94e ftir4igan &aily Seventy-nine years of editorial freedoi Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. News Phone: 764-0552 Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1969 NIGHT EDITOR: JIM NEUBACHER The Vietnam mo~rator im: Faculty action now The b (tis artic l e assubitted a', letter to the editor by Peter Stein- berger, a 19i graduate of the Law School. Mr. Steinberger is current- ly employed at the washtenaw County Legal Aid Society. Because of its length, the editors are print- ing it in aricle form.) By PETER STEINBERGER AS AN ALUMNUS of the Law School I must express my great disappointment with the Septem- ber 30th Letter to the Editor sign- ed by so many of the School's fac- ulty. The heart of their letter is con- tained. in these words: "None of us perceives a justification for the use of force to advance these poli- cies (i.e., abolition of ROTC and creation of a bookstore), partic- ularly in the presently-existing circumstance of an open univer- sity. Such tactics in such circum- stances are antithetical to the ideals of a free society . . . We believe that President Fleming has a duty to resist such force Setting aside the ROTC problem as deserving of a longer treatment than this letter can hope to give it, one must look at the bookstore question, and the above letter which speaks to that question, and stand amazed: how could these 42 members of the School's faculty have found the above-quoted words helpful to our understand- ing of the problem they address? LET US THINK for a moment about the sense in which the book- s t o r e demonstrators displayed 'force.' They certainly employed phys- ical action, in addition to words. But in no realistic sense did they impose -- or try to impose - upon the University community a deci- rHE UNIVERSITY'S faculty is seldom called upon to make a political state- ment. Indeed, under normal circum- stances, one would predict that from such a diverse and moderate body, it would be impossible to reach a consensus on the weather conditions. But this Monday, the members of the University's Senate Assembly - the principle faculty governing body - is meeting to consider endorsing the pro- posed Oct. 15 moratorium against the war in Vietnam. Radical or liberal students and faculty back the moratorium without hesitation; in fact, some dismiss the protest with a nod, explaining that the proposed action is not radical enough to warrant much attention. 13UT IT WOULD be a daring and signi- ficant step for the faculty body to cancel University classes as a protest against the war. The force of a protest by the nation's leading intellectuals is undeniable. To endorse the moratorium, however, moderate and conservative faculty will have to hurdle traditional, if false, aca- demic barriers against "mixing politics and academics." These same professors will have to overcome prejudice against the notion of a "strike" against the Uni- versity. Faculty must reconsider both these widely propagated notions, Professors who disapprove of "mixing politics and classes" should re-examine their reading HENRY GRIX, Editor ST1EVE NISSEN RON LANSMAN City Edtor Mn : sEditor TMI AtBRa,O. Ams e Managing E itor CuRIS STEELF A.soeiate Ci? Editor STEVE AN%.ALONE ........ Editorial PaeEditor JENNY STI ILLLER ........ Editorial Pag e Editor JOHN GRASY Literr Editor LESLIE WAX NE Arts Editor LAWRENCE ROBBINS -.... Photo Editor LANIE LIPPINCO T A -.1-tant to the Managing Editor WALTER SHAPIRO DalyV Washingtnn Correspondent MARY RADTKI ...... Contriuting Editor NIGHT EDITORS: Stuart Gannes Martin Hirschnan, Jim Neubacher, Judy Sarasohn, David Spurr, Dan- ce' zwerdln . COPY EDITORS: Jim Beatti, Lorna Crot Dov C(udwin, Laurie Harris, Erica Hoff, Rort K wit."Sv Koppan, Tobe Lev, Rick Perlof Ha r old Rosernthatl, Sharon weiner. ASSISTAT NIGHT EDITORS: AlexaCa AA- son Cooke. Bob Ftsfeld, Rus arand, Caroi Hilde- brand, Judly Kahn, Patt MT:zacne Bgard otgmr Marty: ;Scot,, Lynn Weiner. Bookstore and the 'use of force' lists and lecture notes to see if political philosophy is not projected on the mater- ial they teach. And preoccupation w i t h academic purity at th, exclusion of poli- tical dissent on literally life and death is- sues is both ivory tower elitism and the height of absurdity. FURTHER, FACULTY members should realize that they are not voting to strike against the University and "shut it down." Rather, they are voting to strike against the United States government which is flaunting the desires of a grow- ing number of its people by prosecuting an immoral and heinous war. They are striking against an administration which has promised to end the war but has failed in eight months to take long range steps to do so. They are striking against a President who has said he will ignore any and all protests of his war policies. The moratorium for President Nixon must end. And the University faculty must realize that a strong, anti-war stand will compel the President to, pay attention to anti-Vietnam sentiment. The force of prestigious universities all over the country shutting down as an act of the collective conscientious objection to American foreign policy is overwhelm- ing. It would be deplorable for faculty to ignore their opportunity to protest the war. To do nothing when so much is at stake would be morally irresponsible. AND IT IS not enough for the assembly to simply endorse the sentiment be- hind the moratorium and allow individ- ual faculty members to behave as they choose. The assembly must throw the prestige and influence of this institution behind the action. It is true that the Senate Assembly cannot represent the conscience of each faculty member; it is true that some faculty feel obligated to hold class if stu- dents wish to attend. But it is equally true that the intellec- tuals of a society should direct and criti- cize the sensibilities of that society. The Senate Assembly must assume its posi- tion of leadership and strongly endorse the moratorium. -HENRY GRIX Editor sion they themselves had made, that "The LSA Bldg. Shall Not Be Open More, 'Ere McLaughlin Buys His Books in our New Bookstore." What they did do was say, that "Overwhelming armed forces of the local and state police, and the National Guard and the U.S. Army, are able to remove us from the place we are occupying. But we can do this: we can make Pres- ident Fleming choose between ar- resting us while maintaining his present position on the bookstore, and giving us some inducement to leave, by amending his stand on the bookstore." It might be more correct to say that they required that force be imposed upon themselves, a a price Pres. Fleming must be will- ing to pay, to continue his present position on the bookstore question. I MIGHT NOTE in passing that Pres. Fleming's own efforts to define 'force' to suit his office's interests are not restricted to using the argument in the Law School letter. He says, in The Daily of Sept. 30th, 1969, that the 'force' employed at the LSA Bldg. is analogous to the force used by Nazi student gangs in German uni- versities. If I am correct in be- lieving that these gangs operated under the protection, or at least the benevolent acquiescence, of their nation's police forces, then I cannot protest too strongly an effort to analogize a protected or authorized violence with a violence subject to and inevitably defense- less against overwhelming armed reprisal.) I am not suggesting that every campus demonstration is of such a self-sacrificial character. But surely the peaceful occupation during a night of a campus office building is a strange examjle of the Reign of Force. I think it is also worthwhile to note that this was not an instance in which the violation of laws passed in Lansing or Washington arguably required an oath-bound Robben Fleming to uphold the Law. The applicable statutes (criminal trespass and contention) depend upon a decision by the legal custodian of the public prop- erty in question that the demon- strators were wrongful in their presence and activity in the build- ing. If Pres. Fleming had pro- claimed an 'LSA Sit In Eve' on that night, no basis for a :alid arrest would have existed. BUT THESE considerations, briefly raised above-and others, equally important - all vanish within the five letters of the word, 'force,' that the faculty letter uses. An English word, a thing which their profession at its best has used to wrest insights out of cor:- fusion, is used as a slogan, a club. Rather than raise questions, as words ought to do, it knocks them down. A brass knuckle worm We can be no happier when we look at the second basic pro- position of the subscribers to the .September 30th letter: President Fleming's actions defended 'open- ness' and the 'ideals of a free society' at the University. What actually was the problem, and what did President Fleming do? The problem: University Re- gents (and the President also?) will not authorize creation of a student-run bookstore. Whereas many students desire such a stoe. University Regents and Pres. Fleming say: not even a non-stu- dent bookstore shall come to pas, except upon the conduct of 16 col- lege referenda, and upon a sone- what higher capital levy o:1 stu- dents. Whereas many students feel, that previous petitions and refer- enda should suffice, and that ex- isting University funds of student- fee origin should be used in lieu of part of the Regentally-required assessment. What did President Fleming do? - We know. WHAT MIGHT HE have done? He could have said, "There is no decent reason for not giving stu- dents a student-run bookstore, subject to sound auditing proce- dures. So I and as many students and faculty as I can get to join me will strike unless the Regents reconcile themselves to this pro- posal.' Would the Regent not have done so, had he raised to them even a hint of such a position? Does anyone doubt that if he had offered such a proposal to the LSA demonstrators, they vould have left the building? Many other - and better -al- ternatives no doubt come to the mind of the reader, any of which would, I suggest, have done enorm- ously more to defend the ideals of freedom and openness at the Uni- versity than President Fleming's actual action. Why do we need a civilized man to be University President, if in these situations he chooses the alternative that any redneck Sheriff could select? IN MY OWN notion of what an open University is, a terrible blow was dealt it by the President's action. For a measure with clear and strong support among stu- dents--which even as a failure would be relatively inexpensive, and which as a success would few or no attached evils-failed to gain the support of a man who, if he chose to give that support, could have made the measure prevail. Instead: police actions, hatreds, and a diminishment in the ability ,of all involved to relate to each other in a free and civilized way. If words have souls, which view us from a Platonic universe of civilized discourse, what do the Ideals of a Free Society and the Open University think, as they look down at their incarnations in the faculty letter? Do the Ideals recognize themselves in the war? In our factory system? In our educational system? In our rulers' allocation of our material produc- tion into moon-shots and Negro removal? In the current persecu- tion of draft resisters and Panth- ers? WILL THE OPEN University smile down on the bookstore ar- rests, or the ROTC program, or selective service channeling, or the unrepresentative, wealthy family backgrounds of our students? Will it not blink at the wholly instru- mental, 'service' image the Uni- versity carries of itself -an image which closes, systematically, the eyes of any who might question the patron institutions which tilis one serves? I think the Ideas will feel ill- used in the slogan-words of the faculty letter. And I think that in time the faculty members will themselves see this, and build hap- pier houses for these thoughts - houses where readers can come for the questions out of which we can build the free society and the open university which we do not have --which President Fleming, even if he would, cannot now defend. , LET'ERS TO THE EDITOR The Argus and the obscenity spectacle To the Editor: THE PROSECUTION, u n d e r Michigan obscenity statutes, of the editor and publisher of the Ann Arbor Argus, Mr. Kenneth Kelley, presents an unhappy spec- tacle. The American Civil Liber- ties Union of Ann Arbor - -Wash- tenaw County announces that it will support. Mr. Kelley vigorously in fhes ' legal battles. and wishes to make its reasons for this posi- tion clear. First, the ACLU opposes any re- straint, under obscenity statutes, on the right to create, publish, or distribute materials to free citi- zens, and opposes any restraint on the right of free citizens to choose the materials they wish to read, hear, or view. We hold that the freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment covers all materials without regard to quality or con- tent. Allegedly obscene materials are not excluded from this pro- tection. To read such an exclusion into the Constitution violates its spirit as well as its literal com- mand. The inevitable results of such exceptions are the suppres- sion of works of literary and so- cial value dealing with sex, the stifling of discussion on the fun- damental subject, and the weak- ening of the very fabric of the freedom of expression. IT IS IMPOSSIBLF ,to define, and proscribe, classes of allegedly harmful speech without restrict- ing the freedom of discussion and diversity of opinion that the First Amendment was created to pro- tect. Obscenity, in particular, de- fies precise definition, as the re- cent history of our courts makes evident. When arbitrary defini- tions are constructed, local au- thorities are empowered to enforce their own aesthetic tastes as mat- ters of 1 a w. Moreover, because sexual allusions and pictures now frequently merge w i t h political criticism, obscenity statutes pro- vide some officials a device for persecuting those whose public at-. tacks are sharp and biting. The Michigan statute (28.575 1) ? under which Mr. Kelley and The Argus are n o w brought to court in a criminal action is, therefore. both unconstitutional and unwise, in o u r opinion. It threatens anyone who gives, sells. or distributes tetc.) any b o o k, magazme, newspaper (etc.) that is "obscene, lewd, lascivious, filthy, or indecent." Who is to say what fits this description? Whose stan- dards are to prevail, and w h y? Bitter disagreements over the propriety of certain words or pic- tures are inevitable, but they are not properly a matter for the law, or any civil authorities, to adju- dicate. That is what genuine free- dom of speech and publication en- tails. It is freedom for everyone, including those whose tastes we may find objectionable and whose political opinions we may think pernicious. And it is freedom for the rest of us to buy. read, and see what we please. SECOND. EVEN if the Michigan statute were constitutional, we think prosecution under it in the case would not be. The immediate cause of these criminal proceed- ings is a photo-drawing in which a city councilman is depicted holding a penis. Whatever o U r judgment of its taste, both t h e picture and the accompanying text make perfectly clear that this is. and was intended to be, a po- litical rejoiner to that councilman who had, in his public role, at- tacked The Argus. The political issues here are many and obvious. It is a cardinal principle of our democracy that political criticism must not be stifled. The Supreme Court has held repeatedly that po- litical debate must be open and uninhibited. The effort to silence political jibes or thrusts because they are couched - verbally or graphically - in sexual t e r mn s, must fail. This crimmnal proceed- ing, whose target is the author of unpopular political criticism, is surely unjust and unconstitution- al. THIRD. Even if these criminal proceedings were constitutional they would be most unwise, in our judgment. Elected political offi- cials invite criticism of every kind. If, when that criticism becomes intense and unpleasant, those in office use their power to prose- cute their critics as criminals, the spirit of freedom is done serious injury. The atmosphere of open debate is thereby chilled; other potential critics are silenced, or partly silenced, by fear. Who can know what words or pictures may fall into disfavor next? Political talk becomes guarded, argument inhibited: critics begin to fear to speak their full minds on contro- versial issues. That is the degen- eration to which such criminal proceedings directly lead. -Carl Cohen Sept. 28 I Doomsday at 'U': Revolution comes and goes AN ADVERTISEMENT in Thursday's Daily signed by Andy White, president of Alice Lloyd Hall, and Jack Myers, Vresident of Inter-House Assembly, states in part: "When confronted with this specific point of contention, President Fleming made it explicitly clear that it was the decided policy of the Administration, from the Regents on down, that the bookstore would be run on a no profit basis and with the goal of offering the highest discounts possible. There was no question that all levels of the Administration are committed to operating the bookstore so that students will be given the largest discounts possible." "When the Michigan Daily was notified of this conversation with President Fleming, Martin Hirschman (night editor) said, "That's no news to me ...If.Fleming said that to you, I'd wonder why he said it." I RESPOND on point of personal privilege. The words at- tributed to me in the advertisements are accurate, but the three dots represent, I think, a significant portion of our conversation. During that portion .of our conversation, Myers said Fleming had told him there would in fact be a discount. I responded that, to my knowledge, this is not now, nor has it ever been the presi- dent's position. Fleming has declined to be pinned down on whether even the no-profit policy would be sufficient to provide a discount. I concluded my response saying, "If Fleming said that to you, I'd wonder why he said it." And I still would. The next paragraph in the Myers-White advertisement says: "Hirschman gave us the impression that the Daily thinks that this specific no profit student discount issued needs no further clar- ification anld public notice. We believe it does." In the portion of the discussion from which Myers-White must have gotten this impression, I told them The Daily had printed Fleming's position before. For example, in a news story in the Sept. 29 issue The Daily reported: "Fleming said students and the Regents agreed that the bookstore should be run by a professional manager and that the store should be nonprofit, offering 'books at prices as low as possible consistent with a break-even policy.'' MOREOVER,,THIS point has never been at issue. It was either implicitly or explicitly stated in both SGC's original pro- posal and in the plan approved by the Regents two weeks ago. "In light of these facts," the Myers-White advertisement con- tinues, "those still in opposition to the Regental bookstore proposal can not possibly be concerned with the financial benefits of the students." This statement, unfortunately, does not logically follow and would not obtain under any of the following conditions: ---the administration does not need to hold to its stated policy, which is hardly a "fact." --management of the store could easily be constructed to minimize or maximize the chances of a discount, even within the confines of the stated policy. This would depend on the types of items (hardcovers, paperbacks, and supplies) which the store stocked and the proportion in which they were stocked. Myers- White obviously do not understand the importance of the man- agement choices in their possible effect on discounts. -the manager of the store could set up an inefficient opera- tion and it is just possible that the University administration wouldn't care or wouldn't do anything about it. By DREW BOGEMA ANN ARBOR APA last night announc- ed that it would present only one play for the Fall season - "The Sell- Out" -- an epic spectacle revealing the outcome of the current political tur- moil with the aid of the University's newest computer, the DMSDY 69. Anl high-placed APA official who wished to remain unidentified released the follow- ing act-by-act capsule summary of the script, herein printed exclusively upon the pages of the Michigan Daily. "THE SELL-OUT" ACT I Radicals - representitig nearly every ideological faction -- band together to disrupt the operation of ROTrC on campus. Disruption provokes a benevolent response from the Admin- istration, which, as Radicals quickly lealize, ieans the ruling elite to co-opt rhtetoric to forestall possible disorder. Radicals sidestep the Adimiistration by seizing North Hall. Their numbers swell as thousands wait to be alienated by a order to further mobilize the Moderate Majority and to await te Inevitable Administration Blunder (that will lead truth, purity, and the American Dream to their side), their oranization deter- iorates, and returns to the fierce fac- tional warfare that we all know and love. SGC and Radical Caucus decide to do battle with the Ancient Regime upon the right of students to run their own bookstore iNo Exploitation With- out Representation' coies the cry). SDS stangely camnot be fouid b u t rumor has it that they're sulking about lost privileges. Fleming, growing hourly more fright- ened by the MEDIA which says that Michigan is the forefront of the Revolu- tion, chooses massive retaalliation as the response most likely to deter aggr'es- sion, as Regemts Ulrich, Slater, Follett, and Wahr refuse to consider the mangy idea of student-niggers exploiting stu- dent-niggers. FL EMING, NOW I THREATENED by terbury House, and Mark's, dominate campus gossip. An early dawn finds thousands amassed on the Diag. Not a fiery speech nor Demagogic Urging can be found, only the distribution of orders a n d scheduled. The tob disperses at half- past seven as an astonished Adminis- tratlion finds all offices upomn campus have bein boarded and tapes of the MC-5 fill every hallway as to pre- veIt anyone gaining entry. Not a class is disrupted yet - Fleminig's elite cadre of secretaries have been disarmed and sent husband-hunting in Suburbia. All janitorial instruments have been con- fiscated. Angell Hall has three feet of dust by noon. THE SEIGE CONTINUES all d a y. Classes go on as usual though without notes professors find little to say. Spon- taneous choruses of "He's A Real No- Where Man" break out in Political Sci- ence, History, and English classes. Stu- dent troops fence off campus. Supplies versity. As they arrive in the empty corridors they find to their 'amaze- ment that all offices are also empty -empty of students, machines, and written materials. Only smoldering caps and gowns hang from the windows. F-LEMING CALLS FOR AN immed- iate ce ase-fire amid denmands a meeting with General "Giap" McLaughlin. Mc- Laughlin tells Fleming that# coercion has no place in the Academy. He fur- ther states that th Bureaucracy will be returned if and only if the Regents approve the inmediate creation of a student-run bookstore. Fleming leaves, promising to bring and answer within two hours. ACT IV Scene: Fleming and Mc- Laughlin seated in Aud 'A for press con- ference - both smiling. Fleming an- nounces that he had supported the con- cept of a student-run bookstore a 11 along, that the "hang-up" this words' came about because of faulty commun- ication an stridemt Regental and stu- once and for all smashed, that all streets surrounding the University be made into malls, that all University ties with the State and the City be cut, and that Fleming resign to be replaced by Eric Chester as President. FLEMING FAINTS dead away. Har- vey arrests McLaughlin. McLaughlin de- mands that the ultimatum be met with- in txo hours lest by pre-arranged signal the Bureaucracy be destroyed. McLaugh- lin is released and spits at suggestion that lie speak at a Regents meeting. Act V. At an impromptu press con- ference, a haggard Fleming announces tha the Governor, the State Legislature, and the Regents have agreed to the atrocious demands. Gleeful merriment breaks out upon campus. The Bureau- cracy is returned upside down. Fleming, the Regents, and fascisti Faculty steal away from the Festival of Rebirth that student leaders have called to celebrate the victory, and secretly meet with Harvey in the Union pool hall Nixon offers aid. saving his un'o- i