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September 30, 1969 - Image 8

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Wage Eight


Tuesday, September 30, 1969

Page Eight THE MICHIGAN DAILY Tuesday, September 30, 1969

Strike claims



(Continued from Page 1)
students just smiled and brushed
by the pickets. There were no re-
ported incidents of strikers forci-
bly preventing students to enter
any building.
Although there were some stu-
dents who entered 8 a.m. classes
to explain the strike issue, t h e
"rapping" in classes did not start
until 9 a.m. and continued from
then throughout the day.
During these "raps," strikers
asked the professor before class
for permission to explain the is-
sues behind the strike. Profes-
sors generally agreed and in many
instances these 5 minute explana-
tions branched out into half hour
and sometimes hour-long discus-
sions of the student power drive.
One exception was Prof. K. L.
Jones of Botany 103 who refused
to allow striker Bernard Elbaum
to speak before the class as the
class, he said, was just about to
During the discussions, the
strikers told students they had
very little power in the University
decision-making process and urg-
ed them to strike to show the ad-
ministration their dissatisfaction
with their impotence in policy-
There were no reported in-
stances however, of students leav-
ing class after the strikers speech.
Following the talk, a profesor of-
ten gave his position and the
class voted, generally, to remain
in class.
An urban studies class in the
Residential College, however, vot-
ed 14-2 not to hold class.
There were also some instances
of professors offering to dismiss
class if the students were willing.
Prof. Conrad Kottak who teach-
es Anthropology 101 told students
that they did not have to attend
class if they did not desire and
added that the material he was
covering would not appear on the

pled, Reaske's had about 90 per
cent of the students there.
Prof. Alfred Meyer's Political
Science 407 class also spent the
hour discussing the decision-mak-
ing issues.
Prof. Dariel Fusfeld spent the
hour explaining to the class why
the bookstore was not economically,
feasible, though he admitted sym-
pathies to the student power
movement. He allowed a student
organizer to speak for the remain-
ing 10 minutes of the hour.
History 561 Prof. Sidney Fine--
who estimated about 150 students
of 180 usually there-explainedr
that he would not support the
strike because he wanted to pre-
serve the separation of politics
and the classroom.
Former Student Government'
Council member Mark Rosenbaum
spoke for about three minutes and
then left.
Although the attendances of
these humanity-oriented classes
was in many cases 20 per cent
down, classes in mathematics and
natural sciences continued nor-
mally and without student-profes-
sor discussions.
a Introductory chemistry students,
faced hourlies yesterday and did
not, consequently, strike, many
students explained. Attendance
figures approached 90 per cent,
in the zoology, geology, astronomy
and physics classes sampled.
Language students in introduc-
tory Spanish and French classes
agreed that the class was near
full attendance.
e yes- The same high attendance figure
is dis- applied to the Law School. Prof.
of the Jerry Israel's Criminal Law class
claimed 80 of the usual 85 students
Pam in attendance.
attend A near perfect attendance figure
t yes- held for engineering classes.
d the Chemical Engineering 415, for in-
sed it stance, had the usual 16 students
day. present with no extra discussions
Phi- on the student movement.
al at- Business Administration 450,
usual had normal attendance with sev-
spend eral students saying that there
phical was normal attendance all day.'
Some students spoke to professors
o the after class but not about striking.
C. R. Social work classes may have
Like been an exception to the high
sam- graduate college attendance rate.
Some students for instance said
r the Community Processes 551
course had only 15 of the 23 stu-
r ro- dents there.
5 yrs In general though the school's
e class attendance was near normal.
This was explained by A & D Pro-
Vsical fessor Leonard Zamiska quite
ts d'e- simply. "We're not a very activistic'
vp ex- group," he said.

Faculty backs Fleming




IContinued from Page 1)
In support of the administra-
tion, classics Prof. Howard Cam-
eron said he was surprised at how
"eccommodating" the Regents and
Fleming have been.
"The issue has nothing to do
with the bookstore," Cameron
said. "Every noon I see a rally
with the same people casting about
for an issue and, as a credit to
Ari'aityn LSA
Continued from Page 1
This includes the use or threat of
force or violence.
Many of the defendants yester-
day told the judges they did not
understand the nature of the
charges against them and insist-
ed that the statute be read.
Many also asked for individual
jury trials.
The request for individual jury
trials was granted for the time
being by Thomassen but was re-
jected by Elden. Those defendants
in Elden's court who requested in-
dividual jury trials did not press
the issue when denied.
But, when Peter Denton, an or-
ganizer of yesterday's class strike,
asked the judge what he could do
to appeal Elden's consolidation of
trials, Elden reportedly told him
to speak with his lawyer.
Thomassen, however, ruled le
would not consider consolidating
his trials until a motion was made
to that effect by either the prose-
cuting attorney or the defense..
City officials and local attor-
neys said yesterday that although
the question of granting an indi-
vidual or consolidated jury trial
is at the discretion of the court,
they believed it is possible to
appeal the decision.
Assistant C o u n t y Prosecutor
Thomas Shea said he does not
know at this time if the prosecu-
tion will ask for consolidated
The commuter bus will discon-
tinue its Church St. stop as of
Oct. 1, stopping instead at the
north end of the Washtenaw Ave.
bus shelter. Other commuter stops
will not be changed.
On the same day the North
Campus buses will stop at a new
shelter on Bishop St. This stop
will replace the present Bishop
St. stop and the Northwood IV
stop on Beal at Bishop.

their pei severance, they've finally
found one."
The faculty meibers generally
praised Fleming for the handling
of the sit-in. Some o1 those pres-
ent expressed the view that to de-
feat the proposed motion would,
in effect., force his resignation.
Dissenting. philosophy , P r o f.
Frithjof Bergmann offered an
amendment deleting a sentence'
concerning Fleming's handling of
the sit-in crisis. "As a matter of
principle, police should be brought
on campus only as a last resort,"
he said. But the amendment was
defeated, despite some support.
Near the close of the meeting
discussions on faculty participa-
tion in the Oct. 15 strike against
the war in Vietnam were brought
up. A resolution allowing students
and faculty to cancel classes, to
hold teach-ins and other activi-
ties will be voted on at a special
Assembly meeting next Monday
at 2:15 pam.
St udi a eh apovn to
eStn nmes of aden to il
t i fdent Vo tilig o s i ons to t O nitt yi'ip 2lt-
line for turn-ins of suggested n a in e s
is 5:00 pmt. Toes., Sept. 29. Return any
names to Education Students Advising
Office, 2009 School of Education.
Concert Dance Organization: Modern
Technique Classes at Barbour Dance
Studio, Tues. Sept. 30. 7:00 - Mens
Class, 8:00 p.m. - Coed beginning - in-
termnediate class. Wed., Oct 1, 7:15
pin - Coed a:vanced - intermediate
;lass. All new members are welcome
. dances as well as artists and mni-
cians. For more info., call 663-9167.

Oct. 9
2:00 P.M.


in the

-Dail-y-Eric PerS
$i1tiidciit meet0 ti frontl of Ad Bldg. for ral

have about 25 per cent drop in
Prof. Joel Isaacson, who teach-
es History of Art 102, proposed
a discussion during class of stu-
dent power and the relationship
between politics and the class-
room. The class split on the pro-
posal and Isaacson agreed to hold
a lecture.
Then 20 persons left, leaving

test. about 140 of the usual 240 stu-:
Anthropology 401 professor C. dents who attend the lecture.

J. Jorgenson yesterday indicated1
he was sympathetic to the strike
and that, consequently he would
allow anyone to make up the
scheduled test. Jorgenson usually
adheres to a no makeup policy.
Anthropology classes tended to


(Continued from Page 2)
ors who next semester will be double
enrolled in the Literary College andt
in the Graduate School are eligible. To
give nominees sufficient time to pre-
pare and submit the required creden-
tials, faculty members are urged toa
:end in their nominations as early as
possible, although letters post marked
October 20 will be accepted.
Letters of nomination should in-f
dude the student's field of concentra-s
tion, his local address and telephne,t
and should be sent to Professor Otto G.t
Graf, Department of German, 1079
Frieze Building, University of Mich-t
iga n.
Seniors interested in advanced studyc
and a teaching career whose academic
performance merits nomination f o rd
Woodrow Wilson fellowships may con-
sult the campus representative. Pro-t
fessor Morris Greenhut, 1616 Haven.
Michigan College Workshop on Hu-
man Relations: Students are invited
to participate in this Workshop, Octo-
ber 31 - November 2, Clear Lake Camp,
Dowling, Michigan (sponsored by the
National Conference of Christians and
Jews). Five scholarship grants (worth
$10 toward a total fee of 518.50) are
available through the Office of Relig-
lons Affairs, 2282 SAB.
Foreign Visilors
The following individuals can, be
reached through the Visitor Division of
the Visitor and Guest Relations Office.
Rooms 22-24, Michigan Union. Tele-
phone: 76 148.
Mr. Ato 'I'adesse; Assistant. G a ne
Warden. Awashl National Park, Aah
Ethiopia. October 1-2.
Mr. Nicholas D. Deakin: Director,
Joint Unit for Minority and P oI1ic y
Research, Centre for Multi-Racial Stu-4
(lis and Institt te for Race Relations,
London, Enland. October 4-9.
Mr. G. J. Wliit,,ngi e; Educational Ad-
rinistration, Unersity of Hawaii. Oc-
tober 6-7.

Another History of Art course,
103, had a similar drop in at-
tendance, about 100 of the 250
students who usually come at-
tended yesterday.
Psychology 171 classes seemed
to experience between 15 and 50
Miss Sumniko Aoki; English Teacher,
Hvogo Profecture, Hyogo, Japan. Octo-
ber 6-25.
Placement Service
Federal Service Entrance I\ainila-
tions are being held throughout the
'chool year in Ann Arbor. December
gr<aduates should contact Miss Webbe
.raduates should contact Miss Webber
t 764-74110 to apply for the October 18
examn. Applications are due October 8
for the November exam, none given in
Decs ber. Spring gratadutes may take
the fall exams, or apply for exams next
semester. Processing your QS rating
takes time. so think ahead. Representa-
tives from the Federal Civil Service
vill be at Placement Services on Oc-
tober 9, make an appointment to dis-
cuss any plans with them.
Position openings received by general
division by mail and phone, not inter-
views on canpus, call 764-7460 for fil--
ther information:
Management Consultants: V.P. - Pro-

per cent drops in attendance
terday. Many of the section
cussed psychological aspects
strike all hour.
Psych 171 teaching fellow
Ellis said 30 people usuallyr
her class, but only 25 went
terday. Her section debate
strike on Friday and discus
for about 20 minutes yester
Prof. Abraham Kaplan's
losophy 331 class, in norm,
tendance, departed from its
biblical interpretation to
the hour discussing philoso
interpretations of the strike.
A half-hour discussion o
bookstore issue ensued in
Reaske's English 123 class.
many of the English classes
ductloll, etpel'iin plastics, degr~
chem. engrg plus nigit talent
Management Consultants: Sale
motion, adv job. IE pils 2 -
mianuif eng r. Liaison scheduler
degree. IntdustRel Manager. '1erri
Jackson Puie Sel: M'nich P
Therapist, cerebral palscy paticii
gree, exper pref.
managenmt consulants: xec
per in European bu.ine-s
Local corporation: Acmin As
treasurer's office, bus ad degre
5- 8 yrs cash flow.
Texas 1ustruinen.ts Dallas'
Att, expeir andi'or :.nw ratis
enrg. EE, Phvs undegrat.
State of Texas: Data pces mt
NRadiation Systems, In(.: McLea
---EE. Phys, ME.
State of Washington: Comm
Lease Agent w Dept. of Nat'l Res
BA Bus Ad. Econ, plus 1.
State of Illinois: Admin. Asst
executice positions, degree and
in bus or publ sere.
State of Utah: Div of Famil
ices. MA in acctg bus ad persona
3 years.

Pamela Wyeth
1548 S.A.B.
1 -4 P.M.
12-3 P.M.
8-1 1 A-M.
1 1 A.M.-4 P.M.

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Publ'ish a Newspaper
* We meet new people
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* We gain prestige
* We become self confident
* We debate vital issues
" We drink 5c Cokes
JON he DA "I LY A m Astaf
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Distributed by Newsreel
French students take to the streets to breathe the air
of revolution, and alhost succeed in toppling the
DeGaulle government. As workers call massive strikes
in support of student demands, workers and students
stand united behind the closed doors of the factories,
and fight pitched battles with the police in the
streets of Paris.
AN D--
As a Special Added Attraction
"A study in youth alienation-in the beginning a
kid's teacher turns him into a werewolf and in the
end the kid gets ripped-off by the pigs."-Newsreel.

- Iirr

1429 HILL ST.

Wed., Oct. 1, 1969

8:30 P.M.

BOB ROCKAWAY, Hillel Foundation,
Followed by Discussion and Refreshments

Admission 75c

7-9-11 P.M.

330 Maynard

., f i
..: ..

Add Yours to
Thle Michiganensian's
New face! k
Mass Meeting
Sunday---Sept. 28
7 P.M.
420 Maynard


A Ik§





I i



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