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September 28, 1969 - Image 1

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Missouri . . . . . 37 Ohio State . . . . 62 California . . . . 17 Michigan State 23 Purdue . . . . . . . 28
Illinois ...... 6 TCU ........ 0 Indiana...... 14 SMIU......... 15 NotreDane...14

MIiinesota . . .. 35 Iowa ........ 61 Edinboro ..... 4

O lio ........35

Washington St. 35 Slippery Rock 13

Some people think a coach is pouring it on if he
runs up a 38 point margin. Michigan's Coach Bo
Schembechler only thinks he is grabbing a safe lead.
"I'm not trying to run up the score," he com-
mented after yesterday's lambasting of Washington.
"I just can't feel secure on the sidelines with only
a 20 to 25 point lead. After all, a couple quick touch-
downs and they could be back in the Agame."
As hard as they pushed, however, the Huskies were
never able to put together a couple of touchdowns to
threaten the Wolverines as Michigan cruised to a
45-7 victory and their second romp of the season.
The offense scored the first time it grabbed the
ball, and Washington never closed the gap.
Scoring in all four quarters and setting school
records for total yardage and first downs, the Wolver-
ines ran through and passed over a large Husky squad.
Whil3 the defense had some trouble containing the
Washington ground attack, they were misers in giv-
ing up yardage inside Michigan's 20 yard line, and
stopped the Husky aerial attack with four intercep-
The offense tallied 581 yards with 34 first downs.

bust Husi
This broke the previous club marks of 531 yards
against Ohio State in 1943 and 28 first downs set last
year against Minnesota.
Most of the credit for the offensive punch was
given to quarterback Don Moorhead and halfback
Glenn Doughty. Moorhead went 14 for 19 in the air
for 160 yards and hiked for another 128 yards.
Doughty kept up his blazing pace with 191 yards
gained in 29 carries. This was 53 yards better than
his opening appearance last week.
The first Michigan score was set up by a Barry
Pierson interception. Moorhead guided the team to
thw nine yard line and hit paydirt with a shot to
Jim Mandich. The point after attempt was spoiled
by a bad hike.
The Wolverines waited until the beginning of the
second quarter to increase their lead. Led by pin-
point passing, the offense drove to the five-yard
line. There Moorhead took the hike on what was
supposd to be an option to the left. He pivoted to.
the right by mistake. Realizing his mistake, he left
both teams behind by darting around right end for a
Michigan tried a two point conversion, was first


charged five ,yards for delay of game, and then was
unable to gain the extra distance.
Washington had stayed within striking distance of
Michigan for the first half with only a 12-0 deficit.
The Wolverines, though, opened up their passing
attack after the halftime and sent the Huskies reeling.
Starting from the 26-yard marker, Moorhead
and Doughty ran the ball to the four-yard line in
six plays.
Garvie Craw punched the ball to the one in three
plays and Moorhead slid around left end for the score.
Three., plays from scrimmage later, Tom Curtis
picked off a Husky aerial and the offense took over to
drive 76 yards for Michigan's fourth touchdown.
The drive was highlighted by a spectacular pass
reception by tight end Maridich when he tipped the
ball, bowled over a defender, and recovered to grab
the pass.
After three more plays, Moorhead reeled around
right end from the nine-yard line and scored, drag-
ging two defenders into the end zone with him.
Washington then provided a break in the Michigan
See MICHIGAN, Page 9 -

--Daily-Randy Edmonds
Col1 I oighity (22) tries the centier of the Huskv line

See Editorial Page
Vol. LXXX, No. 22 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Sunday, September 28, 1969 Ten Cents

Sunny and
Ten Pages


Report may call




greater student

rol e strike



By SHARON WVEINELR series of proposals designed to
Student representation on encourage student involvement in
all University tenure and cur- virtually all aspects of the aca-
.e ademic life of the University," the
riculum committees is recoin- draft states.
mended in the draft of a The draft, released yesterday
position paper on student in- by committee co-chairman classics
volvement in decision making' Prof. Theodore Buttrey. racom-
currently being prepared by mends that:
the Academic Affairs Com- -Student participation in de-
mittee of the Senate Assem- cisions to retain, dismiss or pro-
mote faculty be institutionalized,
bly.- by the regular use of student aval-

tic, I)n rt II11.11 t"l

The committee

"has evolved a uation procedures by appropriate

WRC requests raise
in elotliiiig allotment

The country Welfare Rights
Committee, (WRC), has sent a
proposal to the Social Services
board requesting $46 for school
clothing for children of mothers
receiving welfare.
The proposal represents a signi-
ficant compromise from the orig-
inal request of $120. However,
the proposal does request t h e
board to recommend to the county
Board of Supervisors that an ad-
ditional $47.50 be provided for
clothing in January. With the
$27.50 the welfare mothers have
already received this year, t h e
additional sum would bring the
year's total allotment to $120.
The committee asked to be
placed on the board's Monday
On today's
Pa oe Three
* Czechoslovakian g o v e r n-
ment purges anti-Soviets
and names new cabinet to
be headed by Premier Old-
rich Cernik.
* Protestants m a r c h in
thousands at the funeral of
one of their dead colleagues
in a strong show of solidar-
* Opponents of Vietnamese
war plan mass October 15

agenda to formally present their
proposal and to ask the board
to forward it to the Board of
Supervisors regardless of any ac-
tion that may b3 taken Monday.
The committee-s proposal also
su iests the board ask the sup-
ervisors to grant a general budget
increase to bring welfare subsis-
tence pay to a 1969 cost of living
level and for the county to pro-
vide school clothing money next
The WRC proposal suggests
clothing grants be limited to the
children whose mothers make
personal applications and s h o *
"by declaration" an actual need
for assistance.
Computed on a basis of 1.500 eli-
gible children, the proposed cost
to the county would be $69,000.
Even with a general budget in-
crease, the WRC proposal says
"ADC families would still be be-
low the federally established pov-
erty line and it is hardly realistic;
to ask that they set aside $7 or $8j
per month per child . . . for theI
purchase of school clothing."
The proposal noted that this
year the ADC mothers have chos-'
en a "significantly different ap-
proach" in seeking clothing grants
than they did last year.
The WRC proposal concludes
"It would not be too much to say,
that the welfare mothers of this
county regard the present discus-1
lion as a test of the democratic
process and of the good will of the
county government toward them."

ucii..jJt Lm LaUi rev "iew,\comit1Lte'-
--All curriculum committees,
college and departmental, include
student voting membership and
hold open meetings:
-Departments, programs, and
colleges maintain faculty-student
committees to review student re-
cruitment policies and develop
plans for implementation of those
-College and departmental ad-
missions committees, both under-
graduate and graduate, include
voting student members:
--Student input in the form of
policy positions, and possibly peer
evaluation, be considered in the
allocation of fellowships; and that
---Degree requirements be re-
viewed at regular intervals by
committees constituted for t h a t
spcific purpose.
The draft points out that the
proposals do not give students
control of the committees. "Since
by definition we are dealing with
faculty committees, we do not
envisage the possibility or the
desirability of student control.
the draft states.
It rejects using Student Gov-
ernment Council and Graduate
Assembly as selector of represent-
atives because "their influence
and reputation are by common
consent far from significant. Fur-
The position paper, slightly
abridged, appears on Page 7.
ther, their interests affect their
election and composition."
The draft ,recommends t h a t
student representatives be chos-
en from departmental assemblies
of undergraduate majors and,
graduate students for the various
departmental, college, and Uni-
versity committees.
The draft does not offer specific
student-faculty ratios for the
committees, but states that the
committee's purpose is not to con-
sider these details, but "to present
to the University conununity for
its consideration suggestions
toward the development of a more
effective role for the student body
in academic affairs.
"We think student experience is
under-utilized in judging t h e
academic workings of the Univer-
sity," said Buttrey yesterday.

s upport
As tomorrow's general strike
nears, students representing
many parts of the political
spectrum are massing support
to make the strike a success.
in iaddition, a number of faculty
members have called special meet-
ings to discuss the bookstore and
student power issues and the pos-
sibility of calling off classes.
Strike committee members are
organizing an 8 p.m. meeting in
the Student Activities Bldg. to-
night for students and faculty
Prof. Bert- Hornback of the
English department is sponsoring
a meeting of professors at 3 p.m.
at a private home near Burns
Lake. And students and faculty
members in the Residential Col-
lege will meet at 8 p.m. tonight to
debate the issues involved.
Strike committee members from
sororities will urge their house
members to support the class boy-
cotet during a discussion at lunch
Inter-Fraternity Council and
Panhellenic Association will meet
at 4 p.m. today in the Michigan
Union to discuss the concept of a
student-run bookstore and may
consider backing the strike.
A majority of the members of'
Student Government Council con-
tacted support the strike, with+
other support coming from In-'
ternational Socialists, R a d i c a l
Caucus, Young Democrats, scat-
tered members of sororities and
the Tenants Union.
Meanwhile, a newly - formed
Coalition for Rational Student,
Power-a group of 20 students who,
do not support the strike-will
meet with President Robben Flem-.
See STUDENTS, Page ?

-Daily -Je rryWechsier
13 classroom buildings will be picketed from

Student works on poster for the class s'rike tomorrow.
8 a.m. tomorrow and continuing throughout the day.

Use of court inj unction remains
nll dotiI)t as protesters face trial

I )okstre
The Senate Advisory Com-
mittee on University Affairs
yesterday recommended the
faculty s u p p o r t President
Fleming for his handling of
Thursday's sit-in in the LSA
Bldg. but also asked that it
approve a j o i n t student-
SAUA study of "ways of op-
erating a (University) book-
In addition, law Praf. Robert
Knauss. vice chairman of SACUA,
will ask the faculty to take im-
mediate action "to develop better
representation and communica-
tion in decision-making," saying
it "deplores the circumstances
which resulted in police on
campus. .:.
The SACUA statements, which
will be submitted for approval to
the faculty at a special meeting
of the Faculty Senate tomorrow,
were approved yesterday in a spe-
cial session.
Knauss said his resolution would
probably have been approved as
well but a quorum was no longer
present when it came up for dis-
SACUA. in a telephone poll later
in the day, issued another state-
ment saying, "SACUA sees no jus-
tification for a strike now on the
bookstore issue, particularly in
view of the fact that the issue is
now being considered by the fac-
ult Y."
However. despite SACUA's state-
ment, at least of a handful of pro-
fessors have already indicated that
they plan either to cancel their
classes or to urge their students to
go on strike.
The statement supporting P'esi-
dnet Fleming cited four points of
commendation, including "h i s
handling of the critical situation
after occupancy o'f the LSA
Bldg. became illegal and "his ef-
forts to be always accessible for
the discussion" of interests of stu-
dents and faculty.
The statetents of both SACUA
and Knauss are the first official
comments of any kind from the
faculty on either the strike or the
bookstore. although members of
SACUA have been in constant
communicat ion with the president
all alone.
Flemmw had no coimment when
asked if his previous announce-
ment ouestioning the legality of
professors going on strike Oct. 15
over the war in Vietnam was rele-


some of the defendants, says he
lans to sun ena President Rob-

When 12 defendant: in the LSA, di V ,llU "'as iciGii
Bldgtaeovercsefilintocirc ben Fleming tomorrow to pr
Bldg. takeover case file into circuit that he "made false statements
court tomorrow morning, they may order to obtain relief from
face an injunction which could cotorto
make future strikers, disrupters, ."
or demonstrators at the University When Fleming asked the eo
liable fom' arrest. for an injunction, he filed a cct
plaint against the 12 persons a
The injunction, drawn up by "John Doe and Jane Doe."a
University attorneys, would forbid swore under oath that the inf
any persons from occupying or mation contained in the compla
seizing "any building or creating a
disturbance in, or in any other way
interfering with the normal op- I
eration of the University of Michi- 1 Wer t
gan in the conduct of its academic,
athletic or other normal opera-
ions." I o r x
The injunction also reportedly
enjoins those named from urging,
others from participating in build- President Robben Fleming I
ing seizures.
This means any classroom dis- night denied reports that a spe
ruptions or building sit-ins in the meeting of the Regents wo
future would be in contempt of take place this week to discusst
court-and liable to immediate ae- volatile bookstore question.
tion by Washtenaw County Sheriff
Douglas Harvey and the city Fleming acknowledged hIe I
police. discussed with some studentst
A temporary restraining order possibility of a special Rege
was a central issue in the takeover meeting this week. But after ta
and arrests Thursday night and
Friday morning - but it has since ing with some of the Regen
become clouded by conflicting re- these plans were abandoned.
ports and vague law. added.
The question is whither the in-
junction, and a summons to show "They said a eeting in
caus why it should not be madm e resent circumnstances would

s in

was his personal knowledge, and
not based on second hand reports.
In the complaint Fleming:
-swears all the 12 persons
named seized the LSA Bldg., al-
though at least two did not par-
--swears all the persons named
participated in the North Hall
takeover and Institute of Science
and Technology sit-in, although
at least two did not.

fail in Iuil
vitii Regents


Apartment crunch continues

The housing crush that left hundreds of
students apartmentless at the beginning
of the semester has eased, but there are
still some students crashing friend's floors
and couches.
The problem that remains for them Is
limited supply and high costs.
At least two agencies --Dahmnann Apts.

that do so would be penalizing the people
who rented earlier.
Another problem is size. Most of the
apartments still available are four or five-
mans, while students want singles, doubles
or triples.
There is a correlation between the cost
and size problems. The hrger apartments
carry the lwest price-tags per man, usually

The Tenants Union, which is fighting
the landlords' control of the housing mark-
et. takes the most critical view.
"Our experience in dealing with the
housinmnarket, amid especially the people
in it. indicates the local landlords try to
maintain a close ratio between the number
of apartments available and the expected
number of tenants." says Dale Berrv. a


Regents' bookstore propo.-al re-
mained the sane.
Meanwhile, SGC members Mike
Farrell and Roger Keats am
noumnced the- formation ofi the
Coalition for Rational Student
Power, which they said. pi'esently
included 'about 15 to 20 students.
fn a statement, the group said
it hoped to "combat the tactics
employed by a minority of stu-
dents. " They expressed opposition
to the strike because "leaders are
bound to perpetuate the strike as
lone as support lasts.''
"It is >ssential for students to

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