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October 01, 1969 - Image 1

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Vol. LXXX, No. 24 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 1, 1969 Ten Cents

Six Pages



Stokes survives primary
in bid for re-election

CLEVELAND, Ohio Ul -i Carl
B. Stokes, the United States' firgt
black big-city mayor, came from
behind last night to firmly claim
renomination in Cleveland's De-
mocratic mayoral primary elec-
Stokes, the grandson of a
slave, erased a deficit of more
than 20'000 votes as ballots were
counted last night, rolling steadily
toward his victory over white law-
and-order candidate Robert J..
In Massachusetts, Democrat
Michael J. Harrington won a spec-
ial congressional election, defeat-

ing Republican William L. Salton-
Harriigton, 33, takes the seat
left vacant by the late U.S. Rep.
William H. Bates and held by Re-
publicans for 93 years.
The voters' decision sends to
Washington a liberal who is a
strong opponent of the Vietnam
war and who is against many ofj
the Nixon administration's do-
mestic programs.
With all but 23 of 973 polling
places accounted for in Cleveland,!
Stokes held 89,265 votes to 60,560
for Kelly, a former city service
director running his first election.

Judge locks up



SpecialT O n 't'i Daily
CHICAGO _ Judge Julius Hoffman yesterday ordered
that the jury for the "Chicago eight" conspiracy trial be
sequestered "to preserve the integrity of this trial."
The twelve jurors and four alternates will be housed in a
hotel and accompanied by U.S. marshalls for the duration of
the trial, which is expected to last at least two months.
Most of the jurors looked decidedly unhappy when the
judge informed them of the move late yesterday afternoon.
The judge made the decision -- over defense objections
- after extensive meetings in chambers with attorneys on'

Onl housing
City Council has created an Ad
Hoc Council Rental Committee to
provide for improvements in hotus-
ing code enforcement and for the
construction of lower- and mid-
dle-income housing.
Authorized in a resolution in-
troduced by Mayor Robert Har-
ris and adopted Monday night,
the committee's funrmions include:
-Insuring the enforcement of
building and safety regulations;
-Supervising the reorganization
of the Department of Building and
Safety Engineering;
---Setting up a program to al-.
low Ann Arbor to participate in
a federal progranm for experimental'
middle-and lowe-income housing;
--Acting on "such other items
concerning rental housing as the
committee deems appropriate."
The committee is responsible'
for assuring the prompt imple-
mentation of recommendations
presented to the city in a recent
report by a representative of the
Building Officials Council of
These recommendations, which
number about 75 p o i nt out
-glaring weaknesses" and "all
kinds of malpractice" in the De-
partment of Building aid Safety,
Councilman Nicholas Karazinoff,
a member of the newly-formeo
committee, said yesterday.
The Rental Housing Comimtee
also plans to "enable Ann Arbor to
participate in" a federally-spon-
sored HUD program called "Op-
eration Breakthrough." This in-
volves the waiving of eCit ai build-
ing requirements to permit the
use of new and inexpensiveeth-
ods of construction for middle-
and low-income housing.

both sides of the case. At
these meetings, it was reveal-
ed that two members of the
jury had received written
threats in identical handwrit-
ing. The letters, which said,
"We are watching you," were
signed "The Black Panthers."
All eight defendants flatly de-
nied the offensive authenticity of
the threats, and issued a state-
ment accusing the U.S. govern-
nient "of tampering with two jur-
ors as part- of the continuing
frame-up oi tie Conspiracy
The defendants are charged
with conspiring to cross s t a t e
lines to incite riot during the
Democratic National Convention
here in August 1968.
Thomas Hayden, speaking for
the group, told reporters that
"We do not tamper with people,
we trust them - even in a rigged
jury system."
The defendants said the Black
Panthers always make a point of
using their own name correctly.
"For the Black Panther Party to
sign anything 'The Black Panth-
er's," explained defendent Rene
Davis. "would like for me to sign
my name 'Rennard C. Davis.'
"They just wouldn't do it."
See CHICAGO, Page 'J
Econ (Yrads to
oin vai' strike
The student government for
graduate economics students last
night voted to support the anti-
war effort of the New Mobilization
and called for student participation
in the Oct. 15 class boycott to
protest the Vietnam War.
The resolution by the Econ-
omics Society also calls on profes-
sors to cancel classes officially on
Oct. 15.
"We are striking to voice ottr
support for ending the war in
Vietnam through immediate with-
drawal of all U.S. troops." the
resolution explained.

The remaining precincts were
believed to be safely Stokes'.
Stokes, the favorite in the pri-
mary battle, is expected to face
a much rougher fight for victory
in the Nov. 4 general election.
Stokes had waged what was
termed an almost leisurely fight
against Kelly during the cam-
He confronts popular Cuyahoga
Auditor Ralph J. Perk, who is bid-
ding to become Cleveland's first
Republican mayor in 28 years.
Kelly grabbed the early lead on
returns from white areas consid-
ered crucial if Stokes is to defeat
He built his edge to more than
20,000 votes before Stokes ran
ahead on returns from areas con-
taining most of Cleveland's black
residents, who make up about one-
third of the city's population of
more than 886,000.
Stokes, 42, became the first
elected Negro mayor of a major
U.S. city in 1967. This year he ran
a low-key primary campaign,
citing what he said were his ad-
ministration's advances in hous-
ing, jobs and pollution control.
Kelly was critical of Stokes'
failure to increase the size of the
police department and said the
city's 2.120-man police force was
behind Kelly.
Members of the Fraternal Order
of Police echoed Kelly's critiism
of Stokes, and Stokes was hurt by
a recent Civil Service scandal in-
volving police promotion and en-
trance examinations.
Kelly also criticized Stokes' de-
cision of July 24, 1968, to pull
white police and Ohio National
Guardsmen from Glenville after
violence in which 10 persons, in-
cluding three policemen, had died
the day before.
Stokes defended his decision as
an attempt to avoid further blood-
Stokes went into the election
with a strong base of support in
the black community. But blacks
comprise only about one-third of
the city's 880,000 residents, and it
was the white vote that gave
Stokes his margin of victory in
the 1967 primary, when he de-
feated former Mayor Ralph S.
Locher by 18,000 votes.
Stokes upped his white support
to 43.000 votes in the 1967 general
election but edged Republican
Seth Taft by less than 2,000 votes.
The defeat of Saltonstall, son
of retired US. Gen. Leverett Sal-
tonstall, was a blow to the ad-
ministration. Saltonstall is a
strong Nixon backer, and support-
ed the President's Vietnam policy
and antiballistic missile program.
Harrington was elected to the
Massachusetts House from Salem,
but moved to Beverly. Saltonstall
lives in the "bluestocking" town
of Manchester.
The seat formerly was held by
the late GOP Rep. William H.
Bates, who succeeded his father
after the latter died in a 1938
plane crash. The two had held the
seat for 33 years.
Saltonstall's family is one of the
oldest in Massachusetts. The
drawing power of the name made
famous most recently by the can-
didate's father, retired U.S. Sen.
Leverett Saltonstall, helped avert
both primary and election opposi-
tion for William Saltonstall in
two terms in the state Senate.
Harrington also had family
name strength going for him. His
cousin and campaign manager is

When County Librarian Robert 01-
ney arrived at work the morning
after the police cleared the LSA Bldg.,
he discovered the lawn was littered with
paper cups, pop cans and at least two
empty beer cans.
The inside of the building also looked
somewhat different than it looked the
evening before.
"The library's coffee supplies had
been raided," Olney said, in a letter to
County Supervisor David Byrd (R-Ann
Olney's suspicions immediately turned
to the 300 police gathered in and
around the County Library for several
hours before they moved in on the oc-
cupied LSA Bldg.
The County Library is housed in the
Citizen Services Center, a building on
Washtenaw Ave. which also houses a
District Court. and the Crime Center
which is directing the hunt for the
murderers of eight women killed in

the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti area within
the past 26 months.
The nature of the police officers'
activities while in the center have be-
come a subject of speculations and are
being investigated by the County Board
of Supervisors.
"Cigarette and cigar buts were left in
some of the tlibrary) staff-s personal
china coffee cups," the letter added.
In addition, Olney said, vehicles had
been driven over the dirt ramps of the
tennis court, and several trucks and a
bus were still parked on the court.
"Since we have been strenuously di-
rected not to park on the lawn or use the
tennis court until the ramps are black-
topped," he said, "I do not want our
staff or visitors blamed for any dam-
Just who is to blame for the un-
seemly state of the County Services
Center is not immediately certain. But
Olney's letter states that the littering
was done sometimes during the police
Washtenaw County Sheriff Douglas
Harvey acknowledged last night that the

-may begin
:. Action on the bookstore issue slowed yesterday as both
sides recuperated from the strike Monday and planned new
President Robben Fleming said yesterday he had not met
with students or faculty on the bookstore issue. He explained
that he would undoubtedly "pursue the SACUA resolution"
beginning today.
The resolution, adopted Monday by Senate Assembly,
called for the Senate Advisory Committee on University Af-
fairs to meet with students

police had spent considerable time in-
side the library before and after they
cleared the LSA Bldg.
However, Harvey denied that his men
were responsible for any of the alleged
thefts that took place.
"What do they blame it on us for?"
he asked. "We're not the only police
officers that stay there," he added, re-
ferring to the police who work in the
Crime Center.
Asked if he saw any of the police offi-
cers drinking beer while waiting to move
out, Harvey said, "Definitely not."
"No police officer, before going to a
riot or going on duty, will have any beer
or any intoxicant," the sheriff said. "If
I smelled any liquor at all I wouldn't
send them on any kind of assignment."
However, Harvey said 'that about 150
police officers returned to the center
for approximately 20 minutes after the
LSA Bldg. was cleared. For that period
of time, the officers were technically off
duty, he said.
"I would never see anything wrong
with a man having a beer or two when
he was off duty," Harvey said.

at the

But he added that he did not see any-
one drinking beer at the center while
off duty.
Although Harvey denied that police
were responsible for leaving the build-
ing in the haphazard state, he em-
phasized that the center was primarily
designed to be used by his .department.
"We used the gym for training until
the library moved in," he explained,
"and we're supposed to mobilize in
However, Olney said he resents the
police's using the library area for mobil-
"We do get the feeling that this build-
ing is not a Citizens' Service Center,'
but a military base," he explained in
the letter to Supervisor Byrd, "and that
library staff members are civilian in-
terlopers trespassing in one of the bar-
The County Board of Supervisors con-
sidered Olney's letter at their meeting
yesterday, and referred it to two com-
mittees-property, and the law enforce-

-Asso'iated Press
NATIONAL GUARD TROOPS in Madison, Wisconsin, form a row of bayonets yesterday in an effort
to keep hundreds of demonstrating welfare re cipients and University of Wisconsin students
away from the state capitol. The demonstrators, who were protesting a cut in welfare funds, took
over the building for an hour Monday but the n left.
Welfa'e dem1onstrators inaintail
picket around Wisconsiii capitol,

and administrators to nego-
tiate the bookstore question.
Meanwhile, education P r o f .
Joseph Payne, SACUA chairman,
said that SACUA had not met
yesterday and has not planned any
immediate meeting with stu-
dents. SACUA will have a noon
meeting today to make arrange-
ments for negotiations on the
bookstore issue.
At the meeting today, SACUA
will consider a proposal for an
ad hoc student-faculty-adminis-
tration committee on the book-
store issue. The proposal was ap-
proved unanimously yesterday by
Assembly's Student Relations
Architecture Prof. Joe Wehrer,
chairman of SRC, said yesterday
that if SACUA creates the pro-
posed committee he hopes it will
reach a decision at its first meet-
ing, which he expects will be held
on Friday. However, he admitted
two meetings might be necessary.
SRC recommended that the
committee include President Rob-
beln Fleming, one or two admin-
istrators, members of SACUA,
three faculty membesr of SRC
and seven to eight students chos-
en by SGC "representing the var-
ious alternate proposals" on t h e
Prof. Robert Knauss, vice chair-

mite to En ROT wil stage
"non - disruptive creative disrup-
tion" today and tomorrow to pro-
test the visit of a Marine Corps
The mill-in-aimed at creating
continuous noise in the halls dur-
ing the recruiter's Interviews-is
planned to "express our disap-
proval of the recruiter's activities
here or anywhere else," said Jim
Forrester, a member of the steer-
ing coimittee of the anti-ROTC
In addition to the mill-In, mem-
bers of the coalition have sched-
uled iterviews with the recruiter
to limit the time he has to speak
with students interested in join-
ing t-he Marines.
Mill-in participants will meet at
the Resistance table on the Diag
at 1:15 p.m. today and march
from there to the Placement Serv-
Ices office in the Student Activi-

MADISON. Wis. UP - Welfare
recipients, reinforced by hundreds
of students and hippies, resumed
their picketing of the Wisconsin
capitol last night while legislat-
ors took steps to censure the pro-
test leader, the Rev. James E.
Helmeted police backed up by
National Guardsmen with bay-
onets surrounded the capitol as
Groppi and an estimated 100 fol-
lowers arrived with 1,000 young
people who joined the group dur-
ing a march through the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin neighborhood.
The legislature was asked by a
Republican legislator to suspend
rules and adopt a resolution un-

bers by demonstrators Monday.
Protesters occupied the chambers
for one hour Monday and halted a
joint legislative session.
The vote was 64-31, falling four
short of the two-thirds needed to
suspend rules. A second attempt
fell two votes short before the
Assembly adjourned for the night.
Demonstrators vowed to keep
marching around the building un-
til the legislature restores welfare
appropriations slashed from the{
state budget proposed by Gov.
Warren P. Knowles,
But their chances of a replay of
Monday's takeover of the Assem-
bly chambers, thwarting a joint
session of the legislature, seemed
to have been dimmed by the show
of civil and military force.
Moreover, Circuit Judge Wil-

liam C. Sachtjen signed a tempor-
ary injunction obtained by Atty.
Gen. Robert Warren barring Grop-!
pi and his followers from disrupt-1
ing government activities in theI
capitol. Groppi is an activist priest
from Milwaukee who has long been
engaged in civil rights protests. 1
During a third confrontation at
the Capitol doors, Groppi was,
served with copies of the tem-1
porary restraining order.
The priest glanced quickly at1
the order and announced to the!
crowd he would consult with his,
attorney at the church he has been9
using as his headquarters two1
blocks from the Capitol.
A brief sitdown produced a mon-I
umental noon hour traffic jam
on the six-lane highways circling!
the Capitol in the heart of Madi-
son's business district. Then pro-
testers halted their march for a
prayer meeting at the feet of po-
lice and guardsmen who staredf
straight ahead in stony silence. I
The two houses of the Legis-1

Kevin B. Harrington, majority der which Groppi could be jailed
leader of the state Senate and the for contempt as a result of an
leading political figure in Salem. invasion of State Assembly chain-

man of SACUA and a member of ties Bdg.
SRC, said yesterday he thought "We hope to have about 50 to
SACUA would approve SRC's 80 people out there. This is not a
recommendation, large scale action-we don't need
mofe than 20 people to do the
Marty McLaughlin, president of job," Forrester, who is chairman
SGC, said yesterday he had of Radical Caucus, explained. But
thought SACUA was not setting students are welcome to partici-
up a committee. Instead he said pate. "The more the merrier," he


200 students

Over 200 students and fac-
ulty occupied the presidential
mansion at 815 S. University for
two hours yesterday-drinking
tea and eating crumpets, and
only occasionally mixing politics
with their socializing.
Why did they come? Mostly
not to heckle him, although
someone in a group sitting on
the patio steps listening to
banjo music suggested to a boy
carrying a lethal water pistol

iem ing
back in the chair, and proclaim
themselves Che Guevera or even
President Fleming: "I proclaim
that all students shall be ex-
gelled from the University. and
we shall have a university of
Mostly they came for the
food. Though a spokesman for
the Ad Hoe Committee to End
ROTC threatened Monday night
that members would ignore
Fleming and take over the tea,
"to talk hard politics, as hard

Fleming's sunporch when he
found himself cornered by
Daily City Editor Steve Nissen,
Guevera alias Fleming alias
Jonathan Miller, '73 and Argus
Editor Ken Kelley who was
holding a small tape recorder
that looked inocuously like a
transistor radio.
For an hour they discussed
why Michigan, unlike Harvard,
Wisconsin, and Columbia, has
not been shut down, and what
role students shonld n nv in

people from SGC, SACUA, the!

ed for

met today as guardsmen faculty and the administration
the Capitol, Members call- would meet once to get support
emergency steps to prevent for SGC's bookstore proposal,

a recurrence of Monday's occu-
pancy of the Assembly chamber.
The governors sent a message to
'the lawmakers saying he hoped
the demonstrations would not af-
feet their deliberations on his pro-
posed $33 million welfare and
urban aid package. But he said he
would not countenance any further
disruption of the government and
would use whatever force was nec-
Sen. Nile Soik, a Republican
from the Milwaukee suburb of

McLaughlin said this would
The coordinating committee
for action on the bookstore
issue announced yesterday it
would hold an organizing meet-
ing at 8 p.m. tonight on the
first floor of the Student Activ-
ities Bldg.
unify backing behind one proposal.
He said he expected the meeting

Director of Placement Services
Evart W. Ardis last night said he
was not concerned about the
demonstration. "I guess we'd have
no objection at all," he said,
"We're just serving the students
and alumni of the University,"
Another purpose of the disrup-
tion is to show solidarity with stu-
dent radicals involved in last year's
lock-in of a Navy recruiter, For-
rester said. Central Student Judi-
ciary is presently hearing the case
. of those students involved in last
March's lock-in.
Today's action is not intended
to prevent the recruiter from leav-


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