Sunday, October S, 1969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven Sunday, October 5, 1 969 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Page Seven wri ters, poets, art'ists, phoatographers generation accepting material for information, call 769-7353 or 665-4636 420 Maynard Penn By The Associated Press MANHATTAN, Kan. - Second- ranked Penn State withstood furi- ous Kansas State offensive flur- ries early and late and hung on for a 17-14 victory over the fired- up Wildcats yesterday. Kansas State, fighting back from a 17-0 deficit, scored its second touchdown with 15 seconds to go and completed a conversion pass to trim the final margin to three points. Sophomore Lydell Mitchell, fill- ing in for injured Charley Pitt- man, provided the fuel for the Nit- tany Lions' offense. He ran for 123 yards on 19 carries and cracked the scoreless battle by uncorking a 58-yard touchdown run midway through the second period. Trojans darn Beavers State staves off Kansas State ed Southern California overcame early Oregon State stubbornness yesterday and powered to a third straight victory of the season, 31-7. It was the first Pacific-8 Con- ference game of the season for Southern California and put the Trojans on the road to a possible unprecented fourth straight Rose Bowl appearance. time this season the seventh rank- ed Bulldogs had been scored upon. Arkansas throttles TCU LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Quar- terback Bill Montgomery and split end Chuck Dicus, Arkansas' pass- catching combination from t h e suburbs of Dallas, colaborated on two touchdown passes to spark the third-ranked Razorbacks to a Oregon State took advantage of 24-6 victory over aroused Texas a first quarter fumble by Southern Christian University here yester- Christian University hereyestnr Califounia to take a 7-0 lead.U USC struggled to a 10-7 lead by halftime and then smothered the Beavers in the last half, driving to three touchdowns with a mixture of running by halfback Clarence Davis and passing by quarterbackI Jim Jones. ., 4, 4 day. l CORVALLIS, Ore.-Fifth-rank- 11lldogs mid n Open T uesday8:E Hearing ATHENS, Ga.-A two-yard scor- nig dive by workhorse fullback Bruce Kemp turned a tight ball game into a parade of touchdowns in the fourth quarter yesterday afternoon as the undefeated Geor- gia Bulldogs rolled to a 41-16 in- tersectional football victory over South Carolina. Kemp's touchdown in the first It was the Southwest Confer- ence opener for both teams and Arkansas' 11th straight victory over TCU, which fought doggedly after last weeks 62-0 humiliation at the hands of Ohio State. Montgomery's passes to Dicus covered 73 yards in the second quarter and 23 yards to the fleet junior in the third period. Cal squashes Rice BERKELEY, Calif. - California scored twice in the last 53 sec- onds, once of a 19-yard touch- down pass and again on a 29- yard interception return, to stun underdog Rice 31-21 in an inter- sectional football game yesterday. )o P.M. October 7 18 seconds of the final period-- The Golden Bears trailed 17-7 broke open a 14-10 contest and late in the third quarter b u t the Bulldogs quickly followed it fought back to trail only 21-17. with three other scores. Reserve quarterback Steve Curtis It was the third straight victory then tossed to end Jim Calkins in for Georgia and marked the first the end zone. --- ---- Surrounded by defenders, Calk- Auditorium A, Angell Hall TOPIC: R.O.T.C. Final Report by the Academic Affairs Committee ,man= r ammm COUPON a= a m= mm i THOMPSON'S PIZZA 3 I I £ 761..0001 :off FjsO LI5cQoff: Lorge one item (or more) * pizza. One coupon per oizzor E , Mon., Tues., Wed., a Thurs. Only OCT. 6-9 ; s r ........... ... -m m mm ... m. ins leaped high, made a specta- cular catch and fell in scoring ter- ritory for the go-ahead points. Seconds later, Rice wvent to the air and Cal's Paul Martyr inter- cepted and ran it back all the way for the clincher. DON ABBEY, fullback for second-ranked P enn St ate, ploughs through the Kansas State line in yesterday's 17-14 Nittany Lion triumph. The win was Penn State's fourteenth straight over the past two sea- sons. -Associated Press DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN } CIVIL ENGINEERS Interested in OPPORTUNITIES IN CONSULTING ENGINEERING We would like to meet with you during our next visit to your campus. Please schedule an interview through your Placement Office. BURGESS & NIPLE LIMITED CONSULTING ENGINEERS Waterworks and Sewerage - Highway Engineering Water Resources Development Industrial Wastes - Utility Valuation 2015 West Fifth Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43212 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5 Day Calendar Electronic Music Recital: School of Music Recital Hall, 7:00 p.m. Degree Recital: David McVey, organ: Hill Auditorium, 8:00 p n. MONDAY, OCTOBER 6 Choral Union Series: Misha Dich- ter, pianist: Hill Auditorium, 8:30 p.m. General Notices Senate Asembly Special Meeting: On Monday, October 6, 1969, 2:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater. Al--, open hearing, to dicuss the Final Report of the Academic Affairs Committee on ROTC: Tuesday, October 7, 8:00 p.m, Auditorium A, Angell Hall. The University of Michigan Chapter of the American Association of tUniver- sity ProIesors announces: A A U P Chapter Meeting: 8 p.m., Monday, Oc- tober 6 in E. Conference Room, Rack-a haon Bldg. Vice-President Barbara Ne- well, Profe=sor Stephen J. Tonsor, Miss SUBSCRIBE TO THE MICHIGAN DAILY Gretchen Groth and Mr. MartinMc- Laughlin will form a panel on "The f Role of the Student in University De- cision-mnaking." Open to the public. Any Student desiring a secondary directed teaching assignment for Win- ter Term, 1970 must came to the Di- rected Te:ching Office, 292 University School, no later than Monday, October 6, to obtain preliminary materials for Winter directed teaching. If any stu- dent should have decided to postpone his directed teachinig or drop it alto- gether, he should inform this office of his decision by this same date, Oc- tober 6. Should any Winter candidate fail to come to the Directed Teaching Office by October 6 to obtain preliminary materials, his application may be for- feited. Requests for Winter assign- ""nnts will be based upon the applica- tions which have been confirmed by October 10. Placement Service 3200 S.A.B. GENERAL DIVISION Placement Interviews at General Di- vision, call 763-1363 for appointments: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16 Detroit Edison, Bach and Mast Econ, Masters in Educ and Soc with interest In Personnel, Bach in manth with Inter- ast in computers for corporate finance, data proces, mktg res, personnel, inside and territ sales. International Business Machines, (IBM): Bach and Masters in Phys Sci, Math, Engrg, Humanities, for market- ing representatives and systems en- gi neers. IBM World Trade Corporation, all degree levels in Engrg, Math, Phys- ical Chem, BXs. Ad and Econ. Citizens of the following countries only: Aus- tralia, Bahamas, Belgium, oCsta Rica, Denmark, El Salvadore, France, G e r - many, Iran, Jamaica, Japan, Kuwait, Libya, Mexico, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Saudia Arabia, Taiwan, Trin- idad, Turkey, United Kingdom. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 Honeywell: Bach in any area with in- terest in computers, for progamnming and data process. International Business Machines, see Thurs. listing above. IBM World Trade Corporation, see Thurs. listing above. Interviews in Other Placement offices for LS&A graduates: Firestone Tire and Rubber at Chem for PhD Math, microbiol, physics & chem. Oct. 13. Firestone Tire and Rubber at Bus Ad, for Econ and math Oct. 14. Deere & Co, at Engrg and bus ad for math, tech journ, Oct. 14. Naval Ship R&D Center, at Engrg Naval Arch, Math, Physics, October 14. Walker Manuf. Co., at Engrg, Math and Econ. Oct. 14. U.S Gypsum Co, at Chem, and Engrg, Arch and Physics, and Chem Oct. 16. - - - - - - rr rr Go Go Christmas time to bury your idealism? You've heard it said many times. When you graduate, it's off the campus and into reality. Time to make a living and forget about changing the world. At Xerox, we don't feel that way. We still believe you can make a profit and contribute to society at the same time. One reason we feel this way is our in- terest in communications. To us, it means bringing people closer together. Not just by exchanging more data, more oiiicklv...hut by sharing, idms Th:a's trum of graphic communications to new concepts in education, aerospace and medical technologies. ExIamples? In graphic communica- tions a;one, ve're investigating such di- verse areas as color xerography and 3-dimensional imaging, techniques like photoelectrophoresis, laser applications. electroluminescence and many other Sacinating domains. We're also developing and refining inftormation sstems that mate xerogra- CAMPUS INTERVIEWS Friday, October 17 (Business Administration & Sales) Friday, October 31 (Engineering & Science) See your Placement Director for a copy of our brochure and to arrange an interview with our representative. Or, write to Mr. Roger VanderPloeg, Vhto my'rrann o P nv 1 SAN JUAN FREEPORT ... $269 ... $229 GERMANY ... $349 Includes: " ROUND TRIP JET " ACCOMMODATIONS a D , r , ,r- r',a I