If city police could arrest all
the University students who
have smoked pot more than
once, they would have to find
jail space for almost 13,000 peo-
A University drug survey re-
leased yesterday indicates an
increasing usage of marijuana.
with 36.7 p21r cent of the cam-
pus sample rating their smoking
as either" seldom" more than
once but less than often) or
The purpose of th survey by
the University Drug Education
Committee was to determine
the extent of drug usage on
campus in order to determine
what kinds of drug education
programs are needed or desired
by students.
The survey analyzed the col-
lected data and found:
" A total of 44.1 per cent of
the respondents said they have
smoked marijuana or hashish at
least once.
0 "An overwhelming per-
centage" of students have not
had experience with non-med-
ically prescribed narcotics --
codeine, heroin, morphine and
opium, amphetamines -dexe-
drine, diet pills, and tranquil-
izers, or hallucinogens - LSD,
mescaline, peyote. psylocybin,
a n d t e t r a hydrocannabinol
* Fraternity respondents re-
ported almost twice as much use
of narcotics--31.6 per cent -
and hallucinogens . . . 26.3 per
cent-as any other residence
group, as well as a significantly
higher use of marijuana/hash-
ish, 57.9 per cent.
* Alcohol is used by 89 per
cent of those surveyed, and
tobacco by 53.9 per cent.
The survey began last winter
when questionnaires were sent
to 1000 students randomly se-
lected by computer. Some 600
replies were returned of which
580 were found acceptable for
the study.
A 1 t h o u g h the committee
stresses that "any generalization
of the findings must be tenta-
tive because of the small sam-
ple," it does believe the sampl-
ing is "fairly" representative.
As a control for respondents
who overestimate their drug
usage or who do not take the
survey seriously, the question-
naire included the names of two
drugs, phonodentriate (phon-
ies) and "RNR." which do not
exist. Only two questionnaires
reported use of "phonies" and
David Patch of the Student
Affairs Counseling Office, who
who was a member of the sub-
committee which wrote the re-
port. warned that the conclu-
sion is really based on a snfall
sample when the group is broken
into residence groupings.
"Any interpretation of these
findings. must be tempered in
light of the fact that the sam-
ples for fraternities, sororities
and co-ops were small, although
fairly representative," the re-
port says.
All the percentages are based
on how students interpreted the
extent of their own usage and
the meaning of the terms used
in the questionnaire.
"It is hard to say just exactly
how students responded in ac-
cordance with the terms," says
Dr. Edward Bordin, subcommit-
tee chairman and director of
counseling in the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.
Bordin says the term "sel-
dom" might mean several times
to one student, occasionally, or
just twice.
Used at levels of "only once"
to "regularly," marijuana was
reported to be used by 44.1 per
cent: narcotics, 16 9 per cent;
amphetamines, 24.7 per cent:
tranquilizers, 12.2 per cent:
hallucinogens. 12.2 per cent;
tobacco. 57 per cent: and alco-
hol. 89.9 per cent.
Although many students ex-
pressed disbelief that the per-
centage of marijuana users is
"so low." the report says the
percentage of student smokers
is much higher than has been
reported in most other college
Det. Lt. Eugene Staudenmaier
of the Ann Arbor Police De-
partment believes the figures
are "a little high" and that the
cause may be students might
enjoy saying they use drugs even
if they do not.
But, the report says, "If the
increased amount of marijuana
use is a result of more accurate
reporting by the respondents,
this might be explained by the
assurance of complete confi-
dentiality in this survey, or by
lessening social stigma attached
to the use of marijuana."
Of a sample of 19 fraternity
members, respondents reported
marijuana usage at 57.9 per cent
as compared to University
housing (sample of 197 stu-
dents) at 44.7 per cent; off-
campus housing 330 students),
43.0 per cent; sororities (15
students), 33.3 per cent; and
co-op, (12 students), 41.7 per
Fraternity parcotics usage is
reported at 31.6 per cent as
compared to University housing
at 14.7 per cent; off-campus
housing, 17.6 per cent; sororities.
13.3 per cent; and co-ops, 16.7
per cent.
For hallucinogen usage fra-
ternities rsported 26.3 per cent
See 37%, Page 8
See Editorial Page
Sir i!3an
:43 a t t
might rain
Vol. LXXX, No. 20 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 26, 1969 Ten Cents
Twelve Pages
Report to ask
The final report of the Academic Affairs Committee of
Senate Assembly will ask complete severance of all financial
ties and elimination of all credit and departmental standing'
between ROTC and the University. A minority report will
recommend complete severance.
Although the committee last night postponed the final
vote on the report until the report is edited, co-chairman of
he committee classics Prof. TY
Aiw efl Hall
011 ai'50HF
A fire was set yestay in a
closet near the Counseling Office
in Angell Hall. It wa reported
at about 1:30 p.m. yesterday af-
ternoon and put out immediately.
Sanford Security C h i e f B.
Gainsley said hie believed the fire
was arson. Although there were I
reports that the fire might have
been a "subversive" act. Gainslev
said he believed that. the fire was'
only a prank.
The fire only claimed a couple
of brooms and wires. It is believed
to have been caused by cleaning
fluied which was then lit.
Gainsley said the city fire de-
partment is investigating the in-
Gainsley said the reason why
the city fire department is in-
vestigating is because the Sanford
Security fire marshal was not in
town yesterday.
However, a fire departmnent of-
ficial said yesterday that the city
was not investigating the incident)
but that he believed the Univer-
sity is,
heodore Buttrey said the report
asking for modification will
probably be signed by a ma-
jority of the committee.
This final report is stronger,
than the draft presented last week
in that it specifically recommends
ROTC become extracurricular if'
the Defense Department cannot'
meet the recommendations.
In addition to complete sever-
ance of all financial and depart-
mental ties with ROTC, the report
asks that no credit be allowed for
ROTC courses and that a com-
mittee be established to evaluate'
all ROTC personnel on the Uni-
versity staff. supervise ROTC cur-
ricula, and mediate problems con-
cerning the status of ROTC stu-
The committee is split 7-6 in
favor of modification rather than
severance. although most will sign
the majority report.
One minority report will be pre-
sented by social work Prof. Eugene
Litwak. His reports asks that the
University sever its ROTC con-
tract completely and recommends
that the University "seek to pu-
suade other universities to do like-
Litwak's report states "basic in-
compatibility of the University andy
the ROTC" and "a clear and pres-
ent danger to democratic values"'
as the reasons behind his recom-
Over 100 of the 600 demonstrators who occupied the LSA
Bldg. yesterday afternoon remained inside as of 1:45 a.m. this
morning protesting the refusal of the Regents to create a
student-run discount bookstore.
Nearly 1,000 persons remained outside in support of the
Meanwhile, University and city officials conferred early
into the morning concerning possible action.
At 9:10 p.m. the University obtained a temporary restraining
order enjoining the demonstrators from continuing the sit-in, but
attempts to serve the order were thwarted when those outside blocked
all entrances to the building.
Those named in the injunction include SGC President Marty
McLaughlin, SGC Vice President Marc Van Der Hout, Tenants Union
organizer Peter Denton, Eric Chester and eight others. There was also
a provision in the order allowing it to be served on any person.
Meanwhile, Sheriff Douglas J. Harvey, who said he had mobilized
from 500 to 1,000 deputies earlier in the night, later indicated he was
withdrawing his men because police and University officials could
not agree on removing the demonstrators.
"I have had it with that type of appeasement. If they want police
action, all they have to do is ask for it," Harvey said. "I'm not
standing by all night with 100 men, most of them on overtime, while
Fleming plays footsie with some radicals."
However, there were reports early this morning that deputies
were assembling at Holy Ghost Seminary, a staging grounds located
between Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti used in the past by Harvey for mass
It was unclear last night whether the injunction had, in fact,
been served to the demonstrators. While no official obtained entry to
the building to read the statement to the students, it was reported
that a copy did get inside and was discussed.
Vice President for Academic Affairs Allan Smith who attended
the early morning meeting of high city and University officials would
not comment on what action had been decided upon. He would say
only that "an injunction has been obtained and it has been served."
Prof. Robert Knauss of the Law School supported Smith's view
- early this morning that the injunction could be considered officially
- served.
The sit-in in the LSA Bldg. followed a series of actions which
e began with a rally on the Diag at 2 p.m. The 300 people heard
s speeches attacking the Regents and the University administration for
d their actions on the bookstore.
They then marched to the Administration Bldg., where they
planned to discuss the possibility of a sit-in there. When they
- arrived, however, the building was locked.
y A window in one door of the building was broken by an unknown
- individual soon after the demonstrators arrived.
r After more discussion of the issues, the demonstrators attempted
- to send a delegation into the building to meet with President
f Fleming, but were barred entry to the building. Instead, Fleming
came outside and spoke briefly with the demonstrators.
Those at the rally then agreed to carry their protest to the
See STUDENTS, Page 7
---DaIy-Larry Robbins
ANN ARBOR POLICE Chief Walter Krasny is blocked by students from serving a court order on demonstrators inside the LSA Bldg.
After several attempts Krasny and other officials left the scene of the sit-in.
Strikers negotlate large rent cuts
Former tenants of landlords Ike
Kozminski negotiated Wednesday
out of court the largest reduction
of rent owed in any case since the
rent strike began, and in two oth-
er cases gained very large reduc-
Kozmin'ski di s c la i m e d any
knowledge of the settlements yes-
terday. "I left it up to my wife
and lawyer and let them iron it
out." he said.
In the three cases Kozminski
was suing for a total of $2,550 in'
unpaid rent. Under t h e settle-
ments. he w il1 .in effect receive
$1,125 - a reduction of $1,325.
Kozminski's suit against Maria
Mazzolini and Ruth Ryan was for
$1.050 in unpaid rent over a five-
month period. In the settlement,.
they will pay only $350 -- a re-
dution of $700. M i s s Mazzolini
and Miss Ryan claimed that Ko-
minski h a d broken their water
pipes, shut off their heat, gas, and
electricity and h a d broken into
their apartment.
Kozminski was suing Judy Pash-
S. /
E diorial Page &dior
S-eira- To' T e ilt? aly
CHICAGO --The jury of ten
women Was chosen yesterday to
try the eiht new left leaders
accused t conspiring to cross
state line> to incite riot at last
stmers Demnocratic National
TWO Of the w Omr on the j ury
are undem- th1 y years old and
two alr black.
The deflen-se us d ten pre-
emptory challenges to remove
by and Julia Steiner for $1,000 in
unpaid rent o v e r a five-month
period. Under the agreement, the
two tenants will pay him $300, and
he will retain their $200 damage
deposit - giving them a net re-
duction of $500.
Miss Pashby and Miss Steiner
charged that Kozminski had de-
stroyed personal property belong-
ing to them. In addition, t h e y
claimed, he failed to provide a
porch railing and window insula-
tion, did not replace broken win-
dows, and failed to remedy a fire
hazard condition in the heating
room. The apartment Miss Pashby'
and Miss Steiner occupied h a s
been declared "hazardous" by the
City Dept. of Building and Safety
Also, the two tenant's filed a
counter-claim alleging that Koz-
minski had threatened and har-
rassed them and had called them
Communists in the Ann A r b o r
News June 4.
In the third suit, Kozminski was
demanding $500 of unpaid from
Jim Brugh. Brugh won a reduc-
tion of $225. He must pay Kozmin-
ski $112.50 -- in addition, Koz-
minski will retain his $125 dam-
age deposit. and will credit him
with $37.50 Brugh paid himself in
gas bills.
Brugh charged Kozininski had
shut off his hot water, failed to
fix the plumbing, failed to provide
a porch handrail. and failed to re-
8 ,
plaintiffs admit they made a gen-
eral statement that was based up-
on observance of Castro tracts
posters, Che photos, and Chines(
communistic writings, p e r s o ru
who were not believed to be good
Americans a n d could be Com
mies . . ."
In another case, Campus Man-
agement yesterday accepted a set-
tlement reducing r e t t owed by
Norman Finklest.ein and Carl Pas-
aal by $240. Campus was suing foi
$720 in unpaid rent. The agree
ment provided for payment o
$300 by the tenants. in addition
to t h e retention of their $18(
damage deposit by Campus.
nearly every defense motion re-
garding the jury selection. Wil-
liam Kunstl'er, chief defense at-
torney, asked that the entire
panel of over two hundred jurors
be dismissed because the judge
had read the fifteen page in-
dictment "in a manner in which
Orson Welles would read the
Declaration of Independence."
Judge Hoffman denied the
motion, adding that he "re-
si-nted" the implication "that
I'm anything but impartial.''
Hoffman also denied a motion
The defense list included such
questions as "Do you believe
that persons who protest public-
ly against the wvar in Vietnam,
racism, and economic inequality
do their country a disservice'-
Around s i x t y prospective
jurors were excused from the
court room yesterday morning
when they stated that they be-
lieved they could not give im-
partial consideration to the case.
One man asked early in the
afternoon that lie be dismissed
beause he had written a let ter
He also protes ed as Kunst-
ler llad in court, that the judges
instructions to the jury 'that
jurors were supposed to enforce
the law as written and not to
judge the constitutionality,)
were highly prejudicial to the'
defendents. "The ultimate
source of authority in a court
room in this country is sup-
posed to be the jury," he said.
Meanwhile, The Daily learned
that warrants had been issued
for the arrests of four defense
la-ves-' wxihn, failed to nnn