
gill and the statement on an SDS
flyer circulated during the dem-
onstration were sufficient evidence
to find SDS guilty of violating the
SGC rule against disruptive dem-
In his opening statement beforel
CSJ three weeks ago Mogill ad-
mitted, "We are proud that we
were in the disruption."
The flyer described the plannedf
disruption of the naval recruiter
and explained that SDSNas spon-
soring the action.
CSJ also ruled that the evidencef
presented regarding the participa-
tion of the three defendants-a set
of photographs-was insufficient
proof but appeared likely to con-
sider the three liable for convic-
tion as part of SDS.t
However, Wohl said that CSJc
could rule later that the meret
presence of the three defendants,
at the West Engineering Bldg. is,
sufficient to convict them.
However, alter some spectatorsk
Interrupted the hearing with
shouts, Wohl said no unnecessary
amount of noise would be tolerat-
ed. "If we are unable to discuss
this matter without outbursts, weI
will simply close the meeting," he1
CSJ first, considered the possi-t
bility of disqualifying CSJ mem-E
ber Alex Nelson on the formal re-
quest of Ken Mogill, defense rep-
resentative. Mogill claimed thatG
Nelson's removal of the defend-a
ants' NLF flag from the room dur-
ing las't week's hearing demon-f
strated personal animosity to
them. The request was defeated by
a 5-0 vote with one abstention.t
Tapes of speeches by prosecu-t

tion lawyer Peter Forsythe andf
Mogill were studied by CSJ at thec
start of the meeting. Importantt
parts of the transcript were also-

White I





to meet on
books tore
President Robben Fleming
yesterday agreed to meet with
faculty and student represen-
tatives Saturday to discuss the
bookstore question.
Announcement of the meeting:
came in a terse statement which
gave no indication of the presi-
dent's reaction to recent informal
agreements between students and
faculty. Fleming was out-of-town
last night and could not be reach-
ed for comment.
A small ad hoc drafting coin-
mittee will meet today to set down
the bookstore plan agreed to by
student representatives and the
Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs (SACUA) at a
meeting Tuesday.
The document which emerges
from the drafting session is ex-
pected to be the center of discus-
sion at Saturday's meeting.
Fleming has agreed to place the
bookstore issue on the agenda of
next week's Regents meeting, but
there has been no official word
from either the administration or
the Regents on how they view
the student-faculty plan.
Major points in the informal
agreement reached at Tuesday's
meeting include:
--Funding of the store through
a $5 per person "rolling assess-
inent" which would be refunded
when the student or faculty mem-
ber left the University,
--Creation of a bookstore con-
trolling board composed of six
students. three faculty members
and one non-voting administrator;
--Holding of a University-wide
referendum sponsored by Student
Government Council but conduct-'
ed in the various schools and col-1
leges on the funding plan;'
--Possible amalgamation of the
bookstore and SGC's Discount

CSJ chairilan

_- Datiy-DonlaIi, -At
illat'e \Voli


-Associated Press
Plainclothesmen restrain Daniel Villenfin, a French actor, in a Paris theatre last night after he
rushed toward the stage where astronaut Neil Armstrong was sitting, brandishing a . pencil.
Millions of French TV viewers saw the "incident" live. Villenfin claimed later he was only at-
tempting to get the astronaut's autograph.

White Panthers John Sin-
clair and Pun Plamondon
were indicted by a D e t r o i t
grand jury yesterday on fed-
eral charges of conspiracy in
connection with the dynamite
bombing of the Central Intel-
ligence Agency of.fice in Ann
Arbor last September.
Also named in the indictment
were Detroit residents David Val-
ler and John W. Forrest.
In addition to being charged
with conspiracy, Plamondon was
charged with performing the act-
ual bombing operation Sept. 29,
1968, at the CIA office at 450
S. Main St.
Forrest, member of a Detroit
motorcycle gang, was arrested
yesterday at his mother's home in
Detroit and was later released on
$2500 personal bail after plead-
ing not guilty. Panther defense
minister, Plamondon was report-
edly in New Jersey at the time
the indictment was issued, where
he was scheduled to appear with
his wife and other Panther mem-
bers on charges of possession of
Sinclair, Panther minister of
information, is currently serving a
9'2-10 year sentence at Marquette
State Prison for marijuana p o s-
session. He will be brought to De-
troit next week for arraignment
on the conspiracy charge.
Valler, who is now seiving a
term in Jackson State Prison on
a narcotics charge, was not nam-
ed as a defendant in the indict-
ment although he was named as
a co-conspirator. Evidence for
the indictment was reportedly ob-
tained from Valler, who was in-
formally associated with the Pan-
thers before they moved from De-
troit to Ann Arbor.
U.S. District Attorney R o b e r t
Grace declined comment on Val-
ler's role in the investigation. Val-
ler was among a group of Detroit
youths charged several months
ago in similar bombings in the
Detroit area.

LSA group to submit
fac ulty-st udettlan
W~ ~
A student-written proposal for the establishment of a
faculty-student council to govern the literary college will be
presented this morning at a meeting between LSA Dean Wil-
liam Hays and four of the student authors.
The report is a proposal from the LSA Student Assembly
Committee on Reform concerning the approach the college's
faculty should take in reforming its governmental structure.
Currently the literary college faculty is considering a pro-
posal creating an alternative to its unwieldly monthly all-
faculty meetings by setting up a smaller and more efficient
council to govern the college.
The LSA Student Assembly is a newly formed group open to
all undergraduate literary college
students with official representa-
tives from several undergraduate H
departmental organizations. Pres-
ently it. appoints student members
to the LSA curriculum committee,
administrative board, and admis- tec or I
Under the terms of the Assem-s
bly's proposal, the governing fac- By ALAN SHACKELFORD
ulty would continue to exist, but The national moratorium against
would most likely meet only bi- the war in Vietnam is gaining ad-
annually. The oigoing govern- ditional local support as Oct. 15
ment of the college would instead draws near.
be carried out by the faculty-stu- Some R e s i d e n t i a 1 College
dent council. Tihe council's ac~ students are planning a hunger
tion's would be binding unless strike to coincide with the mori-
specifically reversed by the goy - torium. Participants will sign a
erning faculty. pledge not to eat any dormitory
Should the governing faculty mmals for that day with the mon-
veto a student-faculty council cy saved (a little over a dollar per
action, however, the council could s t u d e itt1 earmarked as a
repass the motion by a three- contribution to the New Mobiliza-
fourths majority to reverse the Lion.
decision. The hunger strike is "intended
The report. dated Oct. 7. is at to represent a stronger commit-
this stage little more than a nego- ment against the war than simply
tiable proposal to continue to not attnding classes." according
focus governmental reform efforts to hunger-strike organizer Bard
on the need to include real struc- Montgomery. '72.
t u r e student decision-making The Residential College Repre-
power. sentative Assembly is expected to
See LS.A, Page 8 approve this contribution.

Non-academic University em-
ployees may participate in the
Oct. 15 moratorium, with t h e i r
supervisor's permission, adminis-
tration officials announced yes-
terday, but they will probably lose
a day's pay or vacation time.
A letter sent to all deans, di-
rectors and department heads
says "where work situations per-

policy outlined

'ike, ROTC picketing
O~ct. 15 moratorium

mit, staff members . . .-may b°
aranted time off from their work
by their supervisor or department
head" to join the strike activi-
"Such time if granted may be
charged against the employee's
existing vacation accrual, consid-
ered excused absence without pay,
or may be rescheduled at the dis-
cretion of supervision," the letter
says. Employees who leave work
without permission will be giv-
vn warnings, or disciplined bar
their department heads.
Director of Personnel R. W.
Reister, who drafted the policy
with C. M. Allmand, assistant to
the vice president foi' academic
affairs, told The Daily yesterday
that permission will not be grant-
ed to employees whose "super-
visors can't run the department
without them."
Employees such as hospital
workers, dormitory food staffs,
heating plant employees and em-
ployees in production operations.
must remain at work, Reister

to the

Evans said the policy will
force employes committed
Mobilization to "call in

Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Allan Smith denied the policy
discriminated, "Faculty members
can more easily reschedule their
duties than other employes,"
Smith said, adding that "There
is an obligation to see that the
University runs."

unfair, when it's not costing facul-
ty who can much butter afford
to pay.
"*We'm'e being clearly discrim-
inated against as second class citi-
zens." she said.

Mobilization, meanwhile, has Since being sent to prison, he
distributed 6,000 leaflets through- has written several "anti-hippie"
out University, offices in an at- articles for Detroit newspapers,

--A petition asking for "a ces-
sation of 'business as usual' " on
Oct. 15 in support of prompt U.S.
withdrawal from Vietnam" was
signed by 27 of the roughly forty
members in the Department of
Economics. The petition also call-
ed the war "one of a series of
foreign adventures in which the
United States has interevened in
the domestic affairs of another
people on behalf of a reactionary,
corrupt, and unpopular political
--LSA Student Assembly passed
a resolution yesterday "enthus-
iastically" supporting the strike"
and encouraging participation.
In view of the student action,
Dean iWlliam Hays of the Liter-
ary College commented that the
decision whether or not to strike
would be "left up to the individ-
ual .

-After a "spirited meeting" the
English Department faculty d?-
cided to make participation in the
moritorium an individual decis-
ion. according to department
Chairman Russell A. Fraser.
Teachers have the option of re-
scheduling classes or substitut-
ing symposiums on the war for
their regular classes.
-- The Coalition of Concerned
Fraternities added its official sup-
port to the October 15 strike dur-
ing an Intrafraternity Council
meeting last night. The Coalition
formed after IFC did not reach a
quorum at its scheduled fraternity
representatives meting, and
could take no "official" action in
support of the anti-war mora-
torium yesterday.
---Dean James B. Wallace of the
Music School said that the
school's Executive Committee vot-
ed to "let each professor follow
his own conscience" in regard to
the Oct. 15 moritormium.
Sociology graduate students
passed a resolution against t h e
war and supporting the Oct. 15
-A dissenting opinion concern-.
ing the anti-war action came from
Associate Dean A. R. Hellwarth,
of the Engineering School.
"I'm against it," he said. He
pointed out that "students come
to the University to go to classes,"
and that this takes precedence
over the moritorium.
----In a resolution passed last
night, the Undergraduate Philo-
sophy Committee endorsed the
nation-wide moratorium and urged
all students in philosophy to sign
petitions against the war in Viet-
nam. They asked students to par-

tempt to gain support among non-
academic employes-mostly secre-
Spot checks yesterday indicated,
only a small percentage of secre-
taries plan actually to strike.
Others expressed sympathy with
the moratorium, but claimed work-
loads prohibit them from leaving
their offices.
All secretaries in the social
work school are joining in the
moratorium, however, according to
Associate Dean Robert Vinter.
Deans elsewhere indicated their

Secre taies who have to
office deadli s must al o
on the job, Reister' added.


including a story headlined
"Drugs Ruined My Life" which
appeared on the front page of
the Detroit News.
"Valler's the state's star wit-
ness," said Ann Arbor Argus Edi-
tor Ken Kelley, who is closely as-
sociated with the Panther organ-
ization. "He's trying to cop a par-
ole plea."
In one of his recent letters from
prison, Sinclair expressed fear
that Valler would attempt to im-
plicate Panther members in the
Plamondon, who faces two other
charges on marijuana possession,
has reportedly indicated to friends
that he would flee the country if
jail appeared imminent.
See SINCLAIR, Page 8


Ten pounds of 'radical groups'

The policy was received w it h
anger by some employees. who
charged it treats non-academic
personnel differently than aca-
demic employees.
"Faculty and students are al-
lowed to make individual decisions
regarding the moratorium a n d
not be penalized, but a n o n -
academic employee has to ask his
supervisor," said secretary Jake
Evans, an organized for the Stu-
dent Mobilization Committee.
Mrs. Evans also protested the
provision docking pay. cutting va-
cation time or requiring employees
to reschedule their work - pro-
visions which will not affect aca-
demic employees who join the
"The University says literally,
if you want to participate in the
moratorium, it's going to cost
you," charges Mrs. Evans. "That's
IOn today's
Pa cq Thre
The nomination of Judge
Clement Haynsworth is in
"serious question" as Mich-

schools have not
policy on employe
off work.

yet formulated
requests to take

When the special Huber sub-
committee on campus disorder
and student unrest receives the
University's reply to its 13 in-
vestigative questions next week.
it will not get the information
on radical groups it is looking
Huber committee, in fact.
will get little more than a com-
pendium of archaic by-laws.
student handbooks, public ini-
formation bulletins, S t u d e ni
Government Council regula-

be affecting your campus the
In response to this question,
the University will send the
Huber Committee a list of all
current student organizations--
including fraternities, sororities,
publications and interest clubs.
'The University has hundreds
of organizations of various in-
terests," explains William Haber,
special assistant to the execu-
tive officers. "It would be purely
a value judgment to decide
whsich Y1011) ' t e left which

comprehensive lists of every
program, concert, movie, and
lecture on campus since last
year. and throughout 1969, in-
cluding room numbers and
In the section on University
policies toward speakers, Hu-
ber's committee will learn the
University prohibits speakers
who "advocate audiences to
take action which is prohibited
by the rules of the University
of Michigan or which is illegal,"

The report contains little of
significance other than a his-
tory of ROTC on campus, rules
on use of the Fishbowl, policies
on faculty tenure and student
records, and copies of Judicial
Council ballots used by the
Nursing School.
There are no names and no
addresses included in the report.
"Everything we say to the
Huber committee, we will say
to you (the students)," Haber
declares. "We're trying to be as


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